All information in the Biography is to be used for OOCly knowledge only.
A huge thanks to @ulkuva for allowing me to use their format
"How badly do you want me?"
Rinny The Pooh
Lover Boy
Rintaro The Football Player
118 kg
Kyoto Police Force
Karakura College Football Team
Yuzuru Garoujima - His very own mother. The respect and love he holds for her is immeasurable, he'd do anything for her
Carson Kuznetsov - Carson. One of Rintaro's closest friends and one of the people he hangs out with the most. Though they make fun of each other jokingly and seem extremely unserious when put in a pair, they'd do anything for eachother. . . hopefully.
Nishioka Fujihara - A peculiar friendship to say, it'd thought to be impossible for the two of them to be friends considering Nishioka was a bit of an airhead and Rintaro quite the opposite. However it was proven wrong, they both get along quite well and even joke with eachother here and there. A person Rintaro is thankful of meeting.
Saeyun Park - Though of course they're friends, Rintaro finds it hard to believe that out of all the people in Karakura that Saeyun finds him intimidating.
Hana Yagi - Rintaro's first friend made in Karakura, he gives her a deep-found respect.
Jack Denvers - Rintaro's boyfriend. When anyone first realises they're dating, they tremble in confusion due to how polar opposites they are from each other however this doesn't really affect Rintaro. To him, he's the only puzzle he wouldn't mind leaving unfinished.
Marvel Grace - When first joining the team, the only other person that was fairly new to the team was Marvel. They both clicked instantly and are seen with each other always cracking jokes, playing football or just having a laugh.
The College Football Team - Rintaro's inner circle of friends. His respect for each of the members is very hard to explain as he trusts all of them with his heart and soul.
Marcus Rogers - His team captain. Considering Marcus both a friend and a father figure, he is very fond of him even if he ruins his investigative moments.
Mint Koji - Though Mint finds Rintaro weird and vice versa, they surprisingly get along rather well during their not so often conversations.
The College Cheer Team - Rintaro may seem to despise most of the cheerleaders, but in fact it's quite the opposite. His attempts into talking to them usually turn into most of them hating on him, which lowers his self esteem drastically. To Rintaro, all he wants is this unfound acceptance.
Rintaro can be seen as rather cold whether he's being kind or unkind, according to others it's just "Something about him". Because of this, he always tries his best to be chivalrous and kind to others around him, including the ones he doesn't think highly of. But this doesn't stop him from speaking his mind at times which is probably the reasoning for why he's referred to as cold. Anything that he thinks is wrong or insults or attacks anyone he is fond of will instantly cause him to start ranting about how a person is wrong. It's not like he has a complex or anything it's quite the opposite, he just thinks if you're gonna talk about someone at the very least you should do it in front of them.
Since Rintaro is both the Family Head of his family and an older brother, he's had to grow this sense of maturity that puts him at the step of being a parent. He's like a parent when it comes to his younger siblings and even goes to the point where he'll ground them and set time limits on their phones or anything they like to use on their free time as he believes it's not healthy. He always encourages anyone and everyone to start exercising or just anything physical, even to his elders which he has high respect for.
Anytime Rintaro sees an elderly woman or just anyone older than him in need of help, he'll always offer his helping hands. This is mainly because of him having two mothers growing up and them teaching him about manners, which Rintaro has a lot of. He doesn't show it quite often as he thinks some people just don't deserve it. Needless to say, they didn't just hammer manners into Rintaro's brain, they also spiked in some knowledge.
Because he was born into a rather rich family and the heir to the role of Family Head (Which he received), he was smelted into becoming what his family elders believed was expected of him. Knowledgable, the smartest of the family, Maturity, the older idol, Strength, no weakness to be shown, Vitality, to have the energy no-one else can imagine having and finally, Patience, to know when to wait for something great.
He became what they desired him to be for a while however changed in a certain way. Rintaro wanted to keep these ideas however still be in control of them, so he did. Though he has all of these qualities, he still knows how to have fun around people and that is a gift he'll never take for granted.
Lastly, Rintaro's charisma and allurance. It's fairly obvious that Rintaro knows how to both please a woman in the bed and out of it, which goes to an extent that a meaningless kiss will sometimes turn into a stalker. He's extremely charismatic to the point where he has borderline yanderes near him and receives love notes quite a lot. He doesn't intend to do this however he doesn't mind it as long as it doesn't go a step too far. He finds it quite flattering.
