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Post a Screenshot of Your Inventory & Explain the Items Inside


Level 106
i'm actually tilted, december 2022 i discovered a way to glitch snowball items into your inventory so they wouldn't disappear when you took them from your main hand, and either i don't know where i stashed them or staff cleared them from wherever i was hiding them and didn't have the decency to be like "haha heehee we found your secret, get bent loser"

You don't know the amount of trouble I had to go through to get those 18 stacks of snowballs, this was the one time i was going to show them off and everybody was gonna be like "what the heck how the heck philbertman42 is hckacker what??" but now i have nothing to show for it. Oh, the two stacks of trophy items items i smuggled from an event in summer 2022? my random collection of miscellaneous glitched tile drops? my retro fish collection? My 185 reward tokens, all of which I got legitimately but nobody believes me because I've been in the teaching faction (mostly) since 2019? Asuka Deguchi's collapsible metal chair? nobody cares about that crap, because everybody has stuff like that. but a half inventory FULL of snowballs? In MARCH? That would be AWESOME.

This has genuinely ruined my evening. Here I am, after having found the perfect post to flex my silly amount of glitched snowballs, only to find them all robbed from me. I didn't even get to throw them myself. I imagine the staff member who did it didn't throw them, either. They just deleted them, boringly, and without mercy. They robbed not only me, but the world of that joy. They could have shared the snowballs with their friends, with random people at spawn, and had a snowball fight. Really, it would have lasted a decent while. But no, they probably just erased them from existence.

You know, perhaps, if I wasn't robbed of my snowballs, I would have reported the exploit required to duplicate them to the server, and it would have ended there. But no, we're past that point. See, this could have been a mutually beneficial experience for us, but you, staff member responsible for this, were the one who forced me to do this. Mark my words, come December 2024, I will duplicate so many snowballs, and I won't be satisfied with just stashing them. Heavens no, that wouldn't be fun, would it? No. I will distribute the wealth, strategically hiding snowballs in every corner of the map, giving them to every player, all while hiding the method for their production. I will be the sole distributor of these snowballs, and the server will be overrun by them.

I did not start this war, but I will certainly be the one ending it. That isn't a threat, it's a promise.
I really hope you win philbertman42 (I know this is a bit old now but I literally am crying so hard because of this)


Level 35
this got bumped so im redoing


HEAD: Piercing set, one that was randomly dropped to me and the owner didn't want back.. I've been offered hundreds of thousands for this one dozen pixel item.

1. Band-aid because it looks really silly
2. Duffy for switching out of outfits in chases
3. Some random toy robot I bought which I genuinley never use
3. Pool floatie that I use whenever I accidentally fall into the sea while fishing
4. Comically large saxophone to display my amazing talents
5. Jake hat (I am Jake)
6. Cane to use incase I get majored, which is never happening because I am him
7. Fendi backpack to use while scrolling through my toy assortment on Astor
8. Comically large hammer which I've used to reopen stitches and force blood to be coughed up, traded for my Senova glasses
9. Umbrella that I got in the storm event
10. Half eaten BLT which I use to disgust people
11. Crown staff because I'm royalty
12. 2 bottles of strawberry milkshake to sugar crash on, I traded one for my Grimace Shake and got the other as a shut-up fee
13. Skateboard to showcase my amazing kickflips and completely ignore the nerds over at town hall
14. Bluey popsicle because it looks really silly and I can make annoying noises ICly if I put it on my head
15. Water gun to snipe people, has caused multiple IC death threats to be delivered
16. Gameboy because you gotta stay on the grind
17. Cat ears because Astor might be a femboy
18. Some random blowfish someone gave me to care for (I protect it with my life)
19. BOOK 1: The restraining order Astor got
20. BOOK 2: A book that just says the words "im sorry" across 20 pages repeatedly
21. Lightning earbuds to listen to heavy metal
22. Metal baseball bat to bully sport players
23. Rio Rykari ballistic face mask- old Moichido custom for the memes
24. Christmas phone I had to get as a fast replacement because I accidentally dropped my old one- I'M STILL TRYING TO GET RID OF IT


Level 121
i'm actually tilted, december 2022 i discovered a way to glitch snowball items into your inventory so they wouldn't disappear when you took them from your main hand, and either i don't know where i stashed them or staff cleared them from wherever i was hiding them and didn't have the decency to be like "haha heehee we found your secret, get bent loser"

You don't know the amount of trouble I had to go through to get those 18 stacks of snowballs, this was the one time i was going to show them off and everybody was gonna be like "what the heck how the heck philbertman42 is hckacker what??" but now i have nothing to show for it. Oh, the two stacks of trophy items items i smuggled from an event in summer 2022? my random collection of miscellaneous glitched tile drops? my retro fish collection? My 185 reward tokens, all of which I got legitimately but nobody believes me because I've been in the teaching faction (mostly) since 2019? Asuka Deguchi's collapsible metal chair? nobody cares about that crap, because everybody has stuff like that. but a half inventory FULL of snowballs? In MARCH? That would be AWESOME.

This has genuinely ruined my evening. Here I am, after having found the perfect post to flex my silly amount of glitched snowballs, only to find them all robbed from me. I didn't even get to throw them myself. I imagine the staff member who did it didn't throw them, either. They just deleted them, boringly, and without mercy. They robbed not only me, but the world of that joy. They could have shared the snowballs with their friends, with random people at spawn, and had a snowball fight. Really, it would have lasted a decent while. But no, they probably just erased them from existence.

You know, perhaps, if I wasn't robbed of my snowballs, I would have reported the exploit required to duplicate them to the server, and it would have ended there. But no, we're past that point. See, this could have been a mutually beneficial experience for us, but you, staff member responsible for this, were the one who forced me to do this. Mark my words, come December 2024, I will duplicate so many snowballs, and I won't be satisfied with just stashing them. Heavens no, that wouldn't be fun, would it? No. I will distribute the wealth, strategically hiding snowballs in every corner of the map, giving them to every player, all while hiding the method for their production. I will be the sole distributor of these snowballs, and the server will be overrun by them.

I did not start this war, but I will certainly be the one ending it. That isn't a threat, it's a promise.
lol sorry that was me

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