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Denied PLEASE DENY :) | Robinaye's Shopkeeper Application: The Final Cut | Queen Mart クイーンマート


Level 35

Player Information

What is my Minecraft username?:

The IGN of the account I'm using to apply for this role is robinaye. My main account on the server is robinzee.

Do I have Discord (If so, what is my Discord username?):

I'm on Discord every day as it is my primary form of internet communication. My Discord username is tangerobine.

How old am I?:

I'm 19 years old (20/10/04), but still young at heart, I promise.

What is my time zone?:

My timezone is Central European Summer Time (CEST). For reference, that’s UTC + 2:00.
I plan on opening during regular hours for this timezone, so people don't have to stay up too late in this timezone just to get Minecraft school simulator roleplay items.

Describe my activity on the server:

Hi, I'm Robin. I began playing about two years ago now.

My Fight Club Journey
I was (or rather, my character was) accepted into Fight Club in the role of bartender. There, I worked my way up the ranks and became a referee, head referee, and am now acting as manager. During my time there, I missed a very small number of openings. All missed openings were noted in advance through inactivity logs. I helped Toto streamline many of the systems of FC, such as the employee payout system, the betting station and the new stat-based fighting system. So far, we have seen nothing but acclaim from the fighters who have used it, calling it "fun", which is important to me. I am now the manager and co-leader of Fight Club, along with F1F4. During openings themselves, I take care of bets, and VIP lounge entry tickets, I referee from time to time and take care of paying out everyone. In Toto's, the creator of the system's, absence, I am tasked with keeping the statistics fair and balanced. Recently, I had to rework the system thanks to player feedback regarding unbalanced level curves.

Other Crime Faction Experience
I took part in the Yamaguchi-Gumi VS Akihito Clan War.

I was brought into Crime Clinic as a Security Head, but due to the inactivity of the business, I have not gotten any work done there.

I was a Black Market Dealer Associate, helping out with the BMDs' problems and providing protection for them during openings.

Later on, I was brought on as a full Black Market Dealer, but I was banned twelve days later due to an inappropriate joke I made.

Other Faction Experience
Non-crime-wise, I joined the Faculty Faction as a Modern History Professor on my alternate account, robinaye, in September 2022. Through character development, I switched to teaching Criminology in November, but due to real-life issues, I had to leave the faculty faction in January.

Roleplay Families
The same month, I joined Toto's Furukawa family on my alternate account. When Toto left the server, I was given full creative control over the family and I chose to give everyone the freedom to do as they saw fit with their characters. Right now, I have a character in the Joia and Asōgi families (led by SIMPL3Z and tays2fly respectively) named Isozoku Joia and Yasuko Asōgi.

Besides the above-listed, I am active on the forums where I have no issues providing my opinion on suggestions with proper reasoning.

I am active on the server in a healthy way. While I may not spend a quarter of my day on SRP, I usually hop on for at least an hour a day. I am also available non-stop on Discord if I am not asleep or doing something more important.

Below are the times during which I am capable of joining, with some notes:​
20:00 - 0:00​
17:00 - 22:00​
17:00 - 23:00​
20:00 - 23:​
16:00 - 0:00​
10:00 - 0:00​
10:00 - 0:00​
I take filmmaking classes from 18:00 - 19:30, but afterwards I am free.​
I take filmmaking classes from 18:00 - 19:30, but afterwards I am free.​
I have a long work day on Thursday, so I may not be able to hop on at all due to general nausea.​
(Note 1: All times are in CET.)
(Note 2: I am still in school, so I have student responsibilities to tend to. These responsibilities will always take priority over any SRP activity. Thank you for understanding.)

Have I ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I was permanently banned on 5/1/2024 for "Doxxing Threats", though I maintain that the punishment was too harsh for what actually happened: during a joking session, I jokingly exclaimed that I would leak somebody's IP address. That person took it as a joke, everybody understood it was a joke, but unfortunately I was still banned as there was precedent of such jokes being a bannable offense and that these statements need to be taken seriously. I successfully appealed the ban on 23/02/2024 and do not intend to commit any bannable offenses again.

Do I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted?:

I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are my current role(s) on the server?:

On both my accounts, robinaye [applicant account] and robinzee [main account], I am an Adult.