Rintaro Garoujima, evidently is an extremely attractive male. From his cat like eyes with golden, auburn retinas and his flowing, fluffy soft hair to his tall height and flawless visage, he'd almost seem like he was created to be a Disney heart throb. Some noticeable traits of Rintaro are his hands and eyes, his eyes simply because of how sharp and piercing they seem when stared into as if it told a story of a thousand words and his hands seemingly big with his fingers abnormally long like a yaoi. Adding all of this together, he'd have an unapproachable yet somewhat calming aura bursting out of him like a boom box.
Rintaro's voice would have a somewhat gravel tone to it as he'd always speak in a low vocal. It'd seem slightly flirtatious yet mixed in with a bit of coldness.
Rintaro's hate list isn't covered with a whole novel, in fact it's quite small. However just because he doesn't hate a person and/or something doesn't mean he'll immediately be kind.
- Rintaro hates people with large egos. He absolutely despises them and will always be slightly insulting and biased when it comes to them, whether they mean well or not.
- He despises women beaters. Yes, although some of the people he hates with a burning passion are of the opposite gender. Never once has the thought of beating them crossed his mind. It makes him sick to his stomach.
- Bullies. Bullies are people Rintaro will never come to respect. Though yes, Rintaro is guilty of being mean to people, he'll never take it to the point of bullying them.
- Cowardice. He hates it when cowards always get others to do their work for them, it aggravates him.
Music - Like every normal person, Rintaro listens to music and has a specific song he listens to on the daily and will never get old. Rintaro mainly listens to calming music but he doesn't mind listening to other genres.
Skating - Rintaro is a skater boy. Due to Rintaro being on the football team, skating helps him practice his footwork without always being on the field whilst having a bit of fun.
Football - It's a given that he loves the sport, he's on a Football Team. He's been playing ever since he was just a kid and he just can't seem to let go.
Investigating - Ever since he was a little kid, he's always wanted to become a Police Investigator. He's still stuck to that dream, thus making him want to carry out investigations of his own. From doing rumours and little spoken snippets to genuine murder mysterys and unexplainable incidents, he'll do it all.
Being Nosy - Due to Rintaro's investigative side, his ears can't help but pick up small conversations he hears.
Investigating - Just because Rintaro likes investigating, doesn't mean it's good for him. His investigations usually put him in a tight, dangerous spot at times.
Flirting - Rintaro knows how to flirt and usually does this often however gets it mixed up with just regular complimenting.
Insomnia - Rintaro's mind is always awake. He's always in deep thought when left to his own devices, thus leaving him to drown in his own thoughts.
When Rintaro was first entering his early teens, he went camping with his family in America. Rintaro's depiction of America back then due to his mind set was mainly "Fat People" so in thought, he really had nothing to look forward to, he really would've wanted to just stay in Japan and camp there. Due to Rintaro being a hormone-filled teen with little to no ambitions, at the time he was going through a small emo phase, thus making him "hate" everything.
When arriving to the campsite, which emo Rintaro labelled as "Graveyard", there was really nothing to do. No food courts, no wifi, not even a beach nearby. The only source of fun was just a small pond that could barely fit six people, which was populated by fish. Of course, this made Rintaro practically dread life even more which his parents seemed to enjoy as they forced him to go fishing with them. Rintaro accepted, even though he was forced.
They spent hours at that pond, trying to catch fish but to no prevail. None of them caught a fish that day, perhaps it was due to the family using the wrong bait to fish however it was unknown as to why. Rintaro during this period was practically dead, immovable with boredom as he lay there staring at his parents desperately trying to be cool. They jeered Rintaro in an attempt to make him fish with them, which worked surprisingly.
Rintaro being fueled with angered pride, scanned his eyes amongst the floor as he knew very well that their bait wasn't working and to his surprise he found a worm. He grasped it off the floor and put it on the fishing hook and launched it into the pond. After a few moments, he caught something. His skinny, emo boy arms almost failed on holding onto the fishing pole but he prevailed, pulling the fish out of the pond.
The fish landed into Rintaro's hands, still flopping. Time started to slow down for Rintaro as his eyes met the creatures body jumping around He was not one to eat fish so he had no thoughts of devouring it but instead, keeping it. Rintaro grasped a bag out of nowhere from the power of storytelling and put the fish into it, then submerging the said bag into the pond's water.
This saved the fish but only for a short time, so he needed a long term plan. And thus, the fish became Rintaro's best friend which was given the name. . .
