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Accepted RippedZan's Teacher Application


Level 15
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

RippedZan (Main)
SnatchedZan (Alt-Account I am applying with)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
I do have a microphone!

What is your time zone?:
EST - Eastern Standard Time

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that if I am inactive that I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity of a 9/10 - I joined SRP late April of 2023, but have only been heavily active since December of this year. Since then I have been significantly improving my roleplay skills throughout the community. Slowly I was getting involved in the crime side of things, the family sides of things, and here last month I joined my first factions which is the Reporter faction. Being a small faction being heavily involved in writing has given me time to enjoy the faction sides of things. I quite enjoy the community of SRP and I have been logging in daily since December. Even at this current moment I have a daily streak of 127 with the /rewards through Tom Brown.
2 pm - 2 am​
10 am - 2 am​
10 am - 2 am​
10 am - 2 am​
10 am - 2 am​
10 am - 2 am​
10 am - midnight​

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
RippedZan: Reporter, College-B, and Grade 7-12
ScatchedZan: Grade 7-12


What subject are you applying to teach?:

I am applying to teach Design and Technology.
Technology is a passion of mine, and I want to share that passion with the student at Karakura High School. I want to show them what makes
technology so interesting and why it captured my eye when I was younger.

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for becomming a teacher for SRP is very heavily based due to the whereabouts and activity of a lot of the time is on school grounds. The school grounds always has something going on, from sport teams, to classes, or friend groups just hanging out. But one thing I've noticed that a lot of teachers just joining and leaving after the first month. I want to join the teacher faction and stay in the teacher faction for awhile because I want to be more involved in the community this way. I believe the teacher faction is a great way to interact and get involved with students in an educational way. I want to help students learn more about things that they have no idea about, because that is how I learned my passions. I've been involved in the SRP community now for a year as previously stated, and I believe I would have a good grasp about what goes on for the students for Karakura High School and Community College, I have even been involved in both the Host Club and the Art Club for the school. Now I want to see what lies beyong the student perspective and what the teacher perspective is like. I would like to teach the students about what I am passionate about, and what brings me joy in life and that is what motivates me to become a teacher for SRP.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I understand that I am applying for the teacher role of UT.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

Yes, I understand if that I am accepted into the teacher faction that I will undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are the logs that note the number of classes hosted, the duriation of each class, the number of students who have joined the class, and the overall class review rating. These logs are the things SLT use to monitor the classes of their teachers, and these logs play a large role in determining quota and promotions. A lot of other factions use this similar method of logs, with some of them being automated with others are manual and have to be typed out.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
  1. When entering a class a student must make their way and sit in a student seat, not at the teachers desk, on the stage, off to the side, or on a filing cabinet. Once everyone is seated and facing the front, class will begin.
  2. No cell phones, this is a rule in many classes and will be one in mine as well. I would like students to pay attention while in class instead of getting different types of phone calls, text messages, or blasting music through their phones during class time.
  3. Misbehavior in class will not be tolerated at anytime during class. I do not mind student talking amungst themselves quietly, but if it were to progress to yelling in anyway you shall be asked to quiet down. If this were to not stop you will be kicked from the class. This included any tomfoolery, fights, or disrupting the teacher multiple times.
  4. Pay attention in class, I don't want to be repeating instructions multiple times to multiple students. If you go afk halfway through class that is fine, but anyone else I expect to pay attention to the lesson and ask appropriate questions involving the lesson.
  5. No harsh language. This includes cuss words and hurtful phrases, this will NOT be tolerated in my class at anypoint.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying actively on SRP now for about 5 months, but before SRP I have joined multiple Minecraft roleplay servers for the last few years and have done text roleplays for nearly a decade now. At times I could be a literate roleplayer, making very detailed actions or conversations between other roleplayers and in different senerios. I've also watched multiple different minecraft YouTubers in my lifetime with their different style of roleplays, or skits. I quite enjoy different roleplay styles and will sometimes switch it up to make my characters fit their personalities better, or even to make certain situations seem more fun and interactive. I have been involved in multiple different types of roleplay situations, such as Reporter situations, club member situations, crime related things, and many more. I heavily enjoy roleplay, and it's one of my many passions. I see it as a writing which is something I heavily enjoy as well and helps my creativity as an artist flurish and progress.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of Department

