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Reporter app | StaticReality

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?


Please include ALL your alternative accounts:

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I have a mic, not_static is my discord

List your timezone and country:
EST and America

Describe your activity:
I’m usually online whenever I get the chance to, I’m usually active for about 3-5 hours a day at least.. I would say I’m pretty active for the most part!

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages): DENIED

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
Well, I’ve always really liked the idea of roleplaying as a reporter, I have a handful of friends who have the reporter role and they seem to love it so far, Saying that the environment is just amazing. I want to take part in that, I do also know quite a bit about writing and publishing some things. Also due to my last application for a reporter I decided to take a different route with writing, I genuinely am proud of what I wrote.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I love writing, I have written stories and comics for a couple years. I enjoy writing and creative writing alot, It’s like a peace from the world when I write. I feel as if I can just let every creative thought I have out. Writing is something that has impacted my life heavily and Overall it's just something I love to do.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I will follow the rules

Why should we accept you over others?:
Should you accept me or not, I believe I could make a great asset to the reporter team, I can bring very high and bright ideas. I am a hard worker as well and will put all my best efforts into doing my best at this job, I genuinely love writing to a T. I would be honored to be a part of the reporter team.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I do understand fully, I run a gang so being completely neutral is something I am used to.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I do trust that I will be able to, I’m usually open most days unless I’m working but I always have time to finish the important things.

Summarize what you imagine work as a reporter is:
In the reporter faction, you collect and obtain as much information as possible, conducting interviews to the public as well. As a report you shall share stories with the public through different forms of media. The required skills for this faction would include communication. I say this because you need to be thorough, and be able to stick to the facts and not let biased opinions get in the way, while keeping the audience informed on any important events that may have taken place.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
My full legal name is, Ryu Von Moltke Hatake.

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr):
My preferred name to be called would be, Mr. Hatake. The reason why like to be called this since it's a name my father have used. It would lovely to be connected towards him even though he's not around anymore.

Current Age (25+):
My current age would be, 25 years old.

Past job/work experience:​

1. Investigative Intern​

Publication: Local Newspaper, Seraphis Tribune

Duration: Age 18-20​
  • Assisted senior reporters with research and fact-checking.​
  • Developed foundational skills in investigative journalism.​
  • Gained firsthand experience in uncovering local corruption and scandals.​

2. Journalist​

Publication: Seraphis Chronicle

Duration: Age 21-22​
  • Covered crime and political beats, focusing on stories with significant public interest.​
  • Built a network of informants and sources within the city.​
  • Recognized for several high-profile stories exposing corruption.​

3. Investigative Reporter​

Publication: Seraphis Chronicle

Duration: Age 22 to 23​
  • Led major investigations into organized crime and political corruption.​
  • Produced award-winning reports that garnered national attention.​
  • Established a reputation for fearless and thorough journalism.​

4. Freelance Investigative Consultant​

Duration: Age 23 to 25 (Concurrent with role at Seraphis Chronicle)​
  • Provided investigative services to independent media outlets and non-profit organizations.​
  • Conducted covert operations to gather sensitive information.​
  • Developed advanced skills in surveillance and intelligence gathering.​

Bachelor's Degree - HSE University
Journalism., 2 years
Bachelor’s Degree - HSE University
Japanese Lit., 2 years
Major’s Degree - Moscow State University
Creative Writing, 4 years

Nationality and born location:
I was originally born in Moscow, Russia. But I feel more connected to my Japanese routs due to me being more around my father then my Russian mother.

Phone Number:
My current phone number is 030-308-7998.

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
I am a dedicated investigative and determined person with a rollercoaster of a track record. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic thinking. My work at the Seraphis Chronicle has equipped me with the skills to assess complex situations and make quick, informed decisions. I have led major investigative projects that brought significant experiences within the time I’ve been writing and reporting, showcasing my ability to handle high-pressure environments and to be able to deliver results. My confidence and charisma enable me to build and maintain a wide network of contacts, both within the journalistic sphere and beyond. I excel in gathering and leveraging information, using my connections to stay ahead of trends and uncover stories that others might overlook. I thrive in dynamic, fast-paced settings where my adaptability and resourcefulness come in hand especially with topics that are interesting. My experience has honed my ability to navigate and resolve unexpected challenges efficiently. Despite my assertive nature, I maintain a reflective approach, constantly seeking ways to improve and improve my methods. Driven by a personal commitment to justice and integrity, I bring a unique blend of skills and passion to the table. I am confident that my background and expertise will be an asset to your news station. I know I am a determined and capable investigative reporter and I could do amazing at my job.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I’m interested in writing about Animal Behaviors, The Shrine and Urban Legends.

I’ll achieve this by going out and looking for answers to any questions I have, Whether that means interviewing people or searching for clues. If I need to get the job done I will. I always consider going out of my comfort zone, I usually am used to it since I’ve had to for other news stations.

What are your expectations for the job?:
I expect to succeed and to grow as a person from this job experience, Whilst gaining work experience within this company. I truly believe I could learn a lot from your company. I have heard great things about your station and would be honored to join the team if I am chosen.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
No. I believe I'm a law abiding citizen that has respect for the upper authorities.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Russian, Italian, and Japanese

You will have to write two reports about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you're found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report.
NEWS FLASH: Foxes in our town!

In recognition of World Wildlife Day, which was March 3rd , I thought we’d take a look at the growing population of foxes that are in the Karakura, Japan area. These beautiful and naturally cautious animals are widespread throughout Japan, in rural and suburban areas as well as in parks. The habitat the red fox prefers are woodland edges along open fields, meadows, and lawns. Red foxes seldom seek shelter in holes or dens during winter, preferring to sleep in the open with their bushy, well-insulated tails curled over their noses to keep them warm.

