Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I was banned a while back but it was resolved and I was unbanned after a misunderstanding, Minor offences.
Describe your activity on the server:
Im quite active on the server, most of every week im on the server at least a couple of hours a day. I would say my activity is a 8/10 when coming to rating how much i play, yet also being on every weekend unless there is a valid reason, either things such as family problems/health or attending something that is mandatory. I see myself playing the game way more often if getting into KPD as it creates more pathways into Roleplay as well as creating more people to meet and interact with in a better way.
Which timezone are you in?
Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Yes i indeed do, Turtlee#0001
Do you have a microphone:
Yes, I sure do.
List your current and past applications:
(19) App for Russian language | SchoolRP - Denied
(19) Russian Application 2 | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Italian Application | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Character Authorization | SchoolRP- Accepted
(19) Dutch Application | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Police Application | BearDucky | SchoolRP - Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation to joining KPD, is the extra roleplay outside of School roleplay, i personally want to go beyond SchoolRP and instead venture into the City Roleplay such as having the role Police Officer which is shown in the City roles. Also I have wanted to join as it provides a variety of different perspectives from different peoples views as I myself have never had a city role and would like to have the chance to try have a job instead of having roles such as College, as well as KPD providing a beneficial understanding to roleplay as many people who go into KPD join and obtain a better understanding than they did before, and also see this as an opportunity to experience different things in the servers variety of roles that are provided in the tab, which has quite a lot but police being the most interesting out of them all in my opinion.
My second reasoning is that I have also heard that KPD is actually quite cool and unlocks a lot more to roleplay, such as having Police Officers chasing criminals in order to arrest them, the reason i say that is because you yourself get to see and feel what it is like in the oppositions shoes, and indeed may be better and actually helpful as it creates things such as less likely to FailRP as officers are taught before being able to do actual work out in the streets of the server.
Also I myself think some of the roles, well most of the roles have no real work other than Faculty and some City roles, but I see the role 'Police Officer' and think that it would seem quite interesting and enjoying to me since most of the many roles do not have anything that interest me personally.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I have read and looked at Japanese Laws that have been applied as well as Basic conduct as it is important when obtaining the police officer role, which would help create an understanding when joining KPD.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I myself understand most of police work such as charges including -
Obstruction of Justice: Which is when people around the scene or officers are disrupting what is happening, after warnings precautions should be made, after more and more warnings an officer is to arrest the person for 'Obstruction of Justice' at which they can face light prison time with an estimate of about 20,000-35,000 depending on what they had done to interfere.
As well as -
Fines: At which if someone 18 or Under has a possession of alcohol as such on them, then the fine could be any where from 10,000-20,000 depending on how much the individual has, but if the person obtains a Fake ID they can not be arrested unless proof is provided that they're 18 or under, this can be seen if they have an waiting arrest such as evasion if so officers may arrest the person and know who they are therefore confiscating both the Fake ID and Alcohol, the officer will take them and go back to the station where the items are put into an incinerator.
Also -
Possession of Major illegal Weaponry: This is when the person has a weapon such as a katana on them, this can be proven when the person either has the weapon out or has it during a pat down which normally are done when a mask is worn or when a fight or something bad has happened. Depending on what the weapon is and whether it has blood stains the individuals can be charged from an estimate of 450,000 - No bail, when a the weapon has no blood on it the suspect may be questioned if they have used the weapon. Also if the weapon has blood on it police should question whether the person has used it, also they must check for fingerprints so that any possible other suspects may be brought in for questioning.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are one of the most important things, if not the most important thing in SchoolRP as it helps keeps crime out of the out of the city, things such as fighting, killing and harming should be kept down as police should control it when they have the chance too and must keep not only themselves safe but also people who wonder around, such as students, civilians, teachers, and adults. They are also important because they limit the problems inside the city and the streets. Also yet not wrongfully arresting innocent people and instead arresting people who have actually caused problems and done illegal things that have gone over the law. But also never using the role to abuse your power.
