Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?: ProChefJohnCena
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Mayios#3276
How old are you?: 17
What is your time zone?: EST
Describe your activity on the server:
For my Timezone I'll be active from around usually 10 AM - 1 AM on weekends and for weekdays (once school is in motion) 3 PM - 10 PM. As of right now I'm an active roleplayer, I quickly find myself in rp as either my friends are online, or someone approaches me.Overall I must be active as of my server roles which I happily play by. I try to be as active as I can, I believe I have good time management as I've been doing quotas regularly on either of my accounts.
I also belong to two major SRP tailoring companies, in which I create skins for players, which again I of course need to be active for as I need to be online in order for people to pay me and such.
Describe your activity on forums:
Focusing now more as a reporter, I am very active on forums as it's a requirement for a faction I am in. However, it is not the only reason I am active. If you were to look at my account, it's clear I use it regularly. I am not someone who goes on forums daily, however , I check it at least 3 times a week and often update posts. Between constantly updating character biographies, posting news reports and other applications, I'd like to think I'm a fairly active person.I am also very experienced with how forums work, how to insert links, photos, and format as well. Again thanks to my experience with writing extensively on Forums for News reports and Character Biographies. I also do something unique with forums where I post students final grades per major subject I do with my teacher acc, which there's even a sign link too in my classroom. This allowed me to be even more familiar with forums to set up clear graphs and visuals.
Describe your activity on Discord:
I am probably more active on Discord than I am on SRP and Forums combined due to the sheer fact I have it on my phone, therefore can bring it with me wherever. If you'd check the academic server, town, SRP tailoring businesses, and even other servers, it's clear I'm quite active and respond very quickly, and or as quickly as I can.Have you ever been banned: nope
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
ai ai captain :salute:
ai ai captain :salute:
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I'll link just faction or major applications
I'll link just faction or major applications
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[Teacher][HD] AllenBUwU
[Reporter] SushiSanwich
[College-B] MechanicMrSada
[Grade-7] ProChefJohnCena (Acc I'll be trying to get the role on!)
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
Name you'd like the shop to be called:
Daisuki yōhin
If changing the name, why?:
in Japanese, だいすき用品 is pronounced like Daisuki yōhin and means favorite products/supplies. However its also a play on words, with the shopkeeper's name being Thao Daisuki, it also is like saying it's Daisuki's supplies!
Does your shop have a logo?:
Yes it does! Below will be a photo of it!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to become a Shopkeeper as I feel like it could be a really fun faction to be apart of, and it's also out of my typical comfort zone of SRP. I like to expand around and get a feel of everything eventually and I think trying out shopkeeper could be a very fun piece of that! I also will admit, while writing this application I got some more motivation to apply as well. Between designing a rough estimate of what the inside could look like down to creating the shopkeeper character himself .. its honestly been a much more fun process that I expected.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
i plan for it to be an actual Convenience shop. Convenience shop is actually as the name is, it sells convient items without selling the big things. So, i plan to sell useful items and or items thatll be convient. Convveience stores also mostly sell yes retail items, but its more small name brands or a little of everything rather then like other shops which sells a bunch of everything. All the other shops sell decently similar items if not food based, usually selling toys, accessories, novelties .. and so on! However, what I believe Karakura needs is a store to assist you with everyday needs. A store that sells items that may not fit in with the other ones aesthetic and or purpose! A good old shop that you'll likely see some middle aged dad coming through and picking up what he needs in order to help at home..!
For the inside of the shop, I'd decorate it the best I can do be easily accessible and readable - I'll provide some W.I.P photos I created on a creative world in which I took an estimated size of the shop based on what I could see, and semi decorated it to how the show would look. There would be about two isles, shelves on both side and then towards the back, one more large shelf and then one wall in which some items would be displayed. I also had two islands in the middle of the store which displayed fruits and veggies. Off to the side, of course is where cashiers would be paid.
Overall I hope for the shop to have an almost rustic feel to it, using a lot of spruce, brick and greens to have that homey or cozy feel to it.
Everything will be displayed by the type of supplies it is as well! For example, all the cooking supplies will have its own area, all the outdoor have an isle, the school supplies would, bathroom supplies, and so on!
Why do you specifically want this shop? Why not others?:
I want it due to its location! Its a shop right near the beach and is a great size as well .. seeing as this shop's theme clearly is more of an outdoors kinda vibe and will be selling various item for such, it works perfectly! Also explained later on in other sections, the shop's possible various events and again, items, suit the location very nicely.
Photo's of possible shop design?:
When creating the layout and design, I first created a rough estimate of how large Mokato is in a creative world, using photos and screenshots of the current store to give a most accurate estimate. I then created what could be called a base or shell of what the store could be, changing around some blocks and color palletes to suit my vision of the store! I didn't go all out, again creating a base or idea of what I'd like the shop to appear like.
