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Denied s0urroll | Jona's Doctor Application


Level 11



IGN (In-Game Name):

As of writing this application, I am in ownership of two accounts;
s0urroll (MAIN)

What is your discord username?


Describe your activity on the server:

5PM - 9 PM
4 PM - 7 PM
4 PM - 10 PM
Undefined, Flexible.
3 PM - 10 PM
4 PM - ???
like. . all day lol.

As overall activity goes for SchoolRP, I believe that I am relatively active compared to other players on this server, having the ability in order to both, adjust my schedule to match with possible times where I am required (Ex. Trainings, meetings, . . Bird watching, etc), and be able to actively maintain that same discipline required to maintain flexibility in my schedule. Since I currently maintain a spot in the Football Team, I am expected to dedicate at least a couple hours on this server per couple days to be able to consolidate my current position on the team, providing evidence to my previous claim, whilst also giving me motivation in order to be active in the server. Throughout the two (unfortunate) years that I have been on this server for, I have joined quite the amount of different factions in the server, whether it be a plethora of different Gangs, both as Higher ups and just as simple members, the Teacher faction, or the Sports faction. Throughout this time period where I have been playing SchoolRP, I have as well racked up quite the number of weeks on this server (As shown below).


Factoring in all of this data and other outside forces, I believe that my activity on this server is a rough 7~/10, possibly boosted to an 8 due to midterms soon coming to a close. This however, could possibly change, both for the better and the worse, as I am starting to clear up and add some more things to my actual IRL schedule and such that may free up some days, and close other days.

What is your time zone?:

GMT-5 (Eastern Standard Time)

List your current and past applications:♚-s0urrolls-event-team-application.78667/

List your current roles on the server:

As of right now, I currently occupy a spot in the Highschool Football team, but other than that, I do not have any other factions that I currently participate in.

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:

Throughout the two years that I have played this server for, I have, well, obviously accumulated quite the experience with roleplay, whether it comes to structuring stories, or writing extremely detailed actions for said stories. To start, I have been a Higher-Up in numerous different criminal organizations (Such as Mandala, Takukan, Middonaito), and have been a leader of one (Kyogoku), encouraging and sometimes forcing me to order to enter situations and scenarios where roleplay is required and often pushed to it's limits. I'll admit, at the start of my roleplay journey, I had little grasp on basic concepts of roleplaying, going as far to say that I was a. . G-g-g-g-g-greenie. . level. . of experience. This remained for a while before joining the Sports faction, allowing me to engage in many new roleplay opportunities and therefore hone my writing to a rather satisfactory state. Adding onto this, roughly two months after I joined the Sports Faction, I got accepted into teacher, allowing me to roleplay more with other adults that have more experience, further improving my writing skills as I learned. With all of this in mind, I believe that my roleplay experience is both broad and refined, having witnessed and performed situations such as educating the hopeless kids of Karakura and swirly-ing the rivals of the Football team, as well as spending hours at a time roleplaying out a katana duel with extreme precision in wording.

Oh yeah, also one time I saved a cat from a very tall (six block) tree, so I think that proves that I am the best role-player around.

What is your motivation for applying?

There are three main motivations on why I am applying for this faction.

The closer you go after perfection, the more flaws you will have to face to reach that.''

Throughout my time on this server, I have been a witness to the many people who have joined different factions. In my head, I was always thinking how good their writing was or how well they could graph their story via typing on a roleplay server, and I would always wonder how they did it. Eventually, I asked one of them ''How were you able to get your writing to such a degree?'', and they responded by telling me to join a faction. Initially, I found that as a bit confusing, how could joining a schoolRP faction help me improve my writing in the long term? Well, apparently a lot I have experienced. After my friend said this, I obviously applied for a faction that was open at the time; Teacher. I ended up getting in, and it forced me to write a decent bit, however, if I am being completely honest, it didn't suit what I wanted to do really. During this time period, I tried out for the football team as well, getting in and allowing me to roleplay with other sportsRPers, which did actually improve my writing by a ton. This, eventually led me in order to look for more factions in order to further learn how to improve my roleplay skills and capabilities, and after some convincing (Haneshi telling me to apply), I ended up on the EMS Faction. I always had an interest in joining this faction, however, I had sort of a lingering fear that my roleplay wasn't good enough, but now, with the time that I have taken in order to learn how to, well, write, I believe that I am ready to join this faction. Now. . What does this have to do with motivation you may ask? Well, these past things lead me to my first motivation for applying to the Hospital Faction; My drive and desire to further improve on my roleplay capabilities. I believe that EMS will help me tremendously with this task, allowing me to encounter brand-new scenarios that I otherwise wouldn't have experienced, pushing the need for writing extensively, as well as giving me an opportunity to roleplay with a completely fresh audience opposed to other possible factions that I have an interest in.

