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Accepted pookilicious - Music Theory Professor Application


Level 7


What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have any previous bans/warnings?:

What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (e.g.@muffincats):

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Bare with me there’s a lot

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I’d like to say that I am a very dedicated member of the SRP community! I try my best to log on every day for at least a little bit, and most of the time I am successful. I’m quite active on my main and alternative accounts, so on a scale of 1 to 10, I’d rate my activity at a solid 8. Below is my normal weekly availability:

1:00pm - 11:00pm​
3:30pm - 12:00am​
6:30pm - 12:00am​
3:30pm - 6:00pm / 8:00pm - 12:00am​
3:30pm - 12:00am​
5:00pm - 12:00am​
All day!​

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
My roleplay experience extends as far back as 2021! Yup, I’ve been here a whole 3 years. During my time here, I’ve had the privilege of being a part of the Sports Faction and the EMS Faction. With that being said, I would like to think that my experience when it comes to roleplay is quite extensive. I mainly participate in JockRP, as I was accepted into the HS Swim team back in 2022, then went on to join the HS Cheer team that same year, and remained on the team until July 2023. I am now a part of the college cheer team and have since worked my way up to the captain position. I was also accepted into the EMS faction in late 2023, but have since figured out that it was not for me, and thus I am no longer a part of the faction. I’ve been exposed to and practiced many different writing and roleplaying styles, and have always made it a goal of mine to become a better roleplayer in general.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Cheer-Captain][Bachelor] Britney Samos
[College][Bachelor] Dorian Ikki Misono
[Grade-12] Yoshiko Taue

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Music Theory


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor is that I want to experience the school faction through a different set of eyes. As mentioned above, I am currently a member of the Sports faction, which I absolutely love more than anything on the planet. However, I want to experience a role on the server that would give me the freedom and insight to the inner workings of the school itself. I personally do not see myself in any other faction than the School faction, mostly because it is my favorite and the one I take the most interest in. Another huge motivator for me is that I will soon be majoring in Music Education (IRL) and want to gain some sort of experience leading a music class. Music has been a part of my life ever since I was little. I have played the piano for 12 years now, and have excelled in music theory classes at the school I attend. With that being said, I believe that leading a music class will be easy for me, given my extensive experience with the subject.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

Reading Music: The Basics

At the front of the classroom would be a chalkboard with five horizontal lines, signifying the Music Staff. On the far left of the staff would be a Treble Clef. With these tools written on the board, this helps me to interactively teach my students about the treble clef and how you read the notes. I can teach my students the different acronyms to remember the notes on the lines and the spaces. For example, the notes that go on the five lines of the treble clef, in order from lowest to highest, is EGBDF. An acronym to remember this order is: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge. And for the spaces, the notes are FACE. There is no acronym, because all you have to remember is that the notes spell out the word ‘FACE’. With this knowledge, I can assign my students to come up with their own acronyms to remember the notes on the staff for the treble clef. I can also do this with the other clefs, such as the bass and alto clefs.

Timbre & Sound
Multiple instruments would be scattered about the classroom. With these at hand, I can play the instruments (via w2g or the in-game playable instruments) and begin a lesson on Timbre. Since timbre means tone, the timbre of an instrument is often described as sharp, open, airy, round, bright, dark, etc. The students can listen to the different instruments, and their assignment is to list out words to describe the unique timbre of the instrument played. For example, a student may describe the timbre of a piano as percussive, bright, or sharp. The students can also share which timbre was their favorite and why. I also have ideas for projects to do with timbre, like letting the students individually pick out their favorite song, and list out and describe all the different instruments and timbres they hear.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
A field trip that I could take my students on could be to take them to multiple locations at the beach where different types of music could be played; the shore, the pier, the beach houses, and the water park. Many different kinds of events could take place at the beach, and you can’t have an event without music to sing along and dance to! This encourages the students to engage in their surroundings by thinking of a song/genre of music that might be fitting for a beach outing, depending on the location and activities going on at the beach.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

