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Denied Receptionist Application #2 || TheMelonQueen1


Level 8
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

TheMelonQueen2, This is the account I am applying with, I will exchange my HS-Swim role to an alternate account if required

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
CDT Or Chicago Time

Describe your activity on the server:
Out of a solid 10 scale it would be a 7, Between work and school, I manage to stay pretty active. For over 2 years I have been highly active on SRP and always make time to get on multiple times a week. The only times that I will find myself inactive is when I am taking a mental health break or busy with my job/school.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes. Around two years ago for role playing out sensitive topics by the past admin prosthetics. Was resolved though

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I understand. I will make sure that I am very active, especially since I am applying with my main character.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Receptionists are the first faculty you see when entering school, their job is to direct students to their classes, making intercoms to call students forward, and overall just helping the students with questions about school and maybe even life! Receptionists also redeem tokens for prizes when a student has enough tokens for good behavior. From an outside eye, a receptionist may not seem that important. Though in reality, the receptionist is a key factor of the school, making important calls, stopping trouble makers and fights, and helping out in general.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

Overall I have been roleplaying for a few years and have tried to experience all and everything! Below is a detailed description of all the roleplays I have participated in so far.

Student RP: As a student in Karakura High School I have learned the way of being an upstanding and delinquent student. From making friends and attending classes, to being on teams and participating in sports and jock rp, my experiences in that category expounds upon no end. As a part of the swim team, I learned how to successfully roleplay as a team, and to take the time to study and learn more about a specific sport to be able to detail-roleplay and participate in the swim actions. I also learned Jock RP! The art of acting like a stereotypical highschool bully, in that experience I gained knowledge on how to think more like a Jock, and a student, who is on a team with an overinflated ego. Another part I participated in was delinquent RP, a casual troublemaker who skipped class and got detentions fairly often. The art of it was to be against the rules. Which helped me learn how to take up a fearless persona, this RP also helped with Jock RP, as they slightly tie into each other.
GangRP: In all my experience in this subject I have the most, which is why I wish to learn more. The reason I’m making this application is to be different and try something NEW! So let me explain my experience. In all of my experience, I planned on making detailed actions, whether in combat or in insults. It also taught me to be civil in moments of stress. Whenever you have an unruly person, it teaches you to rely on staff to handle things, and stay in touch with all the rules of the server. Gangrp has a bunch of details to talk about, but in my feeling it doesn’t quite relate to the current application.

KPD: As a gangrper I have had plenty of experiences with KPD, and oocly being friends with a bunch of KPD members, In KPD, the experiences I have had, showed responsibility with radios, and with special weapons/items. It showed how to act responsibly in times of need, and showed how to properly follow orders, and keep a professional outlook on things.
EMS: A faction I have applied to multiple times, sadly never accepted, but at least that leads me to apply for Receptionist now! In this faction it’s all about health care, whether that be stitching people up in great detail, or helping with mental health, the help is always there. In this faction I’ve learned the activity that’s needed and also a passion to do so, I love seeing an EMS who is actively wanting to continue roleplaying out medical history and so forth. In this it gives me a passion to try other factions of roleplay.
Teacher RP + School Staff: Teachers, professors, and school staff are vital parts of the school, and I have plenty of encounters with them, closely watching them work or act upon their duties, whether to clean, to teach or stop trouble makers. In the School faction there are quite a number of roles, so let me say a brief bit of what I know on each.

Teacher: The teacher creates assignments based off of the class that they teach, they would then proceed to host classes. Each teacher has a certain quota to fill of classes, if not they may face ooc punishment. A teacher is also upon duty to stop fights, and actively enforce the rules of the school. Teacher’s are always equipped with a radio. The radio helps them contact their higher ups, or come to big problems, teachers are also supposed to join detention until it is over.

Professor: The professor does almost the same as the teacher, but with the added note of only teaching college students, professors also have a certain quota of classes to fill. If not they may face ooc punishment. A professor is to enforce the rules as well, though how they go about punishment can be more loose than most. A professor is always equipped with a radio that will allow them to contact their higher ups. Professors are also supposed to participate in detention until it is over.

Chef: A Chef is the one in charge of food, and such. The Chef shows up an prepares food for all of the kids of the school, as the Chef does so. Once finished the Chef may patrol the school, to enforce the rules strictly. Failure to do so may lead to punishment from higher ups. As the chef is always in grasp of a Radio to contact those if needed, the Chef spends most of their time either preparing the food, or patrolling the school.

Nurse: The school Nurse is a vital part of the school, as the injuries that happen in such a chaotic school is in the HUNDREDS. The nurse has medical training in serious degrees to be able to treat minor injuries and such, though the Nurse isn’t equipped for more serious injuries, those of which the Nurse must call EMS to help in that situation. The Nurse is also to enforce the rules strictly not allowing exceptions. The Nurse usually spends most of their time in the Nurse’s office, usually occupied by another Nurse or many of students that need help. The Nurse has a radio to contact higher ups or others about serious happenings inside the school. The Nurse is also instructed to watch detention students until all have left.

Receptionist: This one is quite self explanatory and explained already in my earlier questions.

