Level 2
IGN (In-Game Name): Pennny
Previous bans:
I have been banned a few times. These can range from my start on the server with stupid behavior, to just being stupid. I will provide the ban appeals, as well as a brief explanation on what happened in order to prevent it from having an impact on my application or your choice regarding accepting me. They are as followed
Duping ~ Banned by Slatt
I had been hanging around with a couple of people who had told me they knew how to duplicate items. It was a very intriguing concept at the time as I was broke to the point of no progression where I could go no further. I will not play the timid card, and claim I did not know it was against the rules, because I did and I did it anyways and that I was rather apologetic for. I left it for a while before reapplying but I did and so I really did appreciate the server and currently still do, so I vowed not to allow it to happen again and also explained to them how I did it, so they could patch it.
ERP ~ Banned by Loooper
This one was more so my fault, I was joking around in the detention room and did a /me busts a nut as a joke which meant no harm to break the rules of the server, and was no way intentional ERP or was even directed in such a way. The thought of ERP disgusts me and thinking about it taking place in a serious manner makes me cringe as it is quite unnecessary. I apologized for it and obviously quite visibly have learned from my mistake as it hasn't happened again but it's something I understand not to do now or even to joke about.
ERP~Banned by Ehku
This one was purely my fault. I had just joined the server, and I was still doing some mingy behavior. I was with some old friends, and I was just messing around, doing stupid things, and committed ERP. No excuse behind it, I was just a dumb kid doing dumb things.
Describe your activity on the server:
I spend a large majority of my time on this server, to be honest, if I was to put a label on it, I would say I am on for at least 2-4 hours a day. Though rater excessive, it's due to the fact I also juggle a social life and I am usually talking to other people and playing other games or going out with people. I have an AR time of around 25 days ( The command is broken, I cannot check it.)
Which timezone are you in?:
I live in Colorado, in the timezone of MST.
Do you have Discord?:
Yes, I do have a Discord. It's IStoleAPennyTM.#2825
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do have a microphone, it is a Blue Snowball which has very good quality. So if I need to speak with someone over a voice call, quality and ability to hear me would not be an issue.
List your current and past applications:
In total, I have written 7 applications, 5 have been responded, with one application being for a position that does not exist.
Server Staff Application [DENIED]:
I am do not think it is allowed to post those types of links to applications like that, so I will not post it.
Server Staff Application [DENIED]:
I will not post the link here as the applications are private for a reason.
Gaelic Application [ACCEPTED]
Teacher Application [DENIED]
Lunchtime Monitor Application [DENIED]
Police Application [DENIED]
College Student Application [DENIED]
S.A.T Application [PENDING]
To my knowledge, the S.A.T was removed because there was no use for them. So, my application was never responded to. I have also lost the link to this application.
What is your motivation for applying?:
I have always been fascinated by the work of the police. I ever since I started playing on SchoolRP, I have noticed that the police force is a very cool concept. Both ICly and OOCly I have always noticed how amazing the work of Peace Officers are. I have had friends that have been on the police force, and they always talk very highly about the work they put into it. It has been a goal of mine to put some time and effort into the police force, and if I was given the role, I would do as best as I can within everything I am tasked to do.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?:
To an extent, yes I do. I understand that they are not the same where I live, as every place has their own laws, and rules. But I am willing to put in as much time as I need to figure, and get a firm grasp of the laws and Basic Conduct.
What are the Police ranks?:
Police Ranks are a position given to officers who have put in time, effort, dedication, and valor to their work as a police officer.
Main Division
Police Commissioner
Police Captain
Police Head Lieutenant
Police Vice Head Leiutenant
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Corporal
Patrol Officer
Police Cadet.
