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Denied Radicalrainbow Professor application


Level 11
Radicalrainbow Professor Application

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
[Librarian Application]
[French Application]
[JSL Application]
[Romanian Application]

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I've been playing on this server for over a year, and although I've had a long hiatus, I try to be quite active. Usually, I'm online for at least 2-5 hours practically every day, and even longer when I'm not busy with personal projects, especially at night when I'm more available. I often play with my friends or simply wander the server exploring as my cat character. While I play multiple characters, I plan to dedicate more time to the server by joining a faction. If I do get this role, I'm certain I'll be online often.​
This schedule is just a brief schedule of what time I'm on, this can change in the future and or can change from day to day just depending if I do get busy or not!

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I’ve had various experiences roleplaying in direct messages with multiple different settings and fandoms. However, I've been on SRP for quite some time. I’ve had a large number of experiences from playing from within the servers such as being a highschooler that's a friend of the world, a resilient college nun, and even the typical bad girl with a snarky attitude.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Grade-12] x3

What is the subject you want to teach?:
Literature is my preferred fields; however, if teaching in that area is not available, I am open to teaching alternate classes such as Medicine or Art.

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for becoming a professor stems from my year-long experience on this server and my desire to become more actively involved. Joining a faction is my initial step to deepen my role beyond being a student or an animal, preparing me for potential roles like the event team or moderator.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. Firstly The interactive class that I would host that is interactive would be a Yes or No quiz but moving around the room​

Explanation: allowing students to get up and stand in the middle as a question will be asked. It will be a yes or no question, students will choose the answer they believe in as it will allow them to think of what the question is and what the possible answer for the question is… if a student does get ALL the questions right they can receive a sticker

2. For the second one we would let the students make up a story off the top of their heads, the student will stand up in front of the class as others will stand up also, and the student will then explain a concise story to the others and the students will then need to discuss the story. This allows students to communicate and have an understanding of the story.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

While thinking of a field trip it's hard to choose a specific field trip but, if I were to choose one I would make a field trip to the shrine area to have kids learn there, as kids can learn better in different environments it allows the kids to get a better mood while learning, most likely during that field trip we would talk about certain books just really depends on what we are learning about that day! That is one of many field trips I would plan as in the future I would love to plan more in different places just to let the kids be happy and feel free in their mindset.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Ophelia would first walk towards the group as she sees the encounter happening. She speaks up with a sweet tone to see if that will get their attention, saying, “Excuse me, boys…” If they don't look at her or even notice her, she will raise her voice into a more serious tone, asking the boys to step away. “Boys, step away from the jock.” If once more they do not listen, she will try her best to intervene between the jocks, giving them a stern stare and crossing her arms across her chest. If the boys try to continue, she will tell them she will give them detention if they do not leave. Once more, if they do not listen, they will get detention for ignoring staff. Additionally, if it is heard that they were bullying another student, it can also result in detention.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Once the student begins to ask questions unrelated to the detention task, she would first go to the student and tell them to be quiet. “Please be quiet as you finish your task.” If the student decides to ignore her, she will lean down, making eye contact with the student, and using a sweet-like tone, she will say, “I'll answer any questions you have after detention, alright?” If the student agrees, she will later stay after and answer any questions the student has. However, if the student continues to be disruptive, she may have to contact SLT, depending on the nature of the questions.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
She would first make eye contact with the students and say in a serious but sweet voice, “Please get off your phones during class time and pay attention!” If the cheerleaders don't comply, she will go to them directly and repeat, “Please put your phones away. I won't ask again. If you don't, I'll have to kick you out of my class.” If the girls continued to disrupt the class with their phones and loud behavior, she would follow through and kick them out for being disruptive. She would then resume teaching. However, if the students continue to be disruptive outside of class, she will give them a detention for not complying with the warnings given.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
She will use her voice to get them to break it up, but if they don’t stop, she will intervene physically and call another colleague to help her assist the situation. Once the other teacher arrives, they will work together to separate the fighting students. After understanding the problem, the students will receive a detention slip for fighting on school grounds. However, the consequences may vary depending on whether the student was bullying someone or if both were involved in an active fight.



Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

a 40-year-old woman standing at 5’9, with alabaster white skin, a result of albinism. Her oceanic blue eyes are prominent on her soft features, framed by long, wavy platinum blonde hair.

She prefers elegant and sophisticated fashion, often seen in shades of white and soft pastels. Her outfits complement her fair complexion and highlight her refined taste.