What shop are you applying for?:
Name you'd like the shop to be called:
Daisuki yōhin
If changing the name, why?:
in Japanese, だいすき用品 is pronounced like Daisuki yōhin and means favorite products/supplies. However its also a play on words, with the shopkeeper's name being Thao Daisuki, it also is like saying it's Daisuki's supplies!
Does your shop have a logo?:
Yes it does! Below will be a photo of it!

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to become a Shopkeeper as I feel like it could be a really fun faction to be apart of, and it's also out of my typical comfort zone of SRP. I like to expand around and get a feel of everything eventually and I think trying out shopkeeper could be a very fun piece of that! I also will admit, while writing this application I got some more motivation to apply as well. Between designing a rough estimate of what the inside could look like down to creating the shopkeeper character himself .. its honestly been a much more fun process that I expected.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
i plan for it to be an actual Convenience shop. Convenience shop is actually as the name is, it sells convient items without selling the big things. So, i plan to sell useful items and or items thatll be convient. Convveience stores also mostly sell yes retail items, but its more small name brands or a little of everything rather then like other shops which sells a bunch of everything. All the other shops sell decently similar items if not food based, usually selling toys, accessories, novelties .. and so on! However, what I believe Karakura needs is a store to assist you with everyday needs. A store that sells items that may not fit in with the other ones aesthetic and or purpose! A good old shop that you'll likely see some middle aged dad coming through and picking up what he needs in order to help at home..!
For the inside of the shop, I'd decorate it the best I can do be easily accessible and readable - I'll provide some W.I.P photos I created on a creative world in which I took an estimated size of the shop based on what I could see, and semi decorated it to how the show would look. There would be about two isles, shelves on both side and then towards the back, one more large shelf and then one wall in which some items would be displayed. I also had two islands in the middle of the store which displayed fruits and veggies. Off to the side, of course is where cashiers would be paid.
Overall I hope for the shop to have an almost rustic feel to it, using a lot of spruce, brick and greens to have that homey or cozy feel to it.
Everything will be displayed by the type of supplies it is as well! For example, all the cooking supplies will have its own area, all the outdoor have an isle, the school supplies would, bathroom supplies, and so on!
Why do you specifically want this shop? Why not others?:
I want it due to its location! Its a shop right near the beach and is a great size as well .. seeing as this shop's theme clearly is more of an outdoors kinda vibe and will be selling various item for such, it works perfectly! Also explained later on in other sections, the shop's possible various events and again, items, suit the location very nicely.
Photo's of possible shop design?:
When creating the layout and design, I first created a rough estimate of how large Mokato is in a creative world, using photos and screenshots of the current store to give a most accurate estimate. I then created what could be called a base or shell of what the store could be, changing around some blocks and color palletes to suit my vision of the store! I didn't go all out, again creating a base or idea of what I'd like the shop to appear like.

What will you sell in your shop?:
As stated before, I / my character would be selling various supplies to help Karakura on their day-day life. I will be providing two lists of items, both of which consist of the same goods however will be organized differently. The first list will display the price per item, and the other list will organize each by category. Do note, this list will and can change - Im just using items ive seen around SRP before and not entirely including custom items here quite yet.
I'm going to also say that there WILL be a cap on products, maybe about a max between 3 - 5 depending on what it is!
LIST ONE -Megaphone | 15,000 -flashlight | 10,000 -flipphone (all varients) | 8,500k -Brown school bag | 8,000 -plunger | 7,500 -lighter | 7,500 -frying pan | 5,000 -snow shovel | 5,000 -binoculars | 5,000 -School bag | 5,000 -snorkles | 4,500 -swimming goggles | 4,000 -reading glasses | 3,500 -toilet paper | 3,500 -spatula | 3,500 -fishing rod | 3,500 -flour | 2,500 -jam | 2,500 -Butter | 2,500 -umbrella | 2,000 -peach | 500 -banana | 500 -Pineapple | 500 -carrot | 500 -Egg | 500 | LIST TWO Cooking/BBQ supplies -frying pan -spatula -flour -Jam -Butter -Egg General Supplies -Megaphone -flashlight -flipphone (all varients?) -reading glasses -lighter Outdoor supplies -fishing rod -snow shove -binoculars -umbrella -snorkles -swimming goggles School/Camping Supplies -School bag -Backpacks (TBD) Bathroom Supplies -plunger -toilet paper EXTRAS: fruits & veggies -peach -banana -Pineapple -carrot |
What if any events do you plan for your shop to host?