Investigator Division
Head Investigator
Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:
I know that when GangRP situations are taking place, the officers are there, tough as nails and making sure everything is handled under a safe, and organized manner. But, officers also do not always get into car chases, and fight the bad guys. Police officers have to ensure that people are driving safe, kids are in school, and people aren't getting too wild. I understand that the police work needs dedication, valor, effort, and patience. I know that cadets mainly stay behind the counter, answering questions, and learning. Cadets need to attend training in order to take a test to advance to the next level of police work. When patrolling, cadets go in pairs, to ensure that they have each others back, so nothing happens to them. Lower ranks tend to stay at the front desk more then higher officers do, but every officer works the desk when it is needed.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:
Police are important to SchoolRP for various reasons. Keeping the city clean, ensuring that people aren't using drugs, buying illegal weapons, hurting them selves, or other people. They keep the city clean, the kids in school, and the crooks locked up. Without the police, the city would fall apart, gangs would be running everything, no one would be safe from anything. Death rate would be at an all time high, and no one would be safe from anything.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I understand that I am subject to being demoted if I am accepted at any given time.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I acknowledge that upon applying for this role, I agree to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I acknowledge that while I am online, I am required to attend or I will be punished.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand that I am subject to IC harassment, and never take things OOCly when dealing with training and situations.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Kazuki Inagawa, is a 26 year old man, coming from Japanese descent. He has light brown hair, brown eyes, and a slim but muscular build. He stands rather tall at 6'1, with a deeper raspy voice. With a determination that is almost scary to some. He never quits, not until his last breath leaves his body.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, Kazuki is a very serious person, almost to the point where no one likes him. He his driven to do his job without a second thought. He does not think about his orders, it makes him scary, but that is the way he was raised, and the way he will live. Still, while being serious, he still manages to use his cortices, and is always is polite. But off the job, he is a totally different person. It's almost like he wears mask while he's on the job. He is funny, kind, always tries to put in a positive vibe to the conversation. When his input is not needed, he tends to be quiet, keep to him self, but when people are talking to him, he is very vocal, always contributing to whatever is going on.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kazuki has a very good outlook on his co-workers. He all respects them deeply for doing the most dangerous job in Karakura just like he has. He tries to make tight bonds with them, so that when he needs help, they will have his back, and vice versa. In the future, Kazuki wants to be married, and have 2 kids. He wants to live in a nice house, with extra bedrooms to help out other kids, just like how he was helped. He wants a peaceful life, where he can treat his family to anything they want, within reason.
Kazuki Inagawa was born on February 17th 1994 to Kanji and Sukrua Inagawa in Takashima, Japan. Living in a small house until he was 3 years old, his earliest memory is of his grandmother taking him down town for ice cream on a hot day. After his parents could no longer support themselves in that area, they moved to an even smaller one-room apartment in 1999 when he was only five years old. He hated it there. He stayed in the laundry room of that apartment, with a mattress on top of the washer and dryer. Vowing to live a better life than his parents did, he would use that to fuel his determination in whatever he was doing. In 2004, when he was 10 years old, the economic collapse in Takashima started. First, the school shut down, which all but fueled the crime rate in that city. Once the living costs rose, in 2010, when he was 16 years old, Kazuki's parents could no longer support them selves, so Kazuki ran away.
He ran to Karakura, in hopes of making something of himself, to live a better life than his parents did. He attended Karakura High School, living in the tunnel, in a back room; it was a tough life. He was always living hand-to-mouth. He did not make a lot of friends, but he did have his own click. None of them really stood out, except for one. Braxter Lachance, a nice boy from America, 15 years old, with a heart of gold. He moved to Karakura because his dad wanted to explore the world, and he wanted to start with Japan. Kazuki and Braxter started their friendship one day during break time. Braxter approached Kazuki and started a conversation, and since that day, they were inseparable. About a month of being friends, talking to girls, going to parties-things normal kids do, Braxter asked to go to Kazuki's house. Kazuki showed him where he was living, a blanket, pillow on a table in a small room in the tunnel. Braxter invited Kazuki to live at his house, to live with him. Kazuki took him up on his offer in a heartbeat.
Braxter and Kazuki lived together for 1 year, before Kazuki graduated. Kazuki was not specially smart, but he had the hope of graduating 1 year early, to go to college free of charge, to get a job as a police officer, to pay back Braxter's parents, and ensure that Karakura did not end up the same way as Takashima. He pulled it off, completing high school 1 year early. Then he went to Karakura University, and graduated with a four-year degree, with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. Shortly after, he joined the Karakura's Police Force.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Kazuki Inagawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Given Name(s):
Kaz, Kazuki
Preferred Name:
Kazuki or Kaz
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
Working Experience:
Around a year in Police Work
Academic Degree:
Bachalors Degree in Criminal Justice.
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
(The Bolding option did not work when I was trying to bold my questions, so I made them a dark blue)
Other Information:
I understand that I was a GangRPer for a really long time, but I am starting to give it up, slowly and surely. I want to be done with it, and I want to take a big step to kicking it. This is my big step. I want to get some new experiences going, and I really want to start here.
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