Level 3
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
If I were to rate my activity from a scale of 0 to 10 I would rate it a 7.5-8 as I am active for most of the day, my playtime in total at the time of posting and applying for this Application would be 11 Weeks 4 Hours and 20 Minutes, I tend to play from 3 to 7 hours on weekdays and about 4 - 9 hours on weekends based off of my IRL schedule, alongside schoolwork and family gatherings specifically on some weekends, I can go for longer if required or I have extra free time to spare.
Shintoism is a polytheistic religion originating from Japan, being traced back to the Yayoi period of Japan, in the following years where Shintoism spread widely throughout Japan Shinto has been Synchronized alongside Buddhism leading to the Shinbutso Shugo now not only following the belief of gods known as Kami but also welcoming the Kami into Buddhist cosmology, there are three places where you can pray to The Kami, household shrines, family shrines, and public shrines which are scattered throughout Japan including one inside of Karakura, I am more than willing to learn about Shintoism and maybe even Buddhism.
I have some Knowledge of the Religion itself alongside the lore and history of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery and the Rituals and Events held there, I find myself curious to both the Lore AND the Religion itself hoping that joining the Shrine would teach me more about both, another aspect that makes me stand out is my interest in detailrp I believe that joining Shrine staff will not only improve my detailrp but also help me understand how to explicitly detail with precision
I Acknowledge completely that I have to Attend everything that is Required of me.
In-Character (IC) Section
SECTION 1: Character Details
Yoshi Hozumi Zennix
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
"I am applying to follow in my mothers steps, alongside my Uncle and brothers' my brother of whom is currently working as a Shinkan, I wish to one day complete my duty as a priest by helping others have a connection to the Kami, enhancing mine along the way aswell, I also wish to start a new life placing it in the hands of the Kami after all that they had given for me, I am truly thankful to the Kami and wish to repay them by spreading the word of Shintoism, whilst guiding others towards it."
The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery started construction at the year 744 completing construction after 18 years leading up to 762, Originally, it was made for Buddhists with their belief of how secluded the Monastery was from human civilization, being surrounded by mountains, forests and nature alike, how it held such spiritual power due to it, after the construction the Shrine was used consistently by the Buddhists until the first incident in 1176 where the Monastery was burnt down to ashes, later being rebuilt for another millennia until the second incident during 1228 which similarly to the previous incident has been burnt down too, the last and final iteration of the Monastery was built in 1617 which has lasted till the current day BUT a third and more recent incident happened with the Head Priest Kannushui Ginjiro burning the Monastery down during the incident of 2004, the Head Priest believed that the Shrine was "impure", only but one singular area of the Monastery survived with that area being the current Monastery we have today, it is said that part of the ruins is atop of the Mountain where the Dojo resides, the Stairs beside the Stone Figure leading up to it perhaps may be the oldest building in the Monastery, yet it is still a mystery to all, if not most. "Ive heard from Mother Erina that the building over there was the lone building that survived ALLL the fires.. I believe that its protected by the Kami.." ~ (Yoshi being asked about the Shrine locations at the age of 15)
"Good Evening Monastery Lead, I hope this letter finds you well as I am on my journey back from Kagoshima, during my visit to the other Shrines that resided within Kagoshima ,I have learnt some extra knowledge from both Shintoism and Buddhism, I believe you are aware of my affiliation with the Karakura Shrine, my mother being a previous Guji of The Monastery, Erina Hozumi who had recently resigned and an ex-Shinkan, Anthony Zennix who is my Uncle, alongside Anthony as of currently there is Hyosouke who is a current Shinkan in the Monastery, I am writing this letter to inform and request to serve under you as a Shinkan (Priest), I feel the need to atone for everything my previous self has done, I've spent my fair share of time in the Monastery rendering that I've been raised by Erina I wish to not only follow in her own steps but to follow my uncle and brothers aswell, Hoping to start a new life at the Monastery I require you and my relatives support to do so, I hope to hear from you soon in response to my request, I thank you for taking the time to read this letter
