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Please fix the censoring


Level 89
What's your Minecraft Username?: Hymol_13
What's the title of your suggestion?: Please fix the censoring

What's your suggestion?:
Certain words become censored within the forums and the server chat as said words containg not very appropiate words within that are actually not related with the meaning of the words.

Lets put ourselves in this hypothetic situation, lets imagine that there is a word "plo" ehich is very offensive and bad. And the word :explorer" which is not offensive nor bad.

The bad word detector works this way. If it detects the letters p-l-o in a row it censors them. So when you write explorer, it censors ex***rer. How do we fix this?
After the bad word has been detected we make it check if certain other letters are around it.

But checking for all the variants of a word is a long task, for exploration semantic familly we have (Explorer, exploration, explored, ...) The solution is easy!

If it detects p-l-o then it checks ×-p-l-o-r it doesnt censor the word, why?. Well x-p-l-o-r is always a part of the semantic familly of the word. (Explorer, exploration, explored, exploring). Now we have an effective way of checking if a word is offensive or kot wihout checking many variables! We do not even have to check for many variants!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
Having a word that gets censored is a very offputting and annoying thing. It distorts and makes difficult communication. Maybe it is not very annoying for other people but I personally think it is.

This suggestion is meant to update both the forums and server censoring.
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Level 29
you can make a filter that checks for any number of any characters around a string, meaning that if there were anything before or after 'plo', it would not get censored. (explorer, snowplow, etc). Why they haven't done it that way, I'm not sure.

What the filter currently does is highlight the bad word even when it's not in a bad context (doc*ment etc).

+1 I've learned new slurs due to SRP's censor system, which is probably not the intended outcome


Level 146
I'm in favor of just not having a forums filter. There is a "Report" button under every post that we can use if somebody is using naughty language, and plenty of staff to check the probably once a year occurrence where somebody is actually using slurs on the forums.


Level 89
Thread starter
I'm in favor of just not having a forums filter. There is a "Report" button under every post that we can use if somebody is using naughty language, and plenty of staff to check the probably once a year occurrence where somebody is actually using slurs on the forums.
To be fair that is the easy option, I didnt dare to say that cus maybe it would sound a bit anarchic. But to honor the truth most of the cesoring in both server and forums does no job against sluring. Sluring comes mostly from greenies and they actually avoid the filter wihout any struggle. The actual work is done by moderators or people who report the sluring people.
Conclusion Phil is right, chat filters actually dont help. Can we get rid of them pls pls pls :sadface: !


Level 12
+1, it's kind of uncomfortable seeing some words get filtered out and highlighted within... ...clearly different words that were NOT the intention to convey. It's like, I OBVIOUSLY wasn't trying to type such a thing, you know???


Level 6
+1 I really don't see why there isn't a report message plugin yet (that I know of) that I see a lot of servers have that doesn't require a screenie, plus if people REALLY want to bypass the filter they can do so easily.

It kinda makes me giggle whenever I type circumstance and document and it has specific censors and highlights in the middle and as funny as it is, it makes it just AWKWARD knowing that it's highlighted. I'm unsure what's gonna happen tho considering Microsoft's... censorship issues to servers tho because the worst fear is SRP removing the swears entirely.


Level 113
im also just in favor of the no chat filter.... because even if there is a filter, I still think that people are smart enough to figure out what word they're talking about. Honestly, I don't understand chat filters at all, it's not like SRP hasn't gone through enough to see like half of the slurs that are used commonly. censoring the word doesn't mean you automatically don't know what it says, it might just take a couple seconds to figure out what they're trying to say. filters are stupid

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