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Polar's discord profile suggestion


Level 25
All of what you just said was already mentioned in previous posts, if you get PTSD or panick attacks because of poeple's profiles again get toff your computer and go seek help, if I have say the n word in my about me and I can use it I'm not gonna change it because someone is a SJW. It's not that hard to not look at something especially when it's VERY avoidable, all of what you just said CAN be solved by the suggestion itself and if you go out your way to loom at someone's profile you don't like and see something that offends you that's on you, statuses I get but it's my profile, grow up you're not gonna go up to someone in real life because they have a shirt that says something offends you because you only have the balls to say so behind a screen, it's also called being realistic
I apologize for my response being so delayed, this is the first time I've even touched a computer in three days. But I actually disagree with your first sentence. I went through the other replies. Yes, some of what I said was repeated, but not all of it. No one had mentioned community team members, nor just being respectful and kind to each other. I'm all here for a conversation, but if you're going to disagree, please at least read what the other person has to say.


Level 8
+1 im tryna be me bru, its not that deep. Also people mentioning about protecting kids like 13 yr olds on srp, yall fr dumb ngl, 13 yr olds and well younger gens are the ones that take ur ip's and dox u, I literally watched a 12 year old in vc dox some adult bruh. Iv been doxxed to many times by 14 and 13 yr olds this fr dumb and im not even that older im only 15
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Level 103
+1 im tryna be me bru, its not that deep. Also people mentioning about protecting kids like 13 yr olds on srp, yall fr dumb ngl, 13 yr olds and well younger gens are the ones that take ur ip's and dox u, I literally watched a 12 year old in vc dox some adult bruh. Iv been doxxed to many times by 14 and 13 yr olds this fr dumb and im not even that older im only 15
They literally have 13 and 14 year olds playing a game where they can literally murder people, trying to say that srp is PG is like saying GTA is for kids, when it's not but we still play it and know what where in for
roleplay hub acts as any other large discord server would in relation to people abusing the feature of their status, name, profile picture, and about me. while i can agree that rph doesn’t do their best in protecting players in some circumstances, rules against what belongs to a discord user’s profile are beneficial in protecting players from things that they do not want to see.

a senior admin back in 2019 literally had a dead girl set as their pfp. imagine if rules policing what was in a discord profile didn’t exist and this person never ended up being demoted and banned. god knows who else, minors or adults alike, actually saw that. obviously that’s not relevant to roleplay hub now as it was dealt with; but, you get the idea of why it’s needed to have rules for discord profiles. roleplay hub is a discord with 14,000 people in it who could be exposed to anything on anyone’s profile. at the very least, they can prevent people from having to see something graphic, explicit, inappropriate, oppressive, or offensive. i think you’re only thinking about yourself when it comes to this suggestion

it is not difficult to be a respectful person who isnt acting on the basis of inciting reactions out of people by being offensive
Unless the picture was very explicit I don't see the problem, if it was just a photo like a selfie of a dead person I don't see the problem, at all, roleplay hub is a discord with 14,000 people who have been on the server atleast once, to know that there is nothing to "protect" them from that they haven't already seen, if you want to keep the server PG then you'd have to get rid of 80% of the active community. RoleplayHub is not PG and never will be or else you'd be losing most of your players, and yea effort is being made but pushing the statement that kids are on the server when it's these kids themselves are the one, doxxing, ddosing, harassing, and having the wildest characters, who are you protecting? At this point little Timothy your trying to protect has already turned into the majority of the base community you were trying to protect him from


Level 110
Unless the picture was very explicit I don't see the problem, if it was just a photo like a selfie of a dead person I don't see the problem, at all, roleplay hub is a discord with 14,000 people who have been on the server atleast once, to know that there is nothing to "protect" them from that they haven't already seen, if you want to keep the server PG then you'd have to get rid of 80% of the active community. RoleplayHub is not PG and never will be or else you'd be losing most of your players, and yea effort is being made but pushing the statement that kids are on the server when it's these kids themselves are the one, doxxing, ddosing, harassing, and having the wildest characters, who are you protecting? At this point little Timothy your trying to protect has already turned into the majority of the base community you were trying to protect him from