My character would approach the group, hoping that no punches or physical aggression had taken place. She would politely yet sternly tell them to stop what they’re doing, and to please explain the situation before making any irrational decisions. After receiving an explanation and discovering the root of the issue, she would separate the college jocks from the lone bobcat jock. If necessary, she would threaten detention, and inform the college students that they are grown adults, and that they should act like it. She would then tell the two parties to go their separate ways, and that if any more conflict ensued, then detention would be in store for them.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
She would answer the first few questions, hoping that the answers would satisfy the student and thus make them be quiet for the time being. But after constant questions, she simply stops giving genuine answers and politely asks the student to knock it off with the dumb questions and to just focus on their work so they can go home. If the student continues with this behavior, she threatens consequences worse than just detention. Perhaps a follow-up detention, or a trip to SLT’s office.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character at first would politely ask the cheerleaders to stop what they’re doing, put away their phones, and be quiet in class. If the behavior continues, then she threatens to have their phones taken away until the end of class, and if the insults don’t stop, then they will certainly receive detention, and possibly further consequences if they have a bad attitude about it. She’d most likely remove them from the class as well, as they are disturbing the environment and disrupting everyone’s nice time.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
My character would whip out her walkie-talkie, and radio for extra help from any other staff currently around. Once she finishes, she instructs any and all students currently surrounding the situation to either step back or face the consequences. While waiting for backup to arrive, she’d do everything in her power to separate the fighting students from one another, or at least hold them off for the time being. Once backup arrives, she would try her best to work collaboratively with her colleagues to try and diffuse the situation. After things have calmed down, she would ask each student what the cause of such harmful acts was, and if necessary, hand out detention slips.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Yutaka Miyagawa is a 5’5” native Japanese woman, originating in the town of Sapporo. She’s relatively small in stature with a slim figure, big brown eyes and strawberry blonde hair that she regularly visits salons to dye. Her brown roots are always growing in and messing up her dye job, so she finds herself frequenting various hair salons, or even dyeing it herself with some box dye she finds at a local store. It doesn’t always look perfect, but it gets the job done, and that’s good enough for her.


Miss Miyagawa is always seen wearing a smile on her face, and always with a modest, yet stylish outfit on. Despite her lighthearted attitude, she knows when to toughen up and act stern when necessary. Yutaka has a good understanding of what it means to be professional, especially in the workplace and around students. She always tries her best to set a good example by having a positive attitude, no matter the situation at hand. Her unwavering love for music shows through her actions; with her perfect pitch and countless years of playing instruments, she can’t help herself when she hears anything musical. She often blurts out the name of the pitch, or the correct solfege syllable for each note in the song, or even going as far as to name out the types of chords and chord progressions she hears. Truly a music nerd at heart…

Miyagawa’s dream has always been to teach in a workspace with students who are willing to listen and learn what she has to say. Although some students may be difficult to deal with, Yutaka knows that that’s simply life. There’s bound to be at least one or two bad apples, and that’s okay, as long as she gets to fulfill her dream and share the wonders of music with the upcoming generation of students. In her eyes, music is a universal language, something that can unite people no matter their race, ethnicity, gender identity, culture, or place of origin. It is her mission to make younger students realize that too, and to use music in their life for a purpose, whether it’s just for enjoyment or to bring people together.

Miyagawa plans to continue teaching music for as long as she lives, or until she just can’t anymore. Music is something she could never ever get bored of, no matter how long she’d been teaching or playing instruments. Her entire life revolves around music, and she has no plans of changing that. Music makes her world go round, and she won’t ever stop sharing her passion and love for it until the day she can’t anymore.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Early Life

