Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
Server Experience | 性格が合わない | Contact Info
IGN (In-Game Name) // Current Roles
offtones / Main
[College] Paloma Kealoha / Maida Kirameku
[Grade-12] Noémie Kiryuu
ontones / Alternative
[Grade-12] Satoshi Taimori
I will be applying for Psychiatrist on my main account "offtones", This is due to my available rank and stats needed if I wish to progress throughout the faction in the future such as Speed and Acrobatics.
What is your discord username?
My discord username as of this application is:
Describe your activity on the server:
Generally, my activity on SRP over the last few months has been a fluctuation. Such has depended on IRL circumstances, however lately I have had more than enough free time to take on something new out of hopes of gaining more experience. As more time is spent on the server, I find less and less to appease a lack of do-diligence as well as just lack of detailed roleplay in general. If I were to be accepted as a Psychiatrist, such is bound to improve regardless of the aforementioned time (Being around a few hours everyday). Going further into detail on such and how my activity is spent, I typically engage with a few individuals in a deep-rooted detailrp story that is concurrently unfolding. A story between Maida Kirameku and various of the Saiky family, as well as logging on merely to do the estate keeper work when such is updated. On the frequent occasions that RP is not available whilst I am, I merely attempt to branch out to those who appear newer in the server and engage with their characters ICly to offer a sense of experience and desire to return and continue as when I first joined the server back in 2019, I too found a lack of involvement from the more experienced people.
On the whole, I spend a good few hours each day or if not, then by the end of the week there will have been a reasonable expense of time spent on the server. My availability is relatively absolute and will continue to be such up until September where I begin university. I will still be able to fulfil what is needed of me when that time comes but such will be far easier for me now as my charts of available time is listed below.
Availability Chart:
Server Experience | 性格が合わない | Contact Info
IGN (In-Game Name) // Current Roles
offtones / Main
[College] Paloma Kealoha / Maida Kirameku
[Grade-12] Noémie Kiryuu
ontones / Alternative
[Grade-12] Satoshi Taimori
I will be applying for Psychiatrist on my main account "offtones", This is due to my available rank and stats needed if I wish to progress throughout the faction in the future such as Speed and Acrobatics.
What is your discord username?
My discord username as of this application is:
Describe your activity on the server:
Generally, my activity on SRP over the last few months has been a fluctuation. Such has depended on IRL circumstances, however lately I have had more than enough free time to take on something new out of hopes of gaining more experience. As more time is spent on the server, I find less and less to appease a lack of do-diligence as well as just lack of detailed roleplay in general. If I were to be accepted as a Psychiatrist, such is bound to improve regardless of the aforementioned time (Being around a few hours everyday). Going further into detail on such and how my activity is spent, I typically engage with a few individuals in a deep-rooted detailrp story that is concurrently unfolding. A story between Maida Kirameku and various of the Saiky family, as well as logging on merely to do the estate keeper work when such is updated. On the frequent occasions that RP is not available whilst I am, I merely attempt to branch out to those who appear newer in the server and engage with their characters ICly to offer a sense of experience and desire to return and continue as when I first joined the server back in 2019, I too found a lack of involvement from the more experienced people.
On the whole, I spend a good few hours each day or if not, then by the end of the week there will have been a reasonable expense of time spent on the server. My availability is relatively absolute and will continue to be such up until September where I begin university. I will still be able to fulfil what is needed of me when that time comes but such will be far easier for me now as my charts of available time is listed below.
Availability Chart:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Discord | Unavailability |
8:00 - 21:00 | 8:00 - 21:00 | 8:00 - 21:00 | 8:00 - 21:00 | 8:00 - 23:00 | 8:00 - 23:00 | 8:00 - 23:00 | Always | Will be Specified |
What is your timezone?:
I live in the United Kingdom, meaning that in the late and early months of the year, I am in the GMT timezone, whereas throughout the centre of the year I am in the BST time zone. (The Difference is 1 Hour.)
Current Timezone: GMT
Next Month: BST
List your current and past applications:
Accepted - Judge Application | atcoffee | Observxbly
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLAYER INFORMATION General filing of information of the player and their availability. In-game Name: My current Minecraft...
Accepted - _Luminant | Professor Application | Sunsetta Alt
–––––––––––– / ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––セクション | OOC SECTION | セクション –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– / –––––––––––– 罰せられた | What is your Minecraft username?: | 罰せられた The username of the account that i am applying for this role on is "_Luminant". My other account's IGN is "Sunsetta"...
Accepted - Erykaaa | HS-Council Application
─────────────────────────────────────꧁❀ GENERAL INFORMATION ❀꧂───────────────────────────────────── What is your Minecraft Username?: My Current IGN is Erykaaa and i have no alternate accounts as of right now! Past warns/kicks/bans?: I accidentally put the wrong item on auction house...
Denied - Kamllle | Caretaker application | SRP [XinLin "Komi" Hamasaki]g
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Kamllle (3 Ls lowercase} Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Kamille#0001 How old are you? (Optional): N/A What is your time zone?: UK (GMT) Describe your activity on the server: I'm very active on the...
