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Priest application


Level 7



Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section


girlfr1qnd - Main (APPLYING)
Will be leaving Football upon acceptance.


No and yes. But I can join voice calls if needed. If absolutely needed I can join vc's on my phone to be able to speak, but if not required I'll join on my pc.


I do spend quite a bit of time on srp. During the week, I am at high school from 6:50 am to 4:05 pm, dedicating about 10 hours a day to school and I do a side hustle, netball which takes up about an hour or two on wednesdays, which means I don't necessarily play srp on wednesdays and when I do it's for a very short period of time. Whenever I can make time to play srp I am normally on for an hour more maybe five. On weekends I am on from 8 am to at least 11 pm although there are times I do not get on at all for a long period of time, I always make sure to do an inactive notice if that is going to happen. Taking all of this into consideration I'd say my overall activity on the server would be a solid 8.4/10.

Shrine Priest.


My knowledge on Shintoism is quite compact, I have been learning about it from videos, google, people who are in shrine and other sort of websites. However, I am looking to put the knowledge I do know into play, which would allow me to comprehend other things. I am willing to learn anything and everything about the religion of shintoism.
Here are a few things I do know though:

Shinto Shrines (神社, jinja), are places of worship and dwellings of the Kami, 'gods'. Sacred objects in all different shapes and forms reside within a Shinto Shrine, there are also objects of worship in which where a Kami may stored the innermost Chamber of the shrine where they cannot be seen by anybody.

There are definitely hundreds of thousands of Kami but trying to name them all would be terribly hard as I only know the few I researched these selected few are:

Amaterasu-Omikami The sun goddess, this Kami is the most important in the religion as of oocly state!

Susanoo, the kami of the wind, or the storm-god, who both causes and protects from disasters, an interesting fact is that Susanoo is the brother of Amaterasu-Omikami!

Inari Okami, the kami of rice and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic are foxes, pretty cool right? I love foxes.

Ebisu, A Kami who bring prosperity. Originally the abandoned leech-child of Izanami and Izanagi.

Hachiman, the Kami of war. Hachiman uses the bow and arrow in war! Isn't that interesting?

And Omoikane the kami of wisdom and intelligence, who is always called upon to "ponder".

Cool Fact break:
There are over 80,000 Shinto Shrines around the world, though most of them reside in Japan.


Thats it about kami moving onto what you need to do before entering the shrine. As you walk into the shrine there is a Temizuya, you must cleanse your hands at the well, this is to ward off any evil spirits or bad feelings that might surround you. In saying this you'd need to pick up the ladle called a Hishaku with your right hand, filling it with water. Then you want to pour the water onto your left hand, cleansing it, repeat this step for your right hand! Make sure you are all cleansed before reaching the actual shrine. Now this next part citizens don't have to do. Mitsue, Miko, Shinkan and whoever else works for the shrine MUST. Use your left hand to scoop some of the cleansing water, bring it up to your lips and pour the water in, swishing it around before spitting it out next to the Temizuya, don't consume or spit the water back into the water. Then make sure you leave everything how you find it! Put the ladle back and make your way towards the shrine!!

Torii gates:

Is it a must for Shrine workers to bow before the Torii gates? Yes! Yes it is. Shrine workers must bow before walking under a Torii gate. The reason you bow is because it represents the entrances to the domain of a Kami. You must greet the Kami as you enter, showing respect to that Kami. To do a proper brow, you must stop in front of the Torii gate and bow at an 90 degree angle. Don't bow too far forward or too far back.

Cool Fact Break:
A large shrine can contain at least several smaller sub-shrines. These Shinto shrines can cover thousand acres, or a few square feet.

Tamagushi, Ofuda, Kagura Suzu:

Explained at the bottom of the application.

An Omikuji is a paper slip with the results of fortune-telling written on it. Many Japanese Shrines and temples offer this Omikuji to tell your fortune and give you advice on how to improve your life in the coming future. It doesn't just tell you whether you have good or bad luck in the future, but it also describes various fortunes in detail, such as your luck in money, health, romantic relationships and so on. Omikuji price varies depending on the Shrine you visit.

