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SAIKY, ASTORIA "TORI" | The Forsaken Family Jewel


Level 47
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"It’s frightening that there’s no guarantee that i’ll be loved"

[ A gentle reminder that this is not be taken ICLY, it is here for lore purposes only. If you wish to know, seek this information out in character ]
A huge thank you to @gncme for the inspiration for this biography

Born into one of the biggest aristocratic families of Karakura, Tori Saiky was the second daughter to Zentarō Saiky and Mikō Ōtaki-Saiky - a forever loved and missed member of the family. Due to Zentarōs title and relation to the noble Yariama Saiky, they were also passed down to her and her sisters; Sachiko and Ren.
It was with no doubt the princess was to be a girl of greatness and achievement, however every rose has its thorns. Saiky grew up a gentle, pampered sweet little girl - due to her mother spoiling her, she truly believed that she was born to be loved by everyone.

However the unruly passing of Mikō sent her father into shambles. His emotional and psychological ▇▇▇▇▇ led Tori desperate for displays of affection. Often she was found wandering the estate asking other members if they loved her so she could onto some shred of hope that maybe her mother wasn’t lying to her.

(art by lunny)

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BIRTH NAME: Astoria Zahra Saiky
FULL LEGAL NAME: Tori Zahra Saiky
  • The Family Jewel
  • ▇▇ ▇▇▇▇ Princess
  • Toi-Toi
  • Starlight (Given by Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito)
  • Zentarō's Shadow
BIRTHDAY: 14th of August, 2006
AGE: 18
OCCUPATION: Grade-12, Bobcat Cheerleader, Takagi Corp Model
BIRTHPLACE: Karakura, Japan
SAIKY HOUSE: Teikoku, House of Imperials
TITLE: Princess
LANGUAGES: Jin, Japanese, JSL and Korean

"The day you realise your true value is the day I will no longer be ashamed of you. When you learn that you are worth more than a ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇▇▇▇▇ is the day I will no longer be disappointed in you. When you learn the importance of your title as Princess is the day I will deem you a proper example of the imperial house
-Zentarō Saiky

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"Well don’t you sit in front of me and wait for me to talk. you can call me up the phone works two ways, you know?"

(art by itzaurora)
LUCK: ☆☆☆☆☆

LOGIC: ★★★★★
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Come to know this infamous blonde more, you’ll note her very arrogant and dull traits. However, Tori is extremely insecure, mainly due to the fact she is always so worried that everyone around her will leave her. She appears as a rather confident, mysterious and composed woman at first glance, but do not be fooled, Tori is as bad as they come. This princess will rip your heart out the second she gets the chance, actually its a tendency of her to take her mother’s death and her father’s insistence that she is not needed and worthless on others as a hobby.

She has shown that she can be an incredibly selfish, manipulative and cruel person who rarely shows any sympathy to others. Alas, this is only just one side to her - the bad one. If you ever have the oppurtunity to become close and friendly with her you’ll find that behind her facade is a very terrified girl who just wants the love and approvval from others stemming from her complicated relationship with her family, it was forever enstilled into her mind that she would end up alone. Recently she had convinced herself she has no self-worth beyond her title as ‘Princess’ in the family after Zentaro’s cold and neglectful treatment towards her. He had poisoned her with hatred and insecurities that are bound to spread to her entire being with time. However, time does tell a redeeming future for this broken dynamic.

Tori cherishes those close to her so very much, and is slowly accepting her own mistakes with the support and love from each and every one of them. She still of course keeps her walls up and holds a very strong barricade to each side, it takes a rather strong-willed person to break down those walls. She treads lightly even with them down, Saiky is not one to put her eggs all into one basket nor put her life in the hands of another. That would require trust and the act of relying on another - something this princess has no time for.

