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Punishment Improvement


Level 103
What's your Minecraft Username?: _BritishAutism_
What's the title of your suggestion?: Punishment Improvement

What's your suggestion?:
Providing screenshots of what the player did to break SRP rules.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I've noticed a lot of people are getting warned on SRP and complaining about the fact they don't know what they have done wrong. Yes, they provide the title of what they did wrong, but they didn't say exactly what they did wrong. An example would be someone was being toxic OOcly over ICly gangrp so they got warned, but they were not given a specific reason for their warning just "OOC Toxicity." I feel like if there was a picture of what the player did wrong provided in the warning it would reduce further things happening again, making it so the players can learn from their mistakes. I've also noticed, when a player is banned/warned/kicked etc, they will ask the staff who did this what they did wrong, they ignore them most of the time. I'd also like to add the proof I'm suggesting, isn't added with the person who reported it, just the proof itself. It doesn't always have to be a screenshot they can just say what they did wrong by quoting it. Something like in the screenshot [Provided @__SnowStorm 1721338891560.pngin the comments]


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Level 100
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If you DM the staff member who warned you, they'll explain why they warned you (at least I'm sure that's how it works? I wouldn't personally know if they changed how that works). If the player decides against DMing the staff member to find out, then that's really up to them whether or not they figure things out. If people are DMing staff members and deliberately ignored, they should bump the DM to figure it out


Level 61
Whenever I asked staff about my own warnings, they provided the reasons behind it as clear as day so there really isn't any secrecy behind it. I suppose screenshots in accordance to your ban are concealed in case this was reported by another player— therefore keeping the identity of the reporter a secret from everyone except the admin in question.

I really would prefer it if they could provide screenshots as to why a ban was made in the first place! It's just not feasible though, unfortunately.


Level 179
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Staff arent required to show proof of the rulebreaking, as they need proof to begin with of said rule breaking. this is due to many reasons but the biggest one being; Not Leaking the person who did the reporting. If it got leaked on who reported rule breaking, many people could go hasrasing said person about reporting people. Staff have this to PROTECT people.


Level 103
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I get that, but what I mean they should provide is the proof of what rule was broke, not the person who reported it


Level 103
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-1 If you get banned or in trouble, it’s for a reason. I don’t think they need to provide evidence.
Evidence is not what I mean, I'm on about a screenshot of what exactly they did wrong so they know to learn from it and not do it again


Level 330
I get that, but what I mean they should provide is the proof of what rule was broke, not the person who reported it
This will still risk the safety of the reporter. Imagine you were warned for OOC toxicity because of something you said in X's DMs. If staff were to provide you with that evidence, you'd inherently know who reported you. The system we have now is fine.

You can
1. Try to contact staff via ticket for clarification on your warning
2. Issue a staff report if you truly believe your punishment was unfair. In this case, a Senior Admin will review your case and give you as much information on your punishment as possible (within staff capabilities, of course)

As an ex-staff member, trust me when I say that staff will never warn you because of bias or they felt like it. If you were punished, 99.9% of the times you probably deserve it, and in the 0.01% of cases where you didn't, you can always make a report


Level 103
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because of something you said in X's DMs
This part I can understand, but if it's something that's been said in OOC, or Looc, I cannot understand, I still believe some form of screenshot of what went wrong should be provided


Level 100
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Staff arent required to show proof of the rulebreaking, as they need proof to begin with of said rule breaking. this is due to many reasons but the biggest one being; Not Leaking the person who did the reporting. If it got leaked on who reported rule breaking, many people could go hasrasing said person about reporting people. Staff have this to PROTECT people.
I think that they are more or less referring to warnings that have to do with certain rules such as failrp and things along that line and I totally understand where they come from - back then, transparency on this server was at an all-time low and I would see people getting warned for the same thing over and over because they genuinely had no idea what was causing the warning.

If it's something more lenient that they can learn from, I believe it's better that they figure out what not to do next time rather than be kept in the dark about the reason altogether; the person that reported them can remain private even so

[edit: of course, there will always be those few exceptions of privacy... and times where they did something wrong that was genuinely so obvious that they're just pretending not to know.. but for the newer players or players testing things they've never done before like gangrp, if it's something that isn't going to get someone riled up oocly, I firmly believe that they at least hold the right to know what they did so they don't do it again.. like being explained why something was metagaming or failrp for example]


Level 17
Manacube did something similar with their /evidence locker. People get harassed a ton because of it.
(It's been tried on other servers and yeilded the same amounts)


Level 17
This will still risk the safety of the reporter. Imagine you were warned for OOC toxicity because of something you said in X's DMs. If staff were to provide you with that evidence, you'd inherently know who reported you. The system we have now is fine.

You can
1. Try to contact staff via ticket for clarification on your warning
2. Issue a staff report if you truly believe your punishment was unfair. In this case, a Senior Admin will review your case and give you as much information on your punishment as possible (within staff capabilities, of course)

As an ex-staff member, trust me when I say that staff will never warn you because of bias or they felt like it. If you were punished, 99.9% of the times you probably deserve it, and in the 0.01% of cases where you didn't, you can always make a report
w yonio


Level 103
Thread starter
I think that they are more or less referring to warnings that have to do with certain rules such as failrp and things along that line and I totally understand where they come from - back then, transparency on this server was at an all-time low and I would see people getting warned for the same thing over and over because they genuinely had no idea what was causing the warning.

If it's something more lenient that they can learn from, I believe it's better that they figure out what not to do next time rather than be kept in the dark about the reason altogether; the person that reported them can remain private even so
this ^


Level 103
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Say somebody /whispers something, a slur for example.
What do you think would happen if the staff warned them for "Whispering [slur]."
They'll find whoever reported them even without a screenshot.
Like I said with my reply to Yonio,
"This part I can understand, but if it's something that's been said in OOC, or Looc, I cannot understand, I still believe some form of screenshot of what went wrong should be provided"


Level 17
Like I said with my reply to Yonio,
"This part I can understand, but if it's something that's been said in OOC, or Looc, I cannot understand, I still believe some form of screenshot of what went wrong should be provided"
If so, there is no need for a screenshot, just say "Saying [x] in public channels is not allowed."
As somebody who has been mod / admin on a ton of different servers, staff have every reason to not give players evidence and a very small amount of reasons TO give them evidence. Especially if the reporting party has a custom font or mod that makes it easier to find out who reported them.

Speaking from experience with a large server that actually serialized chat messages (for evidence purposes) and had an evidence system, players will go out of their way to find and harass whoever reported them, even if there's a TINY bit of evidence and it was in a public channel.


Level 103
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If so, there is no need for a screenshot, just say "Saying [x] in public channels is not allowed."
As somebody who has been mod / admin on a ton of different servers, staff have every reason to not give players evidence and a very small amount of reasons TO give them evidence. Especially if the reporting party has a custom font or mod that makes it easier to find out who reported them.

Speaking from experience with a large server that actually serialized chat messages (for evidence purposes) and had an evidence system, players will go out of their way to find and harass whoever reported them, even if there's a TINY bit of evidence and it was in a public channel.
It doesn't always have to be a screenshot they can just say what they did wrong by quoting it


Level 17
@_BritishAutism_ If a system like this is what you mean, then sure, I'd +1 your post. (Due to the server i was demonstrating this on's staff rules, i can't show the player or what they sent.

(Ignore the other info js focus on the evidence thing)
Screenshot (5398).pngis what you mean


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