What is the point of being the best if you can't share it with others?''

Whilst playing SchoolRP, an unfortunate fact that I have came to realize would be that sometimes, the server can get quite stale when it comes to actually roleplaying and talking with others, which in turn, means that I can't really make too many connections with people on the server since. . We don't really have a chance to. This however, I believe can change if I join the Hospital faction, a place that I almost constantly see with many workers on. The reason why I believe that this could aid in fixing this issue is because being in a faction forces me in order to get out their and roleplay, as well as giving me something to do other than the bi-daily practices for the Highschool Football team. This leads me to state my second motivation for applying for this faction; I wish to give myself more scenarios and reason to play SchoolRP, as well as be able to make new connections and friends (as corny as it sounds. .). The reason why this is one of the three motivations for applying to this faction is. . Well. . I just want to make friends, I don't really think it's that complicated- Nah, I'm playing. On a serious note, I have both talked to and roleplayed with the people in the Hospital faction throughout my playtime in SRP, and I have noticed that they are always super friendly, willing to help, and just overall a nice vibe. I wish to be able to join that sort of atmosphere and make new friends in that environment, as well as be able to bring that sort of light for other new players in the server that may take interest in roleplaying(as corny as it sounds pt.2).

It's what defines myself obviously.''

Now, I want you to picture this in your head; You just made this really cool character, he's some badass dude that used to be some random frat boy, and had like some really dramatic turn in his life. He has a cool backstory, cool name and everything, however, the more you start to write about his character, the more it makes you want to turn him into something more. . Special, no? Well, that's exactly what went on with my head around 2~ months before writing this application. During this time, I made an entire document that spanded around 8~ pages about the backstory of this guy named Grice, and the more I started to write about him, the more the desire grew of wanting to put him into the EMS faction. This brings me to my third and final main motivation for joining this faction; I wish to be able to give my character more purpose in Karakura than be the average joe. Not only this, I believe that it would be really fun and enjoyable to play a Doctor character with a persona and backstory such as the one that I created, allowing for. . Some interesting possibilities, but more importantly, FUN!!!!!!!! possibilities. Not only this, I believe that I can provide a brand-new experience for all of the workers present within the faction, allowing for both parties to, well, have fun RPing!!

oh yeah and fourth motivation I want to send this image to more people.

Which role are you applying for?

I am currently applying for the Doctor role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)

As of writing this application, I will admit, my knowledge on the medical roles is limited, so bear with me if I make any mistakes in this.
In other words, I have elite ball knowledge.

'' You think you've been here too long. .? ''
The highest position present in the Hospital
Faction, holding absolute power over decisions
made for the Karakura Hospital as well as other
tasks that the Division Leads can't execute.
An example of the tasks the director could be seen
executing could be when deciding the
pay for such workers and the schedules for
each of the division leads in the Hospital. Another
example could be negotiating with the Town Hall
about the amount of budget that the faction receives.

'' I've been here too long. ''
The, well, leads of their own respective Departments.
Each of the three departments present in the Hospital
faction have either a Lead or a Chief, the Paramedics
bolstering a Chief, while the other two have a Lead.
An example of the type of tasks they would do
would be scheduling the hours and training times for
the Trainees, as well as training the Trainees and
performing any significant tasks that are requested from
the Director (I.E Schedule Changes, Priority of Tasks)

'' I'm clocking out. ''
The main sect of the hospital; The actual workers and
executors of their divisions tasks. This class usually
consists of three different sects, a lower, middle, and
an upper. An example of this would be a Resident,
Senior Resident, or Attending Resident.
An example of the tasks you could often see the people in
these factions perform would be the main work that you
would think of when working at a Hospital; Diagnosing
individuals, treating patients, performing surgeries,
being a the****** to said individuals, and perscribing
medications to, you guessed it, said individuals.

