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Denied s_nning's Lawyer Application


Level 3

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone connected to my PC

Timezone & Country:
PST (Pacific Standard Time Zone) + Canada

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I would say I am very active within SchoolRP and the actual website itself, for example, I usually go out and roleplay in the server with my friends or try to find new people to roleplay with, or in forums I'm looking at people threads or simply just writing my application, I do like roleplaying a lot meaning none the less I spend several hours on school RP every single day I would say maybe around 4+ hours depending if I work or not, I do also take breaks time to time so I can either take a mental break from SRP because SRP can be a lot at times if you're consistently on it, but also the fact that I celebrate a lot of my friends birthdays and or have to be requested a lot by my family usually I don't ever take a break longer than a month if I do take a break for a month everyone I know and or factions I am in will always know first as I think it's necessary to state my inactivity. I am POSSIBLY leaving for a month or so to take a trip with my father, but it shouldn't be longer than a month. I am very active in just normal Google Docs for SRP as I love to create lore and to write up on my own characters' lives, or try to update applications, I am very active and I think it is a bit of an unhealthy obsession because of how much I spend and how much I miss SRP if I'm off for only a few days.

Below I wrote my schedule and my playtime to prove that I am a very active SRP character and what to expect from me

8pm - 1am
8pm - 1am
8pm - 1am


What position are you applying for?:
I am currently applying for Lawyer

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well, my motivation for joining can rely on several things.
Firstly I think it is because I haven't been on SchoolRP for some time maybe a year or so when the government wasn't a thing and as I've looked through all the other jobs in SchoolRP and read about them and then becoming a professor for a little while I think lawyer seems the most fun and might be the most invested SchoolRP job I wish do, it has a lot to it not only just different aspects of the jobs that rely on it but it also goes in a bit of depth about what each thing does, and there is many roles involved with government, I think that being in the job will not only expand my experience in school RP but also teach me many new things.

My second motivation is from my friend she recently got into KPD and has been ranting to me about how fun it is. and how much more she has learned about SRP laws, it motivated me the most because I wish to go more in-depth into the laws and learn more than anyone could, and the fact of wanting to defend people in school RP I think the aspect of that and making it close to real life lawyers is awesome, in general, I think my motivation is to try out a huge new experience and to learn more about school RP than I have known, I've been playing SchoolRP for several years, around 2019- 2018 and not being able to do a job in school rp for awhile until recently I've been not only bored and trying to find a thrill to get moving in school RP I think that Lawyer will not only increase my activity a ton but also increase my typing and my knowledge

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I understand the Karakura’s laws and Constitutional rights!

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I think my main goal for myself as I stated above is to learn more about Karakura laws than is displayed, and be able to personally go ahead and make a difference in people's roleplay experience as I know that lawyers do take a big part of the GangRP and or the normal citizen side of roleplay, I want to give that amazing roleplay experience and to have people want to come back and roleplay with the government roles or possibly influence people to go and apply for a lawyer. I also wish to improve my writing and my knowledge of school rp in general as I think that this is a big goal due to my needing to be able to pull evidence and type out a couple of sentences to defend my client.

My character goals are pretty much the same I do want her to go out and create a client list, let people trust her, and influence people, that too I want her to be well known not only just for people to know her but I want her to be a well-known lawyer that will defend anyone she can to protect their rights, I want the degrees that she earned to go towards something she loves and which is that being a lawyer and being a defender.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Well for starters lawyers are a pretty big deal within the citizen's aspect, lawyers are there to present citizens in court cases are give them information, there are several different types of lawyers, and they all almost do the same thing, example, a divorce lawyer only specializes in divorcing two spouses, as for maybe a simple criminal defense lawyer specializes in court cases that can vary from someone pleading not guilty to murder cases and to simply an assault depending on how and what is brought to court, there is a total of 12 different lawyers, I won't name them all only because for this application it will be solely Criminal Defense lawyer, they can represent their clients as a private or a public attorney as Criminal defense lawyers mainly focus on protecting their clients right and to make sure that they will have a fair trial.

