none of the art throughout the biography belongs to me, the source of the tarot cards are from a game named “The Arcana” which inspired the theme to the layout.
all of the information throughout the biography may not be used in-character !!
more unorganized things about her can be found here

0.0 - “The Fool”
Sara Kinboshi
12 / 12 / 02
Hellenistic Wiccan

0.1 - “The Magician”
A -
⛥ Cats
Sara has a severe allergy to cats, often causing TERRIBLE reactions. However, ironically, she absolutely adores them.
⛥ Bees
Another severe allergy Sara has, and maybe her worst fear. She wasn’t aware of this until it actually caused a near-death experience after an anaphylactic reaction, leaving her hospitalized.
⛥ Acute Social Anxiety
Due to being shielded for the first few years of her life, and the accident, it did take an effect on Sara’s social capabilities. She often gets anxious in situations where shes unfamiliar with the area, and the people within it. She was diagnosed with this around the age of 15, however since then, she’s significantly improved-- to the point that it may even have been something she has gotten over.
⛥ Partial Deafness.
Due to a head trauma injury when she was younger, she had gone a period of time without being able to hear whatsoever. Eventually, she did get her hearing back in the left ear, however her right ear's damage is irreversible. She currently has an implant in order to be able to hear a small amount out of.

0.2 - “The High Priestess”
Sara is a 5’6 female, carrying herself with a near perfect posture at all times. She’d look rather underweight, however she was just a little above 130lbs-- lacking much femininity with her build. Her hips would be much more prominent compared to her ribcage, however, being notable no matter her choice of fashion.
Her lightly toned skin contained little to no blemishes or marks, other than some cuts here and there from her younger years. Her under eyes would only be very lightly a purple-tone due to her acute lack of correct aspects in her diet. Her skin would often have very light brusings though, as she tended to be extremely prone to gaining them. They’d often go as quickly as they were noticed, though for the most part they are easily hidden.
Her “silver” toned eyes contained a large amount of the lime green that’d be shown in her hair, along with minor spots of baby blue. Her hair reached down to her lower back easily, which would be when her hair was styled naturally in her messy waves; her hair would be a very bright, cotton pink down to her roots, the lime in her hair split unevenly. Her bangs would frame just below her eyes, often styled to swerve outwards.
Sara would have two piercings of the same silver tone; one being located on her eyebrow, and the other on her belly button. Of course she had ear piercings as well, which she absolutely has filled with jewelry. The only reason she had gotten other piercings is because she couldn’t do more on her ears, without looking like a maniac or getting them caught in her hair.
“Ditzy”, the most common word used to describe Sara. Due to her general intelligence not being the best, alongside having TERRIBLE coordination, it makes her come off as a idiotic, clumsy type of person. It wasn’t just the actions of hers that appeared clumsy though, not when her thinking-before-speaking issue is brought to light. This can be a blessing or a curse depending on the person- for the most part, though, results in someone getting a shower of compliments and a HUGE ego boost. This mostly came as a result of her speech the****** telling her that “not every word would come back at her” after countless things hadn’t helped, which she took a little too seriously. It’s not like she has bad intentions, of course! A few mishap comments here and there won’t go and affect someone. . probably.
She holds a large amount of respect towards her beliefs and hobbies, which may just be the only things she has a more than average idea about. Daily readings and devotion candles are a must -- you can always find her with a unique set of cards on hand, although if you step into her home, you’ll see hundreds of different types she actively uses-- somewhere in the mix with her massive candle, herb, and book collection.
Despite her sometimes “unlikeable” blunt side, Sara let’s the idea that she has a serious case of self-inflation going on-- in a sense, can be true. She does have a lot of deep-ridden insecurities that she inflicts or hides by this masquerade, but within due time, the narcissism may just take over. This egotistical behavior isn’t something she usually does, though, when she reaches a certain point of stress it begins to manifest itself into a more major part of her social interactions. Being self-aware of this issue may just be a curse due to the fact it continues the cycle -- saying narcissistic comments , having a feeling of guilt , which then just builds into stress and places her back at square one. The more she knows someone, though, the more she will ease into letting go of this habit when around them.
When she isn’t focused on the idea of herself, though, she’s usually very amiable -- picking the positives out of everything, or everyone she can. Sara often admires people quickly for their “good qualities”, and shutting out the bad-- which sometimes leads to her being a pickle until it’s written out in front of her. This does make things quicker to be acquainted with other people, which sometimes could be a struggle for her if they aren’t social themselves.
more t.b.a
✓ ; Baking
⁃ One of Sara’s favorite things to do -- bake. Rather one of her main talents and most useful. She can whip up some awesome cheesecake.
✓ ; Rollerblading
⁃ Sara’s skated since the age of 5, and has fell in love with it since. She used to consistently partake in inline skating competitions, due to getting a rather hefty amount of cash for winning the majority, which helped her parents immensely. She still keeps her trophies strung around to this day.
✓ ; Tea