Shop Information

What shop am I applying for?:

I'm applying for an open shop slot at Apartment Complex L, with the intention of turning it into a convenience store.

(this one)

Although the location may not have easily visible benefits, from a city-building perspective, it makes sense to put a convenience store in this location as there isn't one in this quarter of the town.

Should this location be deemed not suitable for opening a shop in, I'm fine with taking any free shop spot in the newly-rebuilt Business District.

Why do I want to become a Shopkeeper?:

From the beginning, I built my shopkeeper-applicant character up as a person who is predestined to live an unfortunately boring life despite the way Karakura is run and the life she led in her earlier years. I retired the character following a major Fight Club event, and now she makes her return to Karakura, only to be met with mundanity. I'd like to explore her dynamics as a disillusioned citizen of Karakura and examine her interactions with the people she knows, those she used to know, and those she hasn't met yet.

In addition to developing my character, I have a lot to offer in running and planning events for the shop/shop faction. I'd like the shop itself to eventually become its own character with its own history, scars, and whatnot. I want the store to become not just a place that seldom opens, but a locale that people can point to and say, "Hey, remember when that thing happened there?" -- in short, I'd like to host interesting events.

Lastly, I've got a lot of experience running a shop-like criminal business (Fight Club). With this in mind, I'd like to move into more legal territory with where I roleplay. I am not planning on using the shop as a gang turf or hideout or anything of the sort, though I am open to hosting a place where a gang can do a flash event.

Do I have any experience running a shop or similar establishment?

As stated before, I'm the manager of Fight Club, a crime faction business. Fight Club is a hybrid boxing ring, bar and lounge. I've been with Fight Club for over a year now and believe that has provided me with enough experience to be able to run a shop myself. I've experience working with both a manual payout and stock system and the SRP Shops Panel. I also have experience dealing with bad employees and stock theft.

What do I plan to do with our shop, and what makes it unique?:

If I were to be accepted, with the faction leader's permission, I would like to name the shop Queen Mart (Q-Mart for short) to emphasize that this is a branch of some larger corporate entity, similar to Family Mart or 7/11 in Japan. My intention with the design of the shop is not to move away from the Japanese aspect of SRP, but to embrace it. My largest inspiration for the shop are Konbini shops in Japan, which are practically mini-service centres. It would be cool to lean into that, with the store serving as not just a shop, but also a place to pick up player-sent parcels before the much-anticipated post office update comes out, for example. I'd like for the store to feel believable and lived in, with aisles for food/snacks, an ice box and a small apparel section in the front.

As for the uniforms, I'd like to have them be, once again, inspired by Konbini clerk shirts. I do not intend to lock in characters into certain behaviours that mimic NPC Shopkeepers with a beautiful smile and a welcoming message - I would like for the employees to be able to show their personalities in this environment and I'd like for bonds between employees to be forged, be it friendships, rivalries or other. I'd like to facilitate this character development by building an underground warehouse and employee area, featuring a locker room, a kitchenette, and a small lounge area.

As a player, I place a lot of emphasis on the roleplay part of school roleplay, and that's why I won't be satisfied with regular come-buy-leave openings. There are two specific ideas I have in mind for this shop, but I expect more will come to me as I settle into the role and explore the limitations and possibilities of the faction.

Q-Mart Special Card!!
At every opening, I would be standing guard in a special queue of the shop called 'Card Requests'. The Q-Mart Special Card is a loyalty card (in the form of a book) that would mark a character's visit to the store. For every 10 attended openings, the character would be able to redeem a special prize. This is possible thanks to the fact that /book doesn't allow non-authors of books to edit the book. Therefore, only I as the shopkeeper and card issuer would be able to add visits to their point total.

Ten Lucky Numbers!!
This would be a standard lotto-type event. Every month, at least once, Queen Mart would organize a special event where players could select 10 numbers out of 100. Clerks will note down these numbers in a shared spreadsheet, along with the usernames of the players. I would then draw the ten lucky numbers, and the players who get all numbers correct would receive a cut of the jackpot. Naturally, to cover the expenses of running such a comprehensive and expansive operation, Queen Mart would take a percentage of the original pot and use it to pay its employees.

Variations on this event would likely need to be devised. As I have no experience running such an event yet, the abovementioned process is fully theoretical and has not been tested. I'm completely fine with having to change the ruleset somewhat (such as lowering the number of picks needed), however, the concept of a lotto event would remain the same.

