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RIO5's KPD Application | #2

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60

IGN (In-Game Name):


Discord Name & Tag:

rios, 2io5

Which timezone are you in?:


List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:





Describe your activity on the server:

I am fairly active on the Schoolrp. I aim to be as active as possible on the server by going six to eight hours a day in order. I keep myself busy by engaging in a variety of roleplays. I have only been a short while on the Schoolrp server, but since I was online for days at a time, I was able to acquire nearly two months worth of playtime. I generally try to dedicate the majority of my time to finding new players to roleplay with in order to build my reputation on the server and develop friendships. This has been beneficial for me as I have ended up making many friends in a variety of factions, primarily in the emergency factions. Due to the time zone difference from most of my friends, I find myself grinding attributes on my alt account when they are not online by running and jumping around the map or swimming in the beach to have max attributes on both of my accounts since I was recently given an alt account, that I later realised I had about zero attributes on it. I've also been introduced to a different kind of roleplay called JockRP recently, which is another reason I'm quite active on the server. When I began my month-long break from the server to focus on improving myself personally (which went significantly well with my friends, who have supported and helped me grow since I started my break) I remained engaged in the SRP discord channels until I eventually returned to SRP. Once I came back I'd say I was just as active as I was before my break. I was constantly online simply roleplaying with other people on the server. I usually spend around eight to nine hours daily on SchoolRP and have acquired a large playtime of over 4 weeks on my accounts. I was mostly on characters that I FamilyRP with although I do participate in many other roleplays such as StudentRP and on occasion DeliquentRP.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Despite the fact that plenty of people have questioned my dedication to KPD ever since I applied for Teacher, my motivation for returning to the faction has remained the same. I hope that the reasons presented below are enough to convince you that I will always be motivated to return to my first faction.

My Villain Origin Story

I frequently share this story in my applications. My initial experience with SRP wasn't the best, I started out with Gang Roleplay, and even though I enjoyed it very much, I later discovered that I had been involving myself around the wrong crowd, which negatively impacted my reputation on the server. Eventually, I left GangRP and took some time off to consider ways that I could improve my reputation. I then made the decision to apply to KPD as my first faction mainly because of Hirathex, who has helped me change and go down a better path on this server. Which I’ll always be grateful for to this day, regardless of the outcome of this application.

Getting Into KPD

When I was accepted, I was thrilled and felt as though I had accomplished my goals of having a better reputation, joining the faction I always wanted to be part of, and surrounding myself with amazing people. Being in KPD was the best experience I’ve had on the server. The people within the faction and the people surrounding the faction like EMS and Town are what also made being in KPD so much fun. I befriended the people within those factions that I’d honestly never thought I’d ever get a chance to befriend. Being a part of the KPD faction completely changed me. Despite the fact that my time there was short, it was still wonderful to be a part of it as I was no longer surrounded by a negative crowd and more around people who were extremely kind and some who shared the same sense of humour and personality as me.

What's The Shape Of Italy?

I would say I was pretty sad after getting removed from the faction because it was due to issues that I could have prevented. Getting removed did definitely open my eyes to problems that I didn’t really believe I had until after being removed. I continued to stay in touch with KPD faction members throughout the five months I took to concentrate on my personal growth, and they have strongly encouraged me to submit another application to KPD and I promised to apply in the future. All of this is what led me to reapply today, I would want nothing more than to be a member of the faction once again.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:

Since joining the KPD faction, I've taken part in several trainings and acquired a great deal of knowledge regarding police work, including ranks, equipment, and tasks. KPD officers receive a salary of 400k yen per month if their quota of 40 has been met by the end of the month. Quota is earned by completing specific tasks. Besides the quota, all of the other information I could recall from my time in the faction is listed in the spoiler titled "POLICE INFORMATION" below.

