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Phone Speaker Mode❓

What's your Minecraft Username?: MythicOFFIC
What's the title of your suggestion?: Phone Speaker Mode❓

What's your suggestion?:
There's this little idea I've had for a little bit, for a sort of mode for the phone, and the phone's calls, Speaker mode.
Just like any normal IRL phone with speaker mode on, it would let anyone else in close proximity hear the person on the other end of the call. What if there was something along the lines of that, in SRP?

Either have a setting for a Speaker mode in the settings of the phone, or have a command, for example: /phonespeaker , to toggle the speaker on and off. Whenever toggled on, whenever you get into a call with someone, anyone in your /whisper proximity (aka 2-3 ish blocks away from you) can hear what the person on the other end says. That proximity range would change, depending on if the person on the other end would /cally (yell on the call), which would increase that range to about the normal speaking range of a player (without whispering and/or yelling).
In addition to that, whether someone would actually receive the message FROM the speaker mode on the phone (aka anybody but the person calling/holding the phone) would get the message of:
"You heard '[message here] over [persons name who's holding the phone]'s speaker."

Also it WOULD be nice to be able to toggle the speaker mid call!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I feel like it would genuinely be cool to have something like this! Even if unconventional, it would make people around a person calling be able to understand their conversation with the other person much better, if not completely.
That is, if the person really chooses to give others the chance.


Level 116
What's your Minecraft Username?: MythicOFFIC
What's the title of your suggestion?: Phone Speaker Mode❓

What's your suggestion?:
There's this little idea I've had for a little bit, for a sort of mode for the phone, and the phone's calls, Speaker mode.
Just like any normal IRL phone with speaker mode on, it would let anyone else in close proximity hear the person on the other end of the call. What if there was something along the lines of that, in SRP?

Either have a setting for a Speaker mode in the settings of the phone, or have a command, for example: /phonespeaker , to toggle the speaker on and off. Whenever toggled on, whenever you get into a call with someone, anyone in your /whisper proximity (aka 2-3 ish blocks away from you) can hear what the person on the other end says. That proximity range would change, depending on if the person on the other end would /cally (yell on the call), which would increase that range to about the normal speaking range of a player (without whispering and/or yelling).
In addition to that, whether someone would actually receive the message FROM the speaker mode on the phone (aka anybody but the person calling/holding the phone) would get the message of:
"You heard '[message here] over [persons name who's holding the phone]'s speaker."

Also it WOULD be nice to be able to toggle the speaker mid call!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I feel like it would genuinely be cool to have something like this! Even if unconventional, it would make people around a person calling be able to understand their conversation with the other person much better, if not completely.
That is, if the person really chooses to give others the chance.
That'd actually be really cool. The only way to do this currently is to like /it it

I could see this being hard to manage but it's honestly a cool idea!!

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