Level 21
*This has now been implemented.
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: /changespawn Restore to Default Option
What's your suggestion?:
The plaza is not listed as an option with the new Trendsetter rank's /changespawn command. Players are unable to change it back to the plaza after changing it. I suggest that the plaza becomes an option in the list.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Allows players to change their spawn back to the plaza as a preference instead of having to run there each time
What's your Minecraft Username?: yozb
What's the title of your suggestion?: /changespawn Restore to Default Option
What's your suggestion?:
The plaza is not listed as an option with the new Trendsetter rank's /changespawn command. Players are unable to change it back to the plaza after changing it. I suggest that the plaza becomes an option in the list.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
Allows players to change their spawn back to the plaza as a preference instead of having to run there each time
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