A tranquilliser is a non lethal weapon used to stun an individual for 16 minutes icly (2 minutes oocly). It is mostly used when a criminal is attempting to harm an officer or another civilian and you may also use a tranquilliser when a criminal is evading although a stun blaster is mostly used for that case. Tranquilliser's are given to Sergeants+.
Body Camera
A body camera is used to record your character's point of view of situations, body camera can be accessed ICLY by the CCTV room. Body cameras can be destroyed if hit once with a lethal weapon or twice without a weapon. Body Camera's are given to Cadets+.
Police Badge
Officers are given police badges that identify their callsign, ranking and name. Police Badges are given to Patrol Officers+.
Police use this item on their patrols to see if people appear to be a bit drunk. The drunk Individual would be told to breathe into the breathalyser to see how drunk they actually are in order to properly fine them for public intoxication. Breathalyzers are given to Cadets+.
A crowbar is mostly used when the police are on a raid. It is used to pry open any locked cupboards, doors, floorboards and chests in the home to find possible illegal weaponry. Crowbars are given to Corporals+.
Stun Blaster
A stun blaster is usually used to stop people from evading law enforcement. The range of the taser goes up to 8 blocks, although when you are chasing someone your taser usually goes up to 4 blocks. The stun blaster has a 3 second cooldown and it stops the individual from moving for 1 ooc minute. You must action to stun someone if they are not moving. Stun Blasters are given to Cadets+.
Luminol Spray
Luminol spray is ItemRP’d and it is used to reveal blood that may be on any kind of weapon such as bats, katanas, pipe wrench etc. it may also be used on a ballistic mask. Luminol Sprays are given to Cadets+.
Med Kit
Each officer is given a singular med kit, it is used when someone had been majorly harmed and is in need of attention immediately until EMS arrives, once applying the med kit the individual gets an extra 5 OOC minutes to their bleed out timer although you must action to apply pressure as well. Med Kits are given to Cadets+.
Handcuffs are used to restrain an individual, it is mostly used on the person’s arms although it can be used on their ankles depending on the situation. Handcuffs are given to Cadets+.
Police Radio
the police radio is used to communicate with other officers. It is carried on your off-hand. If surrounded you must action and roll to use the radio to use any of the 6 codes. Police Radio's are given to Cadets+.
A baton is a weapon used by police officers if they have no other choice but to engage in combat, the baton has a 2 block range and is a 2 hit KO as well as can be mugged if the officer was to be knocked unconscious. Batons are given to Cadets+.
Pepper spray
Pepper spray is used to temporarily blind an individual in order to stop them from attempting to harm you or harm someone else, it is usually used in the cells. When hit with the pepper spray you will be blinded for 30 seconds. Pepper sprays are given to Cadets+.
Police Bike
Corporal ranks and higher are given a Police motorcycle. They are helpful to arrive at situations faster. Although there is only one seat, officers can carry each other over their backs in order to have 2 people arriving at the scene quicker. Police Bikes are given to Corporals+.
Police Car/Cruiser
The police cruiser is only available to Higher-ups of both the main and detective division, they have 4 seats and are also helpful to arrive at the scene faster. Police Cruisers are given to Lieutenants+.

Desk Duty
Desk duty is pretty easy, you simply sit at the front desk and take the reports of individuals who walk through the lobby or answer any questions they may have. Usually when doing desk duty you will be taking bails or arranging a visitation. Desk duty is 2 quota points.
Taking Reports
When an individual comes to the station’s lobby to make a report, you must pat them down before letting them inside the station. The individual is taken to the interrogation room where you would start the tape recorder on and shut it off once they are done with their report. Report documentations are 4 quota points.
When someone comes to visit an inmate, you firstly must check if they are allowed visitations. Once it's been confirmed that the inmate is allowed visitations, you pat the visitor down to ensure that they have no weapons before letting them into the visitation room. If you are the officer taking the inmate to the other side of the visitation room then you will have to cuff the inmate to the chair then begin telling them the rules of the visitation. Visitations are 2 quota points
Interrogations are usually done by Detectives although if there is no detective available then the most qualified officer will take their place. Interrogations start by taking the suspect to the interrogation room and cuffing them to the chair then immediately reading out their rights. Interrogations are 5 quota points.
If someone was arrested for a weaponry related charge, police would have enough motive to gain a search warrant to legally search the criminals home in case they own any other weaponry. Raids are 2 quota points.
Patrols usually happen when around 2 to 3 officers are available to go on them although you are allowed to solo patrol if given permission from the CO, they basically go around the city to possibly stop and apprehend anyone committing a crime. When going on a patrol you are advised to have your stun blaster out at all times. Patrols are 3 quota points.
Court Trials
When criminal trials are hosted approximately two to three officers may be required to attend trials in order to maintain order and safety in the courtroom. Assisting court trials is 2 quota points.
Inmate Care
Providing inmate care includes escorting an inmate out of their cell and into the courtyard, the cafeteria for meals, or the roof for sports like volleyball or basketball. Another form of inmate care is to give community service to someone who cannot afford to pay a fine. Inmate care is 2 quota points.


(For the sake of avoiding potential metagame, I won't explain the meaning associated with the radio codes.)

