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Accepted PookieRP's Professor Application


Level 0

What is your Minecraft username?:

PookieRP [Just changed]

What is your time zone?:
CDT [Central DayLight Time]

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
[I can't find any of the applications I have done! So sorry!]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I've played SRP for a very long time now, as its been around 2-3 years since I've started SRP I was here in the old map, As currently I've restarted in SRP, i have been VERY active towards the game as Ill spend around eight to six hours on SRP and or just on discord in general, I do attend school currently as it is coming to a end, in May but my school hours I start at 8am to 2:55pm, then i would go home and jump on SRP which when i get home it's around 4pm i'll be on SRP until 12am or even 1am depends on whats occuring on SRP and how I feel in the current situation! I do also work! I work from 9am to 5pm. Sometimes I get off early but in general I always hop on SRP after any type of activity!
4pm - 12/1am​
4pm- 12/1am​
4pm- 12/1am​
4pm- 12/1am​
4pm- 4am​
3/5pm- 12/1am​
3/5pm- 12/1am​

This is a rough schedule that I will be following until May 23rd as it is when I'll be ending school!!

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Like said previously, I have a lot of experience in SRP as I have roleplayed as a high school student for some of it and as animals for part of it also! I do have an animal character currently, as I have also been an EMS before but I can't find the application since it was a very long time ago! In general I think I have a good experience with SRP and that I've played long enough to understand how the server works and how the rules work. As for any other type of roleplay experience I used to play the fairytale one with the dwarfs and all that back then also! I have also played Roblox, with the several roleplay experiences that are on Roblox! In general I have a pretty good understanding about how to roleplay and what roleplay is!

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Highschooler [Grade 10]
Animal role [Dog]

What is the subject you want to teach?:
As there is a possibility of the subject I want to be taken by the time my application is seen! I will put a few subjects I don't mind teaching! These can be picked later on if the role of the ones I want are filled there are some options in general!
Physical Education

The two classes I hope to get the most is Either Physical education, or Culinary class!

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is simple, the server is called schoolrp, as it is a server based on experiencing different types of roleplay! as there are various jobs you can choose! I personally like professors because I used to be a professor on one of my old accounts before soon dismissing myself from SRP for a year! as being a professor still provides new experience especially with all the new system is and all the new people who have filled roles in the SLT! I would happily like to be a professor! it's not also just experience it's also helping others have fun with their experience, engaging with others in SRP as a professor teaching them material that would be needed for exams or just in general, being a professor is not only just fun but it also educates the person more on the subject their teaching, as for example I currently wanting to take a interest in Culinary school! or even baking and pastries, this can enhance my outside knowledge and inside knowledge this also helps people who actually want to start culinary in real life be able to understand it! This is the rough sketch on why I wanna be a professor and what the full motivation is!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
This depends on the class I'll be doing 4 for this so you have examples for both subjects!

1.Culinary! The cooking class is in general a very INTERACTIVE class as we will be making pastries! Students will be required to know the basic safety of the kitchen, as they will physically have to type out a response as everyone will be cooking!!

2. When we are not cooking! I plan to have the kids make a menu and or find an item they would want to make in class, as they will be put in groups! They would need to find one item they would like to cook and present an explanation on why they wanna cook that item! As it can possibly be added to a cooking lesson in the future!

1. Physical education is simple as it is supposed to be. PHYSICAL students will present a type of exercise in class, allowing them to work out and see if the activity is safe! Sometimes the class will go out to the volleyball field and play a few games as those who do NOT want to play can be shown to the track to run! As everyone should be physical no one should be idle and sitting there! UNLESS they have a note saying they cannot be in ANY type of physical activity

2. As students learn the basics of Physical education they will have to be paired into a group and figure out an exercise that they would want to do and have the class do, as students will present the exercise in front of the class as the class will follow along! It's like Simon says but you have to listen!

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Culinary field trip would be taken to a park as they will still learn! This is when the students will sit down in the park and share with their classmates their thoughts. This is to get the students to feel more relaxed as cooking can be very tough and it can be dangerous. It's good to allow them to go outside to learn how to get fresh air! As students later will be handed a small assignment to fill out about how they feel and what they would want to cook next!

Physical Education
Students will be taken to the beach! As again there are volleyball courses there! As some students will be allowed to swim if they did bring swimsuits as swimming is a type of sport! Students may sit around if it's HOT but if it's not I would want the children to attend and participate in the class!


