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Removal of all IRL Trades: MatsuWasTaken

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Level 6
IGN: MatsuWasTaken
DATE: 13/08/20
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Removal of all OOC Deals for IC money. Simply to put it, Minecraft servers are not allowed to be P2W, even if it's from players themselves, even if it doesn't put money into the economy, it still ruins the game for other people, because if someone like a gang leader buys 10 million yen from an IRL Trader, that's a massive advantage and basically an infinite amount of weapons, I actually did calculations for this:
Baseball Bat- 200
Metal Bat- 100
Pocket Knives- 80
Knuckle Duster- 100
Katana- 40
Kurikana Katana- 28
Crowbar- 66
Fire Axe- 57, they're making a,rules they've laid out.


Level 124
We do not condone OOC deals for IC money (nor do we offer it), the only reason OOC deals happen is because we have no way of preventing it as 90% of these happen over Discord. The only way we would find out about this is if we had access to Discord.messages.

I am unaware of any OOC transactions right now where people are directly buying IC money for something, if you could provide screenshots and more information of what is happening, who is involved I would be more than happy to assist.
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