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SapouT | modeling suggestion


Level 21
IGN: SapouT
DATE: 26/6/22
Modeling style to be changed or more open
The current modeling style is rather different from what people are used to. It is made to be simple shapes with textures that fit minecraft original style. It would be better for me and probably many other people to fully go back to the old realistic style. I believe that using Minecraft’s default style isn’t that good as it’s a roleplay server and realistic models look better in srp, at least to me. The reason I am posting this is to hear more opinions on it and create a vote like environment to actually find out, if it’s better to go back to realistic models. I also think it would be a good idea to post a vote about it on discord. The reason voting for the style would be a good idea is that if majority of people that decide to vote about it prefer older style it’s logical to change back to it therefore satisfying majority of the community. Also I believe that older style allows people to add more details to a custom model and makes it completely different from others and it is also better for its price. As the prices of customs aren’t that cheap, allowing people to have detailed models if they like them would make customer happier as I agave heard from many ppl that they were disappointed with the new models. Ofc even if it changed back to the old style, you could add a file size limit, I suggest 70KB so it can be space efficient (I’ll attack 2 pictures, 1 of the current style and 1 of the old style)


  • EDC9C169-E9CA-4CED-A4D0-75671073DE45.png
    604.6 KB · Views: 27
  • 1296A4F4-373C-4ADB-B0E2-C2C90BF5B2E4.jpeg
    113.6 KB · Views: 25


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
The reason this modelling style is pushed is because it’s smaller in size on the texture pack, we can’t afford to have 200kb swords in the texture pack.

If we do bring back this style of modelling I can assure you a raise in price with custom items will follow it, which nobody wants.

to those who want to buy custom items we encourage you to look at the modellers portfolios or ask modellers for samples of their models, because if you don’t like the style before researching and purchase as custom item, that is unfortunately on your part for not doing the research.

5 KB swords > 70 KB swords.

edit: another problem isn’t just because we have change the style, it’s that the modellers now have a set style, and I’m sure most of them aren’t willing to learn an entirely new style of modelling just to appease a few people who prefer a thicker blade, flat blades work fine enough as it is.


Level 133

What Gemi said, there are 100s of people on, people with low end pcs can’t handle these types of models. Why would we have a 70kb sword when we can have a 2kb sword that looks really cool unless you’re specifically trying to look at it from an angle


Level 144
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

What Gemi said, there are 100s of people on, people with low end pcs can’t handle these types of models. Why would we have a 70kb sword when we can have a 2kb sword that looks really cool unless you’re specifically trying to look at it from an angle



Level 130
Why would we have a 70kb sword when we can have a 2kb sword that looks really cool unless you’re specifically trying to look at it from an angle
Every gangrper: B-but i-if you look at it from a very specific 90 d-degree angle you can't see it!!1!11!!!


Level 192
  • The Model style will not go back to the old one, most the reasons were stated above already as you can see. The old models are very over detailed and does not fit Minecraft at all. They have no room for shadings unless it's a voxelated model and voxels tend to take up a lot of space in both texturing and modeling while the new Java style lets you properly shade a simple model and add details to it just by texturing and by keeping both file sizes as low as possible.​
  • Many old players did not like the change at first but eventually grew on it and started requesting more with the new style seeing everyone else is getting it. There is no need for a vote on this as we need the server resource pack to run properly without any lag or performance issues. The old models caused nothing but lags, specially while opening chests.​

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