. . . Barthlomew
All information in the Biography is to be used for OOCly knowledge only.
A huge thanks to @ulkuva for allowing me to use their format

"How badly do you want me?"
Rinny The Pooh
Lover Boy
Rintaro The Football Player
118 kg
Kyoto Police Force
Karakura College Football Team
Yuzuru Garoujima - His very own mother. The respect and love he holds for her is immeasurable, he'd do anything for her
Carson Kuznetsov - Carson. One of Rintaro's closest friends and one of the people he hangs out with the most. Though they make fun of each other jokingly and seem extremely unserious when put in a pair, they'd do anything for eachother. . . hopefully.
Nishioka Fujihara - A peculiar friendship to say, it'd thought to be impossible for the two of them to be friends considering Nishioka was a bit of an airhead and Rintaro quite the opposite. However it was proven wrong, they both get along quite well and even joke with eachother here and there. A person Rintaro is thankful of meeting.
Saeyun Park - Though of course they're friends, Rintaro finds it hard to believe that out of all the people in Karakura that Saeyun finds him intimidating.
Hana Yagi - Rintaro's first friend made in Karakura, he gives her a deep-found respect.
Jack Denvers - Rintaro's boyfriend. When anyone first realises they're dating, they tremble in confusion due to how polar opposites they are from each other however this doesn't really affect Rintaro. To him, he's the only puzzle he wouldn't mind leaving unfinished.
Marvel Grace - When first joining the team, the only other person that was fairly new to the team was Marvel. They both clicked instantly and are seen with each other always cracking jokes, playing football or just having a laugh.
The College Football Team - Rintaro's inner circle of friends. His respect for each of the members is very hard to explain as he trusts all of them with his heart and soul.
Marcus Rogers - His team captain. Considering Marcus both a friend and a father figure, he is very fond of him even if he ruins his investigative moments.
Mint Koji - Though Mint finds Rintaro weird and vice versa, they surprisingly get along rather well during their not so often conversations.
The College Cheer Team - Rintaro may seem to despise most of the cheerleaders, but in fact it's quite the opposite. His attempts into talking to them usually turn into most of them hating on him, which lowers his self esteem drastically. To Rintaro, all he wants is this unfound acceptance.
Rintaro can be seen as rather cold whether he's being kind or unkind, according to others it's just "Something about him". Because of this, he always tries his best to be chivalrous and kind to others around him, including the ones he doesn't think highly of. But this doesn't stop him from speaking his mind at times which is probably the reasoning for why he's referred to as cold. Anything that he thinks is wrong or insults or attacks anyone he is fond of will instantly cause him to start ranting about how a person is wrong. It's not like he has a complex or anything it's quite the opposite, he just thinks if you're gonna talk about someone at the very least you should do it in front of them.
Since Rintaro is both the Family Head of his family and an older brother, he's had to grow this sense of maturity that puts him at the step of being a parent. He's like a parent when it comes to his younger siblings and even goes to the point where he'll ground them and set time limits on their phones or anything they like to use on their free time as he believes it's not healthy. He always encourages anyone and everyone to start exercising or just anything physical, even to his elders which he has high respect for.
Anytime Rintaro sees an elderly woman or just anyone older than him in need of help, he'll always offer his helping hands. This is mainly because of him having two mothers growing up and them teaching him about manners, which Rintaro has a lot of. He doesn't show it quite often as he thinks some people just don't deserve it. Needless to say, they didn't just hammer manners into Rintaro's brain, they also spiked in some knowledge.
Because he was born into a rather rich family and the heir to the role of Family Head (Which he received), he was smelted into becoming what his family elders believed was expected of him. Knowledgable, the smartest of the family, Maturity, the older idol, Strength, no weakness to be shown, Vitality, to have the energy no-one else can imagine having and finally, Patience, to know when to wait for something great.
He became what they desired him to be for a while however changed in a certain way. Rintaro wanted to keep these ideas however still be in control of them, so he did. Though he has all of these qualities, he still knows how to have fun around people and that is a gift he'll never take for granted.
Lastly, Rintaro's charisma and allurance. It's fairly obvious that Rintaro knows how to both please a woman in the bed and out of it, which goes to an extent that a meaningless kiss will sometimes turn into a stalker. He's extremely charismatic to the point where he has borderline yanderes near him and receives love notes quite a lot. He doesn't intend to do this however he doesn't mind it as long as it doesn't go a step too far. He finds it quite flattering.