The Commissioner manages the entirety of the KPD including both the main and detective division. They are the highest ranking in the police force. They represent the police force and lead the KPD.
Detective Superintendent
The DSI is the highest ranking officer of the detective division and is of EQUAL rank as the main division captain, they lead the Detective division.
The police captain is the highest ranking officer of the main division right under the Commissioner and works alongside the Commissioner. They have the authority over the entire police station when the commissioner is unavailable.
Detective Chief Inspector
DCI’s are main division higher ups that are right under the DSI. They have authority over lower ranking main and detective division officers. They are of equal rank as Lieutenants.
Lieutenants are Higher-ups of the police force, they are main division officers. Their main job is to notify the Captain or Commissioner if lower ranking officers were doing anything wrong.
Detective Inspector
Detective Inspectors are qualified to train constables, they are more entrusted with important cases as well as they are typically the ones tasked with interrogations.
Sergeants are main division officers. Sergeants along with Lieutenants have an important role in keeping the department under control, they undergo training for the Lieutenant position as well as train cadets.
Detective Constable
Constables are of equal rank as corporals, they start off as corporals are usually chosen by the DSI and the detective higher up team when deemed trustworthy enough for the role.
Corporals are main division officers and have just become qualified to train and teach the new cadets. They are usually put in more dangerous situations such as raids or calls regarding multiple criminals in one setting.
Patrol Officer
PO’s are officers who have just passed all they’re training, evaluations and exams. They are knowledgeable and qualified enough to take part in certain procedures and situations.
Cadet’s are new officers who have yet to take their examinations and evaluations in order to become a patrol officer. They are NEVER allowed to patrol on their own and must have a higher ranking officer with them. They mostly take part in less dangerous tasks like desk work or taking reports as they are not yet trained for more important procedures.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?:

As a large portion of the server consists of Gangrpers, KPD is there to maintain some kind of balance. When it comes to the GangRP community, many GangRPers enjoy the fight they bring to the police force as they commit crimes across the city of Karakura and even manage to escape from these officers when caught committing the crimes. If the KPD didn’t exist, then GangRP, in my opinion, could get to a point where it gets boring, as they no longer have the thrill of running away from officers or engaging in confrontations with them. Police are in my opinion, one of the main reasons why GangRP is fun and engaging. I personally believe that the police are important to SchoolRP because of the roleplay it brings for other factions and communities such as the GangRP, HospitalRP and even TownRP. Hospital workers and officers work together in most cases when a call is made, say perhaps someone had been stabbed in the powerplant by a criminal. Both officers and hospital workers are needed to attend to the scene. Officers are there to apprehend the criminal while the paramedics go on to take care of the victim. This is an example of many situations where police and the hospital need each other. As for Town, during court cases, officers are usually required to attend in order to keep peace in the court as well as remove any disruptive person from the court. Police are important for Karakura, as they are needed to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the city. The point I'm trying to make is that, in my opinion, the police are necessary because they provide roleplay for members of other factions as well as the GangRP community to have the opportunity to engage in. Just as I mentioned in my previous KPD application, The police faction brings the whole scene to life.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:

Yes I acknowledge that I will be punished if I do not attend training while I am online.

What's your character's full name?:

Archie Kirishiki

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:


Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

PhD in Criminal Justice following a Master’s Degree in World History.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Archie is also fluent in Russian.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?:

How Archie Looks

Archie Kirishiki appeared to be a very athletic and slim male who weighed about 200 pounds and stood at the tall height of 6 feet and 4 inches. Archie’s height is usually the first thing that draws people's attention to him as he tends to surround himself with friends as well as the majority of his family members who typically stood no taller than 6 feet. You would then take notice of his light brown hair, which fell in a messy yet charming style that complimented his sea-blue eyes. Archie Kirishiki's skin was incredibly pale, nearly white as snow. He would have skin that was almost flawless, free of wrinkles and imperfections, as if he hadn't had experienced a stressful day in his life. Archie does enjoy being the centre of attention, therefore he goes above and beyond with his appearance, commonly dressed in attire consisting of suits and street-styled clothing. If you were close to Archie, you'd catch a scent of mint that would often linger around him. Archie, being a former model in Moscow, Russia, was able to find his best dressing style by experimenting with different outfits during photo shoots. He’d keep up with the same style of clothing if he were to go on a date, perhaps a job interview or any important event. When Archie is on duty, he ties his hair in a little pony tail, but once off duty, he commonly wears his hair down for gatherings like family get-togethers or hanging out with friends and sometimes dinner dates.

