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Denied Psychiatrist application | SHADs7


Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username? shads7

Describe your activity on the server: I'm usually on, almost every day for long periods at a time (example: 10 am to 12 am)

What is your timezone?: Canada, CST (Central Standard Time)

List your current and past applications: Denied; | | |

Accepted; | | |

List your current roles on the server: SHADs7: Omega | I have 3 grade 12 characters and a fox character (the fox character I got with a character slot ^^)

What experiences do you have with roleplay?: Well, besides playing SRP for a few months. I've played lots of roleplaying Roblox games (like Royal High, Meepcity, Bloxburg, Gacha Online, Adopt Me and many more) and besides Roblox, I used to roleplay a bit on Amino.

What is your motivation for applying? I'd would love to be able to do more stuff on SRP and I've never really had any sort of important role like this. I've also just always have liked the idea of being a doctor or something in the medical position for a while, since I like the idea of helping people or trying to at least do that. Though, to be honest, I'm not a big fan of blood and that kind of stuff in real life, but I also figure it would be fine because it's Minecraft, just roleplay/pretend in a way.

I also was inspired by a friend who has a position as a psychiatrist. They've told me about the role, and it sounds like it would be a fun job! I just feel like it could be a good fit for me. A fun way to earn a little more yen on SRP while adding to the overall roleplay experience. I've also done research on it since for a while now I've wanted to make and fill out this application.

Which role are you applying for? Psychiatrist

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction? Well, there's doctors, psychiatrists, paramedics and veterinarians, which all of these ones are the ones that people can apply or ask for/about. To get the paramedic/veterinarian role, you'd have to talk to somebody like a higher-up or the hospital director about wanting one of these roles, before applying to one of those said roles.

Doctors are a major role in any hospital which most doctors usually stay in the hospitals, unlike paramedics who tend to go out and check up on people. Doctors are often the first thing people come up with when it comes to health, rather it's metal or physical health. They have many important jobs and take part in many different areas of work. Some are surgeons who help with anything from huge emergencies to nose surgery. Some doctors specialize with the brain, others with viruses, and many 'many' with cancer, and many more different types of doctors who help people with different things. Doctors save lives everywhere, almost every day.
Psychiatrists are medical doctors who specialize in mental health (usually) and even substance used disorders. Psychiatrists are usually the ones, who would treat and diagnose you with a type of mental health condition/issue. A psychiatrist is a medical worker who specializes solely in medications. They are charged with the selling of and medicines, dealing with prescriptions, and anything of the sort. Whether it be mental health, or something else. They are allowed to prescribe certain medications, depending on what they treat. They are not to be confused with the******s (some psychiatrists do offer therapy sometimes though, it just depends on the type of psychiatrists, since some study/focus more on mental health and others might study more on medicines) as they sometimes are. They do not specialize in talking with any patients (some don't, and some do), and the******s do not have any authority over medications. They are the people you always see when you head up to the front desc, asking to renew a prescription, always there to help!

Paramedics are skilled healthcare professionals who respond to emergency calls from people, and they are usually skilled medical care protocols like first aid, medical treatments and more. Paramedics kind of have the opposite of doctors, since paramedics usually tend to go out and check people. Paramedics are specially trained workers who often go out to other people's houses to assist with any emergency issues. They are basically the ones who work in ambulances, going wherever needing to provide care quickly and on the spot until the patient can reach a hospital. They are not like doctors, or nurses, or anything of the sort, it's a whole separate job. They save many lives every day with their quick help! Paramedics are not EMTs, they have much more training and are better prepared for a wider range of issues.

Veterinarians usually take care of many different types of animals; they prevent diseases and disorders in animals. They always treat and tend to animals, besides taking care of illness and disorders for animals, they take care of animals with variety of different type of medical equipment like surgical tools, x-rays and many, many more. Veterinarians are skilled professionals who deal with animals instead of people. They work as doctors for animals, doing checkups, and looking at them when something seems wrong. Within this role is many different skill types since they deal with all medical ailments you animals could possibly have. Some are paramedics, some surgeons, and some just your average doctor. Most vets specialize in dogs and cats, but they are still there for other pets if you need them!

Color Codes: (This can vary/change depending on where you live, but anyways;) Red - Fire, Blue - Adult medical emergency, White - Pediatric medical emergency, Pink - infant abduction, Purple - child abduction, Yellow - bomb threat, Gray - combative person, Orange - Hazmat, Sliver - weapon/hostage and Green - patient elopement.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished? Yes, I completely understand.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:
Raphael A. Tomohiro

Character’s Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him

Character’s Age (if accepted): 30

Character’s Academic Background: Grade-12 (I would've liked to have gotten him into college, but there's been no exams really as of late.)