What will we sell in our shop?:

As I don't have access to the full stock list at the moment, I cannot provide an exact list of items that will be sold in this application. However, as a convenience store, I imagine Q-Mart will offer groceries, such as vegetables, fruits, and other cooking ingredients for use with the cooking plugin.

In addition to these, Q-Mart will also sell sweet and savoury ready-made foods, as well as hot and cold drinks. For adult customers, we plan to offer cigarettes and alcohol.

Taking inspiration from Konbini stores, where prepaid cell phones and SIM cards are sold, the store will also offer . . . phones! As I've seen a lot of new players go around without cell phones, I'd like for them to be cheap and readily accessible. However, please note that only flip phones will be available, as we are not an electronics store (like Lightning Electronics).

We also plan to offer cheap clothing items such as caps or hats, but nothing too extravagant.

During different seasons and holidays, Queen Mart will have special offerings such as Halloween masks, Christmas gingerbread, or monsoon season umbrellas.

To mimic real-life promotions, at every opening, Q-Mart will have a Q-CHOICE ITEM, which will be sold at a 30% discount.

In a rebellious move by the anticapitalist (and in-debt) shopkeeper, Ohtsuki Kenji added a "Tchotchke (Curio) Bin" section - miscellaneous things she found and is currently reselling. These are not sourced using official means, but given, bought or otherwise obtained by Ohtsuki herself. Obviously, all of these are accounted for in the stock system and are properly /taxpay'd.

In addition to the above-mentioned products, I'd also very much like to give a chance to wares that are perhaps overlooked by a great majority of shops, such as the (functional!) flashlights that I have never-ever seen be sold. Of course, these wares would have to make sense to have in a convenience store like this, I wouldn't start selling things "willy-nilly".

How many employees do we plan to have?:

As Queen Mart is a rather small shop, I don't expect there will be a massive need for employees like there would be in, say, a restaurant.

Below are outlined the three roles that would be needed to keep the operation running:
Ohtsuki Kenji, the leader and face of the shop. She's responsible for the shop running smoothly, ensuring everybody gets their paychecks, checking employee applications, restocking and putting out advertisements. She answers to a mainland corporation - The Honeycomb Group - who sets quotas, employee regulations and sets the branding of the franchise. Ohtsuki Kenji's taken it upon herself to shield her employees from them, becoming a middleman between them and The Honeycomb Group.​
The busy bees of the shop. The clerks will man the tills, bring items to the counter, and check out the customers' shopping. They're the backbone of this company. Ideally, there would be two per opening.​
As Karakura is, unfortunately, Karakura, it is completely possible that Queen Mart may be a target of gang or otherwise criminal activity. That's why security's here to help keep an eye on the store, make sure that nothing shady happens, and if it does, get on dispatching of it ASAP.​

I haven't specified the number of employees per role as I'm not sure how active (or even interested) shop employees are, so we would open employee positions as need be. However, I am fine with taking on more employees than is necessary, as I believe having more employees is always better than having nobody be able to come to your opening at all.

Employees would be recruited MAINLY using an in-character application process, with a Google Forms-based application process set in place for those who are unable to come to roleplay openings.

As I feel a responsibility for all employees to be paid fairly, they will be paid a fixed wage per attended opening. However, as I'm not yet sure what the profit margins are with shopkeeping, the shop may switch to a percentage-based payout system (meaning every role gets paid a certain percentage of the opening's earnings - this is how Fight Club's payouts system works, and it's also what I'm most familiar with). I'm not interested in personal profit too much, I mostly care about being able to restock and pay the employees a fair pay for a fair day's worth of work. I am aware that the Shops Site has a built-in "owe" feature, however, as this would mean that security would not get paid (as there is, after all, no entry fee) and that not all shop clerks would be paid the same, personally, I would set the owe amount to 100% and pay out a percentage of the entire opening's revenue (in the case of the percentage-based system).

Every month, there would be an employee of the month award given out, the prize being a nice spot on the staff room wall.

Provide an example advertisement (shop opening announcement) message.

"It's that time of day . . . Queen Mart's open again. The most inconveniently located convenience store brings loyal customers the best wares at royal prices. We're located at the far corner of Apartment Complex L. Today's Q-CHOICE item is . . . the [ FLIP PHONE ], 30% off, come get yours... today. Remember, every day's great at your Q-Mart."