What Makes Archie Unique

What distinguishes Archie from those around him is his ability to style anything into an outfit. His family members always think of him being the "Best dressed" each time there's a family get-together since he never wears the same outfit again, even if he has worn it only once. Archie may not give any thought to what people think of his outfits, but he surely cares about his appearance. Archie had an eye for putting outfits together, he could take any piece of clothing and turn it into a fantastic outfit. Even though he wears formal attire most of the time, he, every now and then appears in baggy jeans and shirts however that happened mostly during his Highschool years. Just a few civilians in Karakura possessed some of the physical features that he had. It made him quite unique in that way. He became used to the gazes he would receive even for walking down the street. rather than taking offence, he enjoyed the attention he received. Archie puts a lot of effort into maintaining his clear skin and perfect hair, following a strict care routine, so the looks that he receives from other individuals gives him a good boost in confidence.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?:


Archie maintained utmost professionalism when on duty. Archie knows he must put his work above anything when on duty so he often tries to find jobs to occupy his time which usually always results in either patrols or desk work. Archie is normally calmer and more serious when in a professional situation as he knows he must keep his composure when working in the police force even if he has to deal with disrespectful civilians that enter the police station’s lobby. Since it is his responsibility to defuse stressful situations, he makes sure that he responds to people who call 110 for police assistance in an approach that is appropriate for the situation. When it comes to desk duty, he generally keeps a notepad on the table in front of him, next to the monitor, which houses all the data required for an officer to perform their duties. In order to keep track of the individuals who are consistently setting off the metal detector or causing a disturbance in the police station, he uses the notepad to write down all of his encounters with them. Archie Kirishiki is a very composed, understanding, and civil individual. He is unlikely to panic in any sort of situation. He rarely gets sidetracked as he avoids becoming overly friendly with his coworkers, instead, he works to build bonds and friendships with them outside of work as he is too preoccupied with his police responsibilities during work hours.


When in a casual situation, you’d finally get to see Archie display his playful and laid-back personality. He’d often be regarded as a comedic and sarcastic man when around his close friends and family. Archie still remains respectful towards the people he would hang around with. Archie often chooses to go to the beach pier of Karakura when hanging out with a larger group of friends, if he was with a smaller group he’d most likely go for long walks around the city. If Archie is perhaps out with his co-workers off duty, he’d probably act with a lot more professionalism than he would with his friends despite them not being at work as he wants to keep a good image of being a respectable police officer in the eyes of his co-workers especially if they were of higher ranking. When Archie is by himself, he usually looks up past incidents that happened in Karakura by watching documentaries, reading the local papers, and even getting in touch with his uncle who works in the police force for more information about any unsolved cases. Even though he typically gets a straightforward "no" and the phone hangs up, he continues in searching for information through other sources.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?:

Archie greatly appreciates his co-workers as he knows there are certain things he can’t do without their assistance. Archie acknowledges that he gains all his police knowledge and training from his co-workers who are of a higher ranking. If Archie were to be confused during a situation or needed help or assistance then he’d perhaps call a co-worker of a higher ranking as they are clearly more knowledgeable about the situation. Although you could pat someone down alone, Archie would prefer the presence of one of his co-workers there to ensure his safety. When it comes to teamwork, Archie 100% believes that teamwork is extremely important and necessary in the police force, he believes that you simply cannot operate on your own when handling situations regarding more than one criminal as it is extremely dangerous and potentially life threatening for an officer to respond to a call alone. Archie is a firm believer that he would work best with a team as he or other officers and civilians are likely to end up majorly harmed. This in no way suggests that Archie is incapable of working on his own, he just believes in more dangerous and serious situations that the presence of a police team is important and would be able to deal with the situation far better as they are capable of apprehending more than one criminal and ensuring the safety of other officers and civilians. After watching criminal documentaries, Archie discovered the importance of teamwork because sometimes the documentary ends with an officer losing his life. He certainly didn't always think that working as a team was needed mainly because he believed that he was capable of doing anything on his own. He began to appreciate teamwork more and grew inclined to working as a team.