Despite my low knowledge on Shintoism, I am happy to sit and learn about the entire religion for hours on end if I have to. Not only will learning about Shintoism help my actual understanding of what it is but it'll also open up many roleplaying situations and things that I would love to be apart of. But I am willing to learn anything I can about Shintoism and its origin.


I don't think I stand out among other applicants, because I don't know how well they actually know about the religion of shintoism but if I were to say why I think I should stand out is because over the past few weeks I have been coming to the Shrine on mostly my character Mihi Minori, and by doing this i have learned so much about the religion and what it is and what Kami are. I do also believe another reason I stand out is my activity... My /playtime is growing at a rapid speed due to all the long unhealthy hours I spend on SRP. Despite having multiple accounts on the server I have chosen to keep two on here and the others ... Not anymore. What actually started my liking for Shinto Shrines is when I actually visited Japan a few months ago while I was inactive. Visiting the shrine was quite the experience because i have never witnessed or been able to see what actually happens in the shrines in real life. But now I have and I absolutely loved how they performed tarot readings and welcoming of the guests. The Maidens and Priests were so kind and lovely that it made me wonder if i could be one of them some day, but having an opportunity to be one on SRP is not only going to add to my knowledge of Shinto Shrines but it'll even make my love for it grow.

But seriously, recently a few things have gone down hill in sport and I'd love to be able to switch it up and experience something that I also love- as stated before I've been to a Shrine in Japan and miss it. The Maidens and priest were all very kind and understanding, making sure to greet each guest with gentle bows and holding conversations when spoken to.

Yes and I am looking forward to attending those trainings.
In-Character (IC) Section

Everything written within the IC section is done/would be said by my character. In this instance its like an interview.

SECTION 1: Character Details


"I bear the name Abel Shiamayabakiyaukuro." His voice cold, warm, and fluent.
A polite nod would come from the tall male.

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
His title? Surely people would know by just looking at him? If not he said it anyways,

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
"I'm currently
36." The words seemed to roll off his tongue like cotton candy, addictive, yet it flowed, just like a calm river.


A brow rose, why was his nationality suddenly so important? Oh well if it is an question he must answer no matter what.
"I am Japanese, Born, and raised."

He'd give out a frustrated grunt as he began typing on his phone, upon closer inspection you'd notice the phone was broken, the screen was barely hanging on by a thread, the home button seemed to be missing. You couldn't help yourself but wonder where it could of gone or how it could of ended up so broken. Oh goodness and not to mention the back of the phone, cracks galore! What could this man been doing to create such a broken, hardly working phone?
"Right, my number," The words rolled off his tongue like an broken melody,

Glancing up at the interviewer Abel had an indifferent expression, clearly he was ready to answer this question, But why the face? "Motivation.. yes yes.." His hand would come to rest on his neck, rubbing it slightly. "My motivation for applying to work at the Monastery is that since I was young I had always dreamed of being a Priest. And well now I have the chance to be one," A small grin graced the mans face, "That's kind of it really, oh.. And the fact I'd love to be able to spend my days endlessly walking around. But somewhere peaceful, full of nature and kindness.. The shrine is a perfect place to be doing that."


Rubbing his eyes, yawning he'd look up. "The history? Thank goodness my daughter talked about the shrine history for hours on end. I knew it would be handy, well looky here it is!" Abel nodded his head, getting his thoughts in track so he could begin speaking. "There is a lot of History and Information about the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, now where to begin? OH! How about the mountain it is sat upon where it overlooks the beautiful lush green forest. and probably the cemetery." A loud grunt could be heard as he stood up, walking over to the book shelf as he began to speak, his eyes trailed the shelf as if he was searching for something. "The shrine is located on top of Mt. Daichi, lovely mountain though it took quite some time to build didn't it? 18 years I believe." Grinning from ear to ear he'd reach out to grab a book, returning to his seat and flicking through the pages. Before he settled on the page he was looking for he'd look up at the Mitsue giving her a small smile. "The Shrine was built in 744 by Buddhist monks and has been one of the oldest buildings since then. Now there are many rooms and areas to explore in the shrine but one that stood out to me is the abandoned Area of the shrine, now reading what happened was quite shocking. It was apart of the old Monastery, the only building that had remained standing after all the other areas had been burned down in 1176 then rebuilt in 1228 where it was renamed.. let me have a look." He'd turn to the book reading a few words then speaking them outloud. "Ah yes, 'Kitsune Monastery' butt plot twist! It was destroyed again!! Why? Well it was a message from the Karakura citizens who held riots this was in 1578, but guess what.. THIRTY YEARS later it was rebuilt and had been given the name of 'Shinsei Seinaru Monastery' and that is where we are today folks."

