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Remove /feed rank exclusivity


Level 89
Thread starter
Neutral / leaning -1
As I understand that a lot of people are liking the whole 'remove /feed cause its p2w', I understand that and I only SORTA agree to it. Allow me to explain.

There are ways on getting food; Vending Machines, Shops(Already cooked/Needing to be cooked), and Fishing. These are all around the map and are open for any and all players. Which in this case, I +1 as it gives a challenge to those who do have ranks on the server and makes it a even playing field.

Now, to my -1 of this post. I don't know on if anyone said it or not but if people want to spend money on the server, then that is their own business and no one else. As someone posted already, there are ways on people getting ranks, especially for F+. This could be by giving out a service to people(Tailoring, Art, Building, Etc.) or sometimes people are just generous and give non-ranks F+ for that /feed. I personally have given out a few ranks in my years on being on the server and upgraded people around Holiday times like Christmas or New Years. But that is my money and I will spend it as I please. Yes, The servers biggest income are custom items/cars but Ranks/Whitelists come in the close second.
TLDR; If people want to spend money for something the server offers, then let them. Not your money, not your say
Just because it something is sold it doesnt automatically make it moral to be sold. Imagine the server sells the abiliry to roll 200 and people buy it. Is it not my buisiness then i guess? I just have to accept it then because it is not my money


Level 89
Thread starter
Yep. not as dramatic as you’ve made it seem. But most people, like myself. Started on fundraiser and going up mainly for the /feed and then eventually said fuck it or people who want to pay a tailor, artist and etc with a rank/rank upgrade
Re explain your argument please. I dont understand what is your point here.


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
Just because it something is sold it doesnt automatically make it moral to be sold. Imagine the server sells the abiliry to roll 200 and people buy it. Is it not my buisiness then i guess? I just have to accept it then because it is not my money
This is my opinion, you are more than welcome to oppose it. And the server wont sell the ability of /roll 200, that is strictly for the KPD faction


Level 89
Thread starter
This is my opinion, you are more than welcome to oppose it. And the server wont sell the ability of /roll 200, that is strictly for the KPD faction
Just lets imagine now other players could buy it. Is it only my opinion that paying to roll 200 would be bad? Or is it truly wrong?


Level 18
Re explain your argument please. I dont understand what is your point here.

Firstly, It would effect the server but not as ‘dramatic’ as you’ve made it seem in my last reply. No. They would not go broke but, it’s still extra income for the server.
One of the reasons, mainly because I did it myself. People will buy the Fundraiser+ mainly for the /feed, and eventually bought upgrades to say fuck it. Which gives the server more money.

Another reason, it’s another way to pay tailors/artists/etc as the ranks aren’t that expensive, including when you catch them on discount. The server does make a lot of income from customs and etc, but it’s not an ongoing source, unlike ranks. That are wayyy cheaper than customs.

Where does this money go? Into the server, and where? Updates, addons, etc. everything we use in the server, the money we provide is what’s going into it. (Except for things the developers made themselves)

Besides that, because that’s not the main problem here. Just a bit of information why I sort of stand by this.

I suggest, YOU or others who have put a +1 here. Suggest possible other ways to fix this problems, here’s a list.

- Up the Active Allowance. 1,000yen doesn’t exactly help anyone here. I think we all can agree on that

- Make the hunger bar much more slower. A lot of people run in the server which lowers it faster, so just make it slower. Lesser the apples/food being used.

- Free 3 /feed’s for Normal Fundraiser and those with no rank.
Meaning, these two group of people will be able to use the command at the max of 3 times every 24hrs, resetting. (So even if you save some for the next day, you’ll still have 3 so better to just use them).

/feed will never be removed, too many people with ranks would be pretty irritated. Since not all but most bought a rank just for it. Like I said in my last reply.


Level 163
Why we suggesting things that will clearly get denied. The server is not gonna wipe /feed from the ranks and give it to the public. Features like /feed within the ranks were put in as a benefit for those who bought the ranks for supporting the server and for those who do buy ranks they get /feed and other features as a reward and it’s basically the server/Staff Team saying thank you for buying a rank/donating to the server. To sum it all up, the server is not going to remove a benefit from the ranks that have been a benefit for multiple years just to hand it to the public. And I know majority of the people who have bought a rank they probably only bought the ranks just to get /feed.


Level 248
Council Lead

I prefer using oranges, apples, and such than using /feed because it just feels more convenient, personally. However, if we're talking about how it gives a P2W advantage in the sense of IC money and time, we could do the math.

Let's start with the factor of money and vending machines; using fruit as our example, it costs 125 yen per fruit or 2,000 per 16 which is 8,000 per stack. The average allowance is 1000 yen per hour, so be generous and say the player plays at least three hours a day, and let's take the average money gained from Tom Brown, which is 2214.2857 during the timespan of seven days. So 3000+2214.29 is 5214.29. This is the average amount a player makes "per day". I can't say it's the exact amount since the amount differs on which day a player is on the Tom Brown streak but if someone plays for at least four days of the week then they will make 20,857.16.