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
As Chō would walk up to the students, her arms across her facial expression in a serious demeanor, she furrowed her eyebrows as she then in a stern type voice she would speak up “Whats going on here hm?” as she was trying to get the students attention she would step closer to get between the students her eyes wondering between them as she then would ask “Who started the fight? And why are you two fighting?!” her voice is stern but a bit surprised showing also concern as she turns to them both waiting for a answer as the answer varies, as if the college jocks were bullying the bobcat she would soon sigh as she would slip the college jocks a detention slip shaking her head as she speak her voice is disappointing as her eyes shows empathy a bit “I thought you guys were better… Please don't do this again or it can result in something more serious! I'll see you guys at detention later…” she then would turn her body to the Bobcat as she would take him/her to the nurses office to get their injuries checked out! But if this was a full fight started by both parties she would do the same thing but issue the bobcat jock a detention slip also as she shakes her head speaking once more towards the bobcat jock “Go ahead and head to class or away from here please” she would then wait for them to leave as she turns to the college jocks allowing them to leave as she then would resume monitoring halls

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbed by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Chō would firstly out loud tell the student to be quiet and to finish their assignment if the student does continue to blurt out and ask the absurd questions she would go over and put her hands on the students desk making direct eye contact with the student her facial expression is stern as she soon spoke “If you want to continue this please continue this outside of the detention room please! I'll be happy to answer anything you would like to say and or ask! But please be quiet for now as others are trying to finish their assignment” she would then step back as she walks to the backboard placing her hands on her hips looking directly at the student letting out a sigh of relief letting the other students finish their assignment in peace!

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Chō eyes would settle on the girls/boys who were being disrespectful as she soon would walk over to them and cough a bit her eyes narrow “Please turn off your phones during class! Others are trying to learn!” she would then wait for the cheerleaders to put their phones away as she then speaks again out loud for a reminder “remember class! When i'm teaching! I would like it if you would be quiet and have your phones away! It affects others on their learning!” She then would return back to teaching, as the girls would continue she would let out a heavy sigh as she turned over and walked towards the girls again her hands placed on the desk as her black nails would curl up into the desk curves “once again phones away please!” she would glare at the student as a way to let the student know she is serious, continuing her lesson if she hears them again she would simply go to them and tell them to leave as she realize they will not be listening to her they don't need to be in her class “Your disturbing my class if you want to be loud you can kindly leave and be loud somewhere else but I don't tolerate behavior like this!”

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Chō would raise her voice up to see if she could get the students' attention “Excuse me!!” Her eyes would narrow trying to get them to stop as she would pull her radio out and press a button soon signaling over the radio [Radio] “may i have some assistance over in the front of the school we have a fight going on!” her voice would sound urgent as she puts her radio away as she kept trying to stop the two from fighting she would soon have back up to help, as she then would separate the two with the assistance of another staff she would take one student and ask them why they were fighting “Why are you two fighting! And do you need to go to the nurses office?” Her voice is concerned slightly but she listens to the students reasoning she would then rip a detention slip sighing then after informing them about why they got detention she would take the student to the nurses office to make sure they aren't severely injured.

Cho is a 5'6 female who stands, she has long black silky hair that reaches her lower back, when you look into her face her eyes are a blue-like color as her face seems to be smooth and nice! she wears a bright lipstick not so bright but to compliment her skin color! she seems to not be wearing much make up at all! as moving to her clothes you can see her mostly wearing a white button up top, her sleeves are not rolled up as on her neck she has a black ribbon tied around her neck, she then has black silky pants with a big opening for the bottoms! her black heels with the pants making it all match, as when you can smell her near, you can actually smell a sweet vanilla scent which was not to strong but not to weak.. while listening to her voice is more of a mellow tone voice not high pitch but more of between the middle of the line. see can be seen with a Anibus Mask, outside of school grounds and or a black purse with sun glasses on school grounds she may sometimes be wearing some really sick bags! she's a fashionista!

Cho is similar to other people she's only unique based off how she acts as she is a mother figure to every single person she comes by! she is also JSL friendly as she knows JSL, she does have a skin condition as her left leg as black skin on it plopped around her leg as this is not contagious its just how she was born which is one of the main unique things about her!!

Outlook on students

Cho has a specific outlook on students as she feels more empathy for her students as her idea is to help the students to her best abilities to help them for the real world, as she can feel empathetic for students who don't want to learn the material that is being taught to help them for their future she still tries to help all her students, making sure they get the best education they can! as Cho sees her students as her own she wishes to seem them in the future to see them working at a good job and possible even see them have a family! as she also wants to have a connection with her students so she doesn't make them feel like they are always being lectured! overall she really wishes all the kids she encounters to be able to grow up and just be happy and be living well and healthy! even if they did or did not make it into what they want she still wishes to just see the students to be happy! that's all she wants for her students and all she will ever want for her students no matter what!

Outlook on Teachers
Cho has a very interesting outlook on teachers as she has grown up around teachers and most of them were positive she expect most of the people she works with to be well behaved! she wouldn't mind making some friends with some fellow staff members of the faculty but she also would give a ding berry if she needs to step in and or tell a teacher the wrongs they are doing, she feels empathy for teachers but she may not if they end up doing something that isn't apart of their job description as she still wishes many teachers luck in life! and hope they continue to teach and hope they enjoy teaching, overall her outlook on teachers is to see the upmost respect and professionalize from them doesn't matter their role she expects people who are suppose to be working and or helping kids learn to actually be able to do their job as she does care more about the students learning instead of more of how a teacher behaves!

