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Polar's Property suggestion


Level 104
IGN: PolarLoLs
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The recent event with the sewers exploding and the departure of of Prosthettics the idea of companies owning different parts of un-used/old parts if different lands such as parts of the sewers, powerplant, the small stores at the back of the school. I always thought that it would add more interesting conflicts more RP to do with trass passing and businesses if we could buy different pieces of land as long as we are a verified business owner. Ofcourse limits on where you can buy and the things you can do with them will be set, being able to buy part of something and repurpose it was always an interesting idea to me.

For example:
There's a few buts and pieces of the sewers that are run down but have potential in becoming apart of a bigger project or a business owner has an idea on how it could benefit them and their business, so they decide to buy that part of if the sewers for a hefty amount of money. Once the purchase is successful they'll be able to acquire builders and staff to either restore it to it's original state or change it completely over a matter of time but it cannot be res-sold without going through the government first.

This could benefit the Government by adding more - as mentioned law suit opportunities and more things to do with the different roles in general. It obviously benefits the business owners mostly as they can buy property, re sell it, re purpose it to make more ideas they have come to life and this also gives empty unused property more purpose than to just be there and look like decoration.

Note: I will most likely be updating this suggestion overtime and adding/removing things depending the type of feedback is received on this post


Level 200
Add strict guidelines as an example to your suggestion avoiding any conflict that has unreal aspects (such as -18 buying land) and im in


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I don’t believe verified businesses should have properties in the sewers. However I do believe property should be obtainable via purchasing through KimiNoUso depending on the business’ needs and what they’re about. For example, a car cleaning/maintenance business could potentially purchase the auto shop or old garage as their base of operations.

That also being said, do not forget that there is a tower dedicated to verified businesses for their “base of operations” as well. You would probably have to have a REALLY good example or reason as to why you’d want to expand outside your current office space.


Level 104
Thread starter
I don’t believe verified businesses should have properties in the sewers. However I do believe property should be obtainable via purchasing through KimiNoUso depending on the business’ needs and what they’re about. For example, a car cleaning/maintenance business could potentially purchase the auto shop or old garage as their base of operations.

That also being said, do not forget that there is a tower dedicated to verified businesses for their “base of operations” as well. You would probably have to have a REALLY good example or reason as to why you’d want to expand outside your current office space.
The office spaces themselves can really only be used as a HQ and not really anything else as it's a limit space. There's different reasons I'd want to expand the name of my company through property purchases other than towers, buying land is also an idea I had that could potentially work too.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
The office spaces themselves can really only be used as a HQ and not really anything else as it's a limit space. There's different reasons I'd want to expand the name of my company through property purchases other than towers, buying land is also an idea I had that could potentially work too.
Man what land is there to buy…… aside from like…. The garage. And um…. Maybe a beach property?


Level 121

I agree with this suggestion, there are verified companies that just do nothing and sit all day.
I dont see any of them do nothing but copy each other, buy tailor discord servers or just get more "businesses" and eventually die out because theres nothing they can do.


Level 134

There is TONS of unused land on the server, I genuinely think the ability to not use it limits RP a lot.

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