Fishing Tournament! (Large event) Seeing as the location is right by the pier and beach,, and seeing as the stores Logo and mascot is a fish, how could we not host a fishing tournament at some point?! Itll go as followed: Those participating will be given all a fresh, new, fishing rod! From there, they'll go out and began to fish at the beach.. the tournamanent will go til' everyones fishing rods broke! Once a rod is broken, youll come back to the shop and await the results. If you run out of room in your inventory .. no worries! an employee will be there moderating those participating can hold 'em for you! Once everyone is done, and back at the shop or whatever station we have set up, we'll count the results .. The top three with most fish will be given results! The Winners will get prizes, of course. As of right now its hard to say what, but what I can say for certain is there will be a cash prize for first place and likely items given out as well! I also think having a photo hung up in the shop with the winners can be a nice touch! Now, how would the event benefit the server or those participating? Firstly, it can get people's fishing attributes up! AND they likely get some yet and sick shop items as well!! who wouldn't want that?! | Raffles! (Small event) Raffles here dont need much explaining .. it'll either be Bi-weekly and maybe even monthly depending on the prize! The rewards will rotate around depending on whats been done already, so one time itll be cooking supplies, another being water/fishing stuff .. and so on! |
BBQ Event! (Large event) Summer is approaching! You know what that means? People going outside and cooking up some meals! And what's the best way to do that? having a large cookout / BBQ event at the beach! People get to enjoy a warm summer day outside, having a fun day at the beach while also eating some damn good food while theyre at it! Those at the event get to either buy foods from venders or cook up their own foods at some possible set up public grills and eating areas! But why would this shop host the event..? Because we sell the supplies to make it happen! From spatulas, frying pans to even some of the food itself! This event could also have various other shops involved, likely more or less some of the restaurants of Karakura bringing out their best outdoor summer meals! This event can allow players to possibly get their cooking attribute up .. and to overall enjoy a nice summer Roleplayer experience! | Fish Guessing! (Small event) A bit of a silly event perhaps though its lowscale and fun! An employee will show off various types of fish, and someone will have to guess or identity them all! Whoever gets them all right .. wins a prize! The prize will differ depending on what's in stock and the current items being sold at the store. |

How many employees do you plan to have?:
As I'd just be starting off, a small team of 10-12 would be ideal til' I get more server attention and people's interest.
What roles will there be for employees to fill?:
As I'd just be starting off, a small team of 10-12 would be ideal til' I get more server attention and people's interest.
What roles will there be for employees to fill?:
Owner: 1/1 Owner of course, is Thao Daisuki. The owner will be the one who runs the whole show! As owner, I'd be present for every single shift and opener, no buts about it! I'd be the main person training the new employees, watching over the store, and so fourth. | CO-Owner: 0/1 The co-owner would work beside the owner and help make sure everything is running right! They'd help check applications, watch over the store, encourage positively and everything else you'd expect from an owner. |
Manager: 0/1 Daisuki yōhin will be a smaller store, therefore only one manager needed! The manager is expected to be there nearly every opening if possible, and is responsible for keeping an eye on the employees if the owner isn't around. They manager should also keep tabs on the stock, and help the owner keep track of what needs to be restocked | Cashiers: 0/9 We will have nine cashier positions! At Daisuki yōhin, we as is have three open lanes for customers to check out. To ensure we have enough people around, and to ensure if others can't make it, others can, we will open up nine potential spots! We'd look for those in various timezones that would allow us to open frequently. Cashier's will have to attend their given shifts, if they sign up for an opening and then do not show up without notice, theyll recieve a strike .. similar to baseball, three strikes and youre out! However; if you did say you cant be present and or give a fair warning, no punishment or further action will be given. |
The uniform / dresscode for employees are far from strict! Employees could wea just about anything, as long as its appropriate and as long as they wear this super cool apron ontop! It's a long green apron fitted with pockets, and it even comes with a cute little fish on top!

The uniform / dresscode for employees are far from strict! Employees could wea just about anything, as long as its appropriate and as long as they wear this super cool apron ontop! It's a long green apron fitted with pockets, and it even comes with a cute little fish on top!

Character Informations
Full Name of shopkeeper:
Thao Daisuki
What makes then special? What do they look like? Describe the shopkeeper in detail!:
Thao Daisuki is an older gentlemen ranking in at 53 years young! He has tan skin and dark black hair, a notable trait of his being a long very well kept mustache!
He is a japanese-vietnmenese male who's originally from Mũi Né in Vietnam. Mũi Né is a coastal fishing town in the south-central Bình Thuan Province of Vietnam and is one if the fishing capitals! Growing up, he lived with both his mother and father .. his mother being born there and his father being a runaway from Japan who settled down there in Mũi Né. Thao Daisuki moved to Karakura when he was about 43 to start a new path in life, exactly what that path was..? He didn't know himself! All he knew is he wanted something new.. something fresh!