Sincerely ~ Yoshi Hozumi Zennix
BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Yoshi Hozumi Zennix, Originally named Yoshitsune, was born at the date of june 7th 2003 at 3:43 AM at the city of Komatsushima at the Tokushima prefecture of japan, raised in the country side and later moved to the Yasaka Shrine residing in Komatsushima alongside his grandmother where he was raised and taught the ways of Shintoism, Yoshitsune wasn't interested at his Young age and was more interested in being a mischievous scoundrel running around the rural area and causing abit of trouble for the locals and townsfolk, this behavior continued for a few more years up until Yoshitsune had reached the age of 6 where he had found an intriguing man.. speaking to his grandmother, the man wore a large Kimono adorned with a large Kanmuri around him, the male wore a large hat that covered most of his face adorned with purple and white windchimes that surrounded the ends of the hat, the color of his Kanmuri and Kimono were a shade of dark grey and white, with black flowers covering the cuffs of the Kanmuri, Yoshi fell in complete awe as he looked up at the man with eyes of curiosity, the boy known as "Masaki" was now looking up at a man who was wandering the peninsula in search of his place, The man offered a Hand to Yoshitsune after confirming everything with his grandmother, Yukio, crouched down towards Yoshitsune, handing him a small pouch of Konpeito, a candy that takes the form of a small sphere with a bumpy surface, speaking out she said "you will go on a trip alongside the wanderer.. you shall follow what he asks of you, and you learn what he teaches you, you will return here, home once you're ready, if you seem to have any objections to this Yoshitsune, I suggest you speak up now.." The Young boy shook his head with excitement, he continued to wonder as he held the mans hand.
Yoshitsune and the Wanderer had walked for a large distance, eventually leading to an airport, where the wanderer and Yoshi departed for Karakura and the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, where the Wanderer had introduced Yoshi to Erina Hozumi, after having Yoshi accustomed to Erina's way of life in the city, the Wanderer had disappeared back to his own journey, Yoshi looked over at the Wanderer, hoping perhaps maybe one day the man could return.
A few years had passed as Yoshi is at the age of 18 Years, a variety of incidents and mishaps were directed to Yoshi, resulting his return to his mischief, The male had encountered a certain man giving the aura similar to that of the man that he once considered a teacher, Yoshi hadn't thought of it much until he had entered the Life of crime, finding that same man once more across his sights, Yoshi wouldn't lift his blade nor his fists towards him, resulting in the appearance of Eli Hanazono Zennix, alongside Min-Jun Zennix, Yoshi seemed to be comfortable with the two, especially with the constant disappearances of his Mother Erina, he clung close to Min whom he looked up to as a brother and Eli whom he looked up to as a father, overtime the bond between both Eli, Min and Yoshi had been sealed tight, leading Eli to offer the current Lonesome Yoshi a spot in his family, a chance of redemption for what he has done during his crime days, Yoshi accepted, now Receiving the last name Zennix, Yoshi had sought out a way to change his antics, with the assistance of Eli and The Zennix family, the boy had slowly learned, changing alongside time and growing up to be the man he always hoped to be, receiving the Wisdom and Strength of his Father Eli Hanazono Zennix, The boy is finally able to seek out his own destiny, which had lead to the Mainland Japan and his study of Shintoism, the boy had wandered to many Monasteries, Including his home, the Yasaka Shrine in Komatsushima, where he had received the chance to see his grandmother once more who had grown old and frail, Yoshi promised that he'd return to Yasaka Shrine alongside his newly found friends and family so that he can show his roots, where he was born and how he was raised, his Grandmother found herself to be proud of what have become of Yoshitsune, she surely believed his mother would be proud of what hes become, his final and current destination is inside of Kagoshima, the Myoken Shrine where he finally concludes his studies about Shintoism in the mainland of Japan, now awaiting his return to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery inside of Karakura, the boy patiently resides within Myoken Shrine, where he spends his time praying and cleansing himself of any and all impurities, hoping that one day he may receive a chance to return to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery.
SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
Shinto priests and Maidens have a variety of duties at Shrines with roles that safekeep the relationship between The Kami and the worshippers, teaching the ways of prayer, offerings, ritual dances and visitations, not to mention the extreme care they offer to the Shrine protecting it from harm literal and metaphorical, they also spread the word of Shintoism to those who don't know what Shintoism is.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
before entering the Monastery, the person visiting must complete a purification ritual known as "Chozu" a "Chozuya" would be sat before a Torii gate alongside a Hishaku Dipper (a cup with a handle to scoop the water up with) in order to cleanse and purify yourself, first you must pick up a Hishaku Dipper with your right hand, scoop some water using the Hishaku dipper then pour it onto your left hand then switch your Dipper to your left hand and pour some of the water to your right hand but in turn you must leave alittle water to rinse your mouth switch the dipper one last time to your right hand and cleanse your left hand one last time before turning the dipper upright where the "cup" faces up and rinses the handle, once this was complete you can return the Hishaku back to its original spot, and you have now officially completed the "Chozu" note that this must be done every time you enter the Monastery and Shrine
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
there are a variety of ways an offering can be made to the Kami, the primary three being Rice, Money and Sake, to start an offering ceremony, place the Yen into the offering box at the main Shrine hall or place the object that is an offering beside the box after placing the object or money beside or inside the box jingle the bell that is nearby to alert the Kami of your presence, if there is no bell simply clap once to alert them of your presence in the shrine, proceed to bow twice following the two bows with two singular claps ending the ceremony with one last bow to thank the Kami for listening to your prayer and receiving the offering given by you, I highly suggested that you contact Shrine Staff in order to offer a different offering than monetary.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
a Tea ceremony is held at the Teahouse taken good care by both Priests and Maidens alike, the Tea House is to be prepared before the visitors arrive where the Tea cloth, whisk, scoop, kettle tea bowl prepared and ready for the ceremony, after having all the items prepped and ready, lead the guests into a private room where they are sat down alongside each other, placing the items infront of them and serving them the tea that is made out of Tea leaves that were turned into Matcha powder, on very certain occasions the tea must be thick (double the amount of matcha powder), once the visitors finish drinking the tea from the Tea bowl, once everyone is finished, offer sweets to the visitors, after they have finished or denied the sweets you are often allowed to receive compliments for the way the Tea was made alongside the preparations made for them, with the bowl often made custom by a professional.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
The Tamagushi is an offering made from a Sakaki tree branch usually adorned with a Japanese paper or some Silk decorated in certain designs that are thought to be pleasing to the Kami.
The Ofuda are Amulets made for the protection from calamities or disasters, Ofuda are also counted as a blessing to some with the name of the Kami written on it, the Ofuda is usually made of cloth or paper and usually stuck to the objects that require the blessing to deter angered spirits or just spirits as a whole from the object.
The Kagura Suzu also known in english as the divine entertainment bell is a instrument used in rituals specifically in shrine and are prohibited from being used at all outside of shrines, the Kagura Suzu is made of three sets of bells suspended over a coiled brass wires from a central handle, containing two bells on the highest set, the middle set containing four bells, and the final and lowest set containing six bells, leading the total amount of bells to be 12.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Fūjin/Fūten The Kami of Tornadoes and Windstorms, Yoshi believes that he Resembles Fujin due to his nature and that a brother-like figure known as Kuro resembles Raijin, the God of thunder and Lightning, both Fujin and Raijin seem to fight often against eachother, much as like how Yoshi and Kuro do the same, and how Kuro has a roaring thunder-like voice, and the movement and aggression of Lightning on the other hand Yoshi has the nimbleness of Wind in his voice, the calm humming tune in his vocal cords resonate with those who hear, calming them in an instant, with his quick and silent moves like gusts of wind, mimicking a mirage in the presence of his "brother".