Cho is a kind women, as she is respectful to those who are respectful to her, she can be stern but only if you get on her nerves which is really hard to do, she as she has been working with children for awhile, but in general Cho is a very childish lady she sees the good in everything as she herself wants to have fun and let others experience fun, she can be seen being goofy most of the time or just smiling consistently due to her positive attitude, although she may have her ups she has downs, as if she is upset she acts like a spawn of Satan, as she is from Mexico she does do the classic slipper and or weapon of choice if you anger her! She sees everyone as her kid though!

Her future is unknown as she wishes to be married or at least to be dating someone by 40 she doesn't really know if she wants to have children in the future as she is unsure on some things she knows that she will not retire from being a professor as she still wants to pursue the dream of being a influence to kids on how they will act and to help them achieve anything, but this may change with more time goes by, but she wishes to stay in her position as of currently only because she is very happy with where she is and she doesn't see her self going anywhere in the future expect the job she's applying for!

This story takes place in Mexico, the deep down of towns that no one really goes as it is 1994 March 19th a baby girl was born her mother was a gorgeous lady, as the mother is in her 30’s she has black short hair and green eyes as soon seeing the father isn't in the picture, as the baby was born, her mother decided to name her Chō as her last name is Wyung after the mothers fathers last name, as Chō was born she was taken into a small apartment, the place is run down as it was still livable her mother absolutely loved her daughter as she would smother this child with love, through the years the mother would have been taking care of Chō as Chō lives a nice life until she is around 12, she soon moved to a better part of town changing schools as she being shown she soon sees the offers they have for high school, seeing culinary her eyes widened huge as she knew that was something she loved to to as Chō loved to bake when she was around 8 her mother and her would sit in the kitchen and back small little buns and or even just simple crepes, as Chō went through school getting good grades once she hits junior year in high school she took the Culinary class thats when it was life changing she was only 17 but she knew what she wanted to do finishing school soon with several credits even a letter of recommendation as Chō was very good at school she went to college when she turned 19 as she was fresh out of high school, she soon took up many classes in high school again receiving good grades but once she hit around 23 she got pregnant with a child, she then would have to take slowly in her classes soon giving birth later on to a baby girl but due to some circumstances her baby passed away at birth, this had a big toll on her life leading her to depression, after falling into depression her mother would have comforted her offering her to finish school and then to help her move somewhere else where she can be happy, as Chō agreed she finished college graduating with her Masters! As the she moved to Karakura she worked in the animal shelter for awhile as she then switched over to the hospitality industry to help her understand working ethics, she then goes to her mother and nods as she sits down and writes her application with her mom, she would be writing the application her hands shaking as around a hour or so later she put her application in a folder sighing as she soon forgets about it later… when she was now 30 she decided to rewrite her application confidently submitting it to the dean’s office now awaiting for a possible response!



Full Name:

Chō Wyung
“My full name is Chō Wyung! I do not have a middle name!”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“I go by MIss as I am a female!”

Given Name(s):
Chō and or Chi
“People usually call me Chō or Chi!”

Preferred Name:
Chō or Wyung
“For students I prefer them to call me by my last name Wyung! As for anyone who isn't a student in the school I wouldn't mind them calling me Chō”

“I recently just turned 31 as of March 19th!”

Gender & pronouns:
Female, She/Her
“I am a female like I said before! I do go by She/Her!”

Religious Denomination:
“I'm Atheist as I do let people follow their own beliefs!”

Marital Status:
Not Married!
“I am currently not married! As I hope to plan in the future!”

“I am Mexican! I was born in Mexico!”

Current Location:
Karakura Apt
“I currently live in a small apartment in complex L”

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“I currently have around 3 Years of teaching experience as I was a teacher student in my class for several teachers for around 1.5 years as the other half I went and taught at a small preschool”

Working Experience (# of years):
“I have had around 6 years of actual working experience as a teacher student and a preschool teacher, I have also worked at the animal shelter for a while then soon shifted over to a hospitality job!”

Academic Degree:
“I have a Masters degree in Culinary as I also have another degree in teaching!”

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2005!”

“I have a major in Culinary as I do have a degree for teaching a Physical education class!”

“I have a lot of minors as I do not know much about the Law and Justice System. I do understand the Law in general! I also Minor in Literature”

Native Languages:
“I am fluent in Spanish and English!”

Other Languages:
“Even though I am spanish! I also learn Japanese and JSL! To help me understand those who can speak Japanese or cannot speak japanese!”

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Physical Education/Culinary
“I would like to teach Physical education! But if that is taken I would love to do Culinary if that is possible!”​
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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