Thao is a bit .. eccentric for his age, having no problem interacting with youth and adults alike! He takes pride in his work and wants to share his passion in getting out there with the world .. and how to do that? Well, no one can really go out without some supplies, can they? So Thao plans to give the supplies needed to Karakura citizens in order for them do what they want! Wither it's fishing, swimming, cooking.. you name it! He'll be your guy to go too if you need something!
Full Name of shopkeeper:
Thao Daisuki
What makes then special? What do they look like? Describe the shopkeeper in detail!:
Thao Daisuki is an older gentlemen ranking in at 53 years young! He has tan skin and dark black hair, a notable trait of his being a long very well kept mustache!
He is a japanese-vietnmenese male who's originally from Mũi Né in Vietnam. Mũi Né is a coastal fishing town in the south-central Bình Thuan Province of Vietnam and is one if the fishing capitals! Growing up, he lived with both his mother and father .. his mother being born there and his father being a runaway from Japan who settled down there in Mũi Né. Thao Daisuki moved to Karakura when he was about 43 to start a new path in life, exactly what that path was..? He didn't know himself! All he knew is he wanted something new.. something fresh!
Thao is a bit .. eccentric for his age, having no problem interacting with youth and adults alike! He takes pride in his work and wants to share his passion in getting out there with the world .. and how to do that? Well, no one can really go out without some supplies, can they? So Thao plans to give the supplies needed to Karakura citizens in order for them do what they want! Wither it's fishing, swimming, cooking.. you name it! He'll be your guy to go too if you need something!
In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION #1 - Personal Details
Full Name (First & Last only): Thao Daisuki
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Mr. Shumina
Preferred Name: Daisuki
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: n/a
Marital Status: divorced
Nationality: Vietnamese-Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION #2 - Academic/Work Details
Working Experience (# of years): 30+ years
Academic Degree: . . . ?
Year of Graduation: ???
Major(s): wildlife conservation
Minors: . . ?
Native Languages: Vietnamese
Other Languages: Japanese
SECTION #3 - shopkeeper Details
Why do you want to start the store?:
"Karakura's resources and supplies are scattered around like crazy! One shop got this, 11/7 got that .. ya' gotta wait til' like three shops open sometimes til' you got what you need at times! So my solution .. open a shop that got all the supplies ya' need!!"
Why are you more qualified then others?:
"Well .. with age comes wisdom! I'm pretty young myself at fifty three but- I say I'm still older then others! I also grew up buyin' and sellin' products .. mainly fish but I got experience either way! I KNOW what people need to do some of the stuff they love and dang-nabbit' I'll be damned I'd I can't supply those 'stuff'!
Do you have experience running such a shop/store?:
"Hell yeah I do! I runnin' my own little thing for ages now! eva' since I could remember! Back home I'd again be mostly in that fish sellin' and catchin' business .. but ive extended to new grounds obviously! Ive now been out and about helpin' others who wanna do some fish sellin' and catchin' .. along with anything else mostly outdoor's they'd wanna do!"
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION #1 - Personal Details
Full Name (First & Last only): Thao Daisuki
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Mr. Shumina
Preferred Name: Daisuki
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: n/a
Marital Status: divorced
Nationality: Vietnamese-Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION #2 - Academic/Work Details
Working Experience (# of years): 30+ years
Academic Degree: . . . ?
Year of Graduation: ???
Major(s): wildlife conservation
Minors: . . ?
Native Languages: Vietnamese
Other Languages: Japanese
SECTION #3 - shopkeeper Details
Why do you want to start the store?:
"Karakura's resources and supplies are scattered around like crazy! One shop got this, 11/7 got that .. ya' gotta wait til' like three shops open sometimes til' you got what you need at times! So my solution .. open a shop that got all the supplies ya' need!!"
Why are you more qualified then others?:
"Well .. with age comes wisdom! I'm pretty young myself at fifty three but- I say I'm still older then others! I also grew up buyin' and sellin' products .. mainly fish but I got experience either way! I KNOW what people need to do some of the stuff they love and dang-nabbit' I'll be damned I'd I can't supply those 'stuff'!
Do you have experience running such a shop/store?:
"Hell yeah I do! I runnin' my own little thing for ages now! eva' since I could remember! Back home I'd again be mostly in that fish sellin' and catchin' business .. but ive extended to new grounds obviously! Ive now been out and about helpin' others who wanna do some fish sellin' and catchin' .. along with anything else mostly outdoor's they'd wanna do!"
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