At first glance the enclosed envelope seemed to be covered in drawings of exquisite vines and roses, a red seal with the image of a vine wrapping around a rose seemed to make sure the letter was closed and untouched, this also made sure that no other prying eyes could see the letter except Monastery lead. Upon opening the letter you’d notice every single word was written with care. The letters curved perfectly, exquisite if you will; it was as if he had been practicing cursive writing to impress the Mitsue.


Dear monastery lead,
"I write to you in hope that you have received this letter, I hope you had an amazing day. In hopes you have reviewed my letter, I shall first introduce myself. I am Abel Shiamayabakiyaukuro, an middle aged Japanese man who is currently thirty-nine years old. I wish to become a Priest because I believe it could truly be an amazing job. A little about my personality, which is what makes me think that I am qualified (other than my knowledge,) is that I believe I am a very there and open hearted person who doesn’t take little things to heart, I have a very high patients which allows me to deal with kids, I do also deal with my own. A simple example of this is that I enjoy helping other people with anything and everything that they do. Another example is when one of my classmates was having a panic attack I stepped up and calmed them down, I distracted them from what they were panicking about. I, Abel Shiamayabakiyaukuro promise to be a great caretaker to the shrine, I’ll clean with care, and greet guests with kindness. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this letter. I really hope you will give me a chance at becoming a Priest at the shrine.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this
Abel Shiamayabakiyaukuro."

The backstory will be written in an oocly state. Thank you to TenRP for writing the backstory.

BACKSTORY 100+ words:
Abel Shiamayabakiyaukuro

Abel grew up in the vast city of Karakura, Japan. With his mother and father, otherwise known as Saige Shiamayabakiyaukuro and Kylan Shiamayabakiyaukuro. This unyielding and inflexible household fought with the young Abel, who would love to explore and learn new, smart ways to improve his soft skills in life at a young age. His father, a narcissist, one who took Abel to his limits and still does today. His mother is a provider for Abel but one with stringent rules that obeys in his father's footsteps. Abel's parents were a hassle for his younger self, who wanted to know that he was loved and promised a life of greatness and compassion. Masayoshi Boulevard went dark, the same with the Shiamayabakiyaukuro family... Saige, his mother carried little Abel to his room, setting him smoothly into his cot where he went quickly to sleep. Afterwards, his mother backed away before hurrying the lights off for the immature juvenile to keep at rest. His father came around the corner, encountering Saige, and welcoming her while strolling gradually to the couch and putting the television on. A hurtful reminder came from his lips...

" Have you done what I asked, Saige? " His voice was sharp. Kylan lifted his hand and waved for the female's attention, always wanting it.

" Why would I do what you want now Kylan? You always have your way in this house, don't you? " Abel's mother responded quickly, too quick for what she was like... She opened the fridge, and nothing in it sat appealing to eat. " Leave me alone, won't you- Our child is sleeping anyway, don't wake him I tell you!... " Saige looked to the back of the male's head while she spoke, wandering off to her rest, the bedroom.

"You don't speak to me like that, I am in this household for a reason. You need me here, and the same goes for our child. Now, Get me my food I am the important one here, always am. " His father spoke to the female like a servant, something which you don't love. Kylan looked behind him, stopping the female from walking any further while talking, pointing a finger at her. " Stop! " He demanded.

Abel's mother stood weak, waiting for her escape from the male's grip he had on her, controlling and manipulating her in many ways. She also held the male in her grasp, provoking an unreasonably high sense of his own importance. Either way, Saige did her job for Abel's father handing him his food which she made quickly before walking to check on the vulnerable child. Snoring and rustling came from Abel's room, a baby which soundly slept away in the dreams surrounding his miniature self. Similarly, Saige repeated her first motions back into the corridors of the house that she maintained with her partner. But, Abel's father didn't sit on the couch, nor in the bedroom sleeping... His food was not finished, slowly dying on the plate which she served to him. Abel's mother turned hearing quick, heavy footsteps swallow the atmosphere behind her; Abel's father stood, his hands ready to pounce on the female. Kylan gripped the female's arm, dragging her upstairs while roaring and yelling the house down...

" YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO LEARN! " Abel's father screamed to Saige while moving up the stairs. Kylan threw the female up the last step, blocking her from going back down. " YOU HEARD ME, DID YOU NOT?! " Kylan screamed again, grabbing the female by the neck now, throwing her into the bathroom, and shutting the door behind him.

Saige in a panic, slapped and punched the male; trying anything to get Kylan off her. " STOP THIS KYLAN! " Cries from the mother but from who else? Abel's crying was heard by both of the partners from the relationship. " OUR CHILD, STOP THIS!... " Saige ripped the male off her, running through Abel's father's legs to go comfort the child, something she loved.|

The old same still happened but one thing grew the family, Abel.


Abel was a shy, lonely teenage boy, he enjoyed sticking his head into nerdy books or watching his favourite mangas that his mother got him for his birthday last year. He didn't do much in school, only listened as he was told by his mother and father but also the school faculty. His father still gave him a hard time around the house, and his mother agreeing with this, gave Abel a hard time doing more chores from being older and being able to provide more for the household... Abel in a state of boredom, wanted to do something but that something for him would be sitting on the roof, reading and that is exactly what he did. Although it was a cold early December morning, Abel was shocked to find a rock thrown onto his leg, someone wanted him? He of course thought of the worst, his father needing him for another job...

" Hello, father... What now? " Abel kept reading his book, ignoring who it was that threw the rock to his leg.

" Father?... I am not your father nerdy Abel- " The girl spoke loudly to Abel, wanting him to hear her... Like he already can't in the cold morning with no one around? Anyway, the girl looked preppy, a cheerleader or a football player for the school. Her skirt rolled up a tad, with her school shirt unbuttoned by one. The girl looked to be wanting something from Abel, after all... No one talks to a nerd, right?

" What do you need...? And who are you-? You look too popular to be talking to me... Am I right? " Abel was confused, what did she want? He placed his head down back into his book, ignoring what she had to say next, he didn't want any trouble from the cheerleaders now, he already had it tough with the jocks.

" Abel- Look at me when I'm talking, rude! " The female spoke to him in a harsh tone, not liking what the boy had done just now. " You should know me anyway- I'm Ayiko, duhhh-! " She bent down to pick up another rock, throwing it at him. " Boy! " Ayiko then placed her bag on her shoulder, sitting down on the cold, frosty pavement.

" Ow-! And... Of course, I know you, you're with Jiyoshi... The one who picks and bullies me. " He looked up from his book, looking at her while he spoke that sentence. " Anddd... Again- What do you need Ayiko? Before my mother or father came out here, I talked to some girl while reading!... " He placed his book down on the roof before scurrying back " Talk to me in school, you are always with your boyfriend anyway Ayiko- " He was about to close the bedroom window before the girl yelled his name, yelling maybe wasn't a good shout by alerting his mother and father to the scene. Abel's father opened the front door to see this girl sitting down on the pavement outside their house.

" Who the hell are you, why are you here? " Abel's father looked down at the female, crossing his arms before saying. " Do you know who I am? Hmm! "

"Listen mister whoever- You're a no one, be real! " She looked up to his father in disgust, thinking of who he is to think he is all the high and mighty. She got up from her feet, looking up to the closed window now, scoffed and sighed before strolling away from the property.

A scream surrounded the house, a loud and shattering one. " ABEL! " His father it was, what now Abel thought, what did his perfect father need? He sat on the bed, waiting for his punishment... Abel gave up on his strict parents and what they would do if he didn't fulfil their success. Scoffing himself, Abel opened the door to his father, a raging parent burst through the door. His hands enveloped Abel, attacking him then with a painful, deafening scream again...

" WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU BOY?! " His father grabbed onto Abel's ear, holding it while all the pain rushed through his body. " DO YOUR WORK AROUND THIS HOUSE OR I'LL MAKE YOU! HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT I DO FOR THIS HOUSEHOLD? I DO EVERYTHING BECAUSE I'M THE BEST THING YOU AND YOUR MOTHER NEED, THE MOST IMPORTANT! " Another scream engulfed the atmosphere around the pair of them. He let go of Abel's ear, kicking his television remote before saying in a harsh tone. " When are you going to start working, get out my perfect life? I loved it when you were a newborn, no hassle but now I'm racing after you and your problems! Can't wait for it to be me and your mother in this house, kicking you out when you are of age, eh! " Kylan felt no remorse for stating what he had just said, nothing at all. He walked out of the room. " Make sure you do your chores for me, and bring me my food afterwards too! I'm the important one here. " One last sentence before the door slammed.

Abel jumped onto his bed, in rage but also confusion because of his father's words... The words that moulded him for the years to come. Abel was determined, deciding to remove his father's vision from his life and become something better than whatever he was; starting now...

A part of the family leaves, and things become shallow... Everything is going well.


Abel turned the age to leave school, an independent man who never let any thought shape him, nobody. His teenage years went with nothing of his youngster self being brought with him, no baggage of his older self. A new era for man came with new attributes and a new personality, something that the people in his past school were not expecting at all. Abel saw himself going to religion, the shrine he held most of his day, always. This was normal but everyone thought this man was not keeping, this being something he never wanted, his shallow loneliness. Afterwards, he broke from its grasp making sure he killed it while he could, going out of his comfort zone really helped with that. His home with his mother and father never changed though, the negative energy that came with it never changed. Abel hated going back to that one place, but he had to though. It was not possible for him not to, he had to see his mother and father regularly to check on their health. Coming back to the house of horrors, he opened the front door to see his mother crying, weeping about something that she couldn't stop crying over...

" Mother, What happened!? " Shocked, Abel raised his voice, hearing and seeing his mother's cries. He wrapped his arms around the woman, caring for her and making sure she felt safe and protected from any jeopardy.

" It.. It was your father Abel...! " Still crying, it was hard for her to form a sentence, let alone speak to her son about this... His mother cried into his arms, not telling go

" Has he hurt you mother, has he? " He was sharp with this question, wanting the truth from his mother, after all, he never wanted anything of this abuse that ruined this family put onto his lonely, weak mother. He pulled his mother's face out, looking and inspecting it near the eyes, nose and the other crucial areas of the face, he found something. Abel looked to the mother's right eye... A black eye was placed on the mother, a fresh, ugly one. Abel raced up the stairs, trying to find his father but seriously he found no trace, where was he...? Abel looked to the living room, an empty glass of whisky and an open newspaper sat on the couch, a mark of the pupil who inflicted pain on his mother was still perfectly presence on the sofa, he had smashed the glass of the front window and ran away, far away and Abel wanted that, nothing more of this coming to check on them with this happening, he wanted it gone and it was now... finally. Abel went to his mother, picking the woman up and placing her on the sofa before running his hands through his pockets, trying to find his mobile device. He took it out, dialling a number, one ring went before they picked up...

" Hello this is 110, what is your emergency and how can we assist you today? " The officer over the line sounded quick, wanting this over with... A long day on the job for them Abel thought.

" I would like to file a missing person report on a person but also file an abusive and assaulting report on that same person. " Abel spoke snappy but making sure the officer over the line could understand everything he said.

" May I receive their name, where they were last at, location-wise. Also, may I take the name of the victim of this assault? " The officer responded.

" Okay- Okay... My mother is the victim... Saige Shiamayabakiyaukuro and the person I'm filing this report over is called Kylan Shiamayabakiyaukuro... He was last seen in our home, Masayoshi Boulevard, House 264. " Again quick with answering, like he knew one day he would have to make this phone call.

" Alright, Mhm... I will send out a team of detectives to your house and make sure this all goes to plan... You will get a phone call in 1 to 2 days, this can be about or surrounding the idea of you and your mother coming to the station for questioning and reporting this report you want with Kylan Shiamayabakiyaukuro, Is that alright with you? " The officer responded, hearing clacking and radio sounds come through the line as they spoke.

" Of course, I'll keep my phone close and make sure to stay for the team of detectives... Will there be officers on the lookout for Kylan? " Abel nodded, listening to the officer's words.