Yutaka Miyagawa was born and raised in Sapporo, Japan. From the age of 6, her parents put her in piano lessons, in which she greatly excelled and was surprisingly very talented at. Learning to read and comprehend music came easy to her, and quickly she climbed to the top percentage of music students in the school she was enrolled in. After just 3 years of playing the piano, she’d already succeeded far past beginner music, and moved on to just above intermediate levels. After Yutaka surpassed primary school, her parents decided to enroll her into a fine arts academy, specifically to study music. However, there was one small hurdle. The school was not open enrollment… Yutaka would have to audition and earn her spot in their program for music students. Her first thought was that it would not be hard for her. She’d been playing piano and performing in recitals for more than half her life at this point, what was one measly audition? Soon enough, audition day came, and Yutaka stepped onto the stage, ready to earn her place. Although, she began to experience… fear. She felt droplets of sweat gather in the palms of her hands, and her knees began to wobble beneath her as she walked across the wooden floor to the grand piano. It almost didn’t feel real. Was this really happening? Yes, yes it was. In the midst of her stage fright, the young Yutaka had no idea what to do. In a spontaneous response, she simply shut down. All emotions were suppressed, and everything she’d ever felt leading up to when she sat down on the piano bench had dissipated. It was then that she clocked in and locked in. She opened her sheet music, then began to play Tchaikovsky’s “Valse Sentimentale” (Link). It all felt like a blur. The second Yutaka stook up from that piano stool, she hadn’t remembered anything that happened. She bowed before the judges, then politely took her exit. Weeks later, she received a response from the school. Lo and behold, she’d been accepted. The Miyagawa family celebrated, and soon enough within the next couple of months, Yutaka was starting school at a prestigious fine arts academy.

School Life & College
The moment Yutaka stepped foot inside the fine arts academy, she instantly felt more at home than any school had ever done for her. She’d begun to take classes specifically catered to her musical expertise, and one of these classes was Music Theory & Composition. Yutaka had only known the bare basics of music theory and some chord progressions, so she was looking forward to taking the class. Although the students at the school spread rumors that the class was a total nightmare, the teacher seemed quite pleasant. And just like playing the piano, learning music theory came easy to her too. Unfortunately for her peers, the class did turn out to be a total nightmare. But not for Yutaka, and they all knew that. She became the kid that everyone goes to when they need help… or answers. Being the friendly person she is, Yutaka always offered to help out. She quickly climbed her way to the top of her class, and maintained her position for her last few years of high school. She graduated in the top percentage, then life moved on, and Yutaka would soon begin college in the coming months.

It was no surprise that Yutaka Miyagawa would go on to major in Music Education and Theory while studying at a prestigious university in the city of Kyoto. Being a double major, and both for music, college did not start out so easy for Yutaka. The workload was insanely much, even for a student as diligent as her. She found herself falling behind in her classes, and the stack of papers on her desk in her dorm room was getting taller and taller by the day. Perhaps, she thought, jumping straight into a big university was not the best choice. Yutaka was not one to give up, but this was just too much. She genuinely considered it. Dropping out, going back home and studying at a smaller, more familiar community college. She felt guilty, earning a scholarship to such a respected university only to drop out. However, despite all the circumstances, she decided against going back home. She instead began work on all the assignments she’d let sit and collect dust as the semester went on. She worked tirelessly, giving her best effort to pull her grade back up to passing. Soon enough the end of her freshman year came, and she had somehow managed to just barely sc**** by. She’d passed all her classes by the bare minimum. Yutaka had never been happier in her life to just barely pass by the skin of her teeth. She also felt something else, motivation. From that moment on, she would use her past hardships and successes to motivate her to keep going forward. If she managed to claw and dig and scratch her way out of that rut, then she surely can do the work necessary to not fall in again, and that’s exactly what she did. For the next 3 years, Yutaka thrived in college, floating by in all her classes. Then during her junior and senior years of college, she began her journey of student teaching, where she went to the local high schools and taught them music theory in order to complete her degree. Soon enough she finished her Bachelor’s degree in Music Theory and Education.

After earning her Bachelor’s degree, Yutaka went into the primary school space and began teaching beginner music classes to young children. However, after one school year, she quickly found out that teaching younger students was not for her. Thus, she moved on to teaching high school students, and while she did so, she was also taking college classes herself to earn her Master’s degree in music theory. After two long and tedious years of teaching high school music theory and working on her masters degree in the meantime, Yutaka had finally done it, and graduated college with a masters degree.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

Yutaka Miyagawa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:
Yutaka, Ms. Miyagawa


Gender & pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

3 years

Working Experience (# of years):
5 years

Academic Degree:
Master’s Degree

Year of Graduation:

Music Education
Music Theory


Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Music Theory​
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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