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Police application | Pantscakeeeee


Level 8

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Pantscakeeeee (My alt)

Previous bans:
Invalid Ban from ulkuva on my main
Ban for ERP

Describe your activity on the server:
I play on the server everyday mostly on my main since I don’t have anything to do on my alt’s but if I get the job as a police officer I would be more active on it, I play around 6-8 hours a day now since I have models to make now

Which timezone are you in?
GMT +2 (Denmark)

Do you have Discord?
Yes I do my discord is Pantscake#0001

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes I have a stand-alone microphone

List your current and past applications:
French Application - Accepted - Main account

Personality Disorder Application - Accepted - Main account

Teacher Assistant Application - Accepted/Denied
I got accepted then they changed it to denied

Application for Esteban 1981 - Denied
History Teacher - Denied

Hawaiian Language application - Accepted - Main account

Swedish Language application - Accepted - Alt account

Monophobia application - Accepted - Main account
Council Application | Pantscake - Denied - Main account
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is driven by the fact that I have been bored in the RP and wanted to try something fresh and new so I wanted to try and apply for police since I think that’s one of the best places where I can get even better at RP.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I don’t fully understand it but I will try and read over it a couple of times after this application and the things I don’t understand I will pick up if I get the job in the police force.

What are the Police ranks?
Head Lieutenant
Head investigator
Investigator Trainee
Patrol Officer

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I don’t have much knowledge of the police work but that is what the training is for but I have picked up a little bit from Carnage’s stream. That when you are on patrol you patrol with a partner or more, as you are on patrol you will have to keep an eye out for players that wear a mask of the kinda that cover most of there face since it could mean that they have something they are not allowed to have so they are covering there face, so you would have to search them for any illegal items if any found you would have to give them a fine depends on the items if it’s underage drinking but if you find a person with a katana they will get jailed for a long period time since they are carrying an illegal weapon on them.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Since SchoolRP is trying to be as realistic as possible, and since the server has some kind of GangRP there also need to be some kind of law system to counter the illegal and that’s where the police department comes in the picture so we both have “Good” and “Bad” guys/girls, it also makes it a bit more interesting when there is police in the way of that even though its SchoolRP it makes it more relevant to do things outside of school then just be AFK for next time it becomes school time but instead you can do more kind of cityRP after school and with the police, you can be punished for your actions.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Of course, I understand that I can get demoted or fired at any time for any given reason, but with that said I will try my absolute best for that not to become the outcome.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Of course, if I wasn’t I would not apply for the police department.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I fully understand that since I am online and I don’t have a reason to stay away the police department is the number one priority.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, that is fully understandable, it's a game and of course, my char will get harassed if he is on the team because that is just how many people are to the police calling them names like “pig” “racist” and many other bad things but just shake it off and keep your day going good with a smile.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
William would be a tall Swedish male with light grey eye colour and shiny silver hair; he'd be standing at 6’4 and weighing 92 kilograms (202 lbs). He’d also have a metal rod in his left leg because he got operated after a car accident and his left leg was crushed. He is on the legs again but he needs the support rod in his leg.

What he's like on and off the job?
William is very professional and hard working when he is on the job always trying to do the best he can and even try to give it 10% extra and always focused about the job he’s doing but when he’s home and off duty, he is a sweet and loving person that always give a big smile to his family and are always happy.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
He will, of course, show all his co-workers the respect they need and deserve and treat everyone in the department like he’d want to be treated, with respect since we are all professionals. He’s trying to apply for the role of police cadet to become an officer but his dream is as a Police Detective.

This is the Start of William Sjöberg Dot’s Story...

William was born in the city of Malmö, William had been living with his Mother and Father until he had turned 10, On his Birthday William had woken up to get out of bed, He went down stairs like usual to eat breakfast but when he arrived he had witnessed something horrific, He witnessed his parents being held at gunpoint, While being surrounded by 8 to 12 people, William had hid not knowing what was happening he had listened in on what was being said, He then heard the words that would change his life forever “Kill Them”, Is what the man who was in charge had said, When William heard what had been said, He dashed up to his room and had grabbed all he could before hiding in a secret room that only him and his parents knew about, William had hid there for a moment until he heard 4 gunshots go off, William then knew what had happened to his parents, He would stay hidden in the room for hours until he was sure all the people were gone, He then went to the Polis Station (police station in sweden), He had went up to two Polis’ in the station, William explained what he had witnessed and he soon had went into protective custody, William had been moved to Denmark for protective cautionary, Little did William know that he would have to live like that for 6 years. William would now be 16 years old and living in a small 1 bedroom apartment provided by the Swedish Security Service in København (Copenhagen in Danish). In The afternoon William received a letter from the Danish government about his military duty that after his studies so William finished his college education in Copenhagen and where sent into the military in Denmark to go through his 2 years of military duty as every normal danish male citizen does after all. It was some really great years for William in the military but his life was almost ruined on his way home, William was in a car crash when he was taking a taxi home, there was some minor damage and but all the damage was given to his left leg which ended up in him getting an operation and getting a metal rod in his leg to support him when William finally came out of the hospital and back home he had no motivation to continue his education and stopped which ended up in William getting a smaller depression. 3 years after the incident he was looking to move out of his apartment and into a little bit bigger one he was packing his stuff stopping looking at a picture of him and his parents from when he was a kid reminding that he’d not disappoint them looking at himself and forced himself to start back on his education to finish what he started applying for the police academy in Copenhagen getting accepted and working hard on getting back to make his parents proud.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
William Sjöberg Dot

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr Dot

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

35 Years old


IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:
Around 6 years with school, the rehabilitation and, the one and a half years in work in the prison of Copenhagen

Working Experience:
After the police academy in Denmark William was given a job in the prison of Copenhagen as a prison guard since he was not totally ready to get out in the field he was there for a year and a half before moving to Karakura

Academic Degree:
Bachelor degree in Criminal Justice

Year of Graduation: 2018

Criminal justice and law enforcement

Criminal Law and Criminology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:
Japanese, English, Danish

Last edited:


Level 136

We thank you for applying, but sadly we don't see you ready for the police force yet. Feel free to re-apply in 30 days once applications re-open

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