" Yes, there always is a team of officers, this can be while simply patrolling or if this gets more serious we will send out a group of officers to 'hunt' the pupil down. " The officer thoroughly responded to the male, understanding this information like reading a book.

" I understand, thank you, officer. " Abel smiled, not like the officer could see him but he was happy with what he had done, saving his mother and making sure she had protection from the police force. Abel buttoned the call, placing the phone into his pocket before rushing over to the freezer and grabbing a bag of ice before placing it in his mother's hands. " Keep that on your black eye, it will heal faster... A few days I'd give it Mother. " Abel sat near his mother on the sofa, watching the television, waiting for the detectives to come at the front door....

The shrine was his new home... Something happy and proud to be a part of.


Abel was now happy, the police had found his father, and finally, the horrible man went to court and found himself guilty of his charges. No remorse or anything on Abel's part for his father... One visit a month Abel gave his father, that was it. He found himself at rest, not on edge anymore making sure his perfect father needed everything and anything done, he was complete but Abel never fully felt complete. Abel wanted a job, somewhere to come and feel comfortable, positive and respected also and he wanted this to become his new goal in life, wanting to start strong in this new chapter. His mother was well, nothing could go wrong with this, it's his chance to become something in life and become something strong, and powerful but also find people like him with the same hobbies and more. Abel loved this new idea and jumped into the boat of applying for and finding new jobs to work in... Abel slowly found himself working for a local bakery, it didn't pay well, starting at 50,000 yen a month but either way, Abel liked the new change. What he loved most was his morning walks, walking through the forest and up to the shrine, he paid lots of his time to religion and loved the fact that there were always maidens and priests there... He thought to himself about how these people become and find this passion in life, he felt this warmth of affection hit him every time he came into the shrine, so why not ask?...

" Hello Maiden, may I ask a question, please? " Abel stood still, a bit nervous, coming out of his work uniform, a baker uniform he placed his hands in the pockets of his pants... Casually waiting for the maiden to answer with a yes or a no.

" Of course, you may! What is it? " The maiden responded, placing her hands on her back.

" How did you become a maiden, hm?... And if so, could you inform me about how and where this happens?... Same with the priests, who do they become a priest? " Abel said quietly, not knowing if this question was stupid or not.

Let out a little laugh, pausing it as she spoke. " You apply like any other job, you write your application and send it off to this very shrine. We get lots of applications though, so make sure you are the key person we are looking for. " She turned around afterwards, walking into the tea house. Abel thought to himself... "Apply... hmm! Apply!" That's it he thought, he will apply for this job in hopes of getting it. Abel rushed home, telling his mother about what happened today and how he was going for a new job in hopes of getting it, this wouldn't be easy for Abel though but at least he had the fighting courage...

Present Day...

You let your story head into a different path every day, make sure it's the right path you take. Paths can lead to dead ends or failure, turn back if you need but be careful about every decision you make because you can always lead yourself back to square one.

Everything written within the IC section is done/would be said by my character. In this instance its like an interview.

SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details

What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:

He'd sit in the cushioned chair that was provided for him to sit on by whoever was taking his interview, “Oh deary me.. Although my current knowledge is limited on the subject, I do know some basics. Maidens are caretakers, to not only guests, but to the shrine in its entirety.” He’d take a deep breath, preparing himself for the long paragraph ahead, ” They tend to clean their holy place of worship to make it presentable to visitors and a pleasant place to work. The Miko politely, sometimes quietly, greet and socialize with any guests that come to the shrine. An exception is if the Miko and Shinkan are amidst a worship or ritual; then they must focus on the event at hand as not to be disrespectful to the kami of the shrine. They also assist in running the gift shop and serve as assistants to the Shinkan during rituals or traditional Shinto weddings.” He’d sigh, bringing his hand up towards his head, his tattoo covered fingers through his jet black hair; combing it, as it seemed. He'd then close his eyes, reopening them once more to say a few more words, "In short, Miko can help others in many ways, despite it being their jobs to be polite and greet guests. Now moving onto the Shinkan, like Miko they too pray and look after the shrine. The Shinkan's are the ones who take lead in prayers, Shinto weddings and rituals, the Priests are like the middle men of the shrine. How? Well the Shinkan can convey an message to Kami in the form of Norito, yet I still don't know what or how they do it, I'd love to learn.'