Red foxes are small, agile carnivores belonging to the same family as the dog, coyote and wolf. They are intelligent predators with extremely sharp senses of sight, smell and hearing (a fox can hear a mouse squeal from about 150 feet). The red fox is 22 to 25 inches in length, with an additional 14- to 16-inch tail and weighs 8 to 12 pounds. It has long, reddish-orange fur slightly darkened on the back, black ears, legs, and feet, and a long, bushy, white-tipped tail. They are swift runners and can swim if needed.

Foxes breed between January through March. It’s not uncommon to see a fox with her kits residing under a shed or deck where they feel safe and secure. Fox litters generally average between 4 or 5 pups and needless to say they are adorable at play.

Foxes are opportunists when it comes to feeding. This means they will eat whatever is most easily obtained. Foods include squirrels, mice, rats, rabbits, woodchucks, opossums, porcupines, small domestic cats, chickens, insects, squirrels, game birds, songbirds, bird eggs, fruits and grasses. Foxes also are scavengers, feeding on road-killed animals and winter kills; and cache uneaten food by burying it in loose earth.
Occasionally, you might see a limping fox. Foxes can easily become injured in the course of their daily treks around their established territory. There’s no harm in helping a limping fox by supplementing their food sources with a tray of tinned dog food, an egg, and some peanuts until the fox heals. Be sure to place the tray a good distance from your house, preferably at the edge of a wooded area.

A word of caution: although foxes appear to be timid and sometimes friendly, they are wild animals. Earlier this month, March 2024, a person in Delaware County was bitten by a fox while walking their dog. The fox was reported to have appeared sick. Most wild animals, especially foxes, are afraid of humans and usually, they get scared off by us. People in the area were urged to be aware of their surroundings.
All said, I think we can agree that foxes and their kits enrich our wildlife within our neighborhoods and make life a little more interesting!

#2 - Interview. It's important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

[ ! ] Ryu would spot someone on the side of the road near a family store. Itching for an interview, he’d walk over and politely ask if he wanted to be a part of conducting an interview. The man happily said yes, and Ryu got straight to work. [ ! ]|

Ryu: Alright good sir, may I get your name, age, and occupation?

Poole: Sure! My name is Poole, I’m currently 18 years old, and my occupation is being a high school student.

Ryu: Perfect. How are you doing on this fine evening? Anything exciting that occurred?

Poole: Ah, just walking around getting my steps in for the day, nothing crazy.

Ryu: That’s nice to hear! Now, I believe it's time for the main attraction, the question.How do you feel about foxes in the ecosystem?

Poole: Foxes? Was not expecting that… But I say they're alright, nice to come by once and awhile.

Ryu: Yeah… Did you have any crazy experiences with them? If so, can you name me a time?

Poole: Hmm…- OH! Yeah there was this one time a fox stole my shoe in the forest. I was just taking a stroll and a baby fox came out from the bushes and attached itself onto my shoe. I tried to get the fox off without hurting the poor animal, but it happened to bite my shoe off, then run off with it…

Ryu: Well… Okay- that's a really crazy story Sir. Did you ever get your shoe back? Or is it just gone forever?

Poole: Well actually- I just followed the baby fox until he led me back to its home… But the mother was there and she was not happy in the slightest to see me. So sadly I did not get my shoe back since I kinda got scared and ran away…

Ryu: Understandable. Adult foxes are quite the beast once they get aggressive. It’s best to run in any sort of situation. Have you ever read any foxes articles or ever been asked questions about foxes?

Poole: No actually, this is my first time ever really talking about foxes on this deep of a level. It really opened my mind about foxes and honestly encouraged me to learn more about such animals.

Ryu: I’m so glad that I could inspire an interest in foxes. It really warms my heart that my interviews could do such a thing. What interests do you have at the moment, if you mind me asking?

Poole: My other interests consisted of dogs and cats. It's weird how all my interests correlate with animals… But hey, it must be my calling?

Ryu: You can say that again. Have you ever considered working in a career that focuses around animals, and possibly foxes?

Poole: Hm, now that you mention it, in the past I did. I wanted to work as a vet but I wanted to explore my options before settling onto one career.

Ryu: It seems like you were made to work with animals. Always remember that animal careers are endless and there could be one that you would enjoy over the other. Now, you mentioned veterinarian, correct? Do you have any family members or friends that work as a vet?

Poole: No actually. The reason that sparked my interest was because I was watching a tv show and an ad popped up showing how veterinarians work and what they do in their day to day life. It’s a silly reason, but it’s my reason.

Ryu: No reason is a silly reason, man. I think it’s wonderful how that came to be. Have you done any research about becoming one and what type of education you need to become one?

Poole: Yes, I have done plenty of research and I think that's where I want to go for my career I believe. I want to help animals and know that's one of the best ways to help animals in need.

Ryu: Indeed, and I’m so glad you want to help out the community in such a way. You Sir, are truly remarkable. But I do sadly think it;s time we wrap up this interview, can;t keep you here for too long. It was a pleasure speaking with you and hopefully we can talk again. I am truly thankful you agreed to this interview, thank you so much.

Poole; It’s no problem man, and I loved every second of this. It was really swell talking to you and I had a great time personally. Please if you ever need any more interviews, I’m the guy you should ask. Peace out man, and I hope you have a field day with this interview.

[ ! ] Ryu then walked away from the stranger while waving goodbye. This interview turned out to be a wholesome moment between the two, causing a great interview to be formed. [ ! ]

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Level 177
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application

You may re-apply whenever!

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