If I were to rate my activity from a scale of 0 to 10 I would rate it a 7.5-8 as I am active for most of the day, my playtime in total at the time of posting and applying for this Application would be 11 Weeks 4 Hours and 20 Minutes, I tend to play from 3 to 7 hours on weekdays and about 4 - 9 hours on weekends based off of my IRL schedule, alongside schoolwork and family gatherings specifically on some weekends, I can go for longer if required or I have extra free time to spare.
Shintoism is a polytheistic religion originating from Japan, being traced back to the Yayoi period of Japan, in the following years where Shintoism spread widely throughout Japan Shinto has been Synchronized alongside Buddhism leading to the Shinbutso Shugo now not only following the belief of gods known as Kami but also welcoming the Kami into Buddhist cosmology, there are three places where you can pray to The Kami, household shrines, family shrines, and public shrines which are scattered throughout Japan including one inside of Karakura, I am more than willing to learn about Shintoism and maybe even Buddhism.
I have some Knowledge of the Religion itself alongside the lore and history of the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery and the Rituals and Events held there, I find myself curious to both the Lore AND the Religion itself hoping that joining the Shrine would teach me more about both, another aspect that makes me stand out is my interest in detailrp I believe that joining Shrine staff will not only improve my detailrp but also help me understand how to explicitly detail with precision
I Acknowledge completely that I have to Attend everything that is Required of me.
In-Character (IC) Section
SECTION 1: Character Details
Yoshi Hozumi Zennix
CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
"I am applying to follow in my mothers steps, alongside my Uncle and brothers' my brother of whom is currently working as a Shinkan, I wish to one day complete my duty as a priest by helping others have a connection to the Kami, enhancing mine along the way aswell, I also wish to start a new life placing it in the hands of the Kami after all that they had given for me, I am truly thankful to the Kami and wish to repay them by spreading the word of Shintoism, whilst guiding others towards it."
The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery started construction at the year 744 completing construction after 18 years leading up to 762, Originally, it was made for Buddhists with their belief of how secluded the Monastery was from human civilization, being surrounded by mountains, forests and nature alike, how it held such spiritual power due to it, after the construction the Shrine was used consistently by the Buddhists until the first incident in 1176 where the Monastery was burnt down to ashes, later being rebuilt for another millennia until the second incident during 1228 which similarly to the previous incident has been burnt down too, the last and final iteration of the Monastery was built in 1617 which has lasted till the current day BUT a third and more recent incident happened with the Head Priest Kannushui Ginjiro burning the Monastery down during the incident of 2004, the Head Priest believed that the Shrine was "impure", only but one singular area of the Monastery survived with that area being the current Monastery we have today, it is said that part of the ruins is atop of the Mountain where the Dojo resides, the Stairs beside the Stone Figure leading up to it perhaps may be the oldest building in the Monastery, yet it is still a mystery to all, if not most. "Ive heard from Mother Erina that the building over there was the lone building that survived ALLL the fires.. I believe that its protected by the Kami.." ~ (Yoshi being asked about the Shrine locations at the age of 15)
"Good Evening Monastery Lead, I hope this letter finds you well as I am on my journey back from Kagoshima, during my visit to the other Shrines that resided within Kagoshima ,I have learnt some extra knowledge from both Shintoism and Buddhism, I believe you are aware of my affiliation with the Karakura Shrine, my mother being a previous Guji of The Monastery, Erina Hozumi who had recently resigned and an ex-Shinkan, Anthony Zennix who is my Uncle, alongside Anthony as of currently there is Hyosouke who is a current Shinkan in the Monastery, I am writing this letter to inform and request to serve under you as a Shinkan (Priest), I feel the need to atone for everything my previous self has done, I've spent my fair share of time in the Monastery rendering that I've been raised by Erina I wish to not only follow in her own steps but to follow my uncle and brothers aswell, Hoping to start a new life at the Monastery I require you and my relatives support to do so, I hope to hear from you soon in response to my request, I thank you for taking the time to read this letter