Abel would chuckle, "But these are not all of their duties, there are some big and some small. A small dutie would be feeding the koi fish at the pond behind the tea house! Yes this is small but it is important to do, to keep them alive and well. Another one that you might of not guessed is making tea for guests, the Miko carefully prepare the tea to just the right temperature, making sure not to burn the guests mouth, after making the tea they might enjoy the company of the guest and have an conversation, if not they might just stand or sit in silence." Taking the cup of tea off the table, he'd bring it up to his mouth to take a sip, the temperature was perfect. "Now, there is something I wish to say, it's important for the Shrine workers to deal with evil spirits when asked, they can't deny, unless unexperienced and needs help, they have to help the person who is asking for help. Seems pretty strict but it's totally normal for Shinkan and Miko!" At the mention of evil spirits the man would seem uncomfortable, perhaps he's had a run in with an evil spirit? "Uhm another thing is-," The man paused, looking down at his notes, "Right! Another thing is they perform tarot readings, for guests of course.. And I think that is about it from me."

What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:

Nodded his head, seemingly understanding the question being asked, parting his lips to speak he'd say, "When first reaching the Shrine, you have to walk over to the Temizuya and thoroughly cleanse your hands. The water is forever flowing which means it won't ever disappear. First, scoop up some water in a ladle with your right hand, and make sure your left is under the ladle, tilt the ladle so that the water flows from the scoop onto your hand," His hand movements were smooth, too smooth. The tall male would stand from his seat, God he was tall! A 7'5" man with broad shoulders, surely he works out? "Let it pour, do not put the ladle down and scrub your hands. Next, swap the ladle from your right to left hand, following the same exact steps as before you hold the ladle; still halfway full of the water from before. Pour the water onto your left hand, again just let it drip do not scrub. Now you don't really have to do this but Miko and Shinkan do. Rinse out your mouth with the water and spit it out beside the fountain, make sure to not spit it into the fountain as that is disrespectful to the shrine and the spirits or Kami." He'd cross his arms. Was that it? Yeah that was it.

How are offerings to a Kami performed?:

The man sat, leaning back in the red cushioned chair, he looked very comfortable. "Offerings performed to Kami? Well, you'll need a box to put all your offerings in, now what you are going to put in the box are some very simple things that you can get easily. You place 100 yen into the box or food items such as sake, rice, vegetables or fruit, any of these items are good to use for an offering. Now step back and ring the bell, this is to alert the Kami of our presence and to ward off evil spirits, bow twice, (Bow slowly and at an 90 degree angle is possible) and clap twice (clap at chest level, with your hands moving wide to alert the kami of your presence and ward off evil spirits again.)" Abel would lean forward, putting his hands up against each other, hinting at what he might say next, "Put your hands together for a silent prayer, (If this is your first time praying, make sure you introduce yourself to the Kami and tell her your address, Why? Because the Kami might come to your house and bless you, or your family." Retreating his hands from each other, he'd lean back into the chair once more, an audible sigh would be heard, followed by an deep inhale and slow exhale.

How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:

He'd sit up straight listening to the question being read out, his brows furrowed as he thought for a long time.. Performing tea ceremony rituals? He was sure he knew this, perhaps it was just taking a while to remember..! Ah yes there it was, the words started to pour out of his mouth, he made sure not to leave any details out, "Hmm right yes I did learn about Tea ceremony rituals, very long ago but I remember." He’d nod his head finally remembering. "The ceremony is supposed to be traditionally held in a tatami room. The entrance for guests can sometimes be kept low so when entering guests how to bend over, symbolizing humility." He'd lift his head up, staring at the person interviewing him. "After a brow the head guest enters the room and takes a seat, the seat must be closest to the alcove or Tokonoma, the other guests follow the head guest and take a seat. The guests ideally sit in a seiza position on the tatami floor. Once all of the guests have taken their positions, it is common to bow once more before observing the decorations." He'd scratch his arm. it was clearly hard for him to sit still when talking about shrine customs. After all he had grown up to love the shrine so he must be bursting with excitement, just unable to show it.