Character’s Nationality: British

Character’s Marital Status: Single

Character’s Religious Denomination: Pentecostal

Character’s Spoken Languages: JSL and French

Character Backstory:
6-7 - Raphael grew up in a home that was quite strict and also quite religious. Being in a strict home, Raphael wasn't allowed to play video games or even really touch many electronics, only the tv to watch the news. Raphael was almost bored of being home, so he always tried begging and asking his parents if he could hang out outside, which most of the time, they said 'yes', but they were fairly strict about what time he should come back inside. One time, he got in trouble for coming back inside late and basically, he just got a slap to the face and was sentenced to his room for almost all day.

10-11 - When Raphael was 10, there was an incident that caused some scars that still and will always remain.

One day, when Raphael was going to have a bath, he heard his mother talking or mentioning something with the word 'Flame' or 'Fire', Raphael was a little confused, but he thought, maybe she was thinking about a candle fire or like the fireplace.

As Raphael was soaking in the bath, he could faintly smell smoke coming from out of the door. Raphael was a bit confused, but he thought it could be the fireplace like what his mother might've been talking about earlier. A few minutes later, the smoke kept getting worse and the amount of smoke coming out from the door, was almost nauseating and making him really dizzy.

Since the smoke was getting worse, he decided it would be best to finally check out where it's all coming from. Raphael got out of the bath and quickly dried himself, before throwing on some of his clothes. He opened the door and there was a big fire in the middle of the living room. He was shocked.. 'Had this been what his mother was talking about earlier?' Is what he thought to himself for a second, and another thought came, 'Was this.. Started on purpose to leave him? Injury him?'

Raphael took a deep breath, as he tried his best to rush out of the house, being careful of the growing flame. As he made it to the front door, it was locked... And his right arm touched something hot, burning hot. He turned around slightly and saw that the flame had grown a lot more and was right there.. He could feel the fire touching, burning his right arm... But there wasn't much he could do, he couldn't move much, there was fire everywhere and the pain in his arm was starting to numb as his eyes were starting to close. He could feel the burning dull feeling spreading to the side of the face.

In his half-conscious state, he felt the front door open and the next thing he saw was him on the ground from where the door just opened, he then saw some guys standing over him, before he blacked out.

When Raphael came to, he was in the hospital and there was a doctor nearby, seemingly checking his vitals. 'I'm alive', is all Raphael could think about as he scanned the hospital room, he soon noticed that there were bandages wrapped around the right side of his face and his arm too.. He had a feeling these would be badly scarred up, but he didn't think about that now. He was just happy that he survived.

Raphael stayed in the hospital for a few weeks, the doctor was very kind to him and him actually kind of felt an odd comfort from the doctor, he acted and almost treated Raphael like he was his own kid. Which filled Raphael's heart with actual love and care.

Once Raphael was pretty much all better, the doctor told him some news about how, apparently the police checked his parents' house and found that the fire wasn't an accident and that it was on purpose. They told him, he was going to be taken to an orphanage.

12-16 - Raphael has been staying in that orphanage for a few years now, but today is the day he runs away because nobody wants him, everybody agrees that his scars are ugly, and he gets bullied for them.. Almost every day. And now he finally let go of everything in this orphanage and be free now.

Raphael took a deep breath, as he opened one of the windows upstairs and jumped into the bushes below, they mainly secured his fall. He got a couple of scratches from some of the branches in the bushes, but he managed to get out of the bush and run off.

Raphael ran and ran as fast as he could, but he eventually got tired and had to take a break. He started setting up a little tent/place for himself to rest, it was late anyways, so getting some rest would be good.

18 - Raphael was in and out of abandoned places, but eventually he got adopted by some guy, who gave Raphael small jobs around the house like cleaning, doing the dishes, laundry and etc. In return the guy would give Raphael money.

Raphael stayed with this guy for 2 years, until he turned 18 and when he had enough money. He soon heard about Karakura and its beautiful land, he soon moved there.

Raphael then eventually met the Tomohiro family and soon got adopted into the family. He's been in the family for about a month now. He's only really met and hung out with Umeko and Violet before, which Violet beat his ass in volleyball 3 times.

