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Denied Professor Application for Modern History | Warklngs


Level 7


What is your Minecraft username?:
Warklngs (Main account: JackoTobacco; other alternate account(s): 5FDP, Sta7icX)

What is your time zone?:
Central European Time (CET; GMT+1)

What is your discord username?:

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Many have been lost to the sands of time, and me losing access to a few forum accounts through the years.

Technician Application Denied
Language Application (Serbian) Accepted
Technician Application Accepted
Language Application (Russian) Accepted
Language Application (Korean) Accepted
Language Application
(German) Accepted
Language Application
(Russian) Accepted
Third Language Slot Application Accepted
Third Language Application
(Korean) Accepted
Language Application
(Finnish) Accepted
Third Language Slot Application Accepted
Third Language Application
(Finnish) Accepted
Language Application (German) Accepted

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
My activity on SRP is largely spent AFK, other than attending a class here and there, or running about with my friends, or roleplaying in private. However, I am looking to expand on the kinds of roleplay that I do.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
Since around about August 2016, I’ve roleplayed a lot of different situations and roles throughout my time on SRP; being a student, a secretary, a technician. On other servers, I spent a lot of time being a teacher on one account, and a police officer (or sheriff, depending on how you want to call it) on another. Once, I even roleplayed the general of an army. Currently, I haven’t got any roles that require applying, or that warrant any form of work.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Adult, college (normal and baseball), and high school.

What is the subject you want to teach?:
I have a particular interest in history, specifically the time frame around The Great War, so I believe that’d be classed as Modern History.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I firmly believe that history should never be looked at as something unimportant, that it should be taught thoroughly. I want to do my part, and teach people about a relatively uncovered subject on SRP; I want to delve into in depth topics of The Great War, and work my way through history to the modern day. The nations, and people, who paved the way for our modern world should not be forgotten. Not for their mistakes, nor for their successes. On top of my personal beliefs about history being crucial, I want to explore other areas of the server, not just being a student, or working in a shop; I want to see what it’s like to be the one teaching, to challenge myself and see if I can succeed in such an environment.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


The first interactive class I’d have would be a sort of face-off, kind of like the ones you see in Family Feud. Two students would stand either side of a small podium and have to answer questions as quickly as possible. Depending on how this would go, I would do this more than just once.

For this one, I would select a topic, ideally one with two arguments that could be made, so that two groups could be assigned to said arguments. Once the topic is found, and the groups are assigned, they would have to have a debate of sorts with the other side.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
Finding something that could possibly relate to what would be taught in my classes could prove to be a challenge, but one that I’d have to overcome regardless.

A possible topic to go over could be the evolution of architecture, and the improvement of construction materials and processes through the years; while not necessarily an example of architecture from the early 1900s considering its age, the Shrine may be a good example of old, traditional ways of building homes, and buildings in general; whereas the business park could be a great example of how buildings are made today; using concrete, bricks, steel, et cetera…


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?:
Attempt to defuse the situation. While understanding that rivalries are a thing, that’s simply common place between two different teams. However, someone being surrounded is usually not a good sign, regardless of who it is being surrounded. If defusing the situation by means of negotiation does not work, threatening them with detention slips to deter them from going through with whatever plans they had is the only feasible approach remaining.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?:
While the saying goes that there are no stupid questions, it is not entirely true; it is rather obvious when someone is asking a purposefully dumb question simply to bother people. The best way to go about someone doing just that, is to simply ignore them. Do not feed their ego, do not give them the reaction they’re actively trying to force out of you. It doesn’t matter how much they get on your nerves, ignoring them is the way to go.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?:
Naturally, the first possible response to this would be to politely ask them to turn their phones off, or at the very least put earbuds in their ears and stay quiet. If the situation were to escalate further, the next step would be to attempt to confiscate their phones until the end of class. If they deny this and refuse to do so, they will be removed from the class.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up, but it didn't help, what would your character do?:
The first thing that should be done in this kind of situation is to call for other faculty to assist in defusing the situation. In the meantime, if other faculty are en route to help, the students will be threatened with detention as is common place to do so. If multiple faculty members are present and the situation is still not improving, physical intervention in the form of pulling the students away from each other is the last possible option to resolve the fight peacefully.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?:
Winchester stands at around 6’2”, his height complimenting his relatively well-built frame. Cascading down past his shoulders were his soft, light brown curls, reaching down just past the middle of his back; though, when teaching, or in any professional setting, he can be seen wearing it in a neat, low ponytail. To match his hair, his eyes were a dark brown, with almost invisible pupils unless you’d look at him in the light. As you moved your attention from his eyes to his face, you’d notice a well-kempt 12 o’clock shadow going from his temple, down to his chin.