↳ Description:
These are the teachers who are the heads of their subjects department. They help train the new teachers, sit in during their classes, and around when certain issues surface. HD teachers have worked for their position and it shows greatly. Out of each subject only one teacher can have this role, and the ones who do have it show it with pride.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
Qualified Teacher is the 2nd highest ranking teacher in the faction. They have shown they have vast knowledge and experience to put them in the position they are in today. While a HD might not be around as much, you can always count on a QT to be around when you need them. While there is only a select few HD teachers, you can have multiple QTs in each subjects' department.

↳ Meaning:

Newly Qualified Teacher

↳ Description:
Newly Qualified Teachers are the ones who just recently have gotten out of their teacher training. These are the new teachers who have been released off of their leaches and are now able to be on their own for their classes. But just because they are now newly qualified doesn't mean they still don't need help on things every now and then.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified Teacher

↳ Description:
Unqualified Teachers are the new teachers who have just been hired into the faction. These are the ones actively going through training and are going to be hosting their own classes here soon. You will find them hanging out with other teachers as they learn the ropes on how things are run around the school.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers are important to a SchoolRP server because they are THE teachers, you simply cannot have teachers because then it wouldn't be a SchoolRP. Teachers and there to teach and guide students not only in a roleplay aspect but in also guiding the newest generation of students who come into the school. Teachers for SRP are normally the first adults the 'greenies' interact with, and having them around are crutial to roleplay senarios. They help guide the new players of SRP, and the experienced ones as well. Without them the school envireoment would become chaotic, and out of control. Teachers are meant to teach, and that is the purpose in life that they choose to do. Teachers can teach all kinds of things, going from math and sciences, all the way to art, English, history, technology, and even physical education. Teachers can get paid at a base pay of 350k for Unqualified Teachers, and Newly Qualified Teachers. Qualified Teachers and Head of Department Teachers will get a base pay of 400k. Once that basepay and minimum quota of classes taught for the month if met, each additional 5 classes met will result in an extra 50k until 500k is met for the month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
As stated above, teachers are important because they teach, they guide, and they help the growing population of the server. They play an important everyday role into what makes SRP a school roleplay server. Without them, there would be no schoolrp and the server would become dull. So many people in the community are heavily involved in the school in so many different ways that even some people who are part of other factions still come back to the school to roleplay. In the school is where most of the SRP community gathers, so it makes sense for teachers to be around.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school planning system is based on the MoSCow system, which stands for Must-Have, Should-Have, Could-Have, Won't-Have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Meet Valdemar Aksel Huxley, a Danish man who was born in Copenhagen, Denmark. At first place he would have almost pure black hair with pale blue eyes and a pale complection to go along with it. He would have 2 scars across his face, one going over his left eye, the second going across his face and over his nose. He gives off a cold expression naturally without fail, but he is a kind man when approached. His height would sit at 6'5" and have an athletic build, but a majority of the time he likes to move slow and take in his surroundings. Valdemar is a very serious person when it comes to work and his home life, while at work he can be very strict as he tried to keep kids in a straight line so that they can achieve what they need to in life. Being a previous teacher in Denmark he used to be the same way and a lot of students used to thank him for the way he taught them. Valdemar is a family man, making his family his main priority over a lot of other things, he moved to Karakura to be with his long kids.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Valdemar believes that each kid should be given a chance in life, to learn their passions and what makes them strive in life but sometimes they need a harder push in life than the rest and that is where it gets challenging for others. Valdemar works to meet those goals with all of his students, even with the troublesome ones. He tries to get along with all of his students, trying to be someone that they can come to either to talk or to engage in questions about the technology world, as he used to have a similar connection with his own teachers a similar way as he was growning up.