What's your character's backstory?:

1999 - The birth of Archie Kirishiki

Archie Kirishiki, The first born son of Sokun and Aleksandra was housed in the magnificent Kirishiki Estate that resided in the heart of Moscow, Russia. From the moment of his birth, the young boy received consistent care and attention from maidens and servants of the Kirishiki Estate. He was after all the first child of Sokun, one of the Kirishiki Family's elders and a well-known senior police officer in the city of Moscow. Being well taken care of, Archie was a happy child who rarely cried or whined, his worries subsided by the gentle soothing of his family and caretakers. His mother referred to him as her “Little Prince'' while his father thought the world of him, always making sure he was the centre of attention. His father envisioned him in his perfect image; which was a noble Kirishiki deserving of the name and the honour of being his son.

The night was damp in the city of Moscow, Russia. The Moscow General Hospital was especially quiet and empty, mostly since it was around 4 in the morning when Aleksandra Kirishiki had to be taken to the hospital immediately. The Kirishiki family's attention was initially focused on Aleksandra before the birth and then swiftly shifted to Archie after he was welcomed into the world. He was, after all, Sokun Kirishiki's first child. Archie was picked up by hospital staff shortly after the delivery to ensure he was clean and healthy before bringing him right back to his parents. With the arrival of their first child, Sokun and Aleksandra couldn't be happier. As they held their newborn in their arms, they immediately connected with him and began to envision their future together. He was a joyful child who constantly laughed and giggled. After a few medical check-ups that confirmed Archie’s good health, Sokun and Aleksandra finally were able to take Taizo home. Archie was showered with attention by the Keepers of the Kirishiki estate from the moment he was brought inside, as well as other Friends and family of Sokun visited the estate just for the occasion of celebrating Archie’s birth. It was almost like a festival, with many decorations placed around the Kirishiki estate, attendants cooking Aleksandra's favourite meals, and relatives trying to teach Archie to say their names for his first words, all of which were met with Archie's giggles instead.

2004 - Little “Prince”

Archie might have been a calm toddler, but he most definitely did not grow up to be a peaceful child. While his mother might have referred to him as her "Little Prince," his teachers and personal attendants did not. When the young Archie wasn't present to hear his personal attendants gossip about what a difficult child he turned out to be, they would refer to him as "Little Demon." No matter how difficult a child Archie can be, Aleksandra always seemed to be defending his behaviour; it was clear that she had a soft spot for him. Of course, his personal attendants made sure Aleksandra wouldn't hear them call Archie by the nickname of "Little Demon", as she would have rained hell on them. Archie was always disregarding his studies and his attendants, and opted to sneak off to the forest nearby the Kirishiki Estate. Archie enjoyed exploring the forest and had an undying fascination in both plants and land animals. Upon Archie’s attendants growing exhausted of Archie, Sokun Kirishiki learned of his son's behaviour, which put an end to Archie’s life of getting away with his absurd antics. Sokun, a relatively calm man, became enraged upon learning that his son was becoming a nuisance. He was already under stress from work and was preoccupied with taking care of his wife, who was carrying his second child. Despite the fact that Archie was only four years old, Sokun still scolded him in a way which made him swear he would never defy his father again.

It was now Archie’s fifth birthday. It was four years after Ilia, Archie’s younger brother, had been born. After the birth of his younger brother, Archie and his brother immediately bonded. Archie took great care of his younger brother, baby-proofing almost every part of his room in order to ensure his safety and comfort. Mostly, though, so he could have his younger brother's time all to himself, teaching him to say his name so it could be his first words. While Sokun knew that Archie was trying to make Ilia say his name as soon as he spoke, he didn't give any thought because, in secret, Sokun would steal Ilia while Archie was at school and teach him to say "dad" for his first word. As Archie arrived home from school, he was surprised to hear Ilia utter the word "dada." As his father laughed in the background, Archie jokingly fell to his knees, shouting out, "All my efforts... No!" Sokun continued to laugh, teasing, "You've got talent, Archie. Maybe you should consider acting!" That joke turned into reality as Archie immediately thought it would be a great idea, he begged his parents to enroll him into acting classes in which they allowed it to happen. After that, young Archie landed many roles, usually as the comedic character in Russian television shows and movies. Archie had acting talent since he was five years old, it was no surprise that he was a natural on the big screen.

