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Rule Suggestion


Level 3
IGN: heyitslaylay
DATE: 3/6/21
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Earlier in #help there was a question asked "Is saying the n-word in-game allowed icly", A staff member replied saying that as long as it is not used in a trolling behavior or doesn't make others around you uncomfortable then it is allowed. I believe that there should be a rule against using any racial slur ic and ooc. If it's not allowed IRL then why should it be allowed in-game? Especially since this is the internet and there’s no way in telling if you are of the race the slur used against comes from. It is way too easy to just go on google and search images of black people and say you are black and that you can use the slur. Hence why there should be rules against using any slurs whether it's from BIPOC or the LGBTQIA+ community. I feel that the SRP should be a safe space for all communities and having this rule of saying no slurs would make it that place.



Level 39
“If it's not allowed IRL then why should it be allowed in-game?”

I do not use the word at all, but it’s not NOT allowed OOCly, people are free to use it but should not use it at all unless they are permitted to due to where they are from. (In my opinion.)

Somewhat +1? I have mixed opinions about this since people who say the word aren’t allowed to, yet still do it. They should face IC consequences for it and not OOCly. Though I understand some people create characters for their own advantage just to be able to say the word.

2a. If racism, extremism, Nazism is present in IC to the point of which it is becoming uncomfortable for players and presented in a unserious manner (such as skins from Adolf Hitler), staff have the right to ban you.
Regarding to rule 2a, report it if it does make you uncomfortable and if they continue to say it.

As Sinner said though, as long as it’s not used in a trolling manner or makes YOU uncomfortable, it’s allowed. The best you can do is probably just ignore them or walk away, the word isn’t used often from what I’ve seen though.

Lastly, there are always going to be people who use slurs and since we have the freedom of speech OOCly they can still use those slurs. SchoolRP is supposed to reflect real life in some sort of way and you can’t really disregard the fact that people use those slurs. They may not use those slurs OOCly, but their character would. Though you shouldn’t bring ALL real life principles into SRP, this is one that I believe we can bring into SRP. (Freedom of speech and etc)
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Level 25
In complete honesty, I thought they abolished the usage of the word entirely, hence why it's automatically corrected to "*****" on the server.

Now seeing this, I have a completely different opinion.

As laur stated above, nobody should face OOC punishments for their character using a slur ICly (as long as it's not done to make other people uncomfortable). You have to understand that SRP does its best to reciprocate real-life scenarios and just real-life in general, and people in real life very much do use slurs to ridicule/mock people or some use it in a friendly manner when it's reclaimed. Nobody is struck down by god the second a slur leaves their mouth. It doesn't work like that. However, just because there are no OOC repercussions of saying these slurs, doesn't mean their character isn't susceptible to IC beatdowns. I'm unsure why it's no longer there, but using slurs against another character was classified as verbal assault, which was a very fitting rule. Here's a screenshot of the rule when it existed.

This should be brought back.

I'd continue on, but I'd then be repeating everything that that @babwy just said.
In summary: No, people should not be punished OOCly for the use of slurs ICly as long as it's not making people uncomfortable.

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