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Profitable Hobbies - Metal Detecting + more!


Level 72
What's your Minecraft Username?: Oliverium
What's the title of your suggestion?: Profitable Hobbies - Metal Detecting + more!

What's your suggestion?:
Add some hobbies that people can make money from! Similar to how you can go fishing and sell fish. Here are some ideas I have:

- Metal Detecting (beach)
Loot can include: yen coins (common/uncommon), bottle caps (common), jewelry (legendary), + more. Common items can be very cheap, but legendary items can be 5-10k each!
The player can hold right click while walking (maybe it can auto-slow you down) and you go through the sand until a chat msg "You can hear beeping!" and a way to dig it up. Maybe a separate hand shovel item or sifter?

- Gem Finding (bodies of water)
This can be sifted from bodies of water, such as the beach, lakes (like the one at the park and forest) or rivers (forest)
Loot can include: ruby, sapphire, tanzanite, gold, emerald, quartz, jasper, granite, + more
This can give players a purpose for their mountain rubies - sell them!
These can be sold at a similar price as fishing. Some rocks will be small (like gold) so it doesn't need to be too valuable.
The player can buy a sifting item, where they'll go up to a body of water and right click. A menu can come up and it can say "You place some dirt/sand inside" and you'll click a "shake!" button while the menu (like a double chest) shows sand and dirt whilst revealing some gem items. Afterwards, the player can collect their items into their inventory.

If you have more ideas, give them in comments :>

How will this benefit the server and community?:
- Money: More money making ways that doesn't involve applying to things on forums or discord. Can be nice for new players as well!
- Roleplay: More things to do and hobbies to pick up! Might as well make them functional and worthwhile. Can also encourage people to do things together and talk about it! Friendships <3
- Beach use: The beach has so much room that isn't being used to its full potential. There's plenty of room for people to find some lost metal.
- Ruby use: They're not worth much, and a lot of us has the item. Might as well take it to the gem buying NPC :)
- School: Science teachers and professors can teach about the type of rocks you can find sifting, and they can take students on a field trip to try it out! Cute little activity to bond the class and learn!


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team

Honestly, just a minor addition to add in here but you've kinda already mentioned it with metal detecting:
'jewelry (legendary)'

I do 100% absolutely adore the idea of there being a stupidly rare chance of players finding antique pottery or something from Karakura's past.
I'm not talking 'bluefin tuna' rare, I mean like, 0.01% type rare. Stupid rare.
Maybe some could be placeable furniture, I have no idea what is even possible here.

It's just throwing me back to Gen V Pokemon, with relics that you could sell to some billionaire maniac in Undella Town.

Oddly specific memory, but this thread triggered it.​

This would also give people a reason to go scuba diving and enter the bay. It's a desolate and depressing wasteland of sand and kelp right now ))):

The proposals you canvassed are fine, but honestly, I'd be settled/satisfied with something even more simplistic/primitive.
Rubies right now are obtained from the peak of a mountain in Karakura, with a cooldown (unless I'm mistaken).
Simply having more places you can awkwardly traverse to obtain similar items (with a cooldown), and an NPC to sell them to now and again: this would be welcome.
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Level 205
The economics of roleplay servers focus on incentivizing players to spend time together and creating opportunities for RP. Soooo shared activities like fishing (for example) are great because they naturally bring players together - usually at designated spots (like where Robert Smith sells fishing rods).

So similarly, we could introduce Metal Detecting and establishing specific invisible hotspots (maybe they change from day to day) where players are more likely to find coins or other treasures to create opportunities for spontaneous RP and sharing some of that excitement over rare finds.

And to balance gameplay and economy, we could implement wear and tear mechanics (like the fishing rods already have):
Metal Detectors
could require AA-battery packs for operation - which deplete after each ping - adding a small maintenance cost.
Alternatively, Metal Detectors could have durability, similar to fishing rods, and require repairs or replacements after too many pings.

Since we already have a Metal Detector item, this could be a seamless! It would encourage exploration and collaboration!

Metal Detector Handheld.png

Usually - metal detectors pick up random trash - and only RARELY yield jewelry and coins.
Maybe the yield should be less reliable but higher when successful. (More risky than fishing)

It's a BIG +1 from me!
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Level 45

I think this would add a but of uniqueness to people's icly responses to things on how people spend their free time or earning money

Most students for example either for money say

So I feel like adding this would allow for people to have more unique aspects to their character profile. Because saying oh I do metal detecting, people would find it interesting to do something a little different!


Level 218
+1!!!!!! it's hard to make money esp for players who cant get into a player ran store/a faction

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