“You’ve been incredibly lonely but you’ve been pretending to be strong”

ACADEMICS - Unlike the perception of others, Saiky is actually extremely smart. This was a must for her role in the Teikoku House; expected to be of greatness and achievement, thus, that is what she became. Her relentless study methods with the amount of free time she had were the perfect recipe to become an S+ student. She was gifted and her family had made sure to showcase her talents - every award was always boasted by her older cousin; Kaede Saiky, who was her legal guardian at the time. However, once she turned 16 she decided to change her path and tryout for Bobcat cheer after getting bored of her studious lifestyle. So, in closeted Tori Saiky fashion she tried out with a routine to a Katy Perry song ‘I KISSED A GIRL’. Surprisingly she got on the team with ease.

It was with the time on cheer that she began to change, was it for the good or bad? Saiky grew a backbone and adapted to the sassy attitude filled personality of a cheerleader, she had her older cousin Katsuhito to look upland thank for the influence of that role specifically. However this became a 'grade A' nightmare for her father and the elders of the family, report after report - Zentarō was LIVID. All it took was one threat of the farms before she was back into tip-top shape. . almost. Trouble was something she could not help but be followed with, of course when rivalry still lingers. Tori just became better at getting away with it!

AN INTERESTING TASTE IN MEN - Unfortunately, being pretty, popular and a cheerleader was not the main reasons for Saiky’s rise to fame... One of the most notable things about this blonde, was her choice in men. From cheaters to which she ran back too, all the way to muderous footballers who are still in love with her after receiving life in jail. Oh yeah, their victim? her best friend Maia Steele.

Let's begin with the scandal of Felony Weston, a foreign cheer mate all the way from London. Saiky was immediately pulled towards the male, especially after a drunken game of spin the bottle - Maybe the bottle was rigged or fate just spun its way to him a solid eight times! Needless to say after spending the night together they both agreed that something was looming the air. Delusion? yes. At first it was a slow burn of a situation-ship, Tori found it a fun challenge to nurture this commitment issued womaniser into boyfriend material. She succeeded with it too, for a solid month! It was found out that not even a week after gifting him a motorbike that he cheated on her, Tori had discovered this via a drama handle on onrain. The situation had escalated and became a very public affair, their fight was recorded live - including her smashing the bike. Sadly all it took was a 'heartfelt' apology and they were back together. Valentina Cruz; Cheer Captain, demanded for an intervention and locked Tori in her room before shortly kidnapping her with the help of the team into a forced therapy session, conducted by none other than the Sunako Kirishiki. No lesson was learnt, she had let this man cheat three times before calling it quits after he was deported.

Next was the tragedy of Kōdō Senjutsu. Perhaps Tori should have invested time in herself before jumping head first into another relationship. It began with a small introduction of the pair - the work of Karakura's very own love idol; Nobara Heddo. She had been playing cupid. One perfect first date later and they were already prepared to go 'death do us part', the spark was clearly there and the offer he brought to the table was more than suffice for Tori. However, it would be the telltale stories of onlookers and rumours that became the catalyst for this relationship. Senjutsu had a reputation and word got to Saiky's head, it was no help that the college male football team would tease Kōdō and stir the pot, turning their relationship into the laughing stock of the school. Bottomline Tori was embarrassed, she refused to listen to another college footballer utter the words "My Saiky Princess". Although her love was true, she broke things off before her own reputation was tarnished with his. This selfish act got the male kicked off the team and forced him into a month long vacation out of Karakura and a rather long period of feud between the two. But hey, anything can be salvaged right?

After numerous flings and failed talking stages, Tori was entertained by the attention of Kōdō's ex-teammate; Masaru Takuya. Despite her growing hatred for the football team, she found an odd sense of comfort in his presence. This situation-ship was never going to go places however. As days went on, Masaru's crush on Tori grew and perhaps feelings were slowly being reciprocated. When the day came for them to finally go on a date, it was set up and ridiculously orchestrated by Tono and his goon squad - a cute walk along the pier turned into a rather anti-romantic dessert date blessed by the ambience of Tono and Koharu singing 'Red Wine Supernova' by Chappell Roan, conveniently the song Tori answered Masaru's question earlier too. Evidently Tori made her great escape thanks to Nobara making a fake '911' call. It took a good week for Tori to get a change of heart, the night she was willing to take Masaru seriously and make a move inevitably became one of the worst nights of her life. It was a bonding event between the cheer and football teams, which of course had to include a steamy game of spin the bottle. Alcohol was consumed and tensions were high once an argument sprung out between Tono, Masaru and Maia. Little did Tori know that' that event would result in the death of two of her cheer mates but more importantly the death of her best friend, platonic soulmate if you will; Maia Steele. Plastered everywhere were mug-shots of Tono and Masaru, the sentence in bold - 'first degree murder'. Let's just say Saiky was not a fan of their last texts nor the proposal that followed with.

