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Questions About Banning


Level 3
I've been gathering some evidence to get some toxic player who's been harrasing people banned from the server, but I would like some things clarified before I do anything too rash. I've been careful and patient with this, but I am unsure of some things. 1). Because I've been taking my time on this, I was wondering if there was a date limit from the evidence I provide? I would assume so because, for example, it would be strange to try and ban someone using information that was a couple months old. 2) My second question is, what exactly results in permanent ban? I've found some other unexpected creepy things this player has done, and been also gathering evidence on that. Answering these questions would help me and other players a bunch. I'm getting tired of me and them feeling uncomfortable and unsafe to play on your server because of this character, so I want to make sure it's a guaranteed permanent ban.


Level 3
Thread starter
I see, thank you for responding this helps a lot. But what about the date limit on the evidence?


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
Apologies, please disregard the previous reply, that player wasn't a staff member.
If you're looking to make a report against another player, you're welcome to DM any staff member on discord - mine personally is ozinth
There isn't a time limit on evidence, as long as it's relevant to the report you wish to make, if you don't have discord, you can create a report here:

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