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Remove, or stricten 'gang affiliation' charge


Level 7
What's your Minecraft Username?: revcnge
What's the title of your suggestion?: Remove, or stricten 'gang affiliation' charge

What's your suggestion?:
Before I start off my suggestion, I would like to mention that this is what I am aware of when it comes to this charge. I could be completely wrong in some things I say, please acknowledge that I'm just going off of personal experience with my time during GangRP and now DelinquentRP.

Simply put, I don't believe the charge for gang affiliation should be how it is, and how it has been for a few years now. I have, and still think that getting charged for gang affiliation just because your character is wearing an embroidered uniform is stupid. Personally, I feel like it would be a great change if this wasn't even a thing you could get charged for, instead, I think that if there is to be a charge for wearing embroidered uniform, it should be if a 'major' crime is committed while wearing it; something like stabbing an individual or a group of people knocking someone out while wearing uniform like such is when I believe KPD should be able to charge someone for this. Though for simple stuff like driving around or beating someone up (as long as it isn't any further than a scuffle), or even a group of people walking around in the same uniform, should be passed off. In the time I GangRP'ed, which was from late 2021 to early 2023, friends and I used to get charged for even simply wearing embroidered uniform, one that wasn't flagged by KPD or anything, with bail costs being pretty hefty. Realistically, if a group of people were wearing uniform like this just walking around in public, people would question it, sure, but they wouldn't get arrested for it. I just believe that getting spotted in uniform by a cop without even committing a crime, and getting arrested all because it looks gang-like, is stupid.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think this change would be beneficial as not only would it be realistic, which is what SRP is intended to be, but it would also allow people who have their own gangs, or even little clubs that have uniform wear them around Karakura openly, without the worry of them getting flagged for it. There has been countless times where gangs and clubs will wear their uniforms, and get arrested for it, which results in an AOS on anyone who's seen wearing that uniform, and it genuinely just kills chances of getting your project(s) recognition ICly (in the sense of physical appearance). A lot of gangs have kept their attires to being used very little, only during trainings or meet ups, all because they don't want it getting flagged by KPD, and their members getting arrested for a charge - all because they're wearing clothing with logos on it. Many people I know and I hate the simple "oh uh.. we're just wearing company uniform!" excuse while wearing gang attire. I don't think, unless the gang is in KPD's system, should have their members arrested for simply wearing the uniform, and saying "oh yeah its ... uniform." Hence why I suggested prior that it should only be flagged if 'major' crimes are committed and witnessed while people are wearing it.

What do y'all think?


Level 331
I have, and still think that getting charged for gang affiliation just because your character is wearing an embroidered uniform is stupid
Simply wearing an attire won't get you arrested for Gang Affiliation

We charge people for this if
- They confessed to being in a gang (intentionally or unintentionally)
- They've committed a crime with at least 2 other people and police have a reason to believe that you're all in the same crime group


Level 7
Thread starter
Simply wearing an attire won't get you arrested for Gang Affiliation

We charge people for this if
- They confessed to being in a gang (intentionally or unintentionally)
- They've committed a crime with at least 2 other people and police have a reason to believe that you're all in the same crime group
I see, was unaware of this while making it. Thanks for the heads up


Level 75
I see, was unaware of this while making it. Thanks for the heads up
Yeah what yonio said, if you or someone else in your group has ever been arrested for just wearing a uniform please contact a KPD higher up and we'll get the situation handled for you. :3

The description KPD has for gang affiliation is
"The act of being apart of a group of people in which commit illegal services/crimes that has been contributed to."
but like Yonio said theres requirements. First the person and the group has to commit some sorta FELONY specifically and police have to have an actual reason to believe they are in a gang. this can also be placed on a person if the commissioner (an SA) instructed it or the person turns themselves in, but of course even the commissioner has to follow the Karakura laws and rules already set in place.



Level 61
Teacher Lead
3D Modelling Team
Both Yonio and Eco explain this perfectly, but if you believe your character was falsely arrested for gang affiliation then I’d suggest pleading not guilty to the charge! (please we need more trials in town hall please)

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