the picture was quite literally the girl dead.....and the fact that they were a senior admin means all that someone had to do was look to their right at the list of online members and see it. the argument that "the minors are actually the ones endangering others" and "rph staff failed to protect them one time in the past, guess this means we shouldn't practice anything to protect them from hereon" is really baseless & there's no statistic for the former that details how many people on roleplay hub have been doxxed by minors or whatever. "know that there is nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is such a horrible mindset. the multitude of content i was exposed to before i turned 16 while playing the server is fucking horrendous & genuinely disturbing that 1. the community is so desensitized to it to the point that "there's nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is something that a player is claiming with their full chest 2. the server itself literally hasn't been shut down

any administrator in any discord server ever is permitted to act, whether through a warning or a ban, when needing to police someone's discord profile. if i put something transphobic in my status (like how you did!), they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a marginalized group. they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a group that likely exists within the rp community (and for the specific example, yes, there are a lot of trans people in rph!)

in addition to the awful argument that is "we shouldn't protect minors, they're instigators & they've already seen a lot," saying that "i shouldn't have to change my status for some SJWs" really hones in on what the point of this original thread was. the anti-SJW movement is dead guys.....was left in 4chan in 2016. and when speaking to polar, he even clarified on what the point of the original thread was: to get a reaction out of people, and not to actually focus on protecting players on the server who are simply here to roleplay & talk with people in the discord.'re a minor, veganlaser. you should be worried about your safety because rph currently does not have a lot of practices to preventing minors from being endangered. not making the change that polarlols is suggesting in his original post (that was only created with the intention of "see[ing] reactions and if people will actually use [their] brains") will help in not worsening what's already horrible about minor safety on the server. i'm sorry that you were exposed to things on the server that you shouldn't have been as a minor but that's not something you should continue to help prohibit within staff's methods of administration. adding what polarlols is suggesting is going to hinder any potential growth that rph possibly has in protecting its community


Level 103
the picture was quite literally the girl dead.....and the fact that they were a senior admin means all that someone had to do was look to their right at the list of online members and see it. the argument that "the minors are actually the ones endangering others" and "rph staff failed to protect them one time in the past, guess this means we shouldn't practice anything to protect them from hereon" is really baseless & there's no statistic for the former that details how many people on roleplay hub have been doxxed by minors or whatever. "know that there is nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is such a horrible mindset. the multitude of content i was exposed to before i turned 16 while playing the server is fucking horrendous & genuinely disturbing that 1. the community is so desensitized to it to the point that "there's nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is something that a player is claiming with their full chest 2. the server itself literally hasn't been shut down

any administrator in any discord server ever is permitted to act, whether through a warning or a ban, when needing to police someone's discord profile. if i put something transphobic in my status (like how you did!), they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a marginalized group. they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a group that likely exists within the rp community (and for the specific example, yes, there are a lot of trans people in rph!)

in addition to the awful argument that is "we shouldn't protect minors, they're instigators & they've already seen a lot," saying that "i shouldn't have to change my status for some SJWs" really hones in on what the point of this original thread was. the anti-SJW movement is dead guys.....was left in 4chan in 2016. and when speaking to polar, he even clarified on what the point of the original thread was: to get a reaction out of people, and not to actually focus on protecting players on the server who are simply here to roleplay & talk with people in the discord.'re a minor, veganlaser. you should be worried about your safety because rph currently does not have a lot of practices to preventing minors from being endangered. not making the change that polarlols is suggesting in his original post (that was only created with the intention of "see[ing] reactions and if people will actually use [their] brains") will help in not worsening what's already horrible about minor safety on the server. i'm sorry that you were exposed to things on the server that you shouldn't have been as a minor but that's not something you should continue to help prohibit within staff's methods of administration. adding what polarlols is suggesting is going to hinder any potential growth that rph possibly has in protecting its community
I'm not worried about my safety on a Minecraft school roleplay server Because it is not that deep, if someone doxxed me what are they gonna do? Pull up to my crib? If rph wants to protect their community they should consider removing the source of what's plaguing it's players and we all know the source of it, making the argument of kids need protecting is just so stupid, go to one 13 or 14 year old on the server and ask them how was their experience was first time they joined and compare that to now and my statuses ain't hurtin no one bro


