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Denied Sakustar's Application

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Level 0
[OOC section]
In Game Name:

School Employee Role you are Applying For:Caretaker

How often do you log onto the server?: Everyday, mostly in the afternoon's

Do you have TeamSpeak3? Yes But I don't really like using it.

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?:No I've never been banned

Can you ensure that you will often come on: Of course, this is one of my favorite servers

Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes

In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: My role would be to clean and secure Taketatsu High school, I will help in anyway

Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: I've had a lot of experience, especially in the drama class to be precise

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Well Its pretty natural, I love roleplaying in anyway possible but some people just don't get How i like it.

Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it. I will carry out security procedures for school buildings and grounds, when I hear alarms I will respond to them and try and help in anyway possible, If I can do anything else it'll help. Providing safe access to the school and classrooms in anyway possible.


During a workshift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react? would warn them, If they don't listen I will report it to a Superior member of staff
You are doing a hazadrous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react? carry out the job requested as long as the job does not infringe on the CRC in anyway.

Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: I'd report there actions to a member of staff and Stop them immediately, as soon as possible

[IC section]
Applicant Name Sakustar
Chosen Job:Caretaker

Motivation for Joining YHS joined YHS from seeing experience from elder people like the teachers in the school and a caretaker. I now love roleplaying as anything possible in the server and I hope I can get this job application accepted

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: I will work the hardest I can and keep Taketasu High school a clean, independent school, I'll do whatever it takes to get any job done.
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