Things such as favouriting someone such as a friend should not give any sort of pass to people who have done something illegal or harmful to others, and should instead be arrested regardless your relationship with them. Also police are important because if they were not a thing everything would be chaotic and like the Purge, this is not that good as Police prevent this and create a boundary at which people can Roleplay in peace instead of being attacked.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand, and i will completely understand and will have nothing against it if it does happen at any given time.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am fully dedicated to the Police Officer Role, I am not 100% dedicated, I am 101% dedicated.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, i understand training is mandatory and i must attend at all time if i am online. As I state i am dedicated to the role massively.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes I do as if i do this may lead to further punishment as well as me being relieved from my position as Officer.
In-Character (IC) Section
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A female stood in front of you, hot pink hair, 5'10. Her face would have a sort of red colour to it as if she had been standing out side on a winter day during the snow. The face she expressed was rather dull when dealing with things, yet her focus was strong when looking into another persons eyes. The posture she had was a rather straight and presentable look to the way she stood. Her eyes would be a magenta purple, her hair would almost match her eyes yet going over her shoulders, it beginning to curl as it made its way down her tidy and freshly cleaned uniform. Her athletic build was perfect for her job as it required running and chasing both at which she was good at.
What they're like on and off the job?
On the job Alida is a serious and focused person who refuses the distraction of her surroundings and keeps her eye on her job as it means more than anything to her, she'd keep her guard up on control as it held the lives of both her co-workers and civilians and students lives. Her confidence flowing around her body created a positive and determined mind set and she relied on her co-worker and her skill in order to make sure she was concentrated of her surroundings as she required only little support if needed. Off duty Alida still would take things very seriously and carefully as people may have kept an eye on her and could have planned to attack at any point keeping her guard up even after work, no matter the day, no matter whether she was at work or not she kept an eye on everything as she believed sometimes the human eye can trick us into thinking danger is not around. Unlike others Alida didn't just take everything serious only certain people she remained calm and relieved with.
Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
I would care for my workers, look after them on the job. Each one of us should travel together never alone as it makes it easy for criminals to hunt and hurt fellow co-workers, sticking in a group of three as it helps provide back up and if needed support against possible threat if it is clear that someone intends harm upon officers or civilians in the area you patrol. Without doubt each officer should look after one another and it is their duty to make sure no one is hurt and instead the people who will inflict harm will be brought to justice and arrested to the according crime they had committed. Plans for the future such as removing criminal activity on the street can only be done if we work together, not against each other! That is why officers maintain a civil and acknowledging manner as it helps resolve possible mis-understandings and creates a connection to the co-worker as it gains trust in one another instead of suspicion and lack of trust. Each and every officer should have a partner so that regardless of the situation both officers can have a higher possibility of succeeding in their line of duty. Risking each others lives on the job is not good so both officers must co-operate to a plan if needed and both must agree whether it is a wise choice or not unless given a command by a higher ranking officer such as the Commissioner for explain as we must abide by the following command by our superiors demands or orders.
(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)
The female also known as Alida was a woman from the Netherlands, who grew up among the poverty. Her family weren't in the best of positions as at the age of 14, Alida's mother had past, her father neglected her after the event as she reminded him of her, devastation struck as the winter came unsure what to do Alida searched for possible shelter. Her soon to be star in the night sky walked past, an elderly man who looked cosy and warm in his puffy jacket. Alida reach over grabbing the mans hand asking for help as her red face went purple from the freezing weather. The man nodded walking with her hand in his, they arrived at a pub not to far from where her mother and father once sat on the cold slippery stone. Silence struck as the two were strangers to each other, the old man spoke asking about Alida and if she had known where her parent were, the silence escalated as Alida began to shake and cry. Not only had Alida been through hell but she had been there many times, the elderly kind man offered her a drink, within seconds it was gone as it showed clear poverty and starvation.
Weeks later the man and the girl were not only friends but they saw each other as family, often going out in the snow and building snowmen. In fact the whole town did. During Christmas, the now 15 year old received a present, it was a police officer kit with its mini hand cuffs and toy pistol. She was over whelmed with joy hugging the man as she yawned slowly falling asleep with her little officer badge. The elderly man took her, placed her into her own bed and turned off the lights closing the door behind him as Alida held her police officer action figure close to her. Morning had come, the sun shining on the frozen, cold snow slowly melting it as it prepared for another snow fall. Alida rushed down stairs and hugged the man as she thanked him for her presents, her mind clicked giving giving him a present. Slowly opening the present it contained a mystery? Inside the box a badge lay, the words 'Neval Van Berg Nohis', the girl had found it in a old dusty box as she thought it was a a good idea as it had look liked it hadn't been worn or held in years, he burst into tears and hugged Alida, thanking her as she slowly started to realise that he had not only lost it but he had cared about it and loved it.