Anyways, Raphael found out that his uncle (Satoshi Tomohiro) works as a psychiatrist at the local hospital in Karakura. Raphael has been wanting to learn more about that medical stuff, ever since that one doctor saved him those few years ago and because of his uncle being a psychiatrist.

Raphael wants to help people, like how that doctor saved him. He wants to be able to help and save people. At his young age, he started looking into research and information about different types of medical medicines. He found that he was quite fond and interested in Emergency and Preventive type medicine.

He likes 'Emergency Medicine' because the idea of diagnosing and helping someone with a rare and possibly 'special' illness seems interesting. Quick actions and split-second decisions, seem like a good way to test out different medications or to see if something doesn't mix with a person.

And Raphael likes 'Preventive Medicine' because being able to help groups (rather small or big) would be amazing. He would love to see their smiles as he takes care of them with kindness and grace. And just the idea of possibly helping people get/feel healthier is always a good plan.

(Present) - Raphael is definitely way better here, than he was in his old home/place. Karakura is peaceful (sorta) and many of the sights are beautiful here. Raphael has only met a few people here, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to meet more/new people, he's just a pretty shy person at times. Though as he gets to know people, he can become less shy and when in a fairly big group of friends, he'll grow more confident.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Emergency and Preventive medicine, he studied both of these for 3 years.
He likes 'Emergency Medicine' because the idea of diagnosing and helping someone with a rare and possibly 'special' illness seems interesting. Quick actions and split-second decisions, seem like a good way to test out different medications or to see if something doesn't mix with a person, though 'testing' out medicine might be a way to prevent from possible mistakes in the future, in case somebody has a bad reaction to a type of medicine

And Raphael likes 'Preventive Medicine' because being able to help groups (rather small or big) would be amazing. He would love to see their smiles as he takes care of them with kindness and grace. And just the idea of possibly helping people get/feel healthier is always a good plan. Helping people get over bad addictions (like smoking, drinking and ext.) is always good, since a lot of those are usually unhealthy and can cause terrible things to your mental or physical (or even both) health.

(like it's said in the backstory, but I added a bit more detail to this for the question :3)

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school? Besides 'Preventive' and 'Emergency Medicine'. Raphael did study a bit about 'Family Medicine'.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions? He definitely knows some first aid and well other knowledge, but he hasn't actually tried to apply to be in this line of work, till now because he's been thinking about it a lot more as of late.

Has your character completed any additional schooling? He took an interest into psychology while in school, he mainly would study that almost all day.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Raphael A. Tomohiro has lovely dark rose, red hair and deep blue eyes, he stands at the odd height of 6'1. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder, with the words 'Thoughtful' underneath the tattoo. He has double 'snake bite' piercings. He has a burn scar over his right arm and face. Raphael is known to sort of be a quick thinker, usually people call him very 'unique' and 'cool' because of his burn scars. People would describe him as a kind, gentle and yet sort of shy soul, a soft-spoken guy who speaks very few words sometimes.

Raphael ^^.png Raphael ^^ (back side).png

How does your character act on and off duty?

Raphael would be pretty hard-working and even kind of serious to, making sure he does his best as he tries to help as many people as he can. Despite his hard-working and serious demeanor, he would be very kind and gentle to his patients. Doing his best to make sure his patients feel safe and sound with him. Besides his quiet demeanor, it's almost calming to some patients that they have someone who will listen to you entirely, no matter what you might be speaking/talking about.

Raphael seems quiet, calm and kind as he would be seemingly sitting on a chair and reading a book, his whole demeanor and body language is oddly soothing, almost relaxing in a sense. He would smile gently and shyly as people walk by, sometimes evening waving at them. He just seems so relaxed and quiet, not making much of a sound as he reads his book. Sometimes it makes you wonder how such a kind person, could be like this, despite the shitty past he had.

Does your character function better on their own or with others? He's usually fine on his own, but he doesn't mind working with others either.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Raphael has always dreamed about being a successful (or sort of successful) psychiatrist, he would like to find love one day and maybe have a kid or two one day as well. Right now, though, he wants to focus on his career for now, he mainly just wants to put his energy and focus into this job. He prays that all these wishes will or could come true some day in the future.

"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let it go" - (by Carol Burnett)
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Level 258
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation, meaning we tend to pick players who have been on the server for a while and have a relatively clean history.

Nonetheless, below is some advice from our higher-up team in order to help you improve any future applications and therefore improve your chances of being accepted in future waves:
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server, and follow the proper format if you wish to apply again.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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