Librarian: The librarian spends most of their time inside of the school’s enormous library! The librarian ensures that the library is well handled, arranging books, and giving out library cards to the kids. They sit there and await a student to check out books and so forth. The librarian also ensures that rules are followed. The librarian is also equipped with a radio to contact higher ups or other teachers and so forth.

Caretaker: The Caretaker is a very important part of the school, in order to keep such a magnificent school taken care of the Caretaker cleans, without a certain amount of activity the Caretaker could find themselves in receiving ooc punishment. The Caretaker is a main keeper of patrolling the school, and enforcing rules. The caretaker is keen on keeping the school clean and students in line. As they are equipped with a radio to contact higher ups and others to come to their aid. Caretaker’s are a vital part to the school’s maintenance.

Tutor: The Tutor keeps the school’s mental health up, I haven’t had much interaction with them, But I wish to learn more

Councilor: Same in this area as well

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
A different view, a rather new experience of the server, to find out what’s left to offer. After being a student and gangrping for so long, I’m looking for a new outlook, and a new view upon the server.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Accepted Applications to other factions.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): N WatermelonKing1 [18] [Grade-12]
F+ WatermelonKing2 [18] [Grade-12]
F+ WatermelonKing4 [14] [Grade-8]



/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
Alonzo would look at the student, as a look of pity fills his face, he shakes his head in upsetness, he would then look at the male with almost an apathetic look. He made a tsk tsk tsk sound with his mouth before saying in a kind, yet stern voice, “Is there truly a need for that behavior? If you cannot keep your language contained, then we will have a talk in private. Do you understand?” The male then awaited a response. He would then nod, as he went back to his work. If the student were to continue, he would then ask a co worker to take charge while he handles the situation. He would then walk out to the student pulling him aside, having a talk with him, he would mostly try to understand why the student felt a need to say such things as he would speak in a stern tone now, “Why do you say such vulgar and unkind things? I happen to not know you personally. So how is there a question if I’m pathetic or not? Do you find your words acceptable in this?” He would then hear the kid out. If he was working alone that day the male would just state to the student, “If you continue on with this rather vulgar language, and utter disrespect to me, I will have no choice but to issue you a detention. Do you find that a path you want to go down?” The male would then shoot a rather stern look, as to display his seriousness in said words. If the student would continue, he would just write a detention slip, and hand it to the student, once detention would begin he would personally pick a task, such as to make his punishment relating to his crime.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
The male would act instantly, as he would say with a rather serious tone, “Stop fighting now, and separate. Any continuance will lead to INSTANT detention.” With a glare he would look down upon both students to show his upsetness. He would then take turns pulling each aside, and get information on what has happened to cause this physical disturbance. The male would hear from both sides before putting them together, he would state out loud as to make it clear, “As of hearing both of your sides of the story, I understand why this happened, but I find this kind of behavior completely unnecessary. To fight on school grounds is a show of immaturity, and in doing so you have made yourself susceptible to punishment. I can understand a bit of upsetness with your class members, but taking it to violence is not acceptable. If I have made myself clear, I will give both of you detention. I hope that you may grow and learn from this experience, and that you may use your words rather than your fists.” The male scribbled out two detention slips before handing them over to the students. “Have a good day, and I will see you two later.” He would then go back to his desk returning to work. Later as he goes to detention he will give each a personalized detention task for them to realize that it relates to their crime.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Alonzo would pull the person aside, and give a rather fatherly scolding to them, as to display that their actions are not ok, he would then explain the dangers of their actions and the consequences that could happen. Though he wouldn’t tell a higher up just yet. If he would see that the person would continue to do so, he would then collect evidence of their actions via CCTV or phone recording, and tell a higher up with quite a heavy heart, and a rather down tone. He doesn’t wish to get his co workers in trouble, but if it was what’s necessary Alonzo would do so. After he would do so, he would apologize lightly to the one who broke said rules, and explain why he did so. He would also still make it clear that their actions were not acceptable.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Alonzo would be rather social, as he would talk to all his fellow co-workers. He would waltz his rather tall self around to make sure he can build a nice bond with his co-workers. As he did so, he would probably have a few snacks and a coffee, to keep his work ethic and energy up. He most likely wouldn’t do work inside of the break room, as he isn’t one to keep working while he has a break. He would rather enjoy his break out of work. In his preference he would rather tell stories of what he’s been up to with his co-workers, or maybe plan some after school events with some of his friends. He is just talkative in that sense and so he plans to just de-stress and have fun inside the lounge, until his break is over.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

The male would look at the student before him, as he sipped his coffee he would then ask in a rather plain tone, “What do you need?” He would listen to the student awaiting a response. As he would then nod before saying, “A school schedule? I can get that for you, could you please wait just one second?” The male would then lean back pushing away from his desk with small amounts of force. He would bring his feet to the floor extending his legs and lifting his arms upwards almost as he was reaching for the stars. He let out a grunt as he did so, closing his eye enjoying the stretch, as sitting a lot could be rather taxing on his back. He would then move forward walking to the back he reached to the collection of school schedules, taking one out. He would then walk back over to his chair he sat in, he would push his feet on the floor moving them ever so slightly to the right, bring the chair to push to the desk and with a little spin, he would be back to face the student once more. Alonzo would then place it on the counter sliding it over before saying, “Will that be all?” as the student responded he would give a nod before giving a slight wave with the words, “Have a nice day!”

