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Please, revamp the Crime Lead

dão aula e olham tudo

Level 13
IGN: Vroosi
DATE: April 6th, 2022
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Leaving one gigantic attribution to one single person is, with all due respect, not only dumb, but also an extremely ignorant idea. For those who enjoy commenting before fully reading a thread, no, this is not judging the Crime Lead's availability, but suggesting a way to work around that, which is something that should've been considered by SRP's management a long time ago. This is also not a thread suggesting the removal of Minobu from the Crime Lead position, but a thread suggesting a Crime Lead team, most likely led by Minobu.

Being busy with real life affairs is okay, but again, leaving sector X depending on person Y and person Y only, who is busy, is "a bad business decision" (insert BusEx article here).

The responsibility of managing the criminal scenario of SRP is big. Judging which gang makes it to adverts, or which makes it to the verified roster is complex and it's a work that shouldn't be done by only one person, mostly because this one person could become busy with personal or real life affairs, and this is a scenario that's happening right now. This scenario, specifically, completely stagnates CriminalRP, which is composed by gangs and criminal groups or families, which both depend on the Crime Lead's availability.

There needs to be a staff team, composed of not only one person, but a group of people, tasked with the same attributions that Minobu, the current Crime Lead, has. There should be someone else in charge of the Crime Lead when the current lead is not available. The current GangRP scenario is stagnated, and gangs that actually have an interest in growing further are forced to wait for the availability of one person, when this system could simply be thought better and put more effort into.

Please, put more people in charge of supervising and managing the criminal scenario of SRP.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Placing more people in charge of the Crime Lead would mean more coordination and control over SRP's gangs, which would, most likely, add more moderation to the many toxic and unsupervised gangs that exist, responsible for making the GangRP scenario toxic the way it is today. Furthermore, it would make the many gangs' leaderships not having to depend on one single person.


Level 21
People have lives outside of SRP, and for that one person to lead it alone it can be majorly stressful. Any form of CriminalRP has been slow. And when there are GangRP situations they are mostly stalled for hours plus, or takes up to an hour to get in contact with staff to get help with said situation, because it isn't what they focus on. To have a team to monitor and manage all this would make GangRP a lot more smooth, quicker, and less stressful for everyone involved. One person shouldn't have to do this alone for multiple gangs. There are a good few out there that need to be monitored. Everything stated by Vroosi is agreeable, we need more than one person to manage GangRP.


Level 10
Hugest +1 in my whole entire life.

I am currently leading the biggest gang at SchoolRP's present moment, over 10 members ahead of Akihito which is the last verified gang left that's actually active, so it's safe to say this is my place of speech.

This thread is in no way an attack towards Minobu, which is the current gang lead, if anything, this is aimed to help him. GangRP has had one of the strongest communities in the server for years, but it's no secret that it's been dying out for months nonstop, with Kanto and Kishi disbanding, most gangs not being able to maintain themselves, rule changes, lower permission passing, etc, etc.

GangRP barely receives any events anymore, and i've tried to host them myself, but being left in the staff's will is hard, even more when you need one specific person's approval to do anything, which is someone barely unreachable - Again, it's no secret that Minobu has their OOC life, and that's 100% fine, we all do, but it starts being a problem when they have to take care of all the gangRP matters, which they clearly cannot - This can easily be noticed by the fact that Minobu stablished a deadline for himself, saying that the adverts would be updated on the 5th day of every month.. Today is April 6th, the adverts have not been updated at all. There are three gangs in the adverts Kaku-Kai, Red Devils and Kanto: Red devils and Kanto have been disbanded for over a month.

It is ridiculous how difficult it is for getting adverted and/or verified, specially when a verified gang like Mighty stars has not been eligible for verification for MONTHS, whereas Kaku-Kai which has been the biggest for multiple months, has not received the opportunity to even apply. This shows a very sad side in our community, Staff have special powers for such things, and they are given special opportunities, despite Mighty stars not being eligible, they are still there, because they are commanded by staffers.

At this point, it almost feels like the staff team is completely ignoring those issues, as if they want gangrp to die, all efforts made by the playerbase to change that have been ignored. I feel as if the team does not grasp the importance that gangRP has in the server - Most of the playerbase gangrps, some players do that as their main source of entertainment on the server. Please, look to our community, GANGRP IS DYING.


Level 104
In the past before the new gang/turf system was put in place you'd send your stuff to BMD and they'd pass it through to Minobu, this was a great system IMO and should be brought back


Level 101
@Demurity i hate you.

Either way, Crime Faction Lead has changed and change for the faction itself is prompt to change. Stay tuned type stuff.


Level 26
The idea seems good, but I can't really judge too much as I am not a gangrper and don't know enough to say a full on yes or no. But having a team to do certain things is always nice in my opinion.

I think it's a small +1


Level 40

While having an entire 'staff team' to manage one faction really isn't viable, we will do something similar in the future where Black Market Dealers will aid the Crime Lead in work where applicable. They can be sent information by players that will then be forwarded to me & I can make things happen from there; essentially it'll be something for them to do other than sell & log weapons. The Crime Faction functions just as any other faction would with one primary leader that other players & staff members can reach out to if needed, it will remain that way however as the new lead I will be working closer to the BMD's to create a better experience in the world of GangRP & everything crime related, including events. The process for advertisement is being re-created as we speak & will be released in the coming days, thank you for the feedback.

TL;DR Black Market Dealers will be more involved with more actual Crime aspects of the server when it comes to players, gangs, & advertisement.

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