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Proper Punishments


Level 105
explaining my opinion from earlier:

Jocks aren't immune to punishments. When jocks are doing their thing, we're just as likely to be confronted with punishment, whether it be simple verbal warnings, detentions, or even suspension if our mischief goes too far. Obviously, our tomfoolery is strictly kept to an IC perspective, which is how jocks should be handled; not through a suggestion on the forums. However, if you feel as if the way we roleplay is unrealistic, failing to abide by fearRP, or pushing any other boundaries, you're more than welcome to bring it up to a staff member (preferably the respective sports faction lead, or the respective captain who can do so for you).

As Mr. Alimonino said, jocks can be a pain especially during classes, however you'll simply need to learn how to deal with them as described before; if they're disruptive, teachers have the authority to remove them from class when necessary, or literally just don't give them attention. Trust me, if our characters don't get attention during roleplay, they'll just get bored and stop anyway. If they continue after that, they'd be failing to fearRP (especially if detention is mentioned), and therefore you'd be able to simply get a staff member (as aforementioned, the sports lead would be your best option)

There are already scholarships, which requirements are outlined in pretty much every college tryout announcement. I think coaches could be a fun idea in my opinion though, but it probably wouldn't be a commonly played role. If anything, what the faction could do is appoint qualified teachers/professors to coach teams by volunteer aside from their regular teaching duties, which could lead to extra pay aside from regular quota (as the school faction is the most important to the server, they should be paid more in general opposed to other factions)


Level 10

As someone who jockRP's myself the only reason most of them get away with such things is they know how to do it in secret, we are already aware of the actions that will happen if caught so we do it in secret, just how it works. Plus this is how jocks are meant to be, they are typically meant to act this way hence the server description "Roleplay in the community of stereotypical jocks and cheerleaders" the jocks are just meant to be based on stereotypical like football and basketball are the main ones and cheerleaders I have noticed so far, we do get punished for it if caught, we get detention but most of the time we do not get caught.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- We're looking into ways to make handling situations easier for Faculty, as it is extremely stressful at times when a situation involves more than 2 students.​
- Ideally, any Sports Team member that breaks school rules should be aiming to not get caught, either by avoiding faculty, or by simply doing it after school. However, Sports Team members are often more likely to roleplay delinquency or 'JockRP' appropriate, compared to a player who may be aiming to get suspended or expelled. This being the case, if someone is trying their best to roleplay with you (as a faculty member), you should also try to roleplay in return; it's all a part of the role.​

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