/me Alonzo sat there by his desk, as he was rolling his pen up and down his desk, quite childlike but his boredom had brought him to such methods of entertainment. He then realized that a student has just walked to the desk, as he looked up he would smile, asking politely to the student, “What might you need?” the male would nod as he quickly got up from his desk going outside, he then asked, “Where is the fight happening?” He then collected the information as he rushed out to the fight, he would run up with a loud tone he said, “BOTH OF YOU SEPARATE AT THIS INSTANT!” He would scowl at them, as he shook his head with disappointment, he would stare at the two troublemaker before saying to them, “You are keeping me from my work, do you two have anything to say for yourselves?” He would listen in before pulling out his detention sheet, he then said, “Well fight just wont do. You will both have detention. See you after school.” He scribbled vigorously onto the paper as he then handed them forward to each student. Alonzo then gave a yawn, before walking back to his desk. Waiting for further events.

/me sat there as he looked at the student before him, he would ask, “What is it you need?” he gave a rather attentive gaze to the student, as he then gave a nod he would then speak, “Yes, we do have prizes for academic credits, how many do you have?” He would then state the prices of each and so. He then nodded as they made a selection as he reached out his hand to the student taking the credits, “Thank you very much! I’ll go get your prize!” He said with a rather kind tone, he escaped the grasp of his chair after so long of sitting idly, he then went to the back exploring a bit, as to find the prizes. He would find the blue lightsaber they had stored up before walking back to his chair, he looked at the lightsaber with almost childlike wonder as he then said, “Well becoming a Jedi-knight are we?” He gave a chuckle as he said so, he would then hand the prize over, as he nodded adding onto his previous words, “I used to be big into Star-Wars whenever I was your age as well, I actually had a collection of lightsabers too. My mom made me get rid of them, because I was getting too old for them!” He sighed reminiscing on his past he then smiled at the student before him, “You stay good ok? I hope to see you again with more credits to redeem, you can do that for me Obi-Wan?” He gave a clever smile as he enjoyed his reference. He felt rather “Hip” with the kids now.


In-Character Section

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
Alonzo Takahara
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
Mr. Takahara, Lonz outside of school

Age (Minimum is 25):
31 years old

Academic Degree:
A bachelor’s degree in math

Russian, Mandarin.
Known Languages:
Russian, Japanese Sign Language, and Spanish!

A male from Karakura, Japan born and raised in a large apartment, where he and his family having 2 brothers and two sisters lived, all raised by their mother. His mother was a female of substantial stature standing at exactly 6,8 and his father, who sadly passed from a tumor in his brain, stood at the height of seven foot five inches, the male was living in a family of GIANTS! Seo, one of his brothers who was two years older than him, at age 6 Seo was 5 foot eight. What an amazing height! Alonzo in this family of giants followed in their footsteps, growing taller every day of his life. Alonzo also, like his Mother, had albinism. His whole body was extremely pale, as he went through everyday life occasionally receiving a sunburn here and there, but his life went from casual to hellish. At age 13 his sister would remove his eye from its rightful place. Then shortly after his family was murdered. Alonzo had so much trauma from the experiences, he seeked help with Psychiatrists, and that’s where he found help. He went for 5 years straight, therapy session after therapy session. His past still haunts him, though he is in a much better place, where he has found a right to forgive his sister, and now actively searches for work. At age 19 he enrolled in a college, where he had worked for 4 years straight as a major in Communications and a minor in psychology, he earned a bachelor’s in math. Alonzo searched after that for work, where he managed to land a job in maintenance at a small park. At 28 he quit, he felt as there was more to do with his life, so he began searching as he then found his old school, he looked into the applications for work, and formulated a resume, but he doubted his decision. He decided to just find a makeshift job ending up as a bartender. At age 31 he quit, and decided it was time, he formulated his resume and sent it in, he awaited a response eagerly as he informed his sister Kinoko who had worked there before of what he had just applied for.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
I am applying to KHS because I attended school there my entire life. I have always loved the faculty growing up and now that I am old enough, I would like to work alongside such amazing people. The school has changed so much over the years and I can only see it going into a brighter future. I also believe it would be a great opportunity for me to get to know the students of Karakura and help shape them into good adults.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
So I may enjoy what the server has to offer, I hope that I may be accepted because of my experiences and lack of already accepted applications, that I may gain a reputation as a good role player, not just a gangrper. I wish to be known for my ability to roleplay with detail in all situations and this step, is a passionate step forward into that light.



/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
I appreciate you taking the time to look at my application, please consider my possible acceptance, I reposted this application, because information regarding my last denial wasn't posted. I hope that the extra "Blurb" I added, will help clear up any issues.
Do you have any questions?:
Have you had any water today? Stay hydrated :>

Last edited:


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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