THE ZEN GARDEN CURSE - The Jinsei Zen Garden was known as Hokuseibu Palace back in the Itsbyoshi Rise and was utilised as the main court for the island when the government was established. This period was well known for the rise of supernatural incidents, however it was eventually made a heritage site when the Herringtons came along and purchased the land. Inside one of the main buildings in the garden resided a large gong, it is said that it has no specific name to it but was a gift from the gods that would ‘▇▇▇▇▇▇ the descendents of ▇▇▇▇▇▇ should Karakura ever need aid’. However, nothing supernatural was ever taken seriously with the modern era of time and of course everyone viewed this as just a simple ‘myth’.

That was until Katsuhito took Tori and her friends along to visit the temple that had the gong. Suspicious and skeptical Tori questioned the story and even poked fun of it after witnessing the Thorn-Tongued White Swan break down into pure terror at the release of his very own curse. You’d think that would deter her from messing around right? Clearly not. It was if she went into auto-pilot, exploring the surrounding area - more so the gong in particular. As she approached it, she had noticed a number of engravings started to appear and in an episode of pure manic and stupidity, the princess had hit the gong with a bat. The room fell so silent and Katsuhito's judgement and fear could be felt a mile away. To everyone's shock, nothing bad had actually happened in the temple. It was what had occurred afterwards that would forever shape the princess's life for futures to come.

Upon leaving the temple a large lighting strike struck her down where she stood. The outcome was close to fatal, Katsuhito picked up Tori's unconscious body and ran as fast as he could to the hospital. Her friends were left behind in shock and horror. Fortunately, Tori survived the strike and left with a hefty scar from the top of her right collarbone, all the way to her left ankle. But the damage to her mental health was detrimental, since that night the spirits have tormented her and played mind games. Everywhere she went she saw them, she heard them and she could feel she was being followed by a dark cloud. This looming darkness only grew more fatal as the days went by and the thought of October coming by soon was something she did not want to consider. October is a death wish.

“Guess you figured my two times two always equates to one, dreamers are selfish.”

GROWING UP IN KARAKURA - Tori was the first born out of three to Mikō Ōtaki and Zentarō Saiky. The family of four had blossomed for many years. Together they would attend family events, go on vacations, and numerous family outings - perhaps they were considered a tight knit family compared to the other houses of Saiky. However at the age of ten her mother; Mikō, had tragically passed away, reason? ▇▇▇▇▇▇. During her funeral Tori clung to her sister; Ren, as she watched the rest of their relatives grieve - The sudden feeling of emptiness engulfed the small girl, such an overwhelming and confusing feeling for someone who was yet to understand the concept of death. The pain she was about to face was something not a single soul could prepare for.

In the wake of her death, Zentarō’s grief turned into something darker. Consumed by sorrow and anger, he began to spiral. Desperate for someone to blame and unable to face the reality of his loss, he turned his rage towards Tori, his second eldest daughter. Zentarō began to subtly shift the narrative, insinuating that Ren’s birth was the cause of Mikō's death. He planted seeds of doubt in Tori's mind, suggesting that if Ren hadn’t been born, her mother would still be alive. This manipulation was subtle at first, but as time went on, it grew more insidious. He told her that Ren had taken her mother away, that the newborn had been the catalyst for the tragedy.

Tori struggled to understand the complexity of her father's grief. The accusation became a heavy burden on her small shoulders. She felt a deep and irrational guilt, believing that Ren was the reason for her mother's death. This false guilt began to shape her interactions with her baby sister, who was now a constant reminder of her mother’s absence.
As the years passed and Zentarō had taken his leave, the emotional strain on Tori became evident. Deep down she knew that Ren had no part in the tragedy but Zentarō’s actions had left a permanent scar on her heart - one which slowly grew more painful as she came to terms that her judgment was clouded by her father’s words.