Sincerely ~ Yoshi Hozumi Zennix
BACKSTORY (100+ Words):
Yoshi Hozumi Zennix, Originally named Yoshitsune, was born at the date of june 7th 2003 at 3:43 AM at the city of Komatsushima at the Tokushima prefecture of japan, raised in the country side and later moved to the Yasaka Shrine residing in Komatsushima alongside his grandmother where he was raised and taught the ways of Shintoism, Yoshitsune wasn't interested at his Young age and was more interested in being a mischievous scoundrel running around the rural area and causing abit of trouble for the locals and townsfolk, this behavior continued for a few more years up until Yoshitsune had reached the age of 6 where he had found an intriguing man.. speaking to his grandmother, the man wore a large Kimono adorned with a large Kanmuri around him, the male wore a large hat that covered most of his face adorned with purple and white windchimes that surrounded the ends of the hat, the color of his Kanmuri and Kimono were a shade of dark grey and white, with black flowers covering the cuffs of the Kanmuri, Yoshi fell in complete awe as he looked up at the man with eyes of curiosity, the boy known as "Masaki" was now looking up at a man who was wandering the peninsula in search of his place, The man offered a Hand to Yoshitsune after confirming everything with his grandmother, Yukio, crouched down towards Yoshitsune, handing him a small pouch of Konpeito, a candy that takes the form of a small sphere with a bumpy surface, speaking out she said "you will go on a trip alongside the wanderer.. you shall follow what he asks of you, and you learn what he teaches you, you will return here, home once you're ready, if you seem to have any objections to this Yoshitsune, I suggest you speak up now.." The Young boy shook his head with excitement, he continued to wonder as he held the mans hand.
Yoshitsune and the Wanderer had walked for a large distance, eventually leading to an airport, where the wanderer and Yoshi departed for Karakura and the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery, where the Wanderer had introduced Yoshi to Erina Hozumi, after having Yoshi accustomed to Erina's way of life in the city, the Wanderer had disappeared back to his own journey, Yoshi looked over at the Wanderer, hoping perhaps maybe one day the man could return.
A few years had passed as Yoshi is at the age of 18 Years, a variety of incidents and mishaps were directed to Yoshi, resulting his return to his mischief, The male had encountered a certain man giving the aura similar to that of the man that he once considered a teacher, Yoshi hadn't thought of it much until he had entered the Life of crime, finding that same man once more across his sights, Yoshi wouldn't lift his blade nor his fists towards him, resulting in the appearance of Eli Hanazono Zennix, alongside Min-Jun Zennix, Yoshi seemed to be comfortable with the two, especially with the constant disappearances of his Mother Erina, he clung close to Min whom he looked up to as a brother and Eli whom he looked up to as a father, overtime the bond between both Eli, Min and Yoshi had been sealed tight, leading Eli to offer the current Lonesome Yoshi a spot in his family, a chance of redemption for what he has done during his crime days, Yoshi accepted, now Receiving the last name Zennix, Yoshi had sought out a way to change his antics, with the assistance of Eli and The Zennix family, the boy had slowly learned, changing alongside time and growing up to be the man he always hoped to be, receiving the Wisdom and Strength of his Father Eli Hanazono Zennix, The boy is finally able to seek out his own destiny, which had lead to the Mainland Japan and his study of Shintoism, the boy had wandered to many Monasteries, Including his home, the Yasaka Shrine in Komatsushima, where he had received the chance to see his grandmother once more who had grown old and frail, Yoshi promised that he'd return to Yasaka Shrine alongside his newly found friends and family so that he can show his roots, where he was born and how he was raised, his Grandmother found herself to be proud of what have become of Yoshitsune, she surely believed his mother would be proud of what hes become, his final and current destination is inside of Kagoshima, the Myoken Shrine where he finally concludes his studies about Shintoism in the mainland of Japan, now awaiting his return to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery inside of Karakura, the boy patiently resides within Myoken Shrine, where he spends his time praying and cleansing himself of any and all impurities, hoping that one day he may receive a chance to return to Shinsei Seinaru Monastery.