Valdemar wants to get along with his co-workers because that is the people who are around him everyday. He doesn't want to walk into work and regret having to be there because of one co-worker or a group of co-workers who make his job a living nightmare. He enjoyes his job and takes pride in his job, so he makes sure to get along with his co-workers and help them when they need help just as he hopes that they will do for him. He understand that somedays people can be stressed and a bit snappy due to kids causing issues, but he doesn't want that to be an everyday accurance.

What are their plans for the future?
Valdemar's plans are for the future are to find a job he can have for the rest of his working life. He doesn't want much in life besides do what he likes to do and be with his kids. He's quite the simple man in life, not too much can bother him and he doesn't want to be bothered too much outside of work because of his priority towards his family.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Before approaching I would observe to see what was happening, listening in and gathering some information before walking over and asking them what was happening. After gathering enough information I would then make my approach and ask them what was going on, if everything was okay, and why they were in the hallway shouting profanities. After a brief coversation I would ask them to please keep it down and to watch their language as classes were on-going and there was younger children in the building that did not need to hear such words on school grounds.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If my class were to start being disruptive and not listening to instruction I would begin with calmly asking them to calm down and pay attention. I would then wait a moment before taking a more harsh approach, raising my voice and asking 'If students do not stop intrupting this class and pay attention, students will begin to be kicked from the class.' Hopefully this would start to make students top and pay attention, and after waiting for a moment once again I will see who is still causing issues and who is now paying attention and trying to focus on class. Staying true to my work, I would begin to kick the troublesome kids. Now with the class finally calm and the ones left who are paying attention I will restart the lesson from a place where the students were paying attention.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Valdemar would sit in the teachers lounge, most likely in the corner by the window. He would be watching to see what is happening outside while either working on grading assignments or planning out his next lessons for class while he sipped some coffee so he can make it through his day. Normally he would do these things in his classroom, but he still wants to interact with his co-workers on a non-issue related standpoint. The teacher's lounge would be an ideal place to have a relaxing talk away from students, plus close to the coffee machine for refils if he needs the extra caffiene.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

clears his voice as he stood in front of the classroom. Looking over the students who had chosen to attend his class today. He would lean back against this desk before speaking, "Welcome, to Mr. Huxley's Technoloy class. I am Mr. Huxley and as clearly stated I teach technology. Now, all I ask is for phones to be turned on silent, not off, just on silent. If you wish to talk to your peers, please do it in a whisper." He would stop leaning, walking around his desk to a whiteboard as he spoke, writing his name in white chalk on the board.

/me sat at his desk, reaching out with his left arm to pick up his coffee cup and taking a quick sip of it before placing it back down on its coaster. Flipping through the pages of the assignments he had given out previously, reading them as he went over the answer guide he had made the week previously. Picking up his pin he would mark through the questions one by one, giving them either a check mark or an ex over the question. Once he had finally finished through the paper copies he would write the students grades on the front of the pages before taking up his laptop and signing into the school grading website. Going through all the pages again, marking what grades students made and posting them online and making note which students to see during the next school day to give out stickers to.

/me opened the door to the student who was knocking, answering them with a question, "How can I help you [student name]?". After hearing that the student needed some extra help on the assignment that was previously given out in the class, he would invite them inside, holding the door open and allowing them to step in before closing the door behind them. He would grab his answer key before sitting at a desk with the student, asking about what page or what questions were they stuck on. Flipping through the pages of the answer key as the student listed off the questions, he would begin to go over what the questions were, what they meant, and how to answer them without giving the direct answer to the question. Once the questions were finished, he would ask if the student would like to hand in the assignment early. The student would hand him his book and he would place it on his desk before walking over to the doors, letting the student outside.

