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Reporter 2, electric boogaloo || SIMPL3Z


Level 110
Community Team
Lore Team

reporert application 2.jpg

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

My main account is SIMPL3Z. (APPLICANT)
My alternate account is Z3LPMIS.

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:

I do have Discord with a working microphone. My discord username is simplezz.

List your timezone and country:

I am from the Netherlands (CEST/GMT+1)

Describe your activity:

My past activity on the server had generally been very active, and much surrounded the crime community on the server. Whilst I have deviated from the crime community by exploring more of the SRP server by applying and joining EMS as a psychiatrist, and also in early 2023 having applied and joined the News Faction as a reporter for the first time, the only significant change since then has been my new achievements and activity.

Currently, my activity on the server is quite variable. Seeing as I’ve learned my lesson the hard way, I now truly see school as a priority, which usually comes up first. This affects my activity, though I am still fairly active and try to be as active as I can and want to be. By standard, I already have to be fairly active due to my other responsibilities on the server such as being a Black Market Dealer and a member of the Lore-Team. Besides this, and my obvious involvement with the crime community where a lot of my activity usually centres itself around, I do tend to keep working on new projects behind the scenes, some of which might see the light,—such as the Joia Family—but others might not. Either way, I still am fairly active on the server; enough to feel confident in applying for the News Faction.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): Denied. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted. Accepted.

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:

Whilst I acknowledge and have said before that reports can become quite tedious,—I must also say that not only am I now in a somewhat better space where I’d rather finish my work than procrastinate it meaning whilst yes it may be tedious, I will complete the job—I can’t deny that I like making reports. I’ve made many news reports of my own in customs formats and whatnot for my own personal lore projects. Simply another form of writing and creating lore, which I have used in the past before. So, why not now put it to even more use?

But, above and beyond all, I do simply apply for the roleplay and the lore implications.
Like any faction the News Faction is very roleplay-driven, in fact, without roleplay they couldn’t make many of the reports. That is why this faction specifically has a lot of quite simple yet rich roleplay opportunities to offer. Something I would once more gladly take part in and experience. Besides, it makes sense for my character in ways that you might have to find out about ICly. I am a firm believer in creating lore and building off of that; whilst the character I apply with wasn’t centred around the news faction, nor specifically created for it, there is a logical reason for said character to become one of the Karakura News Reporters; building off of his lore. This already creates more opportunity, seeing as I have not created a new character just for a faction; I go in with a purpose, a purpose I can communicate—or perhaps even hide—through the roleplay the faction has to bring.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:

I have a lot of experience with writing.
Still one of my dream jobs is to become an author, publishing my works and ideally be self-sustained from said literary works. And I can’t say I’ve somewhat been collecting and expanding on my skillset, especially through SRP. Writing is one of the things I love to do most, it is not just a hobby but a passion. SRP has provided me with many opportunities and topics through the ways of character lore, development and such to work and write a lot, and I also continue to separate my work from SRP-related topics. Typically I journal a lot myself, as well as write on my own stories and poetry outside of all my SRP works. Or even having written a few of my theatre scripts; my involvement with writing is very diverse, and I do hold a lot of experience within it. When it comes to my SRP experience with writing, it is quite a lot. From my expansive and massive character lore projects, family lore projects and even from my time as a commissioned writer in tailoring servers, most notably I am a member of the Lore Team, where my literal job is to write. Whilst I have no direct public works posted, there is behind-the-scenes stuff I have worked on and scrapped projects that never see the light of day. As well as my abundance of lore documents and folklore stories that I keep to myself, privately. I’d like to say I’m a good writer if I look at what I’ve achieved and written, but I do tend to be humble; there is still much room left for improvement.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:

Yes, of course.

Why should we accept you over others?:

To quote back to what I wrote within my previous application, and a statement I would’ve put here even if I hadn’t written it before. Despite a busy schedule at some moments, I still strive to put in my best effort.

To recite to me yet again: writing is not just a hobby, it is a passion.
This is as much enjoyment, roleplay, and a contribution to the faction as much as it is my personal development with writing, and essentially expanding my ‘resume’.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)

Yes, I do.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:

I have faith in my ability to complete the monthly quota. If certain temporary complications arise, the faction lead will of course be notified in advance.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:

Speaking from experience as well, being a reporter is almost constantly trying to expand your IC network with people to dig up more information, or to get closer to that really good story you're hunting for. If anything, you always have topics you can come up yourself with to write about, or you can choose from the list of topics presented at times, usually around every month. A reporter's main quota is of course the news reports, so a lot of time being a reporter is writing up these reports, though, with new quota options, there's also stuff like broadcasts and front-desk duty to fill your job time with. Being a reporter is definitely a roleplay-heavy job, and is also very dependent on what is going on in the IC world.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

All questions that are in the format are bolded, to find the dialogue.

Patiently awaiting his interviewer, the male sat upright in his chair with his arms placed on the table. Steam still coming from his cup of tea that sat beside a folder, presumably a resume.

The door opens and the interviewer enters.

[ “Sorry to keep you waiting, sir.”]
The interviewer takes his seat along with a quick sip of their freshly brewed cup of coffee. Perhaps that is why they were late.