Years past as the girl turned 18 years old she started to find pictures of the man relieving the mans life as a officer in his home country, Japan. She'd look at the badge checking for any possible connections to a police station in Japan, it was unclear which made her curious. She refused to ask the man as she didn't want to trigger any bad memories. Her job didn't pay that much, and being a security officer wasn't that good during her early adult years. She slowly went down stairs questioning the mans past as it intrigued her. The man went on for hours about all his co-workers and the amazing people he worked with, the few sad stories came up about fallen officers but most remained loving and caring, Alida's eyes sparkled as she wanted to switch her career path, looking into Japans Police Forces. Her eyebrows raised seeing an area called 'Karakura', it had an application form, her interest raised. Signing the form and completing it she posted it the next day, wishing her Adoptive father a fair well as she waved him goodbye, before leaving she said to him she'd be home sometime on her holidays, the man smiled and nodded.
As she packed her bags, her expression filled up with excitement as she walked towards the door and into the taxi. By the time she got to the Airport she was 20 minutes early and prepared to board. After the 20 minute wait she board in a calm yet happy manner. The flight took nearly 8 hours as it took off and soon arrived into Karakura, Japan. She walked out of the airport, walking to a taxi as she set her destination to a small apartment she had rented, dropping off her bags then making her way to the police station as she jogged, getting ready to be accepted and train or to be . . .
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Characters Full Name:
Alidanye De Vries Jansen
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Miss Alida De Vries
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Age: 28
Gender: Female
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Single, Not Married
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
6 years of training
Working Experience:
3 years, of being a security officer
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree for Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice, Physical Education
Mathematics, Chemistry
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, Russian
IGN (In-Game Name):
Previous bans:
I was banned a while back but it was resolved and I was unbanned after a misunderstanding, Minor offences.
Describe your activity on the server:
Im quite active on the server, most of every week im on the server at least a couple of hours a day. I would say my activity is a 8/10 when coming to rating how much i play, yet also being on every weekend unless there is a valid reason, either things such as family problems/health or attending something that is mandatory. I see myself playing the game way more often if getting into KPD as it creates more pathways into Roleplay as well as creating more people to meet and interact with in a better way.
Which timezone are you in?
Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag
Yes i indeed do, Turtlee#0001
Do you have a microphone:
Yes, I sure do.
List your current and past applications:
(19) App for Russian language | SchoolRP - Denied
(19) Russian Application 2 | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Italian Application | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Character Authorization | SchoolRP- Accepted
(19) Dutch Application | SchoolRP - Accepted
(19) Police Application | BearDucky | SchoolRP - Denied
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation to joining KPD, is the extra roleplay outside of School roleplay, i personally want to go beyond SchoolRP and instead venture into the City Roleplay such as having the role Police Officer which is shown in the City roles. Also I have wanted to join as it provides a variety of different perspectives from different peoples views as I myself have never had a city role and would like to have the chance to try have a job instead of having roles such as College, as well as KPD providing a beneficial understanding to roleplay as many people who go into KPD join and obtain a better understanding than they did before, and also see this as an opportunity to experience different things in the servers variety of roles that are provided in the tab, which has quite a lot but police being the most interesting out of them all in my opinion.
My second reasoning is that I have also heard that KPD is actually quite cool and unlocks a lot more to roleplay, such as having Police Officers chasing criminals in order to arrest them, the reason i say that is because you yourself get to see and feel what it is like in the oppositions shoes, and indeed may be better and actually helpful as it creates things such as less likely to FailRP as officers are taught before being able to do actual work out in the streets of the server.