⁃ With everything that Sara has laying around, it’s no shocker in due time she picked up the habit of making concoctions of her own customs teas -- or just trying them in general. When she lived in Chiba growing up, she was often the caretaker of her grandparents' shop, which led to her interest peaking in this area-- due to the main things sold there are herbs, teas, candles, and crystals.
✓ ; Candlemaking
⁃ Candlemaking came in the same boat as tea did, a habit learned from running the shop. However, this has slowed down slightly -- due to having so many already that she cannot afford to try packing in any more.
✓ ; Cats
⁃ As mentioned above, Sara’s pretty badly allergic to cats. So what? It doesn’t stop her from owning one, and absolutely adoring them at the cost of burning eyes and consistent sneezing.
✓ ; Heights
⁃ Heights are something Sara finds comfort in -- often when she gets stressed, she’ll resort to having space in an area where she can be able to just space out without having anything block her view of the sky.
✗ ; Bees
⁃ Mentioned above in the “allergies” section, Sara was attacked by bees which almost resulted in death. This basically gave her an excruciating fear of bees, and often becomes paranoid when out in grassy areas
✗ ; Lectures
⁃ The one thing she has to suffer through most days; lectures. Classes aren’t an issue for her to arrive to, it’s just the fact that once she’s bored, her attention is totally cut off, where she’ll probably start daydreaming if she can’t be on her phone.
✗ ; Babies
⁃ It’s the sight of them. She doesn’t find them cute, at all. Her nickname for them is “cartilage kickballs”
✗ ; Water
⁃ Sara can PERFECTLY swim, of course, but she still hates it! No reason whatsoever as to why.
✗ ; Savory Foods
⁃ Sara basically only eats pure sugar-filled foods and snacks. . if it’s savory, she won’t have it.
✗ ; Confrontation
⁃ NO shocker this girl can’t handle confrontation whatsoever, as what she normally does escapes her mind the minute it happened. Of course some things may stick with her, but it just brings her to having a sense of guilt.
✗ ; Bridges
⁃ The all-mighty height deal breaker for Sara. . the thought of the bridge collapsing is what ruins the thought, along with most of them surfacing above water.
⛥ “ Lemoni and Asvestos “ // Pet
Weird names for people, right? In reality, it’s the 17-year-old “cat” Sara keeps with her. Lemoni and Asvestos are cats that had lived in the farm in Chiba with her parents, though Sara has always been heavily bonded with them and eventually took them to Karakura, only needing one carrier case. The unique part about these two are they’re merged, a defect from birth; they both look identical, though, both having pure white fur. The main difference between the two is Lemoni has golden-toned eyes, while Asvestos has green.
After coming into Karakura, the girl immediately went to get a job that she could enjoy -- which eventually led her to join one of the many tailoring companies in Karakura.
⛥ Maid Club // School Activity
Really something she joined just recently, and something that caught her attention immediately by the atmosphere it had. MORE T.B.A
⛥ Occult Club // School Activity
Traumatizing. At first.
⛥ Momo Miso // Afterschool Job
One of Sara's first jobs in Karakura. She's shocked she even landed the position in the first place, though it's something that she did want to achieve.
1.0 - "The Beginning"
Of course, we have to start somewhere, right? Well, Sara was born on December 12th, 2002, the daughter of two local farmers in Chiba named Tsugi and Seo. Fasting forward just a little, the pair had a hard time really affording children -- due to also being the caretakers of Seo’s parents. Tsugi often was the one home with Sara, which of course, never really minded Sara. Her father Seo often was out of town doing “trips”, offering what he could from their farm at markets.
From the first few five or so years of her life, things were pretty calmed down -- though, her mother began to spend much, much less time with her as the days went on. They had a pretty big area of crop, which they could only afford so many workers for. This began to shift into most of her time being used to take care of the farm, while Sara’s grandparents took care of her. Her grandmother owned a shop that sold an assortment of items -- candles, herbs, incense, crystals, tarot decks - basically a spirituality warzone. This is what originally sparked the young girl's interest in tarot -- her grandmother often giving readings to people in the shop, while she had gotten to work at the register and greet people as they came in. Most of Sara’s time was spent here actually, due to not being able to travel to school; she lacked the knowledge that she would’ve had if she did go, though, her grandmother did the best she could to give her a general knowledge and teach her what she did in the shop-- which eventually would be handed down to her.
On the girl's 5th birthday, her grandfather ended up giving her the “gift” of train tickets to go into Tokyo. This would’ve been the first time Sara’s gotten to see a bigger city, or really just an area that contained more than a hundred people. While she was there, she was able to pick out one gift, which ended up being a pair of rollerblades. These were suggested by her grandfather, due to Sara not having much entertainment back at their farm.
1.1 - "Lemoni and Asvestos"
Around the age of 6, her mother decided that Sara would be old enough to be able to help out on the farm -- which now took up an insane amount of her time. At this age she really didn’t understand why she had to do what she was doing, or really how it was important. It’s true that she was probably much too young for labor, although she was in much better physical condition than someone such as her grandparents. When Tsugi was home to help her with the farm, she did try her best to accompany Sara until she was comfortable and knew what she was doing-- which basically led up for a few years, but eventually, she had gotten the hang of it.
The truth is, though, every time her mother would leave, Sara would be sneaking off to their shed rather than really “working”. . this came to her surprise, where she found a duo of kittens. Or, more rather, a cat that had two heads.