Level 104
Thread starter
the picture was quite literally the girl dead.....and the fact that they were a senior admin means all that someone had to do was look to their right at the list of online members and see it. the argument that "the minors are actually the ones endangering others" and "rph staff failed to protect them one time in the past, guess this means we shouldn't practice anything to protect them from hereon" is really baseless & there's no statistic for the former that details how many people on roleplay hub have been doxxed by minors or whatever. "know that there is nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is such a horrible mindset. the multitude of content i was exposed to before i turned 16 while playing the server is fucking horrendous & genuinely disturbing that 1. the community is so desensitized to it to the point that "there's nothing to 'protect' them from that they haven't already seen" is something that a player is claiming with their full chest 2. the server itself literally hasn't been shut down

any administrator in any discord server ever is permitted to act, whether through a warning or a ban, when needing to police someone's discord profile. if i put something transphobic in my status (like how you did!), they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a marginalized group. they are fully allowed to do something about it & tell me to change it because i am attacking a group that likely exists within the rp community (and for the specific example, yes, there are a lot of trans people in rph!)

in addition to the awful argument that is "we shouldn't protect minors, they're instigators & they've already seen a lot," saying that "i shouldn't have to change my status for some SJWs" really hones in on what the point of this original thread was. the anti-SJW movement is dead guys.....was left in 4chan in 2016. and when speaking to polar, he even clarified on what the point of the original thread was: to get a reaction out of people, and not to actually focus on protecting players on the server who are simply here to roleplay & talk with people in the discord.'re a minor, veganlaser. you should be worried about your safety because rph currently does not have a lot of practices to preventing minors from being endangered. not making the change that polarlols is suggesting in his original post (that was only created with the intention of "see[ing] reactions and if people will actually use [their] brains") will help in not worsening what's already horrible about minor safety on the server. i'm sorry that you were exposed to things on the server that you shouldn't have been as a minor but that's not something you should continue to help prohibit within staff's methods of administration. adding what polarlols is suggesting is going to hinder any potential growth that rph possibly has in protecting its community
I talked with my friends about making a post like this and I said to them that this isn't intended to make any actual change but I want to see the type of replies it gets, I want to see who's pulling in some logic to the discussion and who's acting like an A.I, who's using the same thing over and over again. This post wasn't to instigate but the topic is just something that peaked my interest and I wanted to have a "conversation" with some of the people on here to see how they really think and looking at it most of you think the same, did get some interesting answers but majority is just the same thing


Level 90
Like leave my statuses alone I ain't hurtin you :skull:
mfw you put statuses insinuating certain trans people aren't real as a cis person

Other than that idm this suggestion. As long as the content in their profile isn't inherently bigoted let them do whatever with their profile.
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Level 110
I'm not worried about my safety on a Minecraft school roleplay server Because it is not that deep, if someone doxxed me what are they gonna do? Pull up to my crib? If rph wants to protect their community they should consider removing the source of what's plaguing it's players and we all know the source of it, making the argument of kids need protecting is just so stupid, go to one 13 or 14 year old on the server and ask them how was their experience was first time they joined and compare that to now and my statuses ain't hurtin no one bro

this is exactly what i mean by players being desensitized because of how prevalent rph is in permitting certain behaviors / how the community just attracts it overall. god forbid your digital footprint if you’re not worried about what goes on online. if your statuses are offensive or invalidative, yes they’re going to hurt people….obviously it won’t hurt on the level as doxxing & ddosing but that’s not what the suggestion is about. i fear you’re going to look back at ur messages and cringe but live n let live i guess

I talked with my friends about making a post like this and I said to them that this isn't intended to make any actual change but I want to see the type of replies it gets, I want to see who's pulling in some logic to the discussion and who's acting like an A.I, who's using the same thing over and over again. This post wasn't to instigate but the topic is just something that peaked my interest and I wanted to have a "conversation" with some of the people on here to see how they really think and looking at it most of you think the same, did get some interesting answers but majority is just the same thing

as long as you’ve clarified that you’re not trying to instigate with the suggestion (which you did), go wild. but when you talked with me in DMs & considering the replies to this thread in general, i hope you can’t blame me for saying such. i just want you both to understand why safety & protection is important & not to act as so desensitized to it bc it’s harmful to people who are both your age & younger than you. i’d hope you want the best for the community regardless of ur intentions in making the post. take care


Level 35
If you hold an important job, chances are you're going to be expected to be a respectful and acceptant person within the workplace. HOWEVER, all managers look through the social media to ensure their employees are just as standup people outside of the job, too.

