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Level 48
Hello!! So I have been gaining information based on reputation and so forward within factions and the community in all. I have been on SRP for a while now trying to get my reputation up within the faction community like KPD and other big factions around the server and was wondering if anyone has any advice that could help me in the future?


Level 163
To get your reputation up its encourage to join other factions such as News Faction, Government, EMS, Shrine, etc. KPD tends to look for people that have a clean server history. Been with the server for quite some time and have been in other factions to increase your reputation.


Level 86
honestly, the best advice I can give you: socialize.

Meet people who are in factions you're interested in, get to know them ICly and OOCly. Connecting with other players is the best way to get your foot in the door. Your reputation will follow as you continue to meet people.

Don't get too tied up in all that though, reputation only gets you so far.


Level 206
As someone who had to overcome social anxiety as a kid, I learned that there are many factors in your reputation that you just can’t control. Building a reputation is always a byproduct of your other activities in a community. You can only be cordial, caring, confident, and willing to communicate with clarity. Everything else will fall into place.


Level 272
Joining factions I dont think will raise ur reputation so much bc its not about the role you have but how u acts, Im dealing with social anxiety for already 6 years (?), I assume if u will ask people around who am I they prob will say sayonara's owner or something, but does it mean anything about me and what people are thinking about me? of course not! just speak with new people and ErikFinster said.


Level 20
I think the best advice is to not get to worried about your reputation like obviously you dont want to be known as a bad person but aslong as your not going around doing things that are really bad your ooc rep will be fine. I also think its good to note that reputation can change sometimes joining factions can help with your reputation but at the end of the day your reputation will only change if people see your growth. Also your server history doesn’t need to be extremely clean yes bans can affect you but also at the end of the day staff know were human and we make mistakes and say you were perm banned and they accepted your appeal there giving you another chance so in my opinion its all about what you do with it. Idk if my reputation is good but im working on making sure i have a good reputation. At the end of the day its a game so dont get to stressed about it have fun and just be a kind person staff will see your change even if it feels like they dont they do. So just keep your head up (btw im just woken up sorry for the grammar and bad sentences)


Level 206
Let's agree that we are all despicable.
Staff and players cringe at the mention of our names.
We are the all singing, all dancing dirt of the world.

(ಠ_ಠ) . . .
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Level 18
just be yourself, and don’t be mean. Understand your way of role playing and then just roleplay.

only how to get “rep” is to be yourself, there’s still tons and tons of amazing people who aren’t very known on srp but you can still find them running around and have fun.

so besides that, don’t worry about rep, worrying about what makes you have fun and enjoy the server.


Level 118
just be yourself, and don’t be mean. Understand your way of role playing and then just roleplay.

only how to get “rep” is to be yourself, there’s still tons and tons of amazing people who aren’t very known on srp but you can still find them running around and have fun.

so besides that, don’t worry about rep, worrying about what makes you have fun and enjoy the server.
gonna be real lots of staff dislike me :skull: and lots of players lmao


Level 129
Authorization Team
As someone said, just be yourself and have fun within the server. Try out a lot of new things by joining different factions or roleplaying with others you might’ve been too iffy on doing. I was the same as everyone else, too afraid of getting denied and worrying about what people think but I kept trying. I’ve applied to a few factions and met a lot of people through them, even if I got denied I got myself back up and tried again or tried for something else since SRP offers a lot. I was also afraid of roleplaying with others because I thought they’d judge my writing but it actually taught me and helped me meet such amazing people and through them I’ve worked the courage to get known more and eventually become staff! Just steer out of trouble and respect everyone just like you’d want respect. Some may not like you and that’s okay, ignore them, everyone has someone who doesn’t like them for whatever reasons.

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