It was a mix of pure fear and love at first sight. . to be put simply! But of course, after seeing them, she had to take them in. In the area they lived it was far too dangerous to even be out alone at night for a kitten, let alone a human.
So, Sara being Sara, this is what she used to lure her mother into letting her keep the cat, which ended up in a success! However, Sara had to put more time into taking care of farmers' markets and working to gather enough to be able to afford a train ticket, as well as to be able to take them to the vet. Due to their deformation, a vet visit was basically the main priority to make sure they were in good health. This took only a month to get enough for both, with a small donation her grandmother slipped in here and there.
The day came to finally take them to the vet, which didn't turn out as expected. Due to the kitten's disproportion, they were expected to have a much shorter lifespan than most animals-- also being slightly malnourished. Though the plus side would be if kept in good health, it could help increase what time they have left.
Luckily, her grandma was able to help Sara take care of the pair-- from taking care of them herself when Sara had to work on the farm, all the way to letting her bring them while at the shop, she was an overall help.
Finally, it dawned on Sara one day when her grandma asked her the names for them. . which, all she did was really look at the pair, and say “ Lemoni and Asvestos “ -- due to their eye color, and the basic words her grandmother had told her. She was still really rusty with speaking in Greek so she consistently mispronounced it, though, with time she did get the hang of it.
1.2 - “An Actual Talent?”
After around four years of practicing skating, when her grandfather was in the main center of Tokyo, he’d entered Sara in her first-ever inline skating competition -- which was one of the first times she’d ever heard of something this big, though, she took the chance to be able to go back to the bigger part of town. It was true that she was talented, though, the last thing she would’ve expected was to turn her skating into an actual opportunity.
After a month of practice, and a little bit of research into what exactly she’d have to do at these “competitions” -- the day finally came where she had to go.
It started out pretty unwell, with others having a slight bit more talent than her -- but, for the most part, a lot of them were new to it due to her being in the specific region of 6-10-year-olds. Shockingly, though, she ended up with a sturdy 2nd ranking. . and, shockingly, 182,000 yen as a reward.
Oddly enough for being her first tournament, her parents agreed to continue on paying for the train tickets as long as Sara could win the profit back and her grandpa would continue to take her to them semi-monthly. Her grandpa did hastily agree, which he stuck to doing for the next five years.
Finally being put into the category of 10+, Sara could now make up to 600,000 yen if she landed in the first place. Which happened quite frequently with some lowered here and there, making above a total of 6,000,000 yen in a year. The majority of this reward, though, was kept away from actually being used -- unknown to Sara exactly why, due to her parents not knowing about the rest of it either. This only resulted in around 120,000 of the profit being given to her parents after each one-- which still was acceptable with their agreement to their dismay.
1.3 - “A Chance”
It wasn't until the age of 12 Sara had actually been offered a slot to study at a school. Due to how out of town the location was and no source of travel other than by foot, this offer was never proposed before. However, luckily within this same year a couple had moved across the street from them; they had much more money compared to the couple, and after hearing of the current situation the family was having, offered to take the children to school and home for a small exchange of produce every once in a while. This worked out perfectly, due to the neighbors having children as well.
It didn't take long for the neighbor's daughter, Yua, to befriend Sara; them riding from school and back together became a daily thing, and they quickly formed a sisterly bond. This was cut short, however, when riding back from school one day with Yua's parents they'd have gotten into an accident.
Most of the injuries as a result of this only were things such as minor cuts and fractures, however, due to Sara sitting behind one of the seats and not having her seatbelt on, it was reported that she'd have had a head injury as soon as she was taken in to be looked at under a professional. This caused an acute loss of hearing; it wasn't known if she would gain this sense back, or if it'd been gone forever.
Luckily, as soon as she was able to return to school, she was given the opportunity to join a sign language course that the school had set in place as an extracurricular. Of course, she took the opportunity as quickly as she heard of it; her parents quickly came to take the same study to be able to communicate with her, and before her next year of school had arrived, she was able to fluently sign.
After a while of saving, her parents had finally been able to afford a hearing aid for her to use. She still used sign as her main source of communication; after the amount of time it had taken for her to get an amount of her hearing back, a slight worry always came with her going back to vocalizing. When she was in her normal classes she'd often had faced bullying for how loudly, or softly she'd speak which eventually led to her eliminating that choice of communication overall. It led to her becoming isolated from others, in which she would only ever be talking to her own family.

0.6 - “The Lovers”
art made by @geist !!

art made by karen !!
MOST of this is not fully done yet as it's a bit to do at once, however wanted to post it for now to finish banners/sections!!

0.6 - “The Lovers”

art made by @geist !!

art made by karen !!
MOST of this is not fully done yet as it's a bit to do at once, however wanted to post it for now to finish banners/sections!!
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