"Typically the hosts prepares the tea in front of the guests, most likely to show that they are preparing it right. The main equipment for preparing tea includes the tea whisk known as a Chasen, tea container for the powdered green tea known as natsume," A pause, followed by a deep breath as he continued to blurt out words, "Tea scoop known as a chashaku, tea bowl, sweets container or a plate, and lastly the kettle and brazier." Lowering his head he'd bring his hand up to his chin. "From what I learned a japanese sweet is served before the tea and is supposed to be eaten before the tea is drunk. The tea bowl is placed onto the tatami mat in front of whoever is in the room, with its front facing them. You'll need to pick it up with your right hand and place it on your left palm, then with your right hand, turn it clockwise by around 90 degrees that way its front is not facing you anymore. Then you can drink the tea in a few sips before placing it onto the tatami. Once finished you should bow and express gratitude after receiving and finishing your tea, as it shows respect to the host who prepared the tea!" Another pause.. What could he possibly have to say now? "Now towards the end of the ceremony. there will be time to inspect and appreciate the tea bowl by lifting it. Once finished, turn the bowl so that it now faces the host. The host may ask if the guests would like another round of tea, if not, the ceremony is over when the host washes the tea utensils and returns the equipment back to where they were before starting. That's how you perform a tea ceremony ritual, well that's how I was taught."

Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for: here!

Holding his head up high, he'd raise an arm to the sky, thinking about the question carefully.. What should he talk about first? The Tamagushi, Ofuda or the Kagura Suzu? Silently mumbling to himself he'd finally pick and order to speak about the three items. First would be the Ofuda then Kagura Suzu, finally would be the Tamagushi. "The Ofuda huh..? It can be very powerful depending on the Kami. Right lets explain the ofuda then! An Ofuda is a talisman. It could possibly be made out of paper, wood, cloth, or metal. These are known for having a shared power with a kami, now it could be any Kami willing to share their power which means you can't force them to share it by creating an Ofuda." He'd nod his head, proudful of his knowledge and how he was explaining it all. "They can bring all types of things like protection against calamity, misfortune, safety within a home, or to find love. An Ofuda is normally placed in a Kamidana, or high on the north or west wall in your living room or workplace." Side-glancing the paper Ofuda on his family wall he'd sigh before returning his attention back to the question and the new item he was about to explain.


"Right a Kagura Suzu. A Kagura Suzu is an object with multiple rows of bells attached to it, these are usually found hanging in front of Shinto Shrines; they are also responsible for composing instrumental songs and other musical events at the shrine its placed at. The bells are often grouped in bundles for ceremonies. The reason they are placed in front of Shinto Shrines is that it is said that ringing them calls Kami, allowing one to acquire positive power and authority, while rebelling evil." A deep breath would soon follow the last sentence, he'd take a few minutes to breath before talking about the object again. " They are mainly a ritual tool which aren't used to worship, they are mostly used for ceremonies."


He looked proud of himself, maybe a little too proud. What was next? Oh right! The Tamagushi... Oh boy his favourite thing to talk about when speaking of a Shinto shrine. "Tamagushi is next I believe, I do love talking about it. A Tamagushi is considered to be an offering made out of a Sakaki tree branch. They are decorated with Washi paper, silk, cotton or hemp textiles. They are usually offered to Kami by priests and Maidens. They are also mainly to present at most types of ceremonies that involve the shrines, I myself have only been to a few of these ceremonies. Not as many as I'd like but hopefully that will change if I get accepted haha!" Abel was slowly beginning to get off topic, how annoying! After the interviewer reminded him of the question he snapped back to reality and finished his sentences. "Right sorry, Tamagushi are used to pay formal homage during visits to guests, or important people. I think that's it sorry if I am wrong with anything." Standing up he'd bow towards the interviewer, sitting back down he'd slouch a little in his chair, clearly tired but the show must go on. Only one more question now.


(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
A smile stretched across his face, a hand coming up to rest at his chin. "What Kami do I worship? Well its none other than Hachiman. He's strong minded and doesn't give up, a little bit like me in some sort of way." A hand came to a halt on the chair arms. His eyes flashed of an unrecognised emotion.


NOTES: Thank you Florida_vibes for sitting and watching me write all this! It was a very... long... vc.. and thanks to rsqc for watching some of it...
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Level 42
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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