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Rengo D. Zennix | Biography


Level 43
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Rengo D. Zennix
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Basic Information

First Name:

D. Zennix

Preferred Name:




225 - 275 lbs

He would have more of a Muscular build to him

Skin Color:
Dark Skinned

Eye Color:
Black to Brown

Hair Style:
He would have long to a kind of flat hair

Hair Colour:
Black to Purple

He would wear more a causal clothing but in some special occasions he might dress fancy too

He would have a Prosthetic arm and a scar on the back of his torso

Date of Birth:
22 of December, 1993

Place of Birth:
Germany, Nuremberg


Sexual Orientation:

General Appearance
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He would be a tall male that would greet you with a calm and kind hand shake or a bow for others he would be a very tall male

He would have a loving personality that would shine a room if wanted too, He would be a flirty male but only to the one he loves.


He would have Acromegaly, That is when he body produces too much growth hormone, causing body tissues and bones to grow more quickly

Character Voice:
Zhongli - Voice Lines (English) | Genshin Impact - YouTube

He would always have his cane or Watch with him at all times

He would wear causal but expensive clothing too

He would love to hang with his loved ones and chat too

He could help with hard things to get having the height to do it too

Gives good hugs


[D] ✧*̥˚ Hannah D. Zennix | Sister | *̥˚✧

[A] ✧*̥˚
Ilse Dietrich | Blood Mother | *̥˚✧

[M] ✧*̥˚
Klaus Misono | Blood Father | *̥˚✧

[D]✧*̥˚ Gunter Dietrich | Step-Father | *̥˚✧

[A]✧*̥˚ Lilith Amante | Ex-Wife | *̥˚✧

[A]✧*̥˚ Anthony Zennix | Friend | *̥˚✧

[A]✧*̥˚ Elizabeth Zennix | Friend | *̥˚✧

Rengo D. Braavos would be born on 22 of December, 1993 having a mother and father he would love, He would be born at Nuremberg Hospital North, North Hospital in the south east of Germany. He would be born with his father being from another country when growing up he would have a hard time finding friends because of how he fought the other kids would bully or make fun of how he looked and how the other children in his town would make fun of him. He would be about 2 when his mother would cheat on his father with another male called Gunter, His father would be that upset from what happened he would go into a depression state that he would think of suicidal things and one day he would go to see his baby now going to be his toddler as she would grab a knife cutting into Rengo's arm taking it out on Rengo his mother would scream as she would be forced to watch it as his father would be in a mental state his mother would call the police straight away and the hospital too. As the police found the father he would be pulled away the small Rengo as the hospital staff would be straight running to the toddler as they would carry Rengo out the officers would be pulling the father into a police car ready to go to the police station and to a mental health hospital or mental asylum to be questioned and put into jail with some support of the mental health team from one of the top German hospital too. Rengo would be put in an ambulance racing to the hospital right away as he would have no arm on this right side of his torso the ambulance workers would be shocked from what has just happened they would tell the driver to driver faster as this could be fatal to Rengo and he might die, They would arrive straight away Rengo would be put into a room of fully trained surgeons as they would try to do something to get him out of not passing away. Finally they would do there best to get a prosthetic arm onto him as he would only be young it was hard as they would have to find something to fit his arm length and things like that, he would be put into therapy as his mother would cut off all his contact to his father she would block everything to trying to get better and trying to see Rengo again as she would be in shock of what happened a few hours ago but she would be happy that he is not dead or nothing bad happened to him that he could not be with her again. Rengo would only be 5 going to therapy because of his fathers actions, Rengo would not have a clue what happened on that day being asleep though the whole thing he would just thing from what his mother said that "He fell hard of a cliff" He would agree with that until he would become older and understand the truth. Rengo's mother would be seeing this new male with hope of him not being like his father she would let him into the family as a father-figure to Rengo as he would see him for the first time he would kinda be confused still being a young child he would think of him like an uncle than more of a father-figure that his mother wanted.

Rengo would be turning 7 being in a family with his mother would be dating another male that he would now think of a uncle but because of getting closer he would understand his mother would be in a relationship with the male called Gunter, He would like Gunter as he would always look out for him as Rengo was his own. Rengo would be turning 11 years old with his mother now being pregnant with a little girl that would be his sister, Rengo would be mixed feelings, He would be happy and full of joy but then the other side would be more of will his mother and his step-father or father-figure forget about him because of this new little girl being his now little sister. Rengo would look after his little sister making sure to help his mother when his step-father was at work or was away on a Business trip he would help his mother with all he have got, Rengo would be about 5,9 and for his age of 11 years he would tower over the other kids in his town or city. Rengo would still be a shy boy because of his mostly having a prosthetic arm he would not like that the other kids would whisper behind his back saying how weird he looked and things like that, that would put him and his mental state or status down. Him joining high school was hard for him being at the bottom year or Grade he would be scared of the other big or higher kids in his school, Him being tall for his age he was still a shy student and shy kid making it easy for the older to make a show of him or kick him around just making him feel shamed from all of the rest of the students so Rengo would normally hang around with his mother of Step-father making sure his little sister was okay.

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] "Rengo D. Zennix"
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