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Rolling Suggestion

IGN: youluvkamii/youhatekamii
DATE: 10/11/22
Different rolling amounts for specific roles.
I know that rolling is based off luck and what-not but I feel roles above grade 12/college should have a bigger rolling amount, due to some counts of FailRP.

[Grade 7-9] | 75
Lower grades like them have a disadvantage since they are young and not much stronger than other grades.

[Grade 10] | 100
No explanation needed

[Grade 11] | 125
11th grade should roll 125 because they aren't much younger than grade 12, and like I said previously the human body develops and becomes stronger.

[Grade 12] | 150
No explanation needed

[College] | 150
No explanation needed

[Adult] (23-50) | 175 (Doesn't have to be adult role specifically, just the age 23 or above)
Adults are much stronger than teenagers, if it still doesn't make sense to you think of it this way; when you age IRL you realize that you can do stuff that you couldn't do when you were younger, like run faster or punch harder. This same thing works in p2l, speaking from experience as my character lost a fight to 'Mike' Akihito simply because a fully developed adult is stronger than a teenager.

[Officer] | 200
No explanation needed

It's like each time you grade up, you get to roll 25 more than your previous amount.


Level 3
I like the idea and understand the logic. But its going to de-insentivise people to pursue the full college progression system and will lead to people flocking toward the caretaker role or other adult roles.


Level 211
I agree with Eyas, will only make people find ways to get adult role more than usual when the main focus of the server should be school rp

Also I don't think there is a need to change the current roll system

Aesthetic Roleplay

Level 5
Thread starter
I agree with Eyas, will only make people find ways to get adult role more than usual when the main focus of the server should be school rp

Also I don't think there is a need to change the current roll system
I like the idea and understand the logic. But its going to de-insentivise people to pursue the full college progression system and will lead to people flocking toward the caretaker role or other adult roles.
You both are thinking of more cons than pros, this can benefit the server in a way, and you disagree because other people might ruin it? There's nothing special about the grade 12 role, RPing as a student isn't always fun so I wouldn't blame other people for wanting different tags. If someone did 'flock' towards roles like caretaker, etc. I feel like it'd just benefit them even more, they can learn to RP with that role correctly as they have to wait 2 months to switch from caretaker, etc. to adult. And to be fair this system makes more sense than the original because you roll 25 more than your previous amount, like you develop and get stronger as a human IRL. If you still aren't convinced about the adult rolling amount, then I would then suggest taking a look into the grade 11 rolling amount.


Level 328

Rolling amounts don't equal to raw strength. While it is true that Adults tend to have more strength than younger individuals, rolling also includes other skills such as speed, flexibility, agility, resistence, etc., which are all translated to the rolling amounts. That's why, when people ask why KPD officers are allowed to roll 200, the answer to it is thanks to their training when it comes to combat, and not just because of their age


Level 3
You both are thinking of more cons than pros, this can benefit the server in a way, and you disagree because other people might ruin it? There's nothing special about the grade 12 role, RPing as a student isn't always fun so I wouldn't blame other people for wanting different tags. If someone did 'flock' towards roles like caretaker, etc. I feel like it'd just benefit them even more, they can learn to RP with that role correctly as they have to wait 2 months to switch from caretaker, etc. to adult. And to be fair this system makes more sense than the original because you roll 25 more than your previous amount, like you develop and get stronger as a human IRL. If you still aren't convinced about the adult rolling amount, then I would then suggest taking a look into the grade 11 rolling amount.
I mean look, I agree I could beat 18 year old me’s ass. But a meta will develop if you were to have this rolling system implemented. What I mean by people flocking towards certain roles is that people are going to those roles with the expressed intention of gangrp. In my opinion, it wont do much to help the factions as people who wanted to be those roles were going to do them regardless of the revised rolls.


Level 99
Community Team
Lore Team

This is similar to the whole "KPD trains so they have 200 which means that school teams train and have 175!"

People would just purposely try to find ways around the system for this


Level 45

Yonio's comment already explains it perfectly. I don't need to say much other than, -1.


Level 271
I'd go -1 with that,
first of all; PHD students r 23-24 y/o
but mainly Eyas said my opinion.


Level 193
Adults typically have better strength than younger people, and KPD are physically trained for better strength therefore better roll chances.


Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
-1 Just keep things the way they are. Don't fix what isn't broken.


Level 15

its SchoolRP not gangrp, theres no need to buff adult roll since it'll just have everyone rushing to get it since its "better for gangrp"

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