Level 6

Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
ImNikaBTW (My main.)
luckyl3monade_ (alt)
NikaEXP (alt)
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
luckylemonade_ (Main)
lixil3mon (Alt/iPad/backup account)
nya.nika (alt/backup)
How old are you? (Optional):
21 (June 2002)
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I’m on almost every day. I have multiple characters so I tend to switch out depending on the day/time/need for that character. I own two animal whitelists, a bear whitelist and a cat whitelist and am an Omega+ rank. I tend to join in ooc chat when there’s an interesting topic and do my best to abide not only by the server rules but the in character rules as well. I spend most of my time doing family roleplay with the VuLees as of right now and when I’m not with them, I’m typically off hanging out with friends. I've participated in a bit of GangRP but have been trying to stray from it as of late. Of course, even when you're trying to stay away from it, trouble can still find you. I attend classes regularly while on during school hours and stay out of trouble as much as possible. I also have an alternate account in which I will be moving my adult characters to as I make them. This will provide some organization as well as make it easier to keep my school aged character's separate from those in adulthood and city roles. I do have a part time job that I work a couple times a week as well as classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, however I still try to keep myself active everyday. If I'm unable to get on before school or work, I will get on afterwards.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I’ve never been banned on the server, however I was warned for texting people out of character as well as having an apartment on my alt. I had gotten the apartment merely hours before and was actively trying to sell the apartment on my main. However, I understand what I did was wrong and I apologize.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge and I understand this.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Denied - NikaEnvy | Event Team Application
IGN: NikaEnvy luckyl3monade_ [ALT] _NyaNika [ALT] Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server: I’ve been playing SRP since June 29th, 2023 and since then I’ve immersed myself into almost every kind of Roleplay I’ve been able to! I’ve worked hard to keep a...
Accepted - NikaEnvy | Design Tech Teacher Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: NikaEnvy luckyl3monade_ [ALT] _NyaNika [ALT] Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): luckylemonade_ Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone and am fully comfortable with speaking in calls. How old...
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
•[ Adult ] Pualani Beaufoy
Permission to speak French
Permission to speak JSL
Permission to speak Spanish
•[ Grade 12 ] Adora Aetos-Keepur
Permission to speak French
Permission to speak JSL
Permission to speak Spanish
•[ Grade 12 ] Lapis Togomi-Zindel
Permission to speak French
Permission to speak JSL
Permission to speak Spanish
•[ Grade 12 ] Xara Hinoshi
Permission to speak French
Permission to speak JSL
Permission to speak Spanish
•[ Grade 7 ] Mikasa K. Andreev
Permission to speak French
Permission to speak JSL
Permission to speak Spanish
Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/
What shop are you applying for?:
As many people know you can apply for custom shops so that's what I am doing. This shop will be similar to Hot Topic but with a twist! It will not only contain items for almost every genre, but it will also have a snack/beverage bar for those who need refreshments! It will carry items that vary from accessories to plushies to fun collectibles exclusive to Pop Karakura! Please feel free to message my discord if you have any questions regarding this new shop.
Pop Karakura! [ NEW BUSINESS ]
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Becoming a shopkeeper has interested me for quite some time. I’ve been on SRP since June and have enjoyed looking through each player owned shop as it’s opened. It’s a wonderful opportunity to throw yourself head first into the Karakura community and learn responsibility as your character! The shops are always so unique and the idea of creating one of my own is something that excites me! My co-owner, Cotton C. Cynosa, and I have my ideas for our shop and are excited to implement them in the best ways we can! We've been discussing what to add to the shop over the course of the past few weeks and even applied to Joi-Kon while it was looking for new ownership. We plan to take into consideration every suggestion as well as create a safe space for people to shop.
I don’t just want to become a shopkeeper just to sell items either. Working with the general public is a passion of mine occly and I would love to do so in SRP as well! Becoming a shopkeeper will give me this chance. I’ve applied for other city positions before and while yes at the time they seemed to be what I wanted, I’m looking for a shopkeeper position now rather than that of KPD or any other. My character has had a long past and wants to only move forward with her life. She's decided to do so by opening her own business. Being a shopkeeper has become her dream as she 's begun working hard to make it happen, figuring out and what needs to be done to make the shop a success as well as how to decorate it and what to sell. She's worked her entire life to prove herself and is finally ready to open her own business and follow her passions.
Creativity is a wondrous gift which is why I'm excited to use mind towards a shop that will bring excitement to any who enter! I enjoy thinking of new ideas for the shop and can't wait until I can one day open one! Leadership is also an important skill to have which is why I believe I'm ready to step up and take on the role of Shopkeeper in Karakura. I've worked hard to keep each of my character's record as clean as possible, both school and city. I strive to be the best person I can be both oocly and iccly. I believe that taking on this role will give me a chance to flourish and grow into a more well-rounded individual. Given my ooc experience working, I do know how some shops work in real life which allows to have a better understanding of to keep things running smoothly and efficiently. I've seen the good, the bad, and the ugly when working and I'm ready to take on every last bit of it!
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
Pop Karakura! will be a shop that sells a range of items, from alcoholic beverages to collectible plushies! This shop will be one of kind with many items that will be custom made for this shop exclusively. It will be a place for anyone to shop and will include a snack area, sort of like how Target used to have, for those who need something to eat or drink before, during, or after they shop! The shop will open at least once a week once it's set up and will sell things of every genre, although it will have quite a bit of pop culture items. Each holiday we will host an event as well as a sale that will be voted for in a poll via the Pop Karakura! discord server (link provided at the bottom of the application).