'' Man I love this job! What could possibly go wrong? ''
The rookies of the Hospital; The ''newbies'' I would say.
These people are the lowest authority and are currently
undergoing extensive training under the
workers and their respective division lead/chief.
An example of the tasks that you can see performed
by the trainees is we- NO. The Trainees should be
focused on receiving their training, properly learning
their way around the hospital whilst preparing
to become an actual worker in the faction.

The emergency response division of the hospital;
These individuals are responsible for giving urgent
and immediate care to situations that call for
them, as well as serving as a sort of medic
whenever KPD is in a pinch.
An example of the tasks that you could find the residents
in this department performing would be rushing over to the
other side of the Town in order to give immediate
care for somebody who had just gotten stabbed
by a criminal.

'' . . . Is it bad that I have a fear of blood? ''
The main sect of the hospital, what you typically
think of whenever you hear ''Hospital''. These people
are responsible for prescribing different medications
to patients, performing different long-term tasks
such as Surgeries and procedures to aid with one, and
just. . Well, do all the doctor stuff y'know?
An example of the tasks that the Clinical Department could
be seen executing would be prescribing pain relievers to
a patient that may be experiencing excessive pain due to
their condition. Adding onto this, they can also be found
doing surgery on patients that may need to have a part
of their body reconstructed (I.E A Shattered Leg)

'' I'm going insane. ''
The sect of the hospital that is focused on making
Karakura at least slightly normal; The Physchiatrist
Department is in charge of everything related to
the minds of the people, including providing
Therapy, diagnosing one with disorders, and
evaluate the severity of psychological disorders.
An example of the work that Psychiatrists are seen doing
would be counseling a couple on decisions they could make
in order to improve their relationship, or possibly
diagnosing a kid with. . Let's say for example, Schizophrenia.

I ran out of space for the Vet role, and I was too lazy to edit the bracket so...
i also forgot it existed till going through the announcements. . soz.
''I never wish onto my enemy a grandma with 40 cats.''
A sub-department of the Karakura Hospital, responsible for the attending and caring of Animals. Veterinarians are expected to handle all of the tasks related to animals around Karakura, including Pets,
Wild Animals, and other collections of things that aren't human.
An example of the work that Veterinarians can be seen doing would be aiding a cat that had recently fallen out of a tree, bandaging it's paws up and taking care of the animal while it heals.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I am in full awareness that if I choose to ignore a training whilst I am online that I will receive punishment for it.

"I remember you was conflicted, misusing your influence."


Character’s Full Name:

''Grice Aletha Shin.''

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

''I honestly couldn't care less, just don't call me a pig or something outlandish.''

Character’s Age (if accepted):

''27 Years of Age.''

Character’s Academic Background:

''Masters Degree via a university in the United States, as well as an MD.''

Character’s Nationality:

''The Dominican Republic, oh, and probably a bit of Korean as well.''
(In actuality, he is 25% Dominican and 75% Korean, but he doesn't know that yet.)

Character’s Marital Status:

"Well I'm not married, so I guess single.''

Character’s Religious Denomination:

"I am the son of a lineage with Christian descent, so I guess I take a bit from that faith.''

Character’s Spoken Languages:

''I can speak spanish pretty well as it is my main language, as well as Korean."

Character Backstory (Optional):


Act 1
''Our hands.''

The lingering scent of petrichor seemed to envelop the backyard in which this little boy sat in everyday, constantly searching underneath rocks in order to view the life that lived under them, such as the bugs that seemed to sprawl away from the site immediately, and the worms that dug into the earth just as swiftly. The topic of bugs always seemed to interest him at any given moment, mundane as it is. When the kid, now known as Grice, had freshly turned four years old, he was enrolled in a Pre-school program nearby the coast, where he ended up meeting this girl that to this day he insists has the name of Delilah, why? Find out ICly bud. The two met whilst recess was going on, many of the kids seemed to play around and hang out at the park, however, Grice and Delilah somehow found themselves next to a tall oak tree by coincidence, both searching and looking for bugs and small insects around the area. The two bumped into each other, a bruised splotch of null forming onto the side of both of their heads that left a permanent mark around the size of a marble. Whilst other kids would probably run, seeking help, the two instead laughed, brushing it off before spending the rest of the recess discussing their exaggerated bug finds, each of them saying stuff such as ''OH. I FOUND A DRAGOOOONNNN!!!!''. Over the years, the two grew closer and closer, slowly started to integrate themselves into each others lives, also introducing the parents of the two kids to one another. For some context, the parents of Delilah were lower-middle class, living in the downstairs part of a home in the outskirts of Florida, whilst the parents of Grice were middle upper class, owning an estate in the wealthier parts of the county, bringing about some. . Odd encounters with one another due to the class differences. Both families seemed to disprove of one another, causing the two best friends to eventually be restricted from seeing each other, almost as if they were Montagues and Capulets. Obviously this wasn't the end of their friendship, and it only ended up making their bond stronger, lasting all throughout Elementary school, middle school, and finally, reaching to High School. I could go on a rant about all of the wacky stories that the two have encountered throughout their time in high school, but that seems like something that should be told ICly, however, something that I believe shouldn't would be the following. A tape recording of the conversation was recorded by Grice, hoping to capture a sweet moment between the two.