2009 - Meet Nikolai

At just the age of ten, Archie was adored in Russia. He starred as the "Green Ninja" in a live-action Ninjago movie that was featured in almost every children's television program. Archie's new interest was acting, and he enrolled in online school to pursue his career as a movie and television star. Being an actor took an excessive amount of the time in his day, so Archie spent most of his days away from his family and outside of his estate. The biggest downside of acting was having to be away from your family. A downside that was enough to make young Archie consider taking a break from acting and looking for something else. Archie was a curious child with a wide range of interests that included history, wildlife, and plants. Archie made sure to read almost every book in the estate library belonging to the Kirishiki family. Archie was beginning to consider his future and envisioned his career path. Initially, he considered following in the footsteps of his father and other family members in becoming a police officer, but he also developed an interest in medicine, also a career path some of his family members took upon. Sokun thought it was adorable that Archie was thinking about the future at such a young age. His mother would have probably agreed, but she had been in the Moscow General hospital for nearly a month, when Aleksandra suddenly developed a cough, feeling more and more exhausted day after day, it was obvious that her illness was getting worse. Sokun insisted that his wife stay in the hospital. Sokun would leave Ilia and Archie with the attendants for weeks at a time while he went to see his ill wife. Although Archie didn't completely comprehend his mother's illness, he was aware that it concerned his younger brother, so he tried to console him as Sokun attempted to make an effort to maintain his calmness in front of his children, but it was obvious that her illness was affecting him as well.

One night, Archie could not sleep. The thought of his mother being in a hospital bed had kept him awake. He decided to leave his bedroom and head downstairs for a drink of water. As he was leaving, he noticed his father's bedroom door was cracked. Being the curious child that he was, Archie crouched behind the door and peeked slightly in to listen in on his father's phone conversation. Sokun appeared to be having an argument with the individual who was on the phone. "All of this is your fault! I'm going to sue you all, she would be at home with our kids if you hadn’t-" It appeared that the caller hung up on Sokun. Archie felt confused at first, but he became aware of everything quickly. He gasped loudly and flinched as Sokun slammed the phone to the ground, smashing it. A few tears would fall from Sokun's eyes before he turned to look where the sound of the gasp was coming from and saw that Archie was there. He hurried over and pulled Archie into the room, placing both of his arms over Archie’s small shoulders. "What are you doing awake? Get back to your room” Archie had just found out that his mother had passed away, and Sokun did not even consider comforting him.From that moment on, Sokun grew into a bitter man who had no desire to engage in any kind of bond with his children, the love of his life was gone and nothing else mattered.

2014 - Happy birthday..?

Five years had gone by since Archie’s mother passed away. Archie eventually chose to take on a parental role with his younger brother, attempting to raise them for the better part of his childhood while he also began to distance himself from his father. Over the years, Archie developed a deep dislike for his attendants. Sokun took notice of this and eventually hired her son a new attendant who was Nikolai Volkov, a 17 year old high school graduate. Nikolai's responsibilities included waking Archie up on time, tidying up his room, assisting him with his schoolwork, and most importantly, teaching him the traditional Brazilian style of jiu jitsu, which Nikolai was nearly a master at. Nikolai also took it upon himself to teach Archie how to play the violin. Archie greatly admired Brazilian jiu jitsu, on the evenings when Nikolai wasn't present to instruct him, he would spend time researching and practising the martial art by himself by watching videos and making mental notes of Nikolai's lessons. Besides jiu jitsu, Archie picked up the violin quickly and effortlessly; he was naturally talented from the moment he laid hands on the instrument.

On July 6, 2014, a Tuesday morning fell upon the Kirishiki Family. The fifteenth birthday of Archie. Everybody within the Kirishiki Estate celebrated Archie’s birthday, including his distant relatives and friends, who participated in festivities, games, and the dinner hosted specifically in Sokun’s Manor. Archie especially invited Nikolai Volkov, his closest friend and personal attendant, who had taken part in raising Archie from the young age of 10. Archie and Nikolai grew close over the years. During Archie's birthday, everything was going too smoothly; everyone was joyful and upbeat, and nothing could possibly go wrong- that is, until. Archie was informed by Nikolai that he would be moving to Karakura. Archie was heartbroken to hear this news as it meant that his closest friend, someone he entrusted with his most valuable secrets would be gone. After learning the news, Archie was unable to control his tears, he returned to the birthday party with swollen and red eyes while everyone simply assumed that he was overjoyed to celebrate his birthday. The main reason for that is because that is what he told everyone when they asked if he was alright. A few days later, Nikolai was spotted packing his belongings into a tiny suitcase. Surprisingly, he had not forgotten his responsibility to wake Archie on time. While Archie watched Nikolai pack in silence, Nikolai had been concentrating on ensuring that he didn't forget anything before departing for Karakura. When Nikolai finally finished packing, he made sure to say goodbye to everyone before he left. Nikolai had especially promised Archie that he would write to him in order to stay in touch.