[“It is no issue,”]
The male calmly replied.
[“Shall we, then?”]

[“Right, of course. What is your full name? Middle names included if any, please.”]
[“My name is Kyung Nashima. No middle names.”]

The interviewer scribbled along as they slid the resume over towards them, starting to flip through it as they continued to ask questions.

[“Any preferred name, nickname or title you wish to go by?”]
[“Sir Nashima, Gun or Prince Nashima. Nothing else; no Mr. or any other titles.”]

The interviewer underlined what they just scribbled down. Kyung could maybe do a lot of things, but reading upside down wasn’t one of them. He took his cup of tea in his hands about to take a sip until he was interrupted.

[“What are your past job experiences?”]
[“That’s on page 4.”]

The interviewer looked up.
[“Page 4.”]

Kyung tapped his finger on the table right above the resume.
The interviewer flipped through the pages, landing himself on page 4 as they read:

Past job/work experience:
  • Hr Department & on the board of advisors for the Nashima Smithing Company. — family-owned business.
  • COO of a local newspaper 2016 - 2017 → The Gangjin Daily Paper®
  • Part-time librarian 2016 - 2017 Gangjin-gun Library.
  • Combined 67 hours of voluntary work in the Teaching Department as an assistant history and/or journalist tutor at Seoul National University. (SNU)

[“Quite the list.”]
[“Hence why I handed in my resume.”]

Now, Kyung sipped at his tea, giving a slight smug smile from behind his cup as he did so. The interviewer rolled their eyes as they scribbled down more in their notes.

[“What is your degree or qualification?”]
[“I am a dual course Ph.D. graduate in History and Journalism.”]

The interviewer asked, though not bringing themselves up to make eye contact.

[“I took both History and Journalism at the same time. Through a Bachelors and Masters degree until I graduated with two Ph. Ds”]
[“Impressive academic record…”]

Kyung simply took the compliment, rather than strike with his ego. Not that he had the chance to do so either, the interviewer kept going.

[“What is your nationality and born location?”]
[“I am South-Korean, borm in Gangjin-Gun.”]

The interviewer looked up at Kyung, squinting their eyes a little, then back down as they continued to scribble in their notes. Kyung was now even wondering if the notes were about this interview or not.

[“What’s your phone number?”]

Finally, the interviewer placed down their pen as they relaxed back in their seat, taking a quick swig of their tea as they raised their hand.

[“Now comes the fun part.”]
[“The ‘fun’ part?”]

Kyung tilted his head slightly as he asked.

[“How would you describe yourself in under … let's say 150 words?”]

Kyung, not needing to hesitate for a moment, blurted out his response in an instant.
[“Dedicated, passionate, ambitious, traditional, and cooperative.”]

[“Is that it?”]

The interviewer asked …

[“Is it not good?”]

[“No it’s just … usually we get something a little more … more.”]

The interviewer scratched the side of their neck … was there gonna be more?

[“Oh… right.”]
Nope. That was it. Kyung gave his description.
[“Right well … What are you interested in writing about? How would you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?”]

[“Well, truthfully if I said I was interested in writing about everything, I would be lying. — And if I said I would not be courageous enough to step out of my comfort zone, once more I would be lying.”]


The interviewer stared blankly at their notepad, they had no idea what to write…

[“The topics I might find interesting to report about can vary. I do not see myself putting a specific scope on what I can or can not write about; Journalism has no set topics as it is a thing of relevancy and the moment. After all, a job is a job and if I have to do something, I will. That is where that sense of dedication steps in; that also furthermore supports the fact that I would go to whatever length I need to, to achieve my work being done and done well; stepping out of my comfort zone might merely be one of the simple steps needed to take, which is something I am anything but afraid of doing.”]
Calmly, Kyung took a sip of his tea.

[“Great! Well then, what are some of your expectations for the job?”]

[“That I must research deeply into what topics I have chosen for or been given to write on, that I must write in detail and summarize,—as not to bore our readers— and that there is at least some decency with the fellow news reporters. That is all.”]

Kyung, sipping from his tea once more, was quite content with his answer. You could see it on his face.

[“Alright great! Now just to finish up with some more general questions that we need to be aware of: Do you have a criminal record, if so, what does it consist of?”]

[“I do not have a criminal record.”]

Kyung answered sharply. Did he take offense to this question?

[“Alright and what are your fluent languages and specify your native.”]

[“I grew up in a dual tongue household, so my native can be both Korean and Japanese. Besides those, I am fluent in both Sign Language,—Korean and Japanese as well—and German.”]

[“Alright, I think we’re all finished here then!”]
The interviewer finally brought themselves up from their notepad which had consumed them the entire time, displaying a broad smile towards Kyung who sat across from them; finally finishing his cup of tea, Kyung bowed his head slightly.

[“Thank you for your time.”]
Kyung said as he raised himself from his seat.

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

Because I was bored, both prompts are combined in the following piece:

The file was a bit too large, so I placed it on Imgur to make it more readable as well.

If accepted, I would like the Reporter tag to be placed on my Alternate character profile.

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