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Police stop demanding everyone to leave.


Level 26
I just can't wrap my head around KPD answering a phone call "Help pumpkins became sentient and started attacking people"
I mean if you were an officer is real life and not that it would happen in real life because pumpkins don't attack people in real life would you simply just ignore a call like that? Sure it can be annoying that we respond while gangs can't but sometimes it's hard to tell what's an event and what's not causing us to show up anyway plus gangs have no ic motive to pull out weapons on a spirit while officers have a motive because they were called there but as many people have said as long as we are told beforehand we won't respond to events that we shouldn't interfere with


Level 75
I just can't wrap my head around KPD answering a phone call "Help pumpkins became sentient and started attacking people"
You'd be surprised.....KPD gets called to deal with 'spirits possessing things' all the time, but staff normally for events warns us when to avoid calls which didn't happen in the pumpkin patch scenario so when we got calls relating to "pumpkins assaulting EMS" and "come to the pumpkin patch there's so many ppl with masks on and bats out" there's not much we can do besides going to deal with it/scope out what's wrong.


Level 174

We got about 3 calls saying there were pumpkins attacking civilians.... now usually if it were just one call we would brush it off as a prank call, but 3... then we go to the scene even IF it were an event (Also, half of us didn't know it was planned that the pumpkins would come to life, heck I even went on my alt account to the event and was surprised to see living pumpkins. We couldn't tell it was really the event at the time and without proper info we could've just brush it off as a ghost attack).


Level 8
-1 lol. this is hardly even a suggestion just a rant about kpd doing their jobs. idk go to the faction lead if u had a problem... ? theres not much staff can do anyways

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