As if things couldn't get any worse, the following morning, Ilia, Archie's younger brother, was sent to a boarding school shortly after a fight with his father that Archie wasn't present for. Ilia was the person he was closest to after Nikolai left, and now he was also absent in his life. Archie felt completely isolated. In a fit of rage, Archie marched to his father's office with the intention of confronting him for sending Ilia away without even consulting him. “How could you send him away? You haven’t even given me the chance to say goodbye” Said Archie although Sokun responded without missing a beat, "This matter does not involve you. Please, leave my presence." Archie, knowing better than to attempt to test his father's patience, left his office. Little Archie felt as though everything in his life was falling apart. His mother had passed away, his brother had been sent to a boarding school, and his closest friend had abandoned him. All he could do was move on. It didn’t take long for Sokun to find his son a new attendant. This time it was Ivan Kozlov, an 18 year old college student, who was someone that Archie had no problem getting along with, however it didn't feel the same as in Archie’s eyes, no one was equivalent to Nikolai.

2019 - A Sense Of Hopelessness

Five years have passed since Nikolai Volkov left for Karakura and Ilia had been in a boarding school halfway across the world, and despite Nikolai’s promises that he would write letters to Archie, he has not sent a single one. However, Archie wrote hundreds of letters to his former attendant and never got a response. You could say that he lost all hope of ever getting in touch with his friend. Sokun was blind to the bond that had grown between Archie and Nikolai during Nikolai's years of employment with the Kirishiki family, and he didn't understand his son's pointless attempts of getting in touch with his former attendant. Archie remained distant from his father. During his college years, Archie, who was unusually tall for his age at 6 foot 4, was approached by a modelling agency when he finally turned 20. The agency had known him since he was a child and offered him a contract and a job modelling in Moscow for a brief period in which Archie happily took. While Archie was making the front cover of nearly every magazine his modelling agency published, Sokun insisted that he start concentrating on finding a specific career path. It didn't take long for Archie to make up his mind that he wanted to work in law enforcement since he had witnessed his uncle become an officer in the same city that Nikolai had departed to. One could argue that Archie took inspiration from Aleksei Kirishiki, his uncle. Whether it was in Karakura, as his uncle had moved to, or possibly Moscow, he desired to work as a police officer.

Now that he had given up on ever getting in touch with his old friend Nikolai, Archie had turned his attention to making sure his grades were on point in order to graduate with honours, something he could brag about to his younger brother or something his parents could be satisfied with. He worked through many sleepless nights to earn a master's degree in world history and a PhD in criminal justice. Though Archie was very interested in becoming a police officer, he also had an intense fascination with world history- more specifically, ancient history. History always intrigued him, and he would almost always read about fallen dynasties and ancient armies which no longer exist to this day. Eventually, Sokun made the decision to move to Karakura as Ilia had moved there upon completing his boarding school studies to live with their cousin Sunako, Archie, and Sokun had basically followed Ilia to the city. Archie was more than happy to move to Karakura by the studies he conducted on the city's history, which he had found to be just as fascinating as other ancient histories.

2024 - Goodbye Friend

For Archie and his family, moving to Karakura was a success. Although he missed his extravagant Kirishiki Estate, he loved living in the beautiful city of Karakura and had many relatives who reside there as well. He familiarised himself with some of the city's residents while avoiding other citizens as soon as he became acquainted with them. He had heard that a significant portion of Karakura's crime rate was committed by teenagers in the 18–20 age range. Archie found it hard to believe that children could commit so much evil. When Archie eventually started looking for Nikolai Volkov, he asked the locals for information. However, most of them didn't know who Nikolai was, except for Reina Heika, who swore she had seen the man Archie had described to her in a newspaper. Thankfully, Ivan Kozlov obtained a job as a reporter in Karakura. Archie swiftly headed to his attendant's workplace requesting his father if he could find any news articles involving Nikolai. At first, Ivan felt irritated that Archie was still searching for his former attendant, but he quickly complied. Ivan was certain he wasn't going to find anything until he happened upon a murder case that occurred five years prior, on the day Nikolai had left for Karakura. When Ivan learned that Nikolai had been found murdered just a few hours after he arrived in Karakura, murdered by a gang, by the very city's children, Archie could not believe were capable of such evil.. Ivan was stunned. After more than an hour of waiting, Ivan finally thought of a more direct way to deliver the news to Archie, as he was at a loss for words.

