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Level 0
what are ways you can make money? cause i’m trying to get a house/apartment and keep my hunger up but i don’t have much
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Level 37
- by doing /allowance (every 30mins)
- selling stuff in the Auction House (behind the spawn) with /auc sell [price] [amount]
- working in a shop, but for that you will need to apply, in the respective discord server shop

if I missed something, ask a mod +


Level 183
I highly recommend taking more time on the server then going for a job - I'll be of help and give a more unique answer

I will recommend you get a roommate you share the space with for a split rent since you're new - Then scamming ICly is a thing back then I used to make the rent in one day

You can also contact pash#9244 and I'll handle your rent for two months or three until you've perhaps became more experienced have a great dayy!!


Level 97
Jobs can be good to have but aren't guaranteed pay if working for a shop, if you apply for a faction the pay isn't the best but would get you enough for rent. Food is a large issue with the costs and how much you can go through so I would if you can get a rank with /feed to avoid having to waste a lot of your money on food.

It takes a bit to start but flipping items on the auction house can make you a good amount if you see what sells well and for a good bit

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