Now, let's start with the time factor; it takes an average of 1 minute and 57 seconds of straight sprinting for your hunger to drop to 3 bars. A single fruit gives you 2 hunger bars and you need 4 pieces of fruit to be full; that totals a cost of 500. I doubt we're all sprinting constantly around the map since roleplay requires you to stand still but for this, we'll assume everyone sprints. If a player is playing three hours a day and it costs 1 minute and 57 seconds to run out of hunger to 3 bars, then the average cost of each playtime would be 11,538.38. Breaking down an hour into seconds would be 3,600 then 60+57 is 117 then 3,600 x 3 is 10,800 and 10,800 divided by 117 is (times they run out of hunger) 92.307 x 125 is 11,538.38 and if it takes 4 pieces of fruit (500) to fill up, it'll be 46,153.5. Again, this is the assumption that a player is sprinting for three hours straight. So, at the end of the day, the player would probably save money from their allowance and Tom Brown if they were solely buying oranges because no one is constantly sprinting for three hours straight. We also need to include that it takes 1 minute and 50 seconds for a player to run out of hunger after buying oranges, so 110 seconds.

Now, let's factor in /feed and how much difference that makes, money and time-wise. It takes a player 2 minutes to get to 3 hunger bars, so 120 seconds. Which is a 10-second difference, and if each second costs the player: 10,800 divided by 110 (1 min 50 seconds) then 98.181 then multiply that by 125, which is 12, 272. Then we can do 10,800 divided by 120 (2 minutes) then 90 then multiply that by 125 and that is 11,250. Subtract those totals, a player sprinting/playing for three hours saves 1,022 yen. Every player can make that amount in an hour by allowance; so /feed players have a 22 yen per hour advantage.

I don't believe 22 yen per hour grants a player a 'P2W' advantage and I haven't even factored in the free food players get during lunchtime, which would probably eliminate the 22 yen per hour advantage that players with /feed get.

(I did not double-check my math)

Ocean Man

Level 50
Just lets imagine now other players could buy it. Is it only my opinion that paying to roll 200 would be bad? Or is it truly wrong?
Right, let's imagine /roll 200 being an actually item that is sold thru SRP's Shop. You're pretty much comparing a ingame usage to a rewarded feature that is granted when supporting the server which is a rank, which doesnt affect RP at all. Remember you get your income which is per 30 minutes oocly, which doesnt take too much as theres some players who walk around, grind and RPing too. You're pretty much comparing a rewarded thing to something that is considered P2W.


Level 18
As someone who is a non-rank, I agree that the exclusivity of the /feed command does give a disadvantage when talking about money. However, this is only a slight disadvantage and can be dealt with by things such as in-game jobs (shops, factions), out-of-game jobs (tailoring, art commissions, building), auction flipping, and using the /vote command.


Level 118
-1 for now.
Its definitely not viable at the moment for the server to outright remove /feed as a a donator perk, as it is one of the most attractive reasons to buy a rank.

Removing /feed privileges without a suitable replacement would only negatively impact store revenue. And no, the priority isn't having more players, as we can't really push past 500 concurrent without being unstable.

Although, I do think that /feed should be replace with another slightly less overpowered food solution, it could also be an idea to just lower the price of apples
“for the server to outright remove /feed as a a donator perk,”
Basically a pay to win buff.


Level 146
Hunger as a concept on SRP makes no sense. Hunger is a mechanic of the survival gamemode, and in the context of any game or server that isn't survival it is removed since it's a nuisance. Why is this any different for SRP? A hunger bar is not necessary for roleplay, all it does is provide the players with a menial chore of maintaining their hunger by either typing /feed every so often or spam clicking their food.

Regardless of whether /feed is p2w, it's not necessary on the server in the first place and could be removed if minecraft's default hunger mechanic went with it.


Level 89
Thread starter
Hunger as a concept on SRP makes no sense. Hunger is a mechanic of the survival gamemode, and in the context of any game or server that isn't survival it is removed since it's a nuisance. Why is this any different for SRP? A hunger bar is not necessary for roleplay, all it does is provide the players with a menial chore of maintaining their hunger by either typing /feed every so often or spam clicking their food.

Regardless of whether /feed is p2w, it's not necessary on the server in the first place and could be removed if minecraft's default hunger mechanic went with it.
This is completly what I mean.


Level 89
Thread starter
If people buy so much the fundraiser+ rank for it to become a pilar of the SRP econmic sustainablity, and as many have said, the people who buy it mainly do it because of /feed. Maybe and just maybe, people are buying it so much because they find it necessary.

We cannot have both statements. "Fundaraiser+ rank is having a non trivial effect on sustaining economically SRP and the main reason they buy it is the /feed command" and "/feed doesn't have such big effect on the money savings of characters". They just contradict each other.

Either /feed has a big impact on money savings that people buy it or /feed doesnt have such big effect, making it not the main reason why it is bought.
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