The overall feel of the store we are going for is a mix between Hot Topic and Target from real life. We plan to include quite a bit of pop culture items, however still provide something for anyone who would like to enter. Even those who don't like pop culture can find something at Pop Karakura! as we try not to exclude anyone. The store will have a darker theme with large windows that allows anyone to peek inside. There will be multiple sections depending on what you're looking for as well as a snack/drink bar for those who need refreshments! The color scheme will be somewhat darker, sort of how Joi-Kon looked, but with wooden and stone accents.
[ Picture this! ]
You're walking around and spot a brand new shop. As you begin to walk past, you have to stop and take a peek, the curiosity is just killing you. As you enter the shop, you're greeted by friendly employees who are dressed in uniforms that represent different pop culture references. They give a warm smile and welcome you to look around. Your eyes glisten as you see the shelves lined with plushies, smartphones, cups, accessories, posters, and so much more. You begin to look around, the excitement in you only growing as you do. As you move further into the store, you see what looks to be a snack bar! You hear your stomach growl as a whiff of the food being prepared makes its way over to you and up your nose. You approach the bar, sitting down as they hand you a menu. As you look through, you're shocked by the many options available. You wonder to yourself what this shop could be named as you wish to tell your friends. Your eyes stray to the top of the menu and you see the name 'Pop Karakura!'. A smile crosses your face as you memorize the name. You already know you'll be coming back here the next time it opens.
What will you sell in your shop?:
•FNAF Security Breach Backpacks (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•FNAF Smartphones (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•FNAF Chokers (neck accessory) (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Cups (assorted from anime themes to video game themes) (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Posters (assortment will be chosen if/once our shop is opened and we can post a poll in the shop discord to see what the players of srp would like) (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Collectible Among Us Plushies (an assortment of different types of among us characters for people to collect, with an ultra rare limited edition horse version like they had for April Fools) (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Collectible Muffin Plushies (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Bunny Plushies [ VARIANTS HOLDING DIFFERENT FRUITS] (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Flower Plushies [ VARIANTS OF DIFFERENT FLOWERS SUCH AS DAISIES, ROSES, ETC. ] (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Cat Plushie [ VARIANTS OF DIFFERENT CATS ] (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Cotton Candy Plush (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Anime Collectibles (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•FNAF Fizz Drinks (custom Pop Karakura! exclusive)
•Various toys
•Various accessories
•Milkshakes [ SEVERAL FLAVORS]
•Bento Boxes
•Sanrio Buns (Pop Karakura! exclusive)
How many employees do you plan to have?:
Application and hiring process:
When going about hiring, Pop Karakura! works hard to be sure those they hire care about the community and the work they're doing. Many things are taken into consideration as the applications are reviewed such as activity, time zones, how certain situations are handled, and their overall demeanor. The application will consist of both in character and out of character questions as well as some scenarios to get a feel of how they'll react to situations that may arise while working. Once the application is fully filled out, the shopkeepers as well as a two of the key holders will take a look at them. They will look for certain attributes that shine through in the applications and invite them to an interview in the shop to gain a sense of what their character will be like in the work environment. When an applicant is accepted, the member's first two shifts will be considered 'trial periods' in case something happens or they aren't a good fit. The trial periods mean that you will still get paid the regular amount, but if you don't abide by the rules of SRP or the shop, you will be removed.
Lyric Fata [MAIN OWNER] (NikaBlossom)
Cotton C. Cynosa [CO OWNER/BUSINESS PARTNER] (Besthoneypie)
Shopkeepers (2/2):
The shopkeepers are the highest rank of the Pop Karakura! employee rankings. They will oversee all sales, issues, events, and hires. Their job is to manage the store effectively so there are no issues with any staff, products, or customers. They are here to ensure the highest level of customer service is shown as Pop Karakura! prides themselves on such. The shopkeepers are there to be sure there is to be no bullying, harassment, or cruelty of any kind to any members of the SRP server. They will have the final say in any changes to be made as well as any sort of punishment needed for the employees and those with keys. They will be sure to stay unbiased and professional when making decisions for the shop. The shopkeepers also help with the registers, restock, inventory, and decorating. They're a jack of many traits.
Key Holders (0/4):
People with keys to the store will be able to open the store for the owners if they are unable to be on immediately and if something were to happen to an owner’s internet or computer or game, they would be able to hold down the fort until one if not both of the owners are able to get on. They are brought in on important decisions, however if the shopkeepers need to veto something, they can override the key holders votes. They are able to work the registers, restock, and even help decorate. These individuals are trusted more than a regular employee due to them showing an immense amount of interest in Pop Karakura! and those who work there.
Employees (0/15):
The employees of this store will be trained in general customer service, however they will not have keys to the store nor will they have any final say in managerial matters. With that said, we will take into consideration any complaints and/or suggestions they may have and we never want our employees to be afraid to speak up. They will be able to work the registers and help with restock and inventory, however they will not be brought in on the bigger decisions as those will be left to the key holders and shopkeepers.
Discord Server Link:

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
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Additional notes about your application:
The discord server is a work in progress so please bear with me as I continue to set it up! Thank you for taking the time to review and consider my application. Have a wonderful rest of your day!
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