Maiden Application | atcoffee | Observxbly
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my maiden application, all of the info requested of me in the format is in the images below, the only exception...
What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have an extension level of experience regarding roleplay, having the opportunity to attend and observe various events rooted deep within the lore of SRP. I will cover this in different sections to offer an insight as to the things I have seen and experienced whilst present on the server.
Town Faction
I once had a Judge character on the server, thus being one of the characters I had developed over the course of many years. I was not within the faction for an extensive period of time however throughout my time I did receive the full training and in doing so learnt about the processes and experienced trials throughout. I also had the pleasure of meeting many prominent people whilst a part of the faction which led to more connections later on. The key aspects of roleplay experience I learnt whilst a Judge was the trials, overseeing, issuing ID, R.O and Adoption papers, etc.
School Faction
In the distant past, I was once a professor on my alternative account once known as '_Luminant' and is now 'ontones'. Whilst a part of this faction, I taught cooking classes and such was rather enjoyable when people showed up. It also put me on the spot in a lot of scenarios thus giving me the developments in writing skill that I needed to ensure I could come up with the classes prior and on the fly when I reached the end of my pre-determined content for the session. I left this faction due to the lack of attendance and intrigue, even when the attending of classes was mandatory, It was still lacklustre. Regardless of the experience, it still offered insight and was a moderately enjoyable outlet for roleplay experience for the months I was on.
School Teams
I have been part of various teams whilst on the server, Football, Cheer, Basketball, Baseball, Etc. I have had an extensive ongoing rivalry even whilst outside of a team which has developed my interest and skill when it comes to writing thanks to a few individuals who compete alongside me. I am currently the no.1 baseball player, and the rivalry sparked because of this has been incredibly enjoyable both IC and OOCly. Being part of these teams has given me the knowledge of both sides of the rivalry, meeting many new people who are also as passionate about the writing and performance as me.
There have been many events that I have had the pleasure of being online through, whether it be the huge list of trials, or the Hiroto Akihito saga and his tangent. Halloween events, New Years events, etc. The fire that killed Mike Akihito and more. These have given me the opportunity to see what the upmost level of roleplay reaches when the whole server is involved, thus making me strive to reach higher in that regard. Wanting to be part of something special, and showing that it can impact even those who aren't involved.
Family Experience
I have had the pleasure in the past of having a level of involvement with the two major families, that being Akihito and Saiky. As an estate keeper in the past and concurrently as well as just outside rp and even having relation to one in RP with the now distant Kusanagi (Autocorrect keeps fixing my names) family, I have seen what it means to be a part of the largest family and how important each action both in and out of the estates are.
Long-Winded Character Experience
I have experience with characters that have a long lifespan, having one that lasted more than 3 years on SRP before the eventual decline in her story. To show the dedication behind her character, I have various customs as well as a full biography made PURELY by myself that will be linked below.
"Voided Humanity" // atcoffee // Kiyataka Sakura-Ki
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fabvl - 'Can't Be Saved' (This song is fucking amazing, Definitely listen to it): Voice Reference: Final Note: Thanks to...
What is your motivation for applying?
Which role are you applying for?
What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
In-Character (IC) Section
In-Character Details | 性格が合わない | Character Info

Ash of one, Heals another.
Noémie Kiryuu | 心理的抱擁 | The story of her mental mission.
Gasoline lay upon tainted ruin, the demolition of what she once was. An uncontrollable blaze, igniting her figure. As time's antidote took effect, the flame was stoked to wield. Ashes of Kiryuu, lay life to new forestry, feeding the flame in the homes of all. This is the story of how she developed her interest in psychology, a new definition tattering the pages of her dictionary.
High-rise canopies serve a blanket entrapping the sweet aroma of Nibehime shrine. Wooden sandals retreating to their roots as each step she took sank deeper into the uncertain terrain. A delicate blend of aroma and humidity serving a pillow for Kiryuu to rest. A villa amongst the cluster of mental unkept shrubbery—Yet what is sleep to an insomniac. Riddled with relentless thought, doubt and unease planted deep within her brain’s soils. Returning through the same path they had arrived, yet an unrecognizable atmosphere. At the age of 15, Noemie held a troubled heart, constant treason to the throne of her psyche. It was only on this day that she lay eyes upon a haven, nested in seclusion amongst the crowded forestry. Her first peek at a psychiatrist, Akiyo’s House.
Her delicate pleas proving futile, the contrast of her red kimono amongst the green mirroring that of her disdain following Japanese virtue. A hamartia by design, endurance of the mind. She could only beg until they faltered, her parents allowing her to visit the tattered home of healing.. Tapping in to Pandora’s box for the first time, she had finally held hope beyond pulling at tangled strings, chasing her appraisal.
'You're too young, Unprepared for the real world. .'
Her fist tightened..
'You were upset, acting impulsively. You're too emotional it seems. .'
She clenched tighter, the fabric of her clothing tainting between her fingertips.
'You should practice self control. .'
What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)
Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
How does your character act around the hospital?
Does your character function better on their own or with others?
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