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Denied Poseter | Art Teacher Application


Level 12
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:

What is your time zone?:

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is about 1 1/2 hours when I am free, I have a job in real life which decreases my average time. On my days off, I may play for 2-3 hours at a time.

Do you have any previous bans?:
Yes, 10 days.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Poseter's Ban Appeal | [DENIED]
Poseter's Korean Application | [DENIED]
Poseter's Korean Application | [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Main (Poseter)
Alt (Kritiqual)


What subject are you applying to teach?:

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I have taught Algebra 1, Business classes, and digital art websites virtually to students in real life for a few months. Teaching math, art, and other subjects/electives is something I actually want to do in real life whether that's just tutoring, but still getting experience teaching people is fun to me. I have seen a lot of the teachers here and they have a very different way of teaching. Personally, I love teaching in a fun way and I would love to show people the way of teaching that I use.

Sometimes when many students are online but there are a few teachers-- and some that don't even teach -- it gets really boring to play. That's why, when I am a teacher I will feel motivated to let the students do something during school. I am not strict and want everyone to get a chance at what they are best at, even if it's not art.

I want to learn the ways that students learn so I get the basic knowledge of teaching. Whether some classes go fast or other classes go slow, I want to know all of the habits students give to the teachers. Teaching on SRP sounds really fun, and I want to experience that even if it's just for a short while.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes! I am willing to wait however long that is needed!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The logs are for the teachers to log their classes so they can get their quota for the month. This allows SLT(?) to know the inactivity, activity, and paychecks of their employees. These logs will tell how many people were in the class, how long it lasted, and of course who taught it.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Setting rules for a classroom is crucial for all teachers and students to follow. Students should be able to have freedom, however enough freedom to where chaos won't commence. Rules should allow students to be safe, secure, and directed. Rules should be set in place because the student is in the classroom for a reason, they are there because they chose to be.

Rules in a classroom should follow the lines of respect, following directions, and staying safe.

RULE 1: Be respectful towards everyone inside and outside the classroom.
Students should not be fighting or disrespectful to anyone inside or outside the classroom. Students should sit quietly and listen when told. All teachers and students should follow this rule no matter who they are. Respect is something that should be a habit, not a hobby.

RULE 2: Ask before doing.
A rule that should be everywhere. This may be a confusing rule, but it's self-explanatory. Before speaking, you should raise your hand. Raising your hand is giving the signal that you want to ask a question.

RULE 3: No distractions.
A classroom should have no distractions. This includes any instruments, masks, yelling, fighting, or any other disruptions that may come up. A classroom is for learning, it is not a concert room.

RULE 4: Preparation
Preparation is extremely important in a classroom. Not only do the teachers need to prepare for their lessons, but so do the students. They need to come with all supplies at hand!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I've been roleplaying basically all my life, whether it was serious or not. I first started off in small servers then made my way up when I got the opportunity. Hypixel Housing was my next step. I played plenty until it got boring and I no longer played it anymore. Soon it was already 2022 and I had found School Roleplay. Joining it gave me a whole new experience in roleplay. At the beginning, I really had no shot with anyone because I wasn't as good. I began to read the rules, gained friends, and started getting used to the roleplay experience SRP gave to me. I always wanted to expand my roleplay experience, and SRP was a great step that I took. I can't wait to get better at all the terms!

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Departments
↳ Description: The.. head of the departments is really self-explanatory! They look over all respective departments to make sure everything is running smoothly. They are the highest authority in that department so if anything is needed, the department employees would need to go to them.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: These teachers have been teaching for a longer time than NQTs, and have a lot more experience in teaching. These teachers will be able to do much more than the other teachers and have more freedom. These teachers are fully trained and are the closest to HD.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: These teachers have just become official teachers and are new, like the name! These teachers no longer need training, however, are not fully qualified. They have less freedom than actual teachers and still need more experience to continue.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: These teachers are in need of training before they are an NQT. They may be overseen by principals or HDs in order to show they can be independent and taught anything they need to understand before becoming fully independent.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teaching in and out of the game both have high responsibilities. This includes educating future or current generations, helping them learn their paths, and finding what they are best in. Teachers have a lot more of a significant impact on children even if some may not think so. Some may even get that opinion because they went to school! Teachers serve the purpose of building life skills, finding and fostering creativity, and strengthening those they teach. Teaching should be enjoyed just as much as learning. Teachers should look at their student's POV and learn what they want best. A great teacher is the best thing you can provide to the students.

Teachers in SRP who are NQT get 350k yen per month, however, QTs get 500k per month. NQTs get that money from completing 10 classes but all teachers can get an extra 50k from completing 5 more classes. The maximum amount of yen that one can receive is 500k a month.

All teachers should focus on getting their assignments, and other preparations before the class begins. They should never start a class asking what the students would like to do unless it is a free period. Otherwise, teachers should be able to take breaks and sit down!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are an extremely important aspect to SRP because teachers teach!! If there were no teachers, there would be no school aspect in SRP. SRP's name is literally SCHOOL Roleplay. Without them, the realistic perspective that SRP has come to gain would no longer be there. There would be no reason for school roleplay to be called school roleplay if teachers were not working there. If this were to occur, the server would most likely be called City Roleplay. Even then, a city always has a school!

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
As to what I have learned, it is called MosCow which stands for Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have!