Rintaro Garoujima, evidently is an extremely attractive male. From his cat like eyes with golden, auburn retinas and his flowing, fluffy soft hair to his tall height and flawless visage, he'd almost seem like he was created to be a Disney heart throb. Some noticeable traits of Rintaro are his hands and eyes, his eyes simply because of how sharp and piercing they seem when stared into as if it told a story of a thousand words and his hands seemingly big with his fingers abnormally long like a yaoi. Adding all of this together, he'd have an unapproachable yet somewhat calming aura bursting out of him like a boom box.
Rintaro's voice would have a somewhat gravel tone to it as he'd always speak in a low vocal. It'd seem slightly flirtatious yet mixed in with a bit of coldness.
Rintaro's hate list isn't covered with a whole novel, in fact it's quite small. However just because he doesn't hate a person and/or something doesn't mean he'll immediately be kind.
- Rintaro hates people with large egos. He absolutely despises them and will always be slightly insulting and biased when it comes to them, whether they mean well or not.
- He despises women beaters. Yes, although some of the people he hates with a burning passion are of the opposite gender. Never once has the thought of beating them crossed his mind. It makes him sick to his stomach.
- Bullies. Bullies are people Rintaro will never come to respect. Though yes, Rintaro is guilty of being mean to people, he'll never take it to the point of bullying them.
- Cowardice. He hates it when cowards always get others to do their work for them, it aggravates him.
Music - Like every normal person, Rintaro listens to music and has a specific song he listens to on the daily and will never get old. Rintaro mainly listens to calming music but he doesn't mind listening to other genres.
Skating - Rintaro is a skater boy. Due to Rintaro being on the football team, skating helps him practice his footwork without always being on the field whilst having a bit of fun.
Football - It's a given that he loves the sport, he's on a Football Team. He's been playing ever since he was just a kid and he just can't seem to let go.
Investigating - Ever since he was a little kid, he's always wanted to become a Police Investigator. He's still stuck to that dream, thus making him want to carry out investigations of his own. From doing rumours and little spoken snippets to genuine murder mysterys and unexplainable incidents, he'll do it all.
Being Nosy - Due to Rintaro's investigative side, his ears can't help but pick up small conversations he hears.
Investigating - Just because Rintaro likes investigating, doesn't mean it's good for him. His investigations usually put him in a tight, dangerous spot at times.
Flirting - Rintaro knows how to flirt and usually does this often however gets it mixed up with just regular complimenting.
Insomnia - Rintaro's mind is always awake. He's always in deep thought when left to his own devices, thus leaving him to drown in his own thoughts.

When Rintaro was first entering his early teens, he went camping with his family in America. Rintaro's depiction of America back then due to his mind set was mainly "Fat People" so in thought, he really had nothing to look forward to, he really would've wanted to just stay in Japan and camp there. Due to Rintaro being a hormone-filled teen with little to no ambitions, at the time he was going through a small emo phase, thus making him "hate" everything.
When arriving to the campsite, which emo Rintaro labelled as "Graveyard", there was really nothing to do. No food courts, no wifi, not even a beach nearby. The only source of fun was just a small pond that could barely fit six people, which was populated by fish. Of course, this made Rintaro practically dread life even more which his parents seemed to enjoy as they forced him to go fishing with them. Rintaro accepted, even though he was forced.
They spent hours at that pond, trying to catch fish but to no prevail. None of them caught a fish that day, perhaps it was due to the family using the wrong bait to fish however it was unknown as to why. Rintaro during this period was practically dead, immovable with boredom as he lay there staring at his parents desperately trying to be cool. They jeered Rintaro in an attempt to make him fish with them, which worked surprisingly.
Rintaro being fueled with angered pride, scanned his eyes amongst the floor as he knew very well that their bait wasn't working and to his surprise he found a worm. He grasped it off the floor and put it on the fishing hook and launched it into the pond. After a few moments, he caught something. His skinny, emo boy arms almost failed on holding onto the fishing pole but he prevailed, pulling the fish out of the pond.
The fish landed into Rintaro's hands, still flopping. Time started to slow down for Rintaro as his eyes met the creatures body jumping around He was not one to eat fish so he had no thoughts of devouring it but instead, keeping it. Rintaro grasped a bag out of nowhere from the power of storytelling and put the fish into it, then submerging the said bag into the pond's water.
This saved the fish but only for a short time, so he needed a long term plan. And thus, the fish became Rintaro's best friend which was given the name. . .
. . . Barthlomew

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