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Police application


Level 8
IGN (In-Game Name): MitsuEvan

Previous bans: None, I’m clear of bans as of now (at least from what I remember) and I’ll be keeping it that way.

Describe your activity on the server: I'm on a lot now that school's out for summer, I am on longer than others depending on if I have something that day. I should be on relatively for about 9+ hours each time im online. Once school starts up I'll be online every day after school.

Do you have Discord?: Yes, I do it's Evangelicals#2183

Do you have a microphone?: yes I do, but it's not in the best condition because my good one was chewed up by my puppy so I'm using an older one.

List your current and past applications:
Korean Language Application <Accepted>
Russian Language Application <Accepted>
German Language Application <Accepted>
Police Application <Pending> so far only this one.

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying to become a cop is to make the citizens on the server to think more thoroughly about what the consequences will be if they do something illegal, I want to make it more of a struggle for the people who do something illegal on the server and make it harder for them to do their crimes without getting caught. I’m mainly I'm wanting to keep the citizens safe from all the harm that could go on in Karakura. The other policemen and women I will keep safe as well if it is needed. I cope well with different challenges throughout the town and wish to experience more once I get accepted. Law enforcement is the one thing that I'm good at and hope I can learn more from the other officers like different tactics and situations.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I do very well, though I'm still looking over the laws though, I haven't been able to find any of the laws set in the game so I don't know them very well other than no j-walking or illegal items.

What are the Police ranks?

Police-commissioner - you oversee, and are in charge of the whole KPD.
Police-captain - is the second-highest rank in the KPD, you can now test cadets through their training.
Head Lieutenant - the third-highest, keeping rule and watching over the lower ranks, reporting anything disruptive with the lower ranks to the captain and commissioner while also taking matters into their own hands.
Vice Head Lieutenant - second in command to the head lieutenant and assisting them with the lower ranks, overseeing.
Police-Lieutenant - you are now trusted with a gun you still oversee the other officers.

Police-corporal - Is the third rank you are now able to train cadets.
Patrol-Officer - the next rank in the KPD after you pass your cadet test.
Police-Cadet - You're the lowest rank in the KPD and going through training.

Head Investigator - leads the investigators, oversees the ability of investigators.
Investigator - passed their test and is no longer a trainee, assisting in solving cases and investigating further.
Trainee Investigator - a trainee that had to go through training to become an investigator.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
know that the police are there to take care of the community and keep it safe, they keep law enforcement in check and try keeping the peace, protection of people, property and the investigation of crimes. Police have the legal authority to arrest and detain, usually granted by magistrates. Police officers also respond to emergency calls, along with routine community policing and patrols to keep the streets safe. for example; Basic patrolling, paperwork, manhunts, possible searches, Keeping all Highschool students in school during school hours, Making sure no Highschool students are ditching school during school hour,
Taking witness Reports/Normal Reports, and making sure the citizens of Karakura are staying inline.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important for SchoolRp because they keep the server more lively and realistic. They also make the server much harder for gangrpers or anyone doing anything illegal but helps the other citizens in need. The police officers try to keep Karakura peaceful and away from all the danger as much as they can. The Police Officers of Karakura are people you can rely on and call for help anytime. They even help out in situations dealing with suicide, trying their best to keep everyone calm and safe for any citizens.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, of course! and ill keep it in acknowledgement.

IC Section

Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique?
-Chan-ri Chae is a Korean female standing at 5 foot 7 inches, she has natural brownish red hair, brown eyes and pale skin, She'd have an hourglass-like figure. She'd have a hint of a rich perfume following her. Her voice would be a slightly high pitched tone, which slightly matches with her height. She'd keep her rounded glasses on at all times to see and not see a blurred mess

What she’s like on and off the job?
-on the job, she’d quite visual and will keep her eyes open for anything, along with her eyes open for anything that could be illegal or even IS illegal, and won't hesitate to follow orders on command. She'd keep her hair up into two buns to keep it out of the way

-Off the job, she always keeps her head up and keeps her eyes open if she needs to report. She'd keep two hair ties on her at all times if she needs, but her hair would normally be down can see it and she will not hesitate to throw her uniform back on and get back on duty if it is necessary.

Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?
-She sees her Co-workers with higher regard and more respect, due to how her culture was back in North Korea and really in any Asian country. In the future, she hopes to get married and start a family of her own along with moving out of her roommate's apartment.

BACKSTORY: Sunee was born in North Korea, she lived there with her mother, sister, father and brother. The tragic country of hell and suffering, she grew up not learning a thing about the outside world and only what's in her country of North Korea. Over the years of her stay in the country, about fifteen years to be exact, she learned a lot about her country most of it is bad. Once she became fifteen she saw something tragic, her mother tried to cross the border into China to leave her country to start a new one, but the north police ended up killing her and Sunee had to watch her mother go at the same time her little brother named Fenny ended up being able to sneak out and he managed to make his way to Karakura, Japan to start his new life. At this time Sunee thought it was possible to sneak out, of course, her management on leaving was successful and she was able to sneak up, going through China to Taiwan then all the way around till she got to Karakura, japan as well she thought it was the safest bet to be but when she got there she heard someone say that a guy named Fenny was in jail and she felt heartbroken. Her father tried to leave the country but was killed as well, her sister was alone in North Korea and couldn't come to help, at this time Sunee turned sixteen and she was working on her own to protect herself from others.

While she was sixteen she ended up enrolling in the school, she got accepted and she began to study harder and smarter, she learned a little bit from her friend whos a college student studying law enforcement, she took her knowledge in what she learned from him and took it upon her to graduation when she ended up graduating at eighteen, once she got into college she began to study A.P.S which is associate of political science and used that to get into law enforcement, she worked hard in both of those classes and once she got her degree she continued to admire the other officers. Once she turned twenty-seven she finally took a sigh and put in an application in for police officer, where she will now work extremely hard and she's still living as an undercover North Korean Defector, but continues to put her past life behind her and doesn't let it take ahold of her and she wants to become a better person.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Chan-ri Chae
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mrs
Given Name(s): Chan-ri and Sunee
Preferred Name: Su, Sunee

Age: 27
Gender: Female (she, her, hers)
Religious Denomination: none
Marital Status: in a relationship
Nationality: (North) Korean

Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: Sunee has spent a few years learning from others and training herself in police work even though she’s not working as one just yet, and she will continue to stay determined as long as she can, keeping her chin up and keeping her mind forward on what could happen. about 5 or 6 to be specific

Working Experience: She hasn’t spent any time in working experiences just yet but she’s willing to fight challenges that come her way, along with worrying about what could happen to her co-workers but it doesn't make her regret her choices, and she will continue to fight. She has a good heart and tends to talk to people to get them out of risky situations.

Academic Degree: Criminal Justice.

Year of Graduation: 2018 (1996, because of her age but yeah)
Major(s): law enforcement, Justice and Policy
Minor(s): Mathematics

Native Languages: Korean
Other Languages: Russian, German
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Level 185
News Lead
-Your application has enough detail, showing the effort you put into it
-After a vote with the other Officers, the majority has said yes to you joining

Welcome cadet!

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