SECTION 2: Self-Knowledge Details
What duties do Shinto Priests and Maidens have?:
Shinto priests and Maidens have a variety of duties at Shrines with roles that safekeep the relationship between The Kami and the worshippers, teaching the ways of prayer, offerings, ritual dances and visitations, not to mention the extreme care they offer to the Shrine protecting it from harm literal and metaphorical, they also spread the word of Shintoism to those who don't know what Shintoism is.
What are the steps needed to be taken at the purification trough before entering the Shrine?:
before entering the Monastery, the person visiting must complete a purification ritual known as "Chozu" a "Chozuya" would be sat before a Torii gate alongside a Hishaku Dipper (a cup with a handle to scoop the water up with) in order to cleanse and purify yourself, first you must pick up a Hishaku Dipper with your right hand, scoop some water using the Hishaku dipper then pour it onto your left hand then switch your Dipper to your left hand and pour some of the water to your right hand but in turn you must leave alittle water to rinse your mouth switch the dipper one last time to your right hand and cleanse your left hand one last time before turning the dipper upright where the "cup" faces up and rinses the handle, once this was complete you can return the Hishaku back to its original spot, and you have now officially completed the "Chozu" note that this must be done every time you enter the Monastery and Shrine
How are offerings to a Kami performed?:
there are a variety of ways an offering can be made to the Kami, the primary three being Rice, Money and Sake, to start an offering ceremony, place the Yen into the offering box at the main Shrine hall or place the object that is an offering beside the box after placing the object or money beside or inside the box jingle the bell that is nearby to alert the Kami of your presence, if there is no bell simply clap once to alert them of your presence in the shrine, proceed to bow twice following the two bows with two singular claps ending the ceremony with one last bow to thank the Kami for listening to your prayer and receiving the offering given by you, I highly suggested that you contact Shrine Staff in order to offer a different offering than monetary.
How do you perform a tea ceremony ritual?:
a Tea ceremony is held at the Teahouse taken good care by both Priests and Maidens alike, the Tea House is to be prepared before the visitors arrive where the Tea cloth, whisk, scoop, kettle tea bowl prepared and ready for the ceremony, after having all the items prepped and ready, lead the guests into a private room where they are sat down alongside each other, placing the items infront of them and serving them the tea that is made out of Tea leaves that were turned into Matcha powder, on very certain occasions the tea must be thick (double the amount of matcha powder), once the visitors finish drinking the tea from the Tea bowl, once everyone is finished, offer sweets to the visitors, after they have finished or denied the sweets you are often allowed to receive compliments for the way the Tea was made alongside the preparations made for them, with the bowl often made custom by a professional.
Explain what a Tamagushi, Ofuda and Kagura Suzu is and what they're used for:
The Tamagushi is an offering made from a Sakaki tree branch usually adorned with a Japanese paper or some Silk decorated in certain designs that are thought to be pleasing to the Kami.
The Ofuda are Amulets made for the protection from calamities or disasters, Ofuda are also counted as a blessing to some with the name of the Kami written on it, the Ofuda is usually made of cloth or paper and usually stuck to the objects that require the blessing to deter angered spirits or just spirits as a whole from the object.
The Kagura Suzu also known in english as the divine entertainment bell is a instrument used in rituals specifically in shrine and are prohibited from being used at all outside of shrines, the Kagura Suzu is made of three sets of bells suspended over a coiled brass wires from a central handle, containing two bells on the highest set, the middle set containing four bells, and the final and lowest set containing six bells, leading the total amount of bells to be 12.
(OPTIONAL) Based on your character; which other Kami would they worship?:
Fūjin/Fūten The Kami of Tornadoes and Windstorms, Yoshi believes that he Resembles Fujin due to his nature and that a brother-like figure known as Kuro resembles Raijin, the God of thunder and Lightning, both Fujin and Raijin seem to fight often against eachother, much as like how Yoshi and Kuro do the same, and how Kuro has a roaring thunder-like voice, and the movement and aggression of Lightning on the other hand Yoshi has the nimbleness of Wind in his voice, the calm humming tune in his vocal cords resonate with those who hear, calming them in an instant, with his quick and silent moves like gusts of wind, mimicking a mirage in the presence of his "brother".
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