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Re-Adjust vehicle upgrade prices


Level 63

Truth be told with how fast you can go with exerlation and such the 500k price tag is not bad at all. Everything in this economy ICLY is pretty expensive. A phone alone is 40k on average, a house on the side of a 50k apartment is 250k a month, etc etc. Take BMD weapons for example. A spiked bat, which may i remind you ICLY is just a wooden bat with nails in it, is 400k. meanwhile, a supercar engine being 100k more than that is crazy too you guys are a bit weird

It's expensive yes but that's because it's made to be a luxury thing, cars alone in SRP are something of luxury cause you need to be either A, rich enough to buy from the dealer, or B have the OOCLY money for one. So I think the pricing is fine


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
-1 street racing = illegal
Street racing = expensive car parts

Though the parts themselves aren’t illegal, it makes sense to price them according to SchoolRP’s already massively inflated economy (hear that realism enjoyers, it doesn’t work here) and including the fact that the only reason you’d get car upgrades right now is to race people illegally.


Level 163
I gotta agree with Dylan on this one. Think of it as an award or an achievement to go after for. It's like a milestone in a way. They're in the high-price range because of the upgrade effects/changes that'll be improved on your car. The more you save money the better the upgrade and better improvements you get on your car. Thinking about it now, it also teaches you to save your money to achieve these milestones. Yes the wait might be forever but once you get there and get that upgrade you'll feel relieved after all the hard work you did by saving up every yen to get to that price range and you'll get that nice reward which is upgrading your car to apply improvements.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
I dont think that we should lower the prices of the car parts. The only thing I can think of is if you buy the next upgrade the next one would be SLIGHTLY cheaper but not that low. As Infi said, street racing is illegal and if GangRPers/CrimeRPers want to upgrade their car. They gotta go out and get the money to upgrade it. With how the community is, they will find a way on gaining money on upgrades
+1 to the suggestion and i see everyones comments but i think this is how the pricing should go:
Stage one:45k
stage two:90k
stage three 180k
stage four:360k
for the engines so that players get eased into the vehicle proggression system each upgrade douple the price of the last
1. 25k
2. 50k
3. 100k
gas tank:
stage one: 30k
stage two: 60k
stage three:120k


Level 39
including the fact that the only reason you’d get car upgrades right now is to race people illegally.
Disagree. I would buy the car part for the fact that my car it's 10 times slower than before. Not everyone that likes cars likes illegal racing. Please don't do assumptions like this and credit them as facts.

Still, -1
Although agree in the general picture. The prices that you propose are, in my opinion, too low for what it's being offered. Long story short: Reduce price YES, but don't reduce it THAT much. . .


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

- We intentionally made upgrades more expensive after lowering public vehicle prices by a significant amount, making driving more accessible to the everyday player. Do note that whilst it's annoying to have to upgrade multiple vehicles, street racing is quite a niche activity on the server and 'realistically' speaking, car upgrades and cost of labour would be quite expensive.​
- All of the upgrades offer a significant boost to your vehicle's stats, and we as a team feel that they're very fairly priced. We may re-look into this in future should we add upgrades or cumulative upgrades.​

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