Archie didn't know how to feel, for five years, he believed his friend had simply forgotten about him. After learning that his friend had been murdered, he became enraged. He was distraught and felt a piece of himself die with Nikolai. After reading the news article about the children who killed Nikolai and receiving a life sentence, Archie was relieved that justice had been served. Archie was positive that he would never view Karakura's youth in the same light again. Whereas he had once felt sorry for them and sought to help them change or give them an opportunity, all he felt now was resentment and hatred. Archie healing from Nikolai's passing certainly took a while. After learning of the death of his friend years before, he turned his attention to his studies and took up new interests as a way to distract himself. It required a great deal of work, but many of Archie's friends and family, specifically his brother supported him in moving on as he gained back his former sense of humour and wit. He submitted his application to the police department of Karakura in the hopes that he could potentially be capable of putting a stop to the chaos and crime caused by juveniles that was pointless and ongoing.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:

No, it is not legal for you to carry a pocket knife in Karakura. If a pocket knife is found on you, you will be charged with possession of illegal weaponry, which carries a three month sentence and a bail of 150k yen.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:

Here are 5 of the 9 medical items that do not require a prescription from Karakura’s hospital.

Melatonin - ¥3,000
Glasses - ¥4,000
Eyepatch - ¥5,000
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000
Wooden Cane - ¥7,000

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?:


If Archie were to see his co-worker physically abuse an inmate, he’d immediately radio in for backup and then jump in to stop his co-worker from causing any further damage, proof would not be his biggest concern as his body camera would have surely captured the entire situation. Once Archie has successfully gotten his co-worker away from the inmate, he would immediately take the inmate to the EMS room to check if he had gained any possible injuries and get him treated for them. Archie would then let the officers who he had called for backup question the co-worker to see why he had acted in such a way but hand over the body camera evidence and report the co-worker to a higher-up right after everything has been settled.


If Archie were to see his co-worker physically abuse an inmate but if it appears as though his co-worker is injured or possibly doing it to restrain the inmate, he’d call for backup onto the radio and then immediately stun the inmate. After that, he would place the prisoner in a padded cell while backup attends to the injured coworker. If the coworker had attacked the prisoner in self-defence, Archie would likely add a charge of "Assault on a government official" against the prisoner and report the entire incident to a higher-up with body camera evidence. Even though it was self defence, our coworkers are trained to handle situations in a specific way, so rather than abusing the prisoner physically, all they had to do was stun or pepper spray them and take them to a padded cell.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?:


First thing Archie would do is immediately radio in for backup then unholster his stun-blaster to stun the individual assaulting his co-worker, hopefully by that time backup had arrived and they could apprehend the criminal so he could bring his co-worker to the hospital and get him treated for any possible injuries. Archie would likely stun the criminal regardless if it was one or more people assaulting his co-worker as he believes temporarily restraining the criminals while he takes care of his co-worker and getting him out of that dangerous situation is the best way to handle things. Even if it meant that a criminal or two had escaped during his pursuit to save his coworker, he would make sure that his coworker's well being came first.


If Archie were off duty seeing his co-workers get assaulted then he’d react the same way as any good citizen of Karakura would and get further away so he would call the police without being seen. Since he would not have his stun blaster or any equipment on him to allow him to immediately jump in, if there were at least 1-2 people then he’d likely jump in to help his co-worker, preventing him from gaining any life threatening injuries. By the time law enforcement arrives, his co-worker would be able to get escorted to the hospital so he could be treated for any injuries he received.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?:

if Archie were to find out his co-worker was corrupt and helping a criminal organisation, he would firstly gain as much proof as he possibly could and report it to a higher ranking officer, most likely the captain or commissioner if he were to find out his co-worker was being corrupt or working with a criminal organisation. Archie would try his best to appear as if he has no idea that his co-worker is corrupt in order to possibly gain their trust, that way he is more capable of gaining significant proof. Archie would make sure to have some sort of reliable evidence before reporting to a higher-up that a coworker is corrupt and is supporting a criminal organisation as he would not want to be held accountable for possibly lying or subject to punishment. He’d put all the proof he had gained on his co-worker into a folder explaining the entire situation for it to be reported to the captain or the commissioner.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?:

If Archie were to be offered a bribe from a criminal while cuffing them, he’d simply add a bribery fine onto their list of charges and possibly a charge of obstruction of justice if they insist on the bribe and refuse to pay the bribery fine. Archie has a job, he has no reason to accept the bribe and If the criminal were to bribe him with something other than money, such as information then he would react the same way by adding a bribery fine and arresting them for whatever crime they had committed.
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