In the professional environment, he kept just that as a standard: professionality. In class, he wears either a suit and tie, or at the very least, a nice pair of jeans and a neat button-up shirt. Despite this professional appearance, he prefers to emit more of an… earthy smell; pine and cedar scented colognes were what he wore more often than not, which paired surprisingly well with the honey & milk scented shampoo that he used.

Although he maintains an attitude that matches his professional appearance, he does try to keep his energy relatively high. Keeping the students’ attention is the key to being both well liked, and helping the students succeed in class. If the students aren’t paying attention to his class, he seeks to understand their point of view as to just why they dislike it that much. He was once like them; not a care in the world about history, completely uninterested in it. They’re young, trying to enjoy their lives… why should they care what happened a whole lifetime ago, and how could he fault them for it? He teaches with passion, bearing an expressive, and audible tone of voice; not too loud, nor too quiet. When teaching his classes, points of relevancy to the topic are spoken just that tiny bit louder, and with a hint of passion to each one. A love and genuine passion for the subject he aims to teach. With his co-workers, he's much the same as he is with the students. He maintains his smile, and a friendly attitude to his co-workers whether they're teachers or professors, or caretakers and others alike.

History is written to be remembered, to document our past, and our path to the current day and beyond. Thus, history should not be forgotten. In theory, this should reflect on Winchester’s career, offering him a steady, reliable place of employment. Regardless of income, regardless of how long the days, making sure that history, and the people who lead us to today, are not forgotten, is his priority. His priority and his passion. His savings allow him to work with a smile, knowing he’s got a good chance at a stable life ahead of him.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life:
Throughout his life, Winchester had never taken a particular liking to history. He found it boring, and irrelevant. He was more focused on things like video games, music, cars… classic boy things during his childhood. Funnily enough, music was how he suddenly sparked this sudden interest in history.

Motörhead’s ‘1916’ got him hooked; the story of young boys lying to fight, to show their love and loyalty for their country. The way the song was written, played and sung, touched a young Winchester, and quickly switched his opinion about history. He began to read into it. Not just the Battle of the Somme, but the Great War itself. Learning about all the different battles, the offensives, and the general political atmosphere before and after the Great War is the true catalyst. It’s what led him to start learning about the start of the century, and the years between the end of the Great War, and the modern day.

Despite his growing interest in anything to do with history, he still kept it as an interest, not a career choice. When he’d turned 16, he entered vocational school for electrical engineering, opting for the drawn out, two year programme. However, rather quickly, his interest for what he was studying faded, and soon enough he was a dropout. He switched schools in the middle of the year to a normal school and continued to study for another two years. His grades were just slightly above average, and this allowed him to voluntarily continue school, and finish his A-Levels. He took a year on the sidelines, instead opting to work a full time job in retail at the store he’d been working at as a mini job for years now.

By the time his year away from school ended, he had made his decision. He wrote and sent out an application to the University of Cologne, to study history. After dwelling on it as ‘just a hobby’ or ‘just a fascination’ for years, he’d concluded that it’s one of the passions that he could reliably follow through and pursue as a career. In September of that same year, he was in Germany with a relative that lived in Cologne, and was attending the classes regularly. At 22 years old, Winchester graduated with a Master’s degree in Global History, and soon after started a brief stint of teaching in the same vocational school he once went to as an intern. He stayed in this position for 3 years, teaching with less and less supervision as time went on.

After careful consideration, he made the decision to apply to teach in Karakura Community College, and is now patiently awaiting his response from the school board.



Full Name:

Winchester Blackburn

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Blackburn

Given Name(s):
Winchester; Winnie; Win

Preferred Name:


Gender & pronouns:
Male; he/him

Religious Denomination:
Atheist, although raised loosely Catholic

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Landau, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience:

3 years.

Working Experience:
8 years (3 years teaching, 5 years in retail - part time)

Academic Degree:
Master’s Degree - Global History

Year of Graduation:

History and Politics
Modern History

History of War and Society

Native Languages:
English (Canon)

Other Languages:
Japanese (IC'ly)

Preferred Teaching Subject:
Modern History​


Additional notes about your application (if any):
Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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