Ophelia’s uniqueness extends from just her physical appearance, she has a fear of touch. This fear, stemming from her past experiences and the emotional neglect she endured, has shaped her interactions with others. She is uncomfortable with physical contact unless she initiates it.

Ophelia has a compassionate look at students, seeing each one as an individual with their own potential yet struggles. She believes in upholding their strengths and allowing them to explore further into their interests.

Ophelia holds teachers in high regard, seeing them as knowledgeable and inspiring individuals who play a crucial role in shaping students' lives. She admires their passion for teaching and dedication to fostering a love for learning, understanding the challenges they face, and respecting their commitment to education.

Ophelia Blanc is a reserved yet observant individual, preferring to listen and observe rather than draw attention to herself. Her independence is a defining trait, valuing her privacy and autonomy deeply. Despite her reserved nature, Ophelia is compassionate and empathetic, showing care and understanding towards others.

Ophelia envisions a future filled with stability, love, and family.

When the years of dedication to her career allow her to step back from its fast-paced professional world, she longs to settle down and build that future she can with her husband and children.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Ophelia Blanc was born on March 15 in Paris, France, into a reasonably wealthy family. However, her life took a different turn from the very beginning. Unlike many children who enjoyed the love and affection of their parents, Ophelia wasn't as fortunate. While her parents weren't outright cruel, they seemed to lack an understanding of what it meant to raise children. Her older brother experienced a similar treatment, being treated more like possessions than proper children.

Affection and praise were granted, but always contingent on meeting their demands, a pattern Ophelia also observed with her brother. The neglect of her emotional needs led her to develop a dislike for physical contact unless initiated by her. Although her parents provided material possessions, they fell short of providing the emotional support she needed.

Ophelia's focus shifted towards her own goals as she grew older, with praise from her parents becoming less significant. One constant source of comfort for her was books. She found solace in the world of literature, regardless of the genre. Her passion for books persisted upon entering college, and Ophelia pursued her passion despite her parents' disapproval. Majoring in Literature and art history, she excelled academically and exhibited great enthusiasm. However, after struggling to find suitable employment, she opted to become a nursing assistant through a year-long course.

Life became stagnant and mundane for Ophelia until the unexpected death of her parents. The funeral and grieving process was a blur, but the aftermath left her relationship with her brother strained, especially as they clashed over the will. Her inheritance became a source of contention, and her brother's attempts to claim part of it soured their relationship further.

Facing major life events and desiring a fresh start, Ophelia decided to leave her familiar surroundings. With her quick learning ability, she chose to study Japanese, filling her journal with plans and ideas. Eventually, she bid farewell to the large home she had always known and moved to Karakura, seeking a better life free from the haunting memories of her family and, especially, her brother. After moving to Karakura she soon comes across a good well-managed school, seeking an opportunity to study in a certain path of career.


(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)

Full Name:

“My full name is Ophelia Blanc.
The 'C' is silent in my last name.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“I would prefer to be addressed as Miss Ophelia”

Given Name(s):
“I’ve had multiple call me different things, such as Lia, or any rendition of dear, darling, or my name.”

Preferred Name:
“I’d prefer my birth name, thank you.”

“I’m forty.”

Gender & pronouns:
An odd question, I’m female, and my pronouns are she/her.”

Religious Denomination:
“I follow the Shinto faith, a traditional Japanese religion centered around the worship of kami, or spirits that inhabit the natural world.”

Marital Status:
“I am currently engaged,”

“My nationality is French.”

Current Location:
“My current state of home is in Karakura, located near the shopping district.”

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

"I gained my 2 years of teaching experience by working as a literature or art history instructor. I taught courses, facilitated discussions, graded assignments, and provided guidance to help students excel in their academic journeys."

Working Experience (# of years):
"I have three years of working experience. I worked as a nursing assistant, providing care and support to patients in a healthcare environment. I also dedicated time to working in shelters, where I offered assistance and support to individuals in need, contributing to their well-being and safety."

Academic Degree:
“I hold a master’s degree in Literature and Art History.”

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated in 2005 from college”

"I have a degree in Literature and art history.”

"I have a bachelors in Literature.”

Native Languages:
“My native language is French.”

Other Languages:
“The only other language I truly know is sign language, It certainly helps me in communicating with the students who can't speak or hear."

Preferred Teaching Subject:
“I would prefer to teach something in the literature field but if that is not available I'm quite qualified to teach Art and or even Medicine.”


Additional notes about your application (if any):


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Thank you for taking the time to apply, unfortunately I have decided to deny this application. This is usually because other applications stood out more to us, if you'd like further details feel free to DM me on discord (@muffincats).​

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