Watching her sister grow up in such an environment tore her apart, Ren’s birth was supposed to be a symbol of hope, not a source of pain. One stormy night, Tori visited her mother’s grave, where on her knees would she sob and beg for forgiveness for ever treating her sister with such distaste and resentment - The storm had passed after one final plea. She was forgiven. From that night forward, she had promised Mikō that she would take care of Ren to the best if her ability.

BIRTH NAME - Astoria Zahra Saiky, that was the name both Mikō and Zentarō chose for their precious baby girl. The name having derived from a French surname; Astor, which comes from the Occitan word astur, meaning 'hawk' a type of bird of prey. In their eyes they named her due to the strength, courage, fearlessness, and zeal to achieve all goals and dreams, that name manifests. They were crazy accurate in shaping her future. However the day she was born so was her nickname 'Tori', that was all her mother would call her and so it stuck with her father too. Her sisters soon followed along too!

The tragic passing of Mikō had completely changed Zentarōs outlook on life and took a massive toll on his mental health. Tori would be saying goodbye to her real name as her father refused to call her by Astoria after her mother's death. He felt it was a crime to call her anything else and so after enough time had passed she had come accustomed to that name. The rest of the family would call her by Tori, thus she'd introduce herself by that name to everyone she ever met. The times in which she would bring the matter up with her father only resulted in messy arguments and bickering between the two that had no resolve. Astoria gave up.

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Sir Zentarō Saiky - “All I asked for was a father who could be there to bring some kind of sense into mine and my sister’s lives. We both lost someone so dearly to us but you cannot keep blaming your children for something that could not be controlled. I hope that one day you are able to move on and realise your three beautiful children are here with you and still love and care about you”

Mikō Otaki-Saiky - “Oh how I miss you so very much. You were my lighthouse that I used for guidance and comfort in even the foggiest of times. Mother I am so very sorry that you never got to see me grow up, I really hope I’ve made you so very proud and will continue to do so. I've abandoned my name for the sake of you, it doesn't feel right being called Astoria without at least hearing it from you”

Princess Ren Saiky - "My dearest sister, you mean more than anything in the world to me and I will not let you believe otherwise. The treatment and blame that gets thrown your way is not deserved and I will find a way to make things right back at home. I want you to be happy and grow up how I wished I did. I wish for you to be a child while time still allows you too and I wish for you to collect as many bunny plushies as you can

Princess Sachiko Saiky - [REDACTED]

Lady Kaede Saiky - "You were my step in mom when I needed help the most, there is not enough words on this earth that I could use to thank you for that. You stood up for me when it was right and helped me get back onto the right path when things went poorly wrong. You are the only person I'd ever trust to put my life in your hands and I believe you already know that."

Sir Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito -

Mei-Lien Saiky -


Felony Weston - [REDACTED]

Kōdō Senjustu - [REDACTED]

Daiju Silva - [REDACTED]

[?] Misato Swann - "From the moment our paths intertwined within the estate walls, I knew I was destined to follow the same path my father took with his very own caretaker. My affection for you grows more and more each day. Your beauty, grace and wisdom not only endeared you to me but have lit a blaze in my own heart that I did not know was possible anymore. You are more than just my 'Lady in Waiting' but only time will tell how this will end up."

art by bluiebat

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art by itzaurora art by ko
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Level 73
Sick biography, I feel bad for Tori— Having Zentarō as a father must be devastating.


Level 72
3D Modelling Team
SHES SO BEAUUTFALWWWWW!!!! omg.... tori x misato>!?!??!?! WPPOOOOAAAHHH!


Level 7
Community Team
Event Team
Little did Tori know that' that event would result in the death of two of her cheer mates but more importantly the death of her best friend, platonic soulmate if you will; Maia Steele.
tori and maia are still being besties in another life its okay chat (im emo)

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