/me would walk over to his chalkboard, picking up a new piece of chalk with his left hand before writing out today's assignment on the board. Once he had finished he would place the chalk down, clapping his hands together to get the remainder of the chalf off his hands before taking a seat at his desk. Taking out his laptop to begin to type of the next lesson plan as he waits for the next class to begin. Reaching for his coffee cup he would notice he was out, sighing as he stood and walked out of his classroom. Closing his door behind him, he would walk to the teacher's lounge to get him a fresh cup.

Valdemar Aksel Huxley, born in Copenhagen, Denmark to two loving parents on March 1st, 1976. He was the only child of his parents, but his parents had multiple siblings on both sides. He was one of the favourite grandchildren of his grandparents, spoiling him and some of his counsins when they got the chance. This wouldn't have him change in anyway into a spoiled kid, he would take the gifts and praise he got from his family with pride and knowledgement which he enjoyed. Being raised in a strict family, while also being spoiled by his grandparents gave him the support he needed to get through school. He got good grades, made friends in good places and in bad places. While he was a young teenager, he would get involved in a gang of misfits who ran around the town, spraypainting train cars, the sides of buildings, and under bridges. They thought they were all having innocnet fun until getting involved with a larger, more notorious gang, The Black Cobras. This was a criminal gang known for many terrible things in Demark, and sadly Valdemar would get involved with this gang and left his life to crime. While being involved in crime in the shadows, he would start to make his public life to hide his criminal side. He would finish primary school with straight A's, leading into his college life at the University of Copenhagen where he would get his Master's degree in Technology and Teaching.

While in school he would meet the love of his life during his first year of college, trying to make a good impression of himself he would portray himself as the 'bad boy', as in showing a bit of his criminal self. This wouldn't be surprinsing as it impressed the girl, and within the first few months of them knowing each other they would begin to date. Their relationship would start off rocky, them constantly breaking up over small things or unimportant things. After each time, one or the other would come crawling back, begging on their knees apologizing to each other for their actions. By Vals 3rd year at college, things would start to clear up for him. He would be the 3rd in command of the sub division of Black Cobda's, he was still progressing how he wanted to in college, and he had proposed to his now fiance.

After graduation, the couple would begin to plan their wedding. Coming from a large family, Vals side would help with payment and locations to allow the young lovers to get their dream wedding. During the summer of 1989 the two would be married, their wedding was lavious and beautiful in the Danish countryside. Their families getting along greatly during the after party. After the wedding was over, the newly weds would run off to Iceland to enjoy their honeymoon together before Valdemar would begin his brand new teaching job the following fall. A few years into their new marriage and Valdemar's new job, he got the news his wife was pregnant. This made Valdemar excited beyong acknowlwedgement, this was one of his most proudest moments of himself. What even made him happier was that it was twins, meaning his kids were going to be siblings which is what something Valdemar had missed out on his entire childhood.

With this newfound knowledge that he was going to become a father, he knew he had to better himself for his kids. He would leave his criminal life for his kids and their safety, but he had to leave at a price. He would loose the tip of his pinkie on his left hand, a forever reminder of the life he used to have and something he could truly never forget. Finally it felt as if his life was finally falling in place, he had his dream job of teaching technology to children, he had the love of his life, and soon he was about to have a family of his own. Truly, what else could happen to him to make this worse for him.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Valdemar Huxley

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):
I am 48 years of age.


Religious Denomination:
Athiest, never really had an interest in religion growing up.

Marital Status:
Widowed and Divorced, what else could happen.


Current Location:
City of Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

I had a few small jobs during college, just simple jobs to help bring in extra cash during those 6 years I was in college. I worked for my first school for 7 years before transfering to another school and working for them another 15 years.

Academic Degree:
Master on Education in Educational Technology

Year of Graduation:

Masters of Technology in Education

Computer Information Technology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
At the moment I do not have an certificates, but I could get some in the future if students wish to learn from me.

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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