''Hey, Delilah!''

''Yes. .?*

"Guess what I gooootttt?''

'What did you get?*

"I got one of those clay plates!''

'And why does that matter silly?*

"Because we can both place each others hands onto it to like. . make a sort of fossil of our current selves!''

'. . Wait that's actually really fucking smart.

"Don't have to thank me for my. . CLEAR. . superiority.''

(He was failing Geometry with a 43, so much for upholding a golden family legacy.)

'Whatever. . Just get on with it!*

The two took turns in placing the imprints of their hands onto the plate, the pinkies of both slowly blending into each other. The grey conglomerate seemed to stick onto both of their hands, causing them, like teens, to start smearing it all onto each other's faces.

"STOP IT!!!''


They were eventually caught by the teacher in the hallway, and were forced to go to the ISS room for three periods. The district notified the parents of the events that happened and for some odd reason made sure to mention specifically that Delilah and Grice were hanging out, resulting in. . Separation accommodations to be made for the two. This caused them to sneak out, and eventually, start to go on these little ''Secret Dates''.

Act 2
''What do we do now. .?''

After going on these little dates on a while, Delilah and Grice ultimately ended up not working out in the long run, preferably staying as ''Friends''. This, was unfortunately a one-sided thing that was experienced only by Delilah, meaning that, yes, Grice did still have feelings for her that lingered after this unfortunate discovery. This caused tensions to be made quite awkward, especially when Delilah decided to get with a new man that seemed to make the both of them into those stereotypical highschool lovers. Grice grimaced (heh. . get it?) about the situation, starting to grow a distain, but at the end of the day, there unfortunately isn't really much to do. Two years pass and Grice and Delilah both graduate, seemingly an accomplishment for Delilah, but for Grice? It was a nightmare. He was immediately called to the third floor of his family's house in order to discuss what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, and being quite honest, Grice didn't really have many plans past highschool when it came to dreams like that. That same bump that was put on his head ever since a toddler seemed to gleam just as bright as it did the moment he got it, his eyes seemed to dart all around the room as he attempted to construct any response in order to please his parents, so he ended up coming up with one, quick and easy solution; Apply for some stupidly high standard university and show your parents you did, if you get denied (Which he thought he would have), you don't have to worry bout' them getting on your ass, and if you get accepted? Well, Grice didn't think that far. A couple months later, Delilah called Grice 27 times, prompting the male to obviously text back;

Light Grey and White Modern New Summer Collection Instagram Reel.jpg

SOMEHOW, Grice managed to get accepted into the University, and somehow behind his back, the male's parents payed for the ENTIRE plan; Semesters, food, a dorm, EVERYTHING. This put him in shock, he deadass didn't think he would even get remotely this far, so he did what any man would do once they get this opportunity; Sit around like a bum on campus for the first semester. He was lost on what to do, as stated previously, he didn't really have any ambitions he wanted to strive for, nor did he care for any major professions offered in college. He was truly lost in a sense, I wonder if there could be anything that could possibly drive this. . .
Act 3

Grice stared at the screen of his phone, scrolling aimlessly on Musically whilst sitting near the steps of the clinical section of the university campus, before he received a text from Delilah stating that she was soon entering surgery. This confused the male, why would she have to go through surgery. .? Well, unbeknownst to him, Delilah needed to get a tumor removed from her arm, otherwise it would. . Uhm. . You know. . Affect the whole arm, it wasn't benign after all. So, Grice seemed to dismiss it, obviously sending prayers to the extent of his ability, before moving on with his day.