If you're a community team member, it only makes sense for RPH to be concerned and instill punishment if you make racist/homophobic/any sort of discriminatory speech a visible and public part of your discord. That's what kind of happens..everywhere. No one wants someone with bigoted views representing their community!


Level 200
if you see someone (like me) just ignore them at all cost, block

Anyways... Phheeww is this a hefty suggestion to be poking at people's perspectives. I'm not sure where I stand with this. There is a level, a line that has been drawn—and its a shaky one at that. I've read all the replies including the trying to practically get a rise out of people, but I will be leaving my opinion here either way. As Heb has gone on to talk about, this seems to be a rather selfish thread. There is multiple layers to what you say and the language you use, ofcourse no one can control that, but don't you (Polar) have some sort of morals or moral code? Let me clarify. There is some things that can be put into a box as a harmless joke, then ranging into ludicrous instigation. That section in-between is how others view what you say, where do your comments lay? I'm asking, You and Vegan.

Your suggestion would be to remove all restrictions right? Think of a stop light; green, yellow, red—basics. Green is a good-to-go, it would be jokes you make with friends; inside jokes, comments on silly little things - nothing rather political. Yellow is your warning, you need to slow down or go through; this is where you start poking at different aspects and topics that start to make others a little weary about you. I personally have dark humor, and therefore push through the yellow zone like if someone just pulls up to a light and it turns yellow - you have time; that is my limit. Red is where you fuck up. If you drive through a red light there is typically cameras, so you'll get sent a ticket. This is the no-go zone as it can cause serious danger to those around you, car crashes, driving off the road, etc. You will receive a punishment if caught, and sometimes, people are not caught.

Ash, what is your point? I'll break it down. There are these lines, unspoken rules that should never be crossed for a multitude of reasons—by removing these rules, you'll receive chaos, and those who drive through a red light will most likely cause harm. One third of car crashes are because of not stopping at that red light. You've got to learn boundaries, because each time you do something that is pushing it you'll have the risk of getting caught - or worse, causing harm to someone. You may think your words have no harm, no meaning—but there is people who can be seriously harmed by your remarks. Cutting it short, start watching what you fucking say. I swear all the time, but atleast I don't make remarks against people.

By wanting to remove these set of rules, you are asking to remove the red light in full. Sure there are some things on the spectrum that are fine, they are allowed for a REASON. If someone has been reported, its because they drove through the red light and got caught unlike the other half who do these horrendous acts and don't get caught. Your actions have consequences, its not an overused phrase because its true. Learn that.

TL;DR read it.


Level 27

Some things are better unsaid, even if it is your profile you still have to be courteous of others' feelings. If your status is straight-up homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc then you should be punished. I understand that some people are a bit more sensitive about this than others and may report things that don't need to be reported to a higher-up, but overall the rule is there for a good reason. It's selfish to comment on mental health and stuff like PTSD. Saying "Just ignore or block them lmaoaoao" doesn't change the fact that they saw it, it triggered them. Mental health is not a joke, and though its just a status, it can still cause harm, they're still words and words can hurt others. It's ignorant to think otherwise.


It is YOUR profile, if you have dark humor and you change your status to fit that, as long as you aren't hurting anyone then that's you, that is YOUR status. Changing your status/pfp/about me for one server seems a bit rash, and nitro isn't necessarily cheap for what it is, I understand that. If you make your status an inside joke, but the joke could be taken in a different way and somebody takes it that way, you shouldn't be held accountable for that, because you didn't have any ill intent. However, if you just do something stupid and say something hella offensive then that is entirely your fault and its selfish to think otherwise.


Level 129

not even mentioning how yknow, most of the stuff yall want an excuse to put on your profiles goes directly against discord community rules........


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

- If your status, profile picture, or username goes against Discord rules (or server rules), you will be removed from the Roleplay Hub Discord until you've changed whatever you were removed for.

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