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?
Byungho Lee, otherwise known as Benny. Benny has been through quite a change in recent months... years... decades? His last name has changed quite a bit from Laresca to Garcia! He is a very chill guy who wants everyone to look at him as a person they inspire. He wants to show that he knows a lot! He loves teaching others about things they wouldn't have, such as sports. He is very athletic but he is kind! Some athletes are known to be jocks or mean but he wants to show not all athletics are that way! He may not have thought much about his future until he felt he wanted to teach people about things he has enjoyed. He loves drawing and has always continued to get better at it throughout the years. He has not focused his life on this, though. He's very soft until someone has started a fight or has upset someone else. He will show the person they may have regretted doing that! He wants students to learn in a fun way because sitting in classes is not fun for him, so he wants to change that and make it fun! Benny is 6'4 and may continue to grow, but he seems to be staying the same height. He may seem tough on the first encounter but is most definitely not that way!


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Benny -- Who is most likely talking to students! -- hears a bunch of people saying quite rude things! He'd tell the student(s) he's talking to that he will be right back and to not worry. He'd walk over to the students who seemed to be using rude language and ask if anything is wrong and to watch their language. If there is nothing wrong, he'd give them a bit of a talk.
"Hey, guys! What's wrong? I'd like you to use kind language, though!"
"Nothing is wrong? Well, the way you are using your language makes it seem that way. Please use kind words as there are younger students here who may be influenced by your words. Some may even be uncomfortable hearing things like that, so I ask you to not use that language. I hope you understand, thank you!"
If the students continue to use the language and excuse him entirely, he'd get a little upset.
"Guys, I already asked you to watch your language. If you continue to use your language in this manner, I will hand you detention, understood?"

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
First, he'd need to gain their attention. If no attention is directed toward him, he will find the cause and sort it out. If there are students who are the main cause, he will threaten them with detention as they are breaking two rules.
If a student is not the cause of the problem, he'd know it was himself. He'd ask the students what would be better for them since his preparation was clearly something they didn't want to do. If he liked the options, he'd make a few and ask the students if they want to do them. He'd smile to himself knowing he'd done a better job than before.
If either is not the cause, he'd make sure he can figure it out. He may turn his period into a free period or another fun assignment. He may do a game or otherwise, let them continue to talk as they most likely have everything done!

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Benny would sit down and gain his energy back. He's most likely in there during the afternoon because that's when lunchtime is. Otherwise, he'd be in the lunchroom! Benny would eat snacks he's brought or drink something he's brought. He loves coffee, especially iced so he'd be drinking a full cup of it! If Benny has extra time, he'd make an assignment or prepare for a class he has not done yet. He'd get along with any other faculty members inside the room so he can gain friends, as that's all he wants! Benny may take a nap, draw, listen to music, or talk to others about his day if he's had a rough day. He usually has good days, though!

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would get the attention of his class. "Good morning, everyone! How are you today?" he'd say looking around his room at his students. He'd make sure to gain an image of everyone so he'd know where everyone was sitting in case they had a question.

/me would stand behind his desk waiting for class to start. He'd talk to any students at the beginning and get the assignment he'd had ready in front of him. He'd make sure he had enough by doing a head count and a sheet count. He'd have more than enough! "Sit, please! Class is about to begin." He'd motion down as a signal to have everyone sit.

/me stood up, now that he's told the class to come in line to get the assignment, he'd make sure to stand in a good space so the students had enough room. "Here you go!" He'd hand the first student a sheet, continuing to do this throughout the line. Once the last was reached, he'd put any extras away and stood tall at his desk.

/me would be next to a student who had a question. He'd wanted to get closer because the class was loud. He'd clap after hearing what the student wanted. He'd walk to the front of his class and gain the attention of the class. "Everyone, please! Let's calm down and lower our voices. How about we whisper to our neighbors?"

Byungho Lee was born in Seoul, Korea. His name really says it all! Korean is really the only thing he knew up until he moved to America. He never learned English but he wanted to! He can say hello and excuse me, but nothing more. As a child, the school was always rough for Benny, his nickname, because he never really.. went to school. He was homeschooled by his father because, well, he was in America! He moved back to Korea not long after. Benny and his 2 brothers and 2 sisters were inseperable. They all loved each other. As an 8 year old, he thought it'd be tought being the oldest but he loved it! He got to beat them up! His mother was never really there for Benny and his siblings, as she was always at work. They never really knew if it was work because she never showed much love to his father. Benny's grandmother would always visit and would always make Benny happy.
However, not every story is good. Only 2 months later after his last grandmother's visit --she would not visit frequently, no she's not dead-- a tragedy struck. His father had been missing the day before, and during the night a fire broke loose. They all managed to escape except they hadn't noticed the youngest brother had not left the house. During this realization, the house had struck into flames. Not long after, him, his mother and 2 siblings all moved to his grandmother's house. This house was located in Japan. Benny learned about Karakura, Japan and some of it's history and wanted to go to the school at the town. He'd heard a bunch of gangs and deliquents frequented the town so he wanted to make sure all and everyone were safe. Altohugh he has nothing against gangs.. He's too scared!
This trauma had Benny always thinking about the younger kids. He wanted to keep them safe, protect them from any kinds of danger at any means neccessary. Well, there are some exceptions. This thought always led Benny towards the right direction. He protected his friends and helped those in need. He wanted to continue this, even if it meant being someone the kids hated... A TEACHER! He felt the need to educate people because it was where he could see all students be safe. Students were always at school and he loved to walk around so if anyone were to get hurt, he'd be there!

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Byungho Garcia
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Byungho
Preferred Name: Benny

Age (Minimum is 27): 28
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Athiest
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Korean
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): I've been a tutor for about 8 years now, and this'll be my first real teaching experience.

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation: 2020
Major(s): Bachelor's in Education
Minors: Arts & Design(B), Mathematics(A). I did Math first, changed it to Education & Arts.

Native Languages: Korean
Other Languages: English, Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.


Level 123
Community Team
Lore Team
Unfortunately, we have denied your application today.

We suggest you add more details next time you apply!

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