I'm trying to capture a sense of hopelessness and boredom in the message to convey the shopkeeper character's personality.

How will a regular, non-event opening look like behind the scenes?

Before anything, I will schedule openings for the entire month at the start of one. Since the required openings per month are 10 and each month has around 30 days, it's expected for the shop to open once at least every 3 days. I will put the opening dates up in the employee chat so everyone knows when they're available. I find this helps with employee engagement, as people who know when to set time aside are more likely to be active.

At the time of opening, I will collect the necessary employees - two cashiers and at least one security officer. Then, an advertisement will be sent out via in-game means, via the SchoolRP Town Discord and via the shop's Discord server. Once people start rolling in, that's when the hard part of the magic happens.

My original application had a part where I went into detail about a sale logging system on Google Spreadsheets. However, since Fight Club's Shop Portal privileges were reinstated, I now also have knowledge of how to work the built-in shopkeeping system. A shift will be started on the website, at which point sales will begin rolling in. Once the shift ends, I will simply click the shift end button, collect the earnings and plug the amounts into a Google Spreadsheet (are you picking up on a pattern yet, sak?) to calculate how much each employee gets. Then, I pay the appropriate amounts. We close up the shop, and that's that.

What is our shop policy?

Q-Mart opens at least once every three days, approx. 12 times a month (following Karakura City Shop Quotas).
These openings are posted in advance, so both customers and workers alike know around what time an opening will take place.
Queen Mart will not open during school hours and official public city events, such as festivals.

During any given opening, at least one security employee is present to ensure the safety of the customers and keep any possible hostile situation under control.
All happenings inside the shop are monitored by a series of security cameras which are connected to the head shopkeeper's computer. Camera footage is deleted automatically every seven days.

We strive to provide customers with items that balance the ratio of price to quality.
One of Queen Mart's mottos is, after all:

Although we sell cigarettes, our shop adheres to a strict no-smoking policy anywhere on the premises of Queen Mart. Take it outside.

Per Karakura law, Queen Mart and its employees refuse to sell tobacco and/or alcohol products to minors (under 20 years of age).

At this moment in time, Queen Mart only accepts payment in cash.
We do not offer credit.
Queen Mart does not accept returns and we do not issue refunds.

Queen Mart is open to propositions of buying the selling rights to a custom-manufactured item.
The rights to the custom-manufactured item will be purchased for a maximum one-time payment of 400,000¥.
As per Karakura government regulations, Queen Mart may only buy 4 custom-manufactured items per person.
Queen Mart will not purchase the rights to any illegal-to-carry items such as "ballistic" face masks or weaponry.

Customers are expected to behave in a considerate and respectful manner to our clerks.
Company policy states to not serve anyone wearing a non-medical mask.
The management reserves the right to refuse service to anyone engaging in disruptive and inappropriate conduct.

How would you like the shop to be designed (in pictures)?

For the design of this store, we (reifumo, houndrats & I) chose an orange-cyan colour palette, the orange to invoke a sense of royalty and warmth, and the blue serving as a reminder that this is a corporate establishment, not a small town stall. The corporate nature of the store is also represented by the different slogans plastered all over the store.

Here are a few pictures:

(Pictured here: Q-Mart from the outside.)

(Close-up shot of Queen Mart's hanging sign, featuring the main slogan.)

(CCTV view of the store.)

(The view opposite the CCTV. The blue sign reads: "ROYAL GOODS for our LOYAL CUSTOMERS". The orange sign simply reads: "BUY BUY BUY BUY". Jeez, capitalism incarnate.)


Additional notes about your application:

If you'd like to check out the shop build proposal, you can find it on the Creative server on my main account's plot. Just do /plot visit robinzee and see it in its glory! I've left the front door open for ease of access without being added to the plot. We are not official builders so we do not have any clue as to if the style is proper. The proposal is just to capture a general sense of the interior and exterior, to serve as a base for the builders to expand and improve upon.

The prices in the build proposal are only temporary - the actual prices of the shop may vary.

Do you have any questions?:

What's your favourite movie?

I jest.
However, if you have any questions for me, please let me know on Discord!​
Last edited:


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying!
I will be reviewing this at another time.​

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