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Sadness and Sorrow - The death of Orion Suzuki


Level 231
(Listen to this while reading to make it more sad)
It was September the 13, Tuesday at 12 : 01 pm. Orion was walking across the street, He wasn't looking, though at the time he didn't need to... When he was half way across a car suddenly turned into the road which he was on. The car had hit Orion, sending him flying, Blood everywhere... The driver of the car quickly ran away, performing a hit & run... Orion died before the ambulance had arrived. He had died of loss of blood. He was on the floor dead, socked with blood except he was smiling... Smiling as bright as he could. The rain had started. It was like gods from above were crying at his death, Orion is smiling till this very day.. Dead and soon to be forgotten.

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