A week later, he calls Delilah, attempting to check up on her, he is met with that painful feeling of being left on voicemail.
He tries again the next day, no response
He keeps trying, no response, until eventually, the caller ID is assigned to a different number.

Delilah had lost her life due to a mistake made by the surgeons that were operating on her, the pressure of both, their lack of sleep in the past 50 hours, as well as their already strained schedule, cultivated to the right environments for accidents to happen. Grice found out about this via an automated text that was sent via the family members of Delilah, albeit, Grice's was a bit bitchier than the rest (Still remember what happened in Act 1!!!). Damn. The male threw his phone onto the floor, the screen shattering to the ground as his face met the pulpous mattress present in his room. He stayed in that room for days, only living off of the half-empty bottles of water present in the room and the expired bags of chips that were littered around the place. Not a PEEP of life was heard from that room, until one day.


Grice had received a call from an old friend of highschool, asking for advice on what to do in life. Grice attempted to do the best he could considering his circumstances, but alas, his advice didn't do the old friend much good. They ended up starting to talk again, not really to replace a hole or anything, but just so that Grice didn't end up suffocating in the gloom and malice that seemed to surround him. After around three weeks~ time, it had been Christmas day, and his parents ended up gifting this book to Grice, it was about the introduction to General surgery, it seemed heavy, it would have easily put off the male a couple months back, but now? He didn't have much of anything else to do in his life. Grice's hands reluctantly reached for the mass of paper, flipping the cover in order to unveil the first page.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)

After taking some time in order to look through the main branches of the doctor position, I have ended up landing on the conclusion to make my character specialize in the field of General surgery, having taken numerous courses and gotten his proper education and certificates in order to qualify for it in his backstory. Now, why do I believe that this specific field would suit him better opposed to other branches such as being a Physician? Well, I believe that the personality and ideals of Grice can perfectly align and be encapsulated with those of a surgeon, as well as honestly, really fitting with the backstory of Grice. If you weren't able to read the backstory and need some context, basically, the male was coerced (by himself to avoid a dreadful confession) into applying for a top university in the state of Florida. Grice didn't really have many hopes of actually getting accepted into the university, however, defying his previous beliefs, he actually managed to get enrolled in the college (even with his subpar grades). This, in turn, caused Grice to face, eventually pushing him into actually, as the kids say, Locking in instead of being geeked. After some events in his life, he decided that he wanted to pursue a path that was able to repair others in the way he wished he could with his own past friend, which, you guessed it, would be studying and pursuing the occupation of being a surgeon. To give more sense on why this is an important endeavor to his motive for becoming a doctor, a surgery had gone wrong with a friend named Delilah due to both, a lack of staffing, and overworked surgeons having to perform this delicate operation. This, unfortunately caused the procedure to be a failure, and resulted in the premature end of her life.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Believe it or not, he actually does have some limited experience working in the medical field. During his time studying to become a surgeon, the male was taken into an intership program within the United States, allowing him in order to learn about the dangers, basics, and what not to do when working in a hospital facility. Of course, he never did some insane surgery on a patient that needed it, however, with this experience, Grice also managed to learn and educate himself on the surface levels of Primary Care.


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Blue Modern High School ID Card.png

''His face seemed to be of a caliber that not many could achieve, it seemed modified, yet natural. His skin was nearly pristine, like porcelain products from China, however, it seemed to be ruined by the numerous amounts of blisters and ink stains. Grice could often be seen scrolling on his phone and typing up paragraphs for the smallest of subjects, re-watching Naruto and One piece, and the thing he is best at, looking like some mysterious dude. The male's irises were of a near perfect hazel, yet his pupils were. . Uneven?! Seems a bit odd. Present on his right ear, he had two piercing, along with a slight bruise that seemed to almost constantly be covered with Make-up. The male was quite short, only standing at the height of 5'7, however, what he lacked in height was definitely made up for in sheer pettiness. I would dare to write more as a narrator, but I'm honestly scared that if I type more, the whole nonchalant thing he has going on for him might just vanish.''

Overall, if you couldn't tell already, Grice Aletha Shin is a man that is the definition of an oxymoron. He is quite reserved, yet somehow still bubbly, it proved difficult to tell what he was up to, or what he was thinking, yet you could almost always pinpoint exactly what mood he was in just with a glare into his hazel irises. Adding onto this, he was able to act as a sheep in a herd, but also possessed above average leadership skills, allowing him in order to be able to confidently get his point across to a wide group of people, be able to properly voice what he wants, and be able to plan ahead of time with precision. To top it all off, the male seems to have quite the ear when it comes to music, listening to artists of all Genres such as SZA, GZA, Arctic Monkeys, Kendrick Lamar (totally not because I love him), and a variety of other genres and artists. Below is a list of the things that you could find him with on a day-to-day basis.

iPhone 13 Pro
''I regret spending the grand for this phone that got dated after a couple years.''
Intended for his day-to-day calls and texts, watching videos, and just for usage
when bored out of his mind on a random weekend.
Wallet & Keys
''It's literally the essentials, why wouldn't I?''
. . It's a wallet and keys, what do you think they are used for? Anyways, he has
them in order to purchase an unhealthy amount of accessories for his wardrobe.
MP3 Player
''I promise I didn't pirate all of these songs.''
He doesn't believe in Blockify, or really any music software, he prefers the
old-school way of listening to music for some odd reason.
Packs of Instant Ice
''What if somebody gets a boo boo?''
Intended for use whenever one gets and injury, as well as whenever he himself
accidentally trips and impacts a part of his body.
A pack of gas station candies, probably Sour Patch Kids or Skittles.
''. . Not sure how healthy this is, but I need that sugar rush once in a little while, you know?''
. . I can't really explain this one, he's a kid at heart, he desires that sugary taste
of candy, as well as they are great ice breakers! (No pun intended.)
A completed deck of Pokémon cards topped off with a PSA-10 Charizard. Not the old one though.
''If I need to battle ANYBODY, I will be ready.
Yeah I'm at a loss for words, I can't give a reason for this, he just does. Don't question
what he does or why he does it.

Oh yeah, and his favorite song is ''ARE WE STILL FRIENDS?'' from IGOR, just wanted to throw that out their if anybody wanted to metagame to start a convo with me :tiktokyippiee:

How does your character act around the hospital?

Ok, so in order for Grice to, well, actually be Grice, he has to basically switch personalities from when he is on-duty and off-duty, so I'll just split it into two parts.


At the job, you can find the male acting like your stereotypical doctor, he embraces the basic uniform to a degree that probably isn't healthy, along with maintaining a poker face, and having a near monotone body expression. He puts an extreme emphasis on keeping himself sanitized and clean at all times, an example of this would be using gloves when they aren't required, as well as using hand sanitizer every chance he can. His voice seems restrained, awfully quite, unfortunately visible if you pay attention to his speech and the way he acts. Sometimes, a silly little child escapes his visage of an average doctor once in a while, giving people a chance to see the person that he really is. Due to the past events in his life, whenever he actually has to work or perform a task related to the hospital, he will make sure to DO IT, whether that means going completely overboard for a simple flu diagnosis, or spending an obscene amount of time preparing to patch up a stich some Grade-8 got by running into a wall.



Here, he can finally let go of the persona that he equips for the Hospital faction, being the true teen that he is deep in his heart. When he is off-duty, you can often see the male sitting around, studying an assortment of random things, whilst also hanging out with friends outside of the workplace. Honestly, he seems like a completely different human when he isn't locked in with being a hospital worker and all that, wearing fits that would otherwise be considered outlandish and extra if it wasn't Karakura. His hair was styled differently, less ******* than when he is on-duty, as well as a smile present on his visage. Oh yeah, most importantly of all, he has a pet cat! Sometimes you can catch him hanging out with her at a bench or something. Oh yeah and he also visits shrine from time to time. Oh ye- No more yapping Jona.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

Now, this one is a bit complicated to answer considering his personality- Just kidding, Grice loves to hang out and work with others, but sometimes, he needs a bit of time for himself in order to focus on the task at hand. He is honestly quite versatile working with others, but you can notice that his productivity is at a peak when he is working by himself, as instead of yapping about who should've won AOTY, he can focus on precisely moving instruments in a careful procedure for a patient. Whilst yes, the male does like talking to people, one issue he faces however is a sort of personal barrier that he put up for himself. He is. . Lowkey a bit of an introvert, so it might take the right day and a bit of coaxing in order to actually be able to talk to him, but I promise it's worth it in the end.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application
Here is a reward for your labor.



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Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, after discussing your application with the higher-ups, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around.

This decision was made based upon the following reasons:

- Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications and little amount of slots, we are not able to accept your application at this time.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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