Also I myself think some of the roles, well most of the roles have no real work other than Faculty and some City roles, but I see the role 'Police Officer' and think that it would seem quite interesting and enjoying to me since most of the many roles do not have anything that interest me personally.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I have read and looked at Japanese Laws that have been applied as well as Basic conduct as it is important when obtaining the police officer role, which would help create an understanding when joining KPD.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I myself understand most of police work such as charges including -
Obstruction of Justice: Which is when people around the scene or officers are disrupting what is happening, after warnings precautions should be made, after more and more warnings an officer is to arrest the person for 'Obstruction of Justice' at which they can face light prison time with an estimate of about 20,000-35,000 depending on what they had done to interfere.
As well as -
Fines: At which if someone 18 or Under has a possession of alcohol as such on them, then the fine could be any where from 10,000-20,000 depending on how much the individual has, but if the person obtains a Fake ID they can not be arrested unless proof is provided that they're 18 or under, this can be seen if they have an waiting arrest such as evasion if so officers may arrest the person and know who they are therefore confiscating both the Fake ID and Alcohol, the officer will take them and go back to the station where the items are put into an incinerator.
Also -
Possession of Major illegal Weaponry: This is when the person has a weapon such as a katana on them, this can be proven when the person either has the weapon out or has it during a pat down which normally are done when a mask is worn or when a fight or something bad has happened. Depending on what the weapon is and whether it has blood stains the individuals can be charged from an estimate of 450,000 - No bail, when a the weapon has no blood on it the suspect may be questioned if they have used the weapon. Also if the weapon has blood on it police should question whether the person has used it, also they must check for fingerprints so that any possible other suspects may be brought in for questioning.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are one of the most important things, if not the most important thing in SchoolRP as it helps keeps crime out of the out of the city, things such as fighting, killing and harming should be kept down as police should control it when they have the chance too and must keep not only themselves safe but also people who wonder around, such as students, civilians, teachers, and adults. They are also important because they limit the problems inside the city and the streets. Also yet not wrongfully arresting innocent people and instead arresting people who have actually caused problems and done illegal things that have gone over the law. But also never using the role to abuse your power.
Things such as favouriting someone such as a friend should not give any sort of pass to people who have done something illegal or harmful to others, and should instead be arrested regardless your relationship with them. Also police are important because if they were not a thing everything would be chaotic and like the Purge, this is not that good as Police prevent this and create a boundary at which people can Roleplay in peace instead of being attacked.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I understand, and i will completely understand and will have nothing against it if it does happen at any given time.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I am fully dedicated to the Police Officer Role, I am not 100% dedicated, I am 101% dedicated.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorised to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, i understand training is mandatory and i must attend at all time if i am online. As I state i am dedicated to the role massively.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes I do as if i do this may lead to further punishment as well as me being relieved from my position as Officer.

In-Character (IC) Section
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A female stood in front of you, hot pink hair, 5'10. Her face would have a sort of red colour to it as if she had been standing out side on a winter day during the snow. The face she expressed was rather dull when dealing with things, yet her focus was strong when looking into another persons eyes. The posture she had was a rather straight and presentable look to the way she stood. Her eyes would be a magenta purple, her hair would almost match her eyes yet going over her shoulders, it beginning to curl as it made its way down her tidy and freshly cleaned uniform. Her athletic build was perfect for her job as it required running and chasing both at which she was good at.
What they're like on and off the job?
On the job Alida is a serious and focused person who refuses the distraction of her surroundings and keeps her eye on her job as it means more than anything to her, she'd keep her guard up on control as it held the lives of both her co-workers and civilians and students lives. Her confidence flowing around her body created a positive and determined mind set and she relied on her co-worker and her skill in order to make sure she was concentrated of her surroundings as she required only little support if needed. Off duty Alida still would take things very seriously and carefully as people may have kept an eye on her and could have planned to attack at any point keeping her guard up even after work, no matter the day, no matter whether she was at work or not she kept an eye on everything as she believed sometimes the human eye can trick us into thinking danger is not around. Unlike others Alida didn't just take everything serious only certain people she remained calm and relieved with.
Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
I would care for my workers, look after them on the job. Each one of us should travel together never alone as it makes it easy for criminals to hunt and hurt fellow co-workers, sticking in a group of three as it helps provide back up and if needed support against possible threat if it is clear that someone intends harm upon officers or civilians in the area you patrol. Without doubt each officer should look after one another and it is their duty to make sure no one is hurt and instead the people who will inflict harm will be brought to justice and arrested to the according crime they had committed. Plans for the future such as removing criminal activity on the street can only be done if we work together, not against each other! That is why officers maintain a civil and acknowledging manner as it helps resolve possible mis-understandings and creates a connection to the co-worker as it gains trust in one another instead of suspicion and lack of trust. Each and every officer should have a partner so that regardless of the situation both officers can have a higher possibility of succeeding in their line of duty. Risking each others lives on the job is not good so both officers must co-operate to a plan if needed and both must agree whether it is a wise choice or not unless given a command by a higher ranking officer such as the Commissioner for explain as we must abide by the following command by our superiors demands or orders.
(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)
The female also known as Alida was a woman from the Netherlands, who grew up among the poverty. Her family weren't in the best of positions as at the age of 14, Alida's mother had past, her father neglected her after the event as she reminded him of her, devastation struck as the winter came unsure what to do Alida searched for possible shelter. Her soon to be star in the night sky walked past, an elderly man who looked cosy and warm in his puffy jacket. Alida reach over grabbing the mans hand asking for help as her red face went purple from the freezing weather. The man nodded walking with her hand in his, they arrived at a pub not to far from where her mother and father once sat on the cold slippery stone. Silence struck as the two were strangers to each other, the old man spoke asking about Alida and if she had known where her parent were, the silence escalated as Alida began to shake and cry. Not only had Alida been through hell but she had been there many times, the elderly kind man offered her a drink, within seconds it was gone as it showed clear poverty and starvation.
Weeks later the man and the girl were not only friends but they saw each other as family, often going out in the snow and building snowmen. In fact the whole town did. During Christmas, the now 15 year old received a present, it was a police officer kit with its mini hand cuffs and toy pistol. She was over whelmed with joy hugging the man as she yawned slowly falling asleep with her little officer badge. The elderly man took her, placed her into her own bed and turned off the lights closing the door behind him as Alida held her police officer action figure close to her. Morning had come, the sun shining on the frozen, cold snow slowly melting it as it prepared for another snow fall. Alida rushed down stairs and hugged the man as she thanked him for her presents, her mind clicked giving giving him a present. Slowly opening the present it contained a mystery? Inside the box a badge lay, the words 'Neval Van Berg Nohis', the girl had found it in a old dusty box as she thought it was a a good idea as it had look liked it hadn't been worn or held in years, he burst into tears and hugged Alida, thanking her as she slowly started to realise that he had not only lost it but he had cared about it and loved it.
Years past as the girl turned 18 years old she started to find pictures of the man relieving the mans life as a officer in his home country, Japan. She'd look at the badge checking for any possible connections to a police station in Japan, it was unclear which made her curious. She refused to ask the man as she didn't want to trigger any bad memories. Her job didn't pay that much, and being a security officer wasn't that good during her early adult years. She slowly went down stairs questioning the mans past as it intrigued her. The man went on for hours about all his co-workers and the amazing people he worked with, the few sad stories came up about fallen officers but most remained loving and caring, Alida's eyes sparkled as she wanted to switch her career path, looking into Japans Police Forces. Her eyebrows raised seeing an area called 'Karakura', it had an application form, her interest raised. Signing the form and completing it she posted it the next day, wishing her Adoptive father a fair well as she waved him goodbye, before leaving she said to him she'd be home sometime on her holidays, the man smiled and nodded.
As she packed her bags, her expression filled up with excitement as she walked towards the door and into the taxi. By the time she got to the Airport she was 20 minutes early and prepared to board. After the 20 minute wait she board in a calm yet happy manner. The flight took nearly 8 hours as it took off and soon arrived into Karakura, Japan. She walked out of the airport, walking to a taxi as she set her destination to a small apartment she had rented, dropping off her bags then making her way to the police station as she jogged, getting ready to be accepted and train or to be . . .
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Characters Full Name:
Alidanye De Vries Jansen
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Miss Alida De Vries
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
Age: 28
Gender: Female
IC Phone number:
Religious Denomination:
Marital Status:
Single, Not Married
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
6 years of training
Working Experience:
3 years, of being a security officer
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's Degree for Criminal Justice
Year of Graduation:
Criminal Justice, Physical Education
Mathematics, Chemistry
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, Russian