Finding evidence is a different story from time to time, for example, we can say a lawyer gets a photograph or CCTV footage they can use in a case and possibly win it easy if the evidence shows something, usually lawyers have to dig for evidence, trying to find anything to keep their client out of the cuffs, if no evidence is provided to the lawyer, likely, they won't take your case unless they truly think your case is worth taking.

Lawyers have a certain quota to accomplish for example Karakura lawyers have a quota of 20 which those quotas will convert to yen once those quotas are met which would be 250,000, if you do go over the quota 5 extra quotas will equal 50,000 Max quota lawyers can get is 30 converting that to 350,000 yen

Basic Responsibilities:

Attending Trials:
Attending a trial is pretty much you go into the courtroom for a case, being there to listen and watch in some cases you might need to actually be a representative in the case.

Attorney Calls:
Attorney calls are so the lawyer can get information and/or update their client with case information. This can be if a case gets rescheduled or if something changes after the court case. These can also be how you can get started with a lawyer who can represent you.

Client meetings:
How do both the lawyer and the citizen get to create a plan and hear about the case that is being represented? Usually, lawyers will inform their clients about the succession that can occur or even simply let them know more about the case.

File restraining orders:
Usually, this is provided with evidence of reasoning, a lawyer will write down and take information as though they will go into their system and inform the correct people about the restraining order.

Front desk work:
This can vary, usually, you will be asking questions, and giving people IDs there isn't much to front desk work as it is just you being there to help any citizen that comes into the Town Hall

Build client lists:
Building a client list is a lot, this means you have created a huge bond with people over time, going out and letting people know of your services is how to get people interested. There are many tactics people use to build their client list, some do by providing several types of examples.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand that I could be removed at any time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I will be dedicated to my position that I am applying for and understand.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I’m aware and understand that if I show any bias towards anyone, I would face consequences.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the Government Faction rules and understand them completely

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am mostly free, so in very most cases yes, unless a out of character situation happens


Full name:
[!] Looking towards the person before her she presented a soft smile, her nails lightly tapping along the side of the chair as she hummed while she spoke [!]
“My full name is Latte Finch, odd name right?”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
[!] Adjusting herself in the chair, her hands move down from the arms of the chair, and they fall onto her lap as she leans forward seemingly focused on the questions being asked. She pursed her lips and with a soft demeanor, she spoke.[!]
“I’d prefer to be called Miss, please!”

Current age:
[!] Pulling out a small ID card that is Karakura Certified she placed it along the desk pushing it forward towards the interviewer [!]
“I am currently 34, and soon 35 in late February!”

Date of birth:
“The day of my birth was on February 25th 1990!”

“I was born a female and still go by a female.”

Academic Degree:
“I graduated with a masters degree from Karakura”

“I have both majors in political defense and criminal justice!

“The minors that I have are; legal studies and sociology”

Work experience:
“My past work experience would be at the Karakura school as a professor, I did a lot of talk due to my subject being a mainly speaking subject. After I had left my teaching job, I decided to go back to my home country in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh to start studying to become a lawyer. When I graduated after a few years with my current majors and minors, after passing my bar exam, I worked as a practicing attorney during my time in Vietnam and now that I'm back to Karakura to see if I want to see if I can get into this firm.”

Nationality & born location:
“I was born Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, so my nationality would be Vietnamese!”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Vietnamese, Japanese and French.”

Criminal record:
“No, I do not have a criminal record”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I think I'm a perfect candidate for this job because I have experience, I have passion and I know what I am doing, I know how to defend the people of Karakura and I know the rights like the back of my hand. I am not saying I should be number one! Of course, several other candidates can qualify much better than me. But I will say I won't let Karakura Citizens down, I won't let a case be unsolved, and I will not let people be wrongfully evicted of a crime that they did not solve.. I will risk everything to make sure people get the correct trial they need..”


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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying, however unfortunately we have decided to deny your